Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 60 Price's Last Perseverance

Exploiting Hollywood 1980 Main Volume Chapter 60 Price's Final Insistence "Hello, Mr. Price, see you again." Ronald, after Weintraub, and Elvisson, the third and Columbia President Frank Price shook hands.

When he and caa president Michael Ovitz came together to promote the script of "My Brother's Protector", Frank Price had just taken over as president of Columbia, and he was in high spirits. Now he's a lot more introverted because he's actually resigned from the position.

"Come in, Ronald." Price's mental state was okay, he patted Ronald on the shoulder, and helped stabilize the internal conflict in Colombia and resisted Russ. He still loves the young man who was acquired by the Vegas tycoon hostilely.

When Weintraub asked him to recommend a screenwriter, he immediately thought of Ronald. In a few years, Ronald has become a director and has also made two movies that made good box office. If it weren't for the fact that he would not be working in Colombia in the future, he would have had the idea to sign him and make a movie for himself. But things are unpredictable, and there will be opportunities in the future.

Frank Price is widely recognized as the only president of the seven studios who knows how to read scripts and judge the quality of movies. He had seen the "Dragon Wings" script that Ronald submitted to Weintraub. It's written more smoothly than the script from a few years ago, and it also shows the potential to sell well.

However, these are almost irrelevant. Price asked a few people to sit down on the sofa in the office and told the secretary to make coffee. He could also keep the office and secretarial treatment for a few months.

"Frank, when Barbara came to Los Angeles last time, Jane went to accompany her. Why didn't you see your wife Catherine?" Weintraub came up and mentioned the gathering of the ladies in the tone of an old friend.

"Catherine went to Roy's graduation," Price explained. Katherine Crawford is his wife, who turned out to be a TV actress, and Roy, their third child, just graduated from high school.

"Seriously, the boring guy Fay Vincent is really ignorant. Last year, most of your annual profits came from the share of 'et aliens' you won, right?"

"Yes, the 5% profit share is actually more than the profit of all the other films in Colombia combined." Frank Price gave a wry smile.

Fay Vincent, the former chairman of Columbia, led Coca-Cola's acquisition of Colombia. The lawyer-turned-entertainment tycoon also became the executive vice president of Coca-Cola.

The president and CEO of every listed company will have conflicts, but like Fay Vincent, because his strategic thinking is different from his own, he desperately squeezes himself out. It is rare to get rid of himself and then quickly.

"So, give our project the green light as soon as possible, while you're still sitting here."

"Don't be kidding, your script and directing team are already great, I didn't let it go because of your relationship." Signed his name on the book.

"Okay, as long as your funds are in place, you can start filming. If there is anything you want me to help with, please mention it as soon as possible. I will not be working here immediately." Price's signature means that "Longwei Kid" has obtained it. Shoot the green light.

"Tell me, where is your next home?" Weintraub was very interested in his whereabouts.

"I'll start my own production company and retire with a golden parachute."

Weintraub looked disbelieving, but he happily took the signed consent form and read it again and again.

With a beep, the intercom rang. Price called the secretary in front of everyone. "Mr Price, Mr Aykroyd, and Mr Reitman are here.


"Invite them in", Frank Price sat upright, smiled and asked his old friend to go first, and he also had to meet the next crew to come and talk.

Ronald also left the office after saying goodbye to Price. He suddenly noticed that Nisita was chatting with a man with a caa logo on his suit.

"Rick?" Ronald asked.

"Ronald, I'm here to introduce you. This is Dan Aykroyd, the actor and screenwriter. This is Ivan Reitman, the director. This is Ronald Lee. They are all clients of our caa. Just came to Mr. Price with you."

"Hello, Mr. Ackroyd, hello, Mr. Reitman," Ronald greeted them.

"Ronald, John Candy told me your name, and you're a football fan, huh? Too bad he turned me down and didn't come to the film, otherwise we could have a good chat." Dan · Aykroyd is a chubby comedian who speaks and laughs enthusiastically, making people feel like spring breeze.

"If there is a chance, let's go drink Canadian beer together. I also know several Canadian directors and actors." Ronald was reminded by Nisita, knowing that Aykroyd was Canadian, and warmly invited him .

"Why not? We all belong to the same brokerage company anyway."

"Two gentlemen, please come with me, Mr. Price is still waiting for you," the secretary reminded.

"See you then."

Weintraub and Evelson saw that Ronald's agent had other arrangements. After saying goodbye to Ronald, the two were ready to leave first.

There are still a lot of casting and scene selection, and the two will continue to discuss. Weintraub is a boss who likes to get into the details of filmmaking and wants to know everything.

"Hey Susan, let's put this young Ronald aside and you'd better go on a date with me." Evelson saw Susan, Weintraub's secretary, and started flirting with her again.

"John, we still have to talk about casting, you know? There are a lot of old Hollywood stars who have called me when they heard about my investment in a teen movie." Weintraub He wrapped his arms around Elvisson's shoulders, separating him from Secretary Susan.

"Of course, who?" Elvisson asked.

"With Steve McQueen's widow..."

The two walked out, shoulder to shoulder, and Susan, who looked a little fat with red hair, followed behind.

