Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 67 $00,000 Costume Designer

"Hey, be careful, be careful." Two field workers, one took a tap and sprayed water on the fan blades of the big fan, and the other turned on the fan to the maximum, so that the fan sprayed the water mist and spread it evenly on the ground.

A thin layer of water mist sprayed out from the front of the big electric fan and spread a thin layer on the ground. The concrete floor was quickly covered with a layer of black water stains. The water droplets are sprayed very evenly, there is not a lot of standing water on the ground, but it can reflect the neon lights.

The neon sign at the entrance of the concert venue reads "Welcome to Alan Ann's Hometown". The colorful neon lights are reflected on the black water stains on the ground. The streets are rendered into a very warm atmosphere.

Ronald recognized this color technique of using water-stained reflections on the ground as invented by Coppola in "Old Love, New Love". In the low-light background light, brightly colored neon lights are used to outline an atmosphere after the opening of the movie, allowing the audience to quickly enter the mood that the director wants them to enter.

This is a very advanced technique. It needs to combine lighting, photography, and even post-dubbing to achieve the effect of hooking the audience into the atmosphere at once. Unexpectedly, I saw it again in the studio of "Rage Street". . The director is very good at creating this kind of atmosphere.

After the two factory workers sprinkled the water, Ronald crossed the street and entered the stage set.

It was also dark inside the stage. The assistant director was arranging a group performance of hundreds of people. According to his own instructions, he asked them to make various actions of applauding, crowding, and shouting.

"Hi Ronald, this way."

Director Walter Hill was setting up the cameras at the back of the stage, and the scene required at least six cameras to shoot at the same time. He saw Ronald and waved to him.

Ronald saw that there was a fence blocking the auditorium and the stage, so he took two quick steps, propped himself up with his hands, turned over, and then walked towards the director and the producer next to him.

"Oh, your suit is very good." Beside the director, a burly man said, with his white hair combed back, giving people a very fashionable feeling.

Ronald looked at each other, a little strange. Most people rarely comment on other people's clothing. Seeing that the man's suit also fits his body very well, could he be a fashion designer?

"I'll introduce to you, this is George, the costume designer hired by the crew with a high salary. He designed and provided two sets of stage costumes for Diane.

George, this is Ronald, the most promising young director in America right now, and you should also provide costumes for his films in the future. "

"More than that," George looked at Ronald, "few people wear suits as good as you. Wearing a suit requires a tall, straight, and good posture, too servile, and too proud. You look like you in a suit."

Ronald laughed. Sure enough, he was a fashion designer, and he said it professionally, "Maybe it's because my tailoring skills are good, and I feel very fit."

A good custom suit has this advantage. Whether you are walking, sitting down, or running, the top fits the body very well, and there will be no embarrassing scene where the entire shoulder pad is lifted up when you raise your hand.

"No, I'm serious, your tailor is really good, but his craftsmanship is more American, and the waist doesn't fit your figure better. For a figure like yours, you should wear our Italian tailoring to fully reflect your style. Sexy."

Ronald didn't expect George to be so enthusiastic, "Okay, what's the name of your suit shop, I'll go buy two sets."

"I will give you two formal suits, as long as you promise to wear my suit at the next Oscars and the Golden Autumn Awards. You will attend the Oscars,

Right. "

George said vigorously, took out a business