Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 25 The Actor's Career Planning

"Over 100 million viewers? Oh, that's unimaginable."

"Yeah, the last episode of 'Army Field Hospital' was the all-time top-viewing champion of all TV shows... He surpassed last year's nfl Super Bowl finals, the TV series 'Roots', and the year before 'Jumen's Grudge,' this Records can be hard to break. CBS advertises $450,000 every 30 seconds."

Eddie, Ronald's manager and partner in New York, said, "The new Burger King commercial, the Sarah Michelle Gellar version, was on the show, and I heard Darcy Maguire say it. It works very well.”

"Hey listen Eddie, I'm sorry I didn't take on Burger King's advertising business, but it would create unnecessary legal risk for me personally..."

"No, it's okay, it's really okay. I'm not complaining that you didn't take over that business, but I think we should continue to develop in the advertising and MV business. You are already well-known in this industry, and when you don't make movies, When there is a suitable book, we should shoot a little, in fact, this will not hinder your film business, and maybe it will bring you some unexpected opportunities.”

"You know what? I think you're right." Ronald thought about it and thought Eddie's idea was good. This kind of short-term project can not only make some quick money, but also train his team. Maybe in the future can be used.

Sending Eddie off, Ronald goes to see Diane Lane and tell her his recommendation.

"Huh? I thought you wanted me to be the rockstar in that untitled movie. I told Burt."

Diane was taken aback when he heard what Ronald said.

"Why do you think so?" Ronald was also surprised.

"Tang...of course I guessed blindly", Diane ended up with two scripts, "Why? Why do you want me to play the mermaid? Is the mermaid ending better? The rock star didn't end up with the person she loves the most. go together?"

"Well, you have a point in saying that. Our audience in America likes the combination of heroes and beauties in the end, and doesn't want them to make do with losers. In addition, I think this movie is more about acting, and the male protagonist is determined. Who is it?"

"Tom Hanks, if I say yes, I'll go back and audition with him," Diane said.

"I auditioned him, and his acting skills are really good. He is really good at shooting comedy and romance." Ronald remembered that the performance of the thin actor in the dream was far better than the acting of the heroine he didn't know. .

"Okay, I called Bert, and I think you're right.

The plot of the female rock star's movie always makes people feel weird. The director told me on the phone that the plot is not important, the important thing is the atmosphere and the costumes. He has prepared it for a long time. "

"Oh yeah?" Ronald thought to himself. I don't know if that idiot said such a stupid thing. How can there be a movie that doesn't pay attention to the plot, but puts the atmosphere first? There may be some films that were not filmed when they were filmed, and it seemed that the story was not good.

"Ronald, my dad is talking to you." Diane handed Bert's phone.

"Hi, Bert."

"Ronald, we have to talk, I managed to persuade Diane to take over that untitled project, you can't mess with me."

"Uh, why? Bert, I really think mermaids are more suitable for her."

"It's not clear on the phone, I'm here to chat with you."

"Ronald, I have an overall plan for Diane's career. You know, the hardest step for a girl star is to go from child star to girl. It's a difficult step, but Diane has acted in two consecutive films. Coppola's drama has crossed the biggest hurdle.

You have seen her performance, enough to convince the audience and Hollywood that Diane is a grown up girl. "

Burt quickly came to Diane's apartment, looking lovingly at his daughter. He picked up the coffee in his hand and talked to Ronald about his plans for his daughter. He must convince his daughter, especially Ronald in front of him, with reason. If he agrees with his point of view, Diane will be more convinced.

"No doubt." Ronald turned to look at Diane. Diane with a ponytail, dressed like a college student, was listening carefully to their discussion.

"But to go further in Hollywood, it's not enough to rely on such films by big directors. After the acting skills are passed, what Hollywood needs more is a successful commercial blockbuster, just like Natalie Wood's acting skills are recognized for no reason. After the Rebellion, we need a West Side Story that will sell at the box office."

"I don't think the commercial prospects of the mermaid are bad?" Ronald looked at the two scripts on the table and wondered why Burt liked that movie.

Burt could see that Ronald was wondering, "You don't know Walter Hill, do you? He's the producer and director of this project, and last year his "Forty-Eight Hours" was smashing the competition in theaters, and it may eventually exceed 70 million Box office. Also made the actor Eddie Murphy, a black actor, famous in one fell swoop.

Eddie Murphy may star in the 'Beverly Hills Detective' that Stallone dropped this year. He is one of the most sought-after directors in Hollywood right now. "

"Well..." Ronald felt a little underestimated in his heart, and he was also the director of the 40 million box office.

"Did you see the director to choose a movie for Diane? But I don't think the mermaid will do very well at the box office."

"You must be joking, hahaha." Burt laughed.

"Ron Howard got his start with Roger Coleman's exploitative films. His films don't have much drama, there's room for acting...well, I'm not talking about you, Ronald."

Diane saw that Burt had spoken out what the Hollywood elites, and the New York theatrical circle, really thought about Ronald, a director who made exploitative films, and quickly stabbed Dad in the waist.

"It doesn't matter, I know what they think of me. I just think that the box office of the movie is not only determined by the performance of the actors, but also determined by the conflict of the drama, and there are other important reasons." Don't shy away, express your opinion.

