"This is the place where I shoot the flight. I come every other day to learn how to shoot with a wire hanging." Helen took Ronald to visit the super large studio the next morning.

The next morning, Ronald was pulled by Helen to tour her various sets and scenes on the "Supergirl" set.

"It's so tall? Why don't you use a stand-in?" Ronald looked at the tall crane, and couldn't help but feel a little scared. He gave Helen a worried look.

"Isn't the avatar not real enough?" Helen took Ronald's hand and said, "I always make flying movements on my own, so that the close-up shots won't wear out."

"I don't understand. In fact, it can be handled with editing. I'm not saying that there will be any accidents. Even if the actor has this skill, the actor should not be allowed to shoot such a dangerous action."

"Okay, okay, this is how the Superman series was shot, and I also wanted to act more like the real thing. At first, I didn't dare to hang on the wire, but then Peter asked me to let go of life and death and bravely Let it go, and this completes the rehearsal of the flight action."


"Mr. O'Toole."

"Helen, promise me, if you think it's dangerous to do an action, don't care about the nonsense of letting go of life and death. Protecting yourself is the most important thing. If you think it's too difficult, call it a stand-in. This is just right in Hollywood..."

"That's why Hollywood can't make good movies." A thin middle-aged actor, holding a bottle of wine, interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Oh, Peter." Seeing that it was Peter O'Toole who played Supergirl's long-term friend in the movie, Helen hugged him and said hello, "Peter, this is Ronald, Ronald, this is Peter."

"Hello, Mr. O'Toole, how come you Britons are used to drinking in the morning?"

Ronald was naturally a little disgusted with this handsome old man. He gave Helen a line lesson and encouraged her to play by herself without a substitute. They seemed to be familiar with each other.

And an actor, holding a bottle of spirits at breakfast time, seems to be a little addicted to alcohol.

"To get rid of fat Jack is to get rid of the whole world." Peter O'Toole picked up the fat belly-shaped wine bottle, shook it at Ronald, and said a line slowly, which sounded like something from a Shakespeare play.

"Falstaff in Henry IV?" Helen Slater asked Peter O'Toole with a curious look in his eyes.

"Yeah, if Henry IV didn't have Falstaff in it, who would go to see Henry IV?"

"Damn," Ronald scolded angrily in a low voice. He didn't understand what this handsome old alcoholic said, and he didn't know what he said. I only know that it seems to be a comedy character in Shakespeare's play "Henry IV".

Ronald, who was born in the wild, and faced with a British actor with a background in Shakespeare, suddenly felt that he was very illiterate.

"So you're also in the film industry, Ronald?" O'Toole saw that Ronald didn't speak, and knew in his heart that he might not be familiar with Shakespeare, so he changed his tone of voice and started chatting with him.

"Yeah, I'm actually a director doing small productions in Hollywood."

"Ronald is very good. His debut film sold 40 million US dollars at the box office, and he taught me to audition for the role of this superwoman." Helen took Ronald's arm, for her boyfriend face up.

"Oh, that's really good. But you two sweet little sparrows have to forgive me, and I have to serve my little Falstaff breakfast." With that, O'Toole nodded to Ronald and went to eat at the restaurant on the Pinewood set. went.

"Let's go eat too, the muffins there are delicious." Helen also took Ronald to the restaurant.

"Why, are you still jealous of Peter? Helen took a muffin and ate a piece of it. The high-intensity exercise every day allowed her to properly let go of her diet during this time. It was very pleasant.

"No, I just don't like British actors who speak Shakespeare in their daily life. I don't seem to understand." Ronald smiled and gently stroked Helen's hand.

Slap, Helen gently hit Ronald on the hand, "This is the ability that our American actors can't wait for. They all graduated from Cambridge and Oxford, and they have been engaged in drama performance very early. In their hands, performance has become an art."

"I don't know. For me, film performances don't need this tone at all, as long as they are close to life and make the audience feel that the characters speak in this way in life. For example, Supergirl, she came to the earth's America to do ordinary How can a high school girl speak Shakespeare?"