In the president's office, Frank Price is arguing with another agent of caa.

"This asking price is too high," Price shook his head. "Five million for the director's compensation, what is the total cost I have to pay? You must also have a main star in this movie." He looked at the director Ivan Reitman, "How much do you think this movie will cost?"

"The total price is 25 million to 30 million." Ivan Reitman is also the first time to direct such a large-scale production. He has no concept at all. How much this special effects movie will cost, and he has not discussed with his agent in advance. . But when things came to an end, Reitman had to multiply his last film's budget by four, and randomly reported a number, so that he could still get his agent to bargain.

"Has your male lead been chosen? Is it Dan?" Price pointed to Dan Aykroyd, the screenwriter who came in with him.

"I'm only suitable for this role like a 'timid lion'. The protagonist is a 'scarecrow', and we felt that we needed a famous star to play the role." Aykroyd used the characters in "The Wizard of Oz" to describe the film as a metaphor. role in.

"I understand, I understand that comedies generally don't sell well at the box office. Since you're asking for a production budget of more than 25 million, we have to find a big-name star. Has anyone chosen?" Frank Price asked I feel that the price is too high, just for the box office guarantee, I put forward my own requirements.

"We can find Bill Murray!" Director Ivan Reitman did not expect the budget he casually said, but the other party did not counter-offer. He immediately thought of Bill Murray, also a caa client, one of the hottest male comedy stars right now.

Caa's agent was also overjoyed and told Reitman that he had done the right thing.

"Bill's scathing style does fit, but he's always late to decide whether to do a movie or not, and last time he came to me to pitch his own 'Blade Runner' project." Frank Price He felt a little unsafe. He didn't want the last few projects he decided before leaving to have any twists and turns.

"I can help convince him, Mr. Price." caa's agent quickly agreed, with a budget of 25 million to 30 million, plus the protagonist was chosen from caa's clients, such good conditions made He was so excited that he immediately grabbed the bag. "

"That's it, if you can sign Bill Murray, or a male star of similar fame, I agree to give your project the green light."

"Then let's talk about the conditions of the share. On behalf of caa, I propose 30% of the box office profit as the upper limit of the total share of actors and directors who participated in the filming of this film as caa."

"You must be joking, I can't agree to this condition." Frank Price smiled, which was the lion's mouth.

"I think this ratio is quite reasonable. The script, director, starring, and even the earliest ideas are all handled and facilitated by our caa."

"That's impossible, that price is robbery!" Frank Price stopped his signature pen.

"Mr. Price, this is the lowest ratio I have won for you within the scope of my authorization. If you do not agree with this ratio, then I can only call Mr. Michael Ovitz and ask him to come and talk to him. You negotiated the price.

I didn't mean to set a high price, and you know it might not have been the price if Mr. Ovitz had intervened. "

"Okay," Frank Price really succumbed, and no studio executive wanted to face the aggressive caa president, he signed it and said, "Sometimes, I really don't know who's running it. This film company, am I still Ovitz?"

"Finally one more question, Mr. Price." Screenwriter and actor Dan Aykroyd was very happy to see Frank Price happily signed the consent form. Everyone said that Frank Price was the The only studio executive who knows how good or bad the script is, and it really lives up to its reputation.

"Please say." Price has always had a special preference for screenwriters.

"The name of my script collided with the name of a children's show on Universal TV in the 1970s. I wonder if you can help contact Universal TV to solve it? I know that at that time, you were the president of Universal TV."

"Ghostbusters?" Frank Price glanced at the cover of the script.

"Yes, if this name doesn't work, we can only change it to 'Ghost Fighting Squad', 'Ghost Fighting Squad', or 'Ghost Extinguishing Squad'."

"Don't worry about it, I'll help you solve this matter." Frank Price waved his hand, indicating that it was just a small matter.

Dan Aykroyd, and director Ivan Reitman stand up to say goodbye. They saw Ronald who was still waiting at the door. The two of them were happy and invited Ronald to a party to celebrate.

"Sorry, you can't go in without an appointment." Price's secretary stopped a short man in a suit who was trying to break into the president's office behind them.

"Go away, I'm the attorney representing CEO Mr. Fay Vincent, my name is Dick Gallop"

The secretary still insisted that after asking Price with the intercom, he would be let in.

"Hello, Dick." Frank Price motioned for the secretary to exit first and close the door.

"Frank, are you trying to approve the movie project at the last minute?" Attorney Dick angrily walked to the desk and looked at the two projects that Frank Price had just given the green light.

"Whatever you say, I approve movies based on their potential to sell," Price said while sitting.

"You must be kidding? A horror comedy with special effects? A budget of $25 million to $30 million?"

"I can forgive you for being rude, Dick. But I'm still the president of Columbia, and I don't know what a blockbuster movie is. The fusion of comedy and horror is the big trend for the next year or two."

"You must be crazy." Dick Gallop had no choice. He rushed out of the office, found a conference room, and directly dialed Fay Wen, executive vice president of Coca-Cola and CEO of Coca-Cola Columbia Studios. Center's phone.

"Mr. Vincent, Price is crazy, he's out of control..."


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