"Ronald, I really don't mean to look down on exploitative films, but in order to be officially recognized by Hollywood, it must still be this kind of blockbuster. Walter Hill is a director who has been proven himself by his previous works. And he is only one or two successful movies away."

"Well, I hope you're right. We all want Diane to succeed. Personally, I'd prefer another movie."

Seeing Ronald say this, Bert looked at his daughter, and thought about it again. He still felt that he had to convince Ronald with reason, so he said a secret.

"Actually, you're right. The box office of a movie is hard to predict. The reason why I don't advocate Diane to play the mermaid is actually a very important reason. Warren Beatty is preparing a movie that is also a mermaid. film, Universal is willing to distribute for him.

You know, Disney is only a small company, and they have no achievements in live-action movies. Often producers choose them as the last choice, and Disney does not choose, as long as they are willing to cooperate with them, they are willing to give the green light.

You know how terrifying movie crashes are, I don't want Diane's first heroine movie going head-to-head with Warren Beatty. "

"That's right." Ronald stopped arguing and secretly cried out in his heart that it was a pity that his relationship with Disney's president Ron Miller was very bad because of the provocation of Meg Tilly's husband Kinneyman, otherwise he would finance the filming himself. How can a movie have so many twists and turns.

"Okay, you're Diane's father," Ronald replied after thinking for a while, and he was a little puzzled. Wasn't the project that I dreamed about last night Warren Beatty? Warren Beatty is generally self-directed and starring, and his reputation as a stray...

"Ronald, tell me your secret." After sending Bert away, Diane held Ronald, who was going out with him, and said that he still had something to ask him.

"What's the secret?"

"It's the secret to auditioning, I heard Donna say, you have a secret, and Helen Slater listened to your secret, and after doing it, she beat so many girls and got the role of Supergirl. You don't favor one over another, don't tell me?"

Diane took Ronald's arm and snapped a few times, "Quick, tell me the secret, I'd love to play this part. Walter Hill has a candidate, and she's also auditioning for a mermaid. Candidate, I must beat her."

"Ah..." Ronald couldn't help laughing when he heard Donna actually say that he had the secret to auditioning. This cousin is very smart, but sometimes she overplays herself and imagines her cousin too much. If there is really a secret, I would have used it in project financing a long time ago.

"Actually, there is no secret. I asked Helen to audition in Supergirl's costume. Aunt Karen even changed her cape. I think if actors audition, they dress up as characters, on the one hand, they can give the director a The imagination of the character image in the finished film, another convenience also shows your determination to get the character.

An actor who would love to play this role, and an actor who treats the role as just another ordinary role in another ordinary movie. As a director, I like the former. "

"Ah? What you said makes sense, why didn't I think of it before." Di An said suddenly.

"Then you think it's better for me to imitate that singer? Huh? Huh?" Diane started patting Ronald's arm again.

"Hey... I'm not familiar with this one. You were pretty good when you played in the Stain last time." Ronald pulled his arm back from Diane's hand and touched it.

"Okay, okay, that's what I thought too. I'll show you what I'm wearing? I've always liked rock music, and it's really nice to play a female rock star this time." Diane was very happy.

"Didn't I see it when I made up the final scene of Stain? I still have to go and finish the MV. When you come to Los Angeles, I'll visit your crew." Ronald was about to leave.

"Your untitled project was filmed in Hollywood, right?"

"Yes, I heard that the streets of Chicago will be set up in a studio to shoot." Diane saw that Ronald was in a hurry to leave, and got up to see him off.

"By the way, someone gave me two tickets for Motown's 25th anniversary concert. If you're in Los Angeles, let's go too." Ronald heard Diane say that he liked rock and roll, and remembered the two tickets that mj gave him concert tickets.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to call you when I go to the premiere of 'Out of the World' in Los Angeles, so don't forget to come."


A few days later, Walter Hill met Diane Lane, who was auditioning, at the hotel. The lower body is red trousers, and the upper body is a black jacket.

"Oh, you're very rock and roll."

"How? Mr. Hill, am I like a rock star?"

"Very good, very good, I will ask someone to redesign your outfit according to the color and style of this outfit."

"Oh yeah? Did you mean I passed?"

"Of course, I still need you to shoot some audition shots, with the male lead, to see the chemistry. But seeing you, I think that's about it."

Walter Hill, in front of Diane and Burt, was full of praise for this look and devotion.

"Yeah, Ronald's recipe seems to work." Diane hugged Bert and kept patting his arm.

"Did you decide to use Diane Lane?" producer Joel Silver asked director Walter Hill.

"Never mind, Coppola has already used her as the heroine twice, we just need to get on his ride. His 'Out of the World' is coming out soon, isn't it free advertising when we use Diane? ?" Walter Hill took out a pack of "good stuff" and shared it with Joel.

"You're right, let's call Daryl Hannah's agent and tell her to give up."


"Huh? Well, well, I got it." Ron Howard was a little disappointed when he learned on the phone that Diane Lane had decided to act in another movie. As the heroine of a Coppola movie, Diane could bring some newspaper space to the middling production of "The Mermaid."

"Call Daryl Hannah and tell her to audition with Tom Hanks." No choice but to activate the second option. And Daryl Hannah is tall and strong, and playing with Hanks can't actually act like a weak mermaid.

Fortunately, she herself has long blond hair, which is more convenient than Diane's short dark red hair.


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