Pasadena's Municipal Auditorium has two levels of seating, and the stage for performances is also large, with dance and harmony performances on the steps. The semi-circular stage in the front is very close to the audience in the front row and can be touched.

The two tickets given by Michael Jackson were a little behind, in the aisle in the dozen or so rows, and it was really the best seat for watching the performance.

Gentleman Ronald asked Diane to sit in the back seat, sitting next to the aisle himself. After sitting down, he looked at Diane and smiled. There were more than 1,000 spectators at the scene, and the atmosphere was already very warm before the opening.

The seating arrangement is very interesting. Ronald and Diane are mostly white audience members in elegant dresses, while black audience members are next to them. There are also some black children wearing gaudy red bow ties, which may be actors. relatives.

After a while, the curtain opened, and Lionel Richie came out first. After he sang a solo song, he played with the band before he went solo. The black audience had already begun to applaud and cheer. . Ronald and Diane were unfamiliar with their history and had to give them two rounds of applause.

Black artists were more casual, and then Marvin Gay, who came on stage, simply spent a few minutes introducing the history of black music, and then sang his classic song "What's Going On" on Motown Records, and the audience applauded overwhelmingly.

"Marvin should stay in Motown instead of going to Columbia, where white people are in power." It was a black young man across the aisle who explained Ronald's confusion.

However, the old club will perform, and these black people also listen to loyalty.

After a few more singers who Ronald and Diane didn't know, it was finally Michael Jackson's turn. He, like Marvin Gaye, has moved to other labels. But this time it was not only himself, but also his four brothers.

"Jackson 5!" The audience set off another frenzy. This is the chorus formed by the Jackson family. Michael is wearing a diamond-encrusted top, tight cropped pants, white socks, black leather shoes, and only one left hand with a white diamond-encrusted glove.

The Jackson 5 sang their most famous single, "I Want You Back." This one ignited the common memory of all black people, standing up and swinging to the rhythm.

The white audience on Ronald's side didn't stand up, but just applauded with the rhythm.

"Thanks, Jackson 5 is already a piece of history, and now I'm going to own single."

The band played the prelude to MJ's latest single "Billie Jean". Michael Jackson took the black top hat and put it on his head, then turned sideways to face the audience, posing in a ready posture.

"Ah ah... ah..." The enthusiasm of the white audience was also detonated, and the countless white girls at the front desk and behind stood up screaming.

Diane also pulled Ronald's head, and stood up and cheered because of the atmosphere.

This "Billie Jean" isn't a Motown song, and it's the only single so far that wasn't produced by Motown. However, Michael Jackson is now the No. 1 singer on the charts, and his presence on the show will give Motown enough face, and a single is not a big problem.

MJ covered his crotch with white gloves, twisted up quickly, danced in a fast rhythm, combed his hair, and made an empty guitar shape. The emotions of the audience have been instigated by MJ's performance.

"Crack...crack...crack..." MJ took another spacewalk, which he had been training hard for several months, but he stepped back while he stepped forward.

"Ah ah ah..." This dance move seemed to detonate a dynamite, and all the women in the audience, regardless of skin color, age, single or married, uttered a loud cry that the roof would be torn off. A few female audience members in the front row couldn't even hold back, and wanted to climb up the stage to touch MJ's feet.

Ronald's ears were pierced by Diane's screams. This choreography is so familiar. Could it be that he learned breakdance from Michael Jackson in his previous life?

Ronald noticed that this wave was more of white girls screaming, while blacks were relatively calm.

After MJ left the show, there was another wave of black stars that Ronald didn't know. The program is very exciting, but the arrangement is not very good. Sometimes singers will sing one more song when they are interested, or introduce their old partners.

I don't know anyone except blind singer Stevie Wonder.

Ronald looked at his watch, more than an hour had passed, and just when he was feeling a little tired, a soft music sounded, and the spotlight shone back, lighting up the entrance of the city hall. Everyone looked back, and a figure flashed through the empty entrance.

"There are no mountains high enough, no rivers wide enough,

If you need me, call me, no matter where you are, no matter how far you are,

Gu Lai\u003c/span\u003e baby, call my name and I'll rush over..."

A black singer with a beautiful face, with explosive black hair, a white diamond-studded high-shoulder-padded shirt on the upper body, black tight-fitting hips on the lower body, black stockings on diamond-studded high-heeled shoes, taking sexy steps, imported from to the stage.

Her arrival caused a standing ovation from the audience, and it was the most famous singer since the founding of Motown, Diana Ross.

Holding a wireless microphone in one hand and a white fur shawl in the other, Diana Ross's superstar aura is unstoppable, like a vortex, attracting the attention of all the audience and stars to her.

"Oh, this is the style of a superstar. I really like the aura of a singer like this. I will wear it like this when I have the chance." Anna Rose, this emotion seems like jealousy, like envy, and more likely it is a kind of hope that I want to shine like that.

Just like a movie can only have one heroine, a concert can only have one female singer.

Diana Ross sang the hit single "Ain't No Mountain High Enough," which culminated in the all-singing concert.

After singing this song, two female singers took the stage from both sides, one in a white dress and the other in a red dress, who were Diana Ross's two partners during the Supremes band. The three singers reunited and became the Supremes band to sing for everyone.

As Diana Ross called out the names of old colleagues and friends one by one, all the singers of Motown over the past 25 years came to the stage, and the audience began to sing.

The ending scene was stinky and long. Many Motown Records employees, managers, chorus, and young singers who had not made their debut jumped on the stage to take a photo with the emperor and superstars.

Seeing that there was nothing to return, Ronald hurriedly pulled Diane to leave first, otherwise there would be a traffic jam.

The two left in a crowd of many white spectators, jumped into their rental car, and asked the driver to drive to Los Angeles.

Diane was holding Ronald's arm in the back seat, and she was happy today, as if she had become the protagonist of her life.

Ronald also smiled at her, "You're wearing makeup today like a jazz singer, but you're playing a rock singer."

"Um... what, is the makeup too heavy? I'm always not good at painting myself."

Diane's lipstick and eye shadow are indeed a little darker. A girl of this age actually doesn't need that kind of heavy stage makeup.

"Not bad, 'Rage Street' will always give you a good makeup artist."

Soon the car returned to the hotel, and Ronald took Diane back to the door of the room where Bert and her were staying.

"Here, Diane."

"Good night, Ronnie." Diane took out the key card and shook it. "Then I'll go in."

"Okay, bye bye at the premiere of 'Out of the World'." Ronald turned to leave.

"Huh?" Seeing that Ronald wanted to leave, Diane Lane hurriedly opened the door, "Won't you come in and sit?"

"I'm going home to write the script. It's a great day, Diane." Ronald hugged Diane and kissed her on the cheek. "Hi, Bert." Ronald greeted Bert behind Diane.

"Bert," Diane looked back to see that it was his father, then turned to Ronald and said, "My 'Street of Rage' filmed the concert scene at the beginning, will you come to the set when you arrive to guide me? "

"Bert is here, I can't say anything." Ronald shook his hands at the father and daughter, and saw Diane bit his lower lip in disappointment, "But I'll go to the studio to cheer you up, remember to call and tell my time."

"Bye!" Diane waved to him, then walked into the room.


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