"Um...um..." Helen slapped Ronald hard and quickly, she was a little unhappy that Ronald devalued the actor's acting ability so much, as if a few good-looking actors only needed a few good-looking actors in front of the camera to make a movie Just smile.

But what my boyfriend said is not completely unreasonable. The performance in the movie is indeed different from the performance in the drama, and it cannot be completely copied. After a few years of training at the New York Academy of Performing Arts, Helen always looked at actors who could act in Shakespeare plays. When they were rehearsing in school, they were always a little mean.

"Ronald, Ronald!" The assistant of caa who came to pick up Ronald yesterday, appeared on the Pinewood studio again, and he saw Ronald's figure running over in a hurry.

"Is there a problem?"

"One of your investors found me through the Los Angeles office. Please call him back. He's in Israel now, and his name is Minahan."

"Oh?" Ronald took the note handed by his assistant, on which was written Minahan's phone number in Israel.

"Did he say something?" Ronald was a little puzzled, what was Minahan doing to him at this time?

The assistant shook his head, "I don't know, I made a long-distance call for you and connected me to call you."

"Who is looking for you?" Helen asked.

"It's Minahan, the boss of Cannon Films. He invested in my new movie. He didn't know what to do with me. He looked very anxious."

"Cannon Films, the one you said was funny?"

"Yeah, it's him," Ronald told Helen about the financing.

"Ronald, the call has been connected." The assistant came over and called Ronald.

"I'll go." Ronald wiped his mouth with a napkin and went over to answer Minahan's call.

"Meinahan, are you still in Israel? What time is it there? What can you do to me?"

"Don't worry about the time, I have a big problem here, I need you, come to Israel, or the 'Sahara' won't go on."

"Wait, wait, what's wrong? What does it have to do with me? Can I go and fix it?"

"Borgy Xiaosi's mother, Terry, had a big conflict with the director, and I had to come to mediate. Now that I have fired the director, I'm taking up the job of the director myself, but Terry is still unwilling to cooperate, and Brooke asked you to come to mediate. , her mother listens to you more."

"But I'm still on vacation. I'm here in London with my girlfriend."

"Don't worry about it, Ronald. I invested money in your film without asking a word, and I also helped you underwrite overseas theaters. Now that there is a problem with my 25 million blockbuster, you have to come. Do me a favor.

I beg you, this is a big production, and it will go down in history. Now that I have encountered a problem that cannot be solved except for you, you have to come. It's not just helping me, it's doing the art of cinema a big favor. "

The sound quality of long-distance calls is not good, and Minahan's voice is particularly anxious under the humming current noise.

"Oh, well, I'll leave for Israel as soon as possible." Gu Ji

Back in his seat, Ronald saw another lady sitting next to Helen, and he laughed with a bad feeling. This kind of smile usually appears more on the faces of male actors, and women smile like this, which makes people feel strange and fresh.

"Helen, Minahan came to me to solve the problem. His $25 million production has a big problem, and I have to help him. After all, he invested in my film without asking anything."

"Oh, okay. You were going to go back to America anyway." Helen tilted her head and kissed Ronald, "I'll introduce to you, this is Ms. Faye Dunaway who played the villain in the movie."

"Hello," Ronald reached out to greet her.

"Are you talking about the Minahan? Is that the pig?" Donna Wei sat with a pig's head grimace.

"Um, Minahan Golan from Cannon Films. If you're saying he's overweight, I can't argue with that."

"Yeah, it's this dead fat pig. He tricked me into playing 'the wicked lady'. It was originally a female hero movie. After I finished filming, he didn't tell me and secretly added a lot of eroticism to the supporting roles. It's not even an R-rated movie now."

Faye Dunaway made a disgusting gesture "Uh... uh..."

"Uh, I don't know about that." Ronald imagined Minahan as a person, and it's not impossible for such a small act of stealing a pedestal to make some erotic scenes.

"No, you know. I heard from Helen that you're also an exploitative filmmaker. How could I not know about your tricks."

Ronald put down the napkin heavily. He didn't want to quarrel with the main supporting character in Helen's movie, so he would leave in two days, so as not to let Helen's relationship with this crazy woman become stiff.

Ronald got up to get some bread and bacon, and when he returned, Donnavie had left the table.

"What's wrong with her?" Ronald asked Helen, pointing to his brain.

"Every morning...and sometimes on the set in the afternoon..." Helen leaned on Ronald's ear and told him that Faye Dunaway had a habit of abusing drugs, and the temperament on the set was not very stable. Everyone knows her "hobbies".

After breakfast, Helen began her daily exercise and rehearsal with other actors.

Ronald was wandering around the Pinewood Studios alone, and when he was really bored, he began to read the director's interview records, which contained interview records of many great directors to pass the time.

In the afternoon, when Helen came back from fencing, Ronald graciously helped her change her clothes. The two walked along the path in the pine forest and talked about parting.

"I'm going to Israel soon. I really want to see you again soon. You've been filming Supergirl, and you've been in the group for so long. I really miss you." Ronald stroked Helen's long blonde hair. , said softly.

"That's how actors are, I miss you too." Helen hid her face in Ronald's chest.

"When you finish filming Supergirl and go back to New York, we will have time to be together." Ronald patted Helen on the back.

"Will it? In fact, we just need to seize the moment. I like you, and you like me, isn't that bad?"

"Of course." Ronald looked down at Helen's eyes. "Why do you think that?"

"No, Ronald. Of course I like you, I just don't think it's so easy to be together in the entertainment industry. You see we've been apart for so long that we have the chance to be together. As long as we have been sincere to each other, it is very easy to be together. OK."

Helen's two big blue eyes flickered very movingly, but the words were not so appealing.

Ronald frowned, and she didn't know who was instilling the fallacy in her. It's good to seize the moment. If you like each other, you must be together, and then get married and have children. It's not easy to find someone who really likes each other.

"Of course, or I will prove it to you." Ronald picked up Helen and walked to the hotel.

"Hahaha, I believe in you, I believe in you... let me down."

After the passion in the evening, Ronald sat on the sofa and put his arms around Helen, "Why did you say that in the afternoon? Is there something?"

"You know my parents got divorced, they used to be so affectionate, and they ended up breaking up. I always thought good relationships had a shelf life and didn't last long. Look at Faye Dunaway, Mia Farrow, they're all actresses , and did not go to the end with the original husband."

"But there are also model couples in the entertainment industry, right?"

"I don't know. In short, if you have other loved ones, you must tell me frankly." Helen rubbed Ronald's lips with her hand and said slowly.

"I only like you, Helen. Love is not like the moonlight, with full moons and new moons. It can also last for a long time."

"Um..." Helen's answer turned into a kiss.


"I have to go to Israel for rescue. You are here, and when I'm done, come to London to visit." After a few days of happy reunion, Ronald was about to leave for the airport.

He and Helen embraced each other and expressed their heartfelt feelings together.

"Exercise is over, don't go on a diet, I like your figure very much."


"Don't think about Shakespeare's lines, listen to the director."


"Also, dangerous actions must be completed by the stand-in."


"So, that's it? Goodbye?" Ronald said all he wanted to say.

"Well, I'll wait for you to see me again." Helen kissed Ronald and helped him open the car door.

Ronald waved to Helen and caa's assistant drove up the road.

Helen stood on the side of the road, touched her lips, and after a while, turned her head back to the studio. "Supergirl" is about to start filming. I heard from the director that the shooting of special effects is very time-consuming, and it may take more than half a year to shoot here.

"Have my luggage been found?" Ronald looked for his luggage at the airport information desk.

"Sir, I found it. He was wrongly assigned to the previous stop on your flight. Please sign here to collect it."

"I finally found it, and I don't have to go to Israel to buy clothes anymore."

The plane took off and flew to Tel Aviv, Israel.


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