Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 27 Trailer

Two weeks into the editing process, Ronald had finished the film and was ready to hand it over to the sound designer for the score and foley. But today he is still busy in the editing room.

"Crack, click."

Short of manpower, Ronald also used a machine modified by Walter Merse to glue the film, put the film on both sides of the editing opening on a metal sheet, then align the left and right and press it, and press it in reverse, the film will be particularly beautiful. Take it.

The editor The Atlantic hired for Ronald was Fred Stafford, who, like Walter Murkey, was an expert in both film and sound editing to save money.

"This is the title from the Amex company of the ado special effect machine, look at it." Fred put on the title with the special effects, and above the words "Night of the Comet", a light flashed, which was exactly the same as Camel before. Close up of Long's shot of the comet's return. .

"Yes, how much did you spend to make it?" Fred is a veteran, and when he saw this title, he knew that it took a lot of labor and machinery to make it.

"It's free. I thanked them at the end of the credits. Amex wants to enter the movie market. I used their machine to do the special effects in the first MV, which will be broadcast in two months."

"Yes, yes. I find you always have something new, including this new type of clip tape, which is pretty good too." Fred raved about Ronald's new toy.

"It's a pity that their new software has not been written yet. The current software has no way to calculate the z-axis image effect other than the xy-axis. The title of the film is a bit like a piece of paper without thickness. They said that the upgraded software will have three-dimensional fonts next year. effect."

The singing of "Girls just want to have some fun" recalled that there was a dance scene on the monitor, and the two beauties kept changing their clothes to enjoy themselves.

"I think the title of this song can be used as the name of the movie." Fred joked with Ronald while editing.

"Portrait Records only authorized us to use the episode, not the name. Many movies now follow 'Saturday Night Fever' and directly use the name of the hit song as the title of the movie. So the record company charges extra."

Ronald explained why. In addition to not wanting to pay, Ronald also felt that the song also did not fully explain the elements of the film, and was not as easy to understand as Night of the Comet. And I have no confidence that this song will become popular, and by the way, it will bring the popularity of the movie.

"How about this shot?" Fred found another piece of film and put it on for Ronald to see.

The comet died, and the crowd standing outside watching the comet had bursts of strong light on their faces, and then the stepmother of the two heroines was surprised to see that their arms began to rot.

"Tsk, this brightness is still not enough. It's a bit like a camera's flash, or indoor high-power fluorescent lamps, without the realistic feeling of lightning." Ronald said.

"I think it's okay. Lightning is shot like this. It's impossible for you to make it brighter."

"No way, this is the effect I made by having an electrician short-circuit the circuit. If a particularly high-power light is switched on and off so quickly, it must explode."

"These two zombies are not bad either, they scared the heroine Samantha." Ronald said when he looked at the two zombies who were cameo by real police officers and wanted to get into the car and attack Samantha.

"Or just cut the frame after her shouting, so that the audience can't see that this is a dream."

The zombies, in which the two police officers cameo, were also cut into this scene.

Unlike the Big Seven studios, or New World during Roger Coleman's reign, Atlantic doesn't have a dedicated trailer editing department. Ronald had to do it himself, editing a one-minute trailer with editor Fred.

Because only one copy was developed to save money, Ronald couldn't open the cutout for the finished film. The trailer used the film material that was discarded in the previous film editing.

"You're done." Ronald chose the last piece of material, that is, the two sisters and Hector, together with several children who escaped from the base, finally met the scene of the survivor whose initials is dmk.

"One?" Fred shook him a Marlboro, and when the two were resting outside the editing room, they gasped.

"Speaking of which, are you still doing more sound design?" Ronald asked editor Fred.

"Yes, I actually want to be like your friend Walter Murkey, but a lot of times the big studios don't want to. I don't have his Oscar."

"Hey, that's it." Ronald took a puff of cigarettes. Except for writing scripts and editing movies, he basically didn't touch cigarettes, but when doing these two extremely brain-consuming things, cigarettes, coffee, red wine It is not refused to come.

"Which movie did you do sound editing for before?"

"First blood," Fred spit out a smoke ring, "and your friend Tom Cruise's good boy is crazy."

"Well, Stallone's movie. What kind of person is he?" Ronald asked.

"What else? Celebrities, he has privileges, and ordinary actors can't enter the editing room to prevent them from competing for their own exposure time. But Stallone can come in and interfere with many editing decisions. Hollywood knows him anyway. Style, I'm not afraid to speak ill of him."

"So what do you think of Cruise? Will he be a star?"

"I don't know about that, but he does have a star face, and all the girls in America are willing to date him."

After the two finished smoking, they returned to the editing room and watched the trailer again.

The red filter created an apocalyptic atmosphere, Ronald picked up his own voiceover and began to read, "Have you ever wondered what would happen if you became the last living person on earth?"

The two sisters accepted the fact that all their relatives were dead and began to ride alone on the street.

"What do you think, what do you do? Where are you going?" Ronald continued.

The soundtrack and the atmosphere suddenly changed and became cheerful, and the two sisters began to dress up for free in the mall.

"This city is ours!" cried the two sisters.

"Ready? When the comet arrives on your planet." Ronald continued.

The two sisters started a gunfight, strafing cars and enemies.

"This is when you rule the world, night of the comet"

The final shot cuts to the title of the special effect.

"I think your voice is okay, Ronald. Would you like to do this narration?"

"Do you really think it's okay? If you can, then I'll do it." Ronald picked up the microphone, prepared, and recorded the content of the narration.

The trailer clearly shows several major elements of the whole movie, the end of the world, zombies, youth, dance, gunfights, romance... Finally, the two heroines found their lovers and lived according to the valley girl's philosophy under the apocalypse. very good.

Regina, played by Katherine Mary Stuart, has short hair, a strong face, jeans, guns, and a top with high shoulder pads.

Even the cheerleading sister Samantha has sneakers and a submachine gun, strong and confident.

Beginning in the 1980s, the Soviet Union continued to expand around the world, and the new commander fought tit-for-tat, giving tough speeches everywhere and telling jokes that made fun of each other.

The people of America especially like girls with this tough tomboy image. The images of the two heroines in this movie can be said to be just guessing on the cusp of popularity.

"It seems that the second movie is no problem, and it will definitely sell well." The more Ronald watched his movies now, the more pleasing the eye was. Just after the filming and editing, the creator is still immersed in the appreciation of the creation, and there will be a period of time how to see how good it is.

"I don't know how Helen's fitness is on the London studio? It should be similar to Regina. She abandoned her original gentle image and became tougher. I don't know how many pounds she gained?"


"Here's your ticket, passport, phone number for caa's office in London, here's your luggage...here's a traveler's cheque for you. There's also a map around London, a rented car... "

Ronald took them one by one from his agent Richard. After he finished editing, he wanted to go to London to visit his girlfriend Helen.

"By the way, can you drive a right-hand drive car? The traffic rules over there are the opposite."

"Uh, no," Ronald replied, "or I'll find a taxi."

"It's going to be expensive. I'll help you contact the London office and ask them to find someone to pick you up." Richard took out a small notebook and wrote it down.

"This is Supergirl's producer's address in London. This is the address of Pinewood Studios. It's a big place. There are several crews shooting at the same time. You remember to go to the producer to get permission first."

"No problem, I'm all set." Ronald put all the documents in the suitcase, the travel bag in his hand only contained a few changes of clothes, passports, checks, and a copy of Bogdanovich wrote. The interview with the famous film director of the film, "Who made this movie?"

After checking in his luggage, Ronald got on the plane with a travel bag, and the Pan Am flight took off and flew to London.


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