Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 33 Ratings and Marketing

"Night of the Comet" was sent to the MPAA for an R rating.

Ronald felt a little unhappy. The film he shot has been very careful. There are no nudity scenes, no violent scenes, and no excessive foul language. The whole film is lighthearted and pleasant, and it is also in line with the mainstream values ​​of America. R-rated? How many viewers does this need?

"There is a small amount of foul language, there are words such as bras in the girl's conversation, the girl and her stepmother slap each other, and the fight between the zombie and the girl, the girl has a gun and blew the heads of two zombies, mainly these places, let MPAA give R class."

The manager of Atlantic Distribution's submissions explained to Ronald the terms of the interpretation section of the MPAA's reply.

"What's the reason for this?" Ronald was very dissatisfied, "Lucas and Spielberg filmed 'The Raiders of the Ark', there are so many fighting scenes in it, there are many more scenes than me running away with two or three punches, right? There is also the scary part, those skeletons are also much scarier than my zombie, right?"

"Sorry, Ronald. This is beyond my ability. In fact, the big studios will have this kind of preferential treatment. Several major agencies of the MPAA are the seven studios, so their films can get a certain amount of treatment. Preferential treatment. I have tried my best.

After the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" came out, they were also criticized by many media for overindulging PG's standards. . "

"But they still got PG, hey." Ronald saw his R-rated reply, but fortunately, he didn't go too far, and gave himself an X-rating, so that no mainstream theaters would be willing to show it. R-level is R-level. If I knew it earlier, I would have taken more exciting shots.

"Actually, there is still a lot of room between the R rating and the PG rating, so one more rating should be added." Ronald mumbled a few words, but still accepted the fact.

"Our distribution capacity is limited, and there won't be too many marketing activities. There are only a few newspaper interviews, and posters and materials for the cinema. For the rest, you still need more exposure and interviews, so as to attract TV media more attention.”

"I know that this month and next month, I'm going to the premieres of three movies, and I'll go to three more crew visits. I've already said hello, and they'll let me cover it up a little bit." Ronald I have long agreed with the president of Atlantic to use my own resources to promote movies.

And the MV for "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", the theme song, we also coordinated with Portrait Records, and just a week before our movie came out, their MV started playing on stage. "

"Actually, have you ever thought about advertising on stage?" Ronald asked. He often saw that many young people liked the stands, including his cousin Donna.

"I will contact them, but the advertising fee is not cheap, we can only put it a little before the release, mainly depends on the MV effect of the theme song.


The three films that are about to premiere are Coppola's "Ucchi", and his works have always attracted a lot of attention from journalists. Then there's "Blitzkrieg," a film distributed by Paramount, and there's no shortage of reporters.

The last one was "Star Wars - Return of the Jedi," and CAA helped get invitations to the premiere. This is a big event, and reporters are indispensable.

Ronald used the votes of various Oscar awards, the premiere invitation, and a few interviews from the media. Richard of CAA did it for him, and he didn't even fill out the ballots himself.

The three films that are being filmed are also opportunities they found. Generally, during the shooting of major studios, some gossip news will be released, and reporters will be asked to interview at the shooting location. Ronald also sees the needle, and shows his face during the interview, mixing a word or two.

For example, "I also saw young director Ronald Lee on the set. His new film, 'Night of the Comet', a sci-fi and zombie theme, is worth looking forward to."

The first is "Dragon Flying Phoenix" directed by Stallone and starring John Travolta, and the filming is completed immediately. As a screenwriter who has revised the draft, Ronald can go around, and he can also find Cynthia Rhodes, who doesn't know why he got into the heroine, to give her a visit.

The second is "Full of Strength", Paramount has sped up a lot after firing the original producer Shirley Lansing, and director Herbert Ross also gave up on Warren Beatty's mermaid Project, come back to direct this film. Ronald could also visit the class as a screenwriter.

The last one is the untitled project that Diane Lane took over. It is said that a large set has been built in Los Angeles, and the streets of Chicago have been copied into the studio. When the media interviewed director and producer Walter Hill, Ronald could rub a few words in the name of looking at the set.

Ronald in the CAA office made a plan for his agent, Richard, to jot down the time and remind himself to attend when the time came.

"I feel like I'm more and more like your personal assistant, Ronald," Richard said.

"Help me, I don't have the money to hire an assistant right now. I've invested all the money I can in the movie project. I'll get it back after the release and give you a bonus. Or you can help me find something new. Projects? Screenwriters and directors are fine." Ronald laughed, Richard still had only one client, and was considered the worst among his three agents.

"Okay, don't forget it. I'll give you another bouquet of flowers for Helen. We are going to the Pinewood Studios while we are in the London office. Supergirl is about to officially start filming." Richard took out a small The book, reporting the situation to Ronald.

"By the way, there is a guy named Jim Cameron who asked you to call back. He called the CAA office just now and said that no one answered the phone at your house."

"Okay, I'll call him back." Ronald picked up the phone in the CAA office and called Cameron.

"Ronald, when will the Israeli agent you mentioned come back?" Gail rushed to the apartment where she and Cameron lived when Ronald answered the phone. She was moved and made a cup of coffee. asked right away.

"Uh, he's filming Brooke Shields' movie in Israel now. I'm afraid it will take a month or two. Why, are you in such a hurry? Why don't I give him a call?"

Gu Shu\u003c/span\u003e "Forget it, the funding gap of three million cannot be solved with just one phone call," Cameron said.

"What's wrong with you? Did something happen to Orion?"

"Hey, that's what we're most afraid of, the news from the Orion side says that someone has already revamped Jim's script and started selling it to the major studios, and if we don't find the other side of the financing right away, it's likely to I was preempted by the plagiarist."

"I remember that you have been talking for several months? Haven't you found someone who knows the goods?" Ronald also felt the same way about his friend's financing difficulties. Finding money is the hardest these days.

Gail and Jim both sighed.

"What's the main problem?" Ronald took a sip of coffee. Since the script of "Terminator" was signed by Orion, it would not be so difficult to find other investments.

"The main difficulties are two, the first is that the producers have no confidence in the final presentation of its special effects. We took the sketches and models to the producers to see, but they can't seem to imagine the one on the screen. Mechanical Superman.


Gail said that he stopped and looked at Cameron.

"It's okay, the second main thing is that you don't trust me as a rookie director." Cameron knew that Gale was afraid that his self-esteem would suffer.

"But Orion has already trusted you to be the director, so the main question is number one, right? If you could have a way to convince them of your cyborg Terminator image, then you could open up the game, right?"

Ronald helps two friends analyze the situation.

"That's right, Ronald, you're very good at getting to the point." Gale gave him a thumbs up.

"As Confucius said, we must grasp the main contradiction."

"Huh..." Ronald suddenly remembered something, "Can you show me your sketch?"

"Of course," Cameron took out a sketch of the Terminator and handed it to Ronald.

The liquid metal droid, which can mimic the looks of other people, has been cut from the script by Cameron, and Ronald is seeing another killing droid, Terminator 800.

Spiritual short hair, a sturdy upper body wearing a leather jacket, a pair of leather pants and boots, a shotgun in his hand. The entire Terminator is probably the image of a tall and mighty man, with his sunglasses and square chin most prominently on his face.

"You know what? How did my girlfriend Helen get her first heroine?" Ronald had an idea...

"This method is good, we can try it." Gail listened to Ronald's thoughts and agreed very much, "We really need a real Terminator to give them a preconceived impression."

"What candidates do you have in hand?" Ronald asked.

"Hemdale Film, they are very rich. They used to be a shell company for British actors to avoid taxes, but now they have more money and want to invest in films. We went to meet their high-level executives, but last time just happened to be He's on a temporary business trip."

"Ah, what I'm talking about is that there are any candidate actors who can play the Terminator. That image needs to be tall and powerful to be convincing. Jim is okay, but a little thin. You have to find a suitable person to play him. Just let the high-level people see it, and it will deepen the impression..."

"...No, why are you looking at me?"

"Ronald, just do me a favor, play the Terminator, and go to Heimdale to raise money. I think you are the most suitable for the role of the Terminator." Cameron's eyes were bright and he pulled Ronald don't let go.

"But I can't act."

"Ronald, do me a favor. Actually, you don't need any acting skills. You just need to put on your sunglasses and look cool. I will do all the sales." Touch Ronald's biceps.

"Well, okay, but I really can't act, I can only stand or sit to show my image."

"Here's to find him a leather jacket and leather pants. You can call your old partner to do some makeup. Let's try the makeup again."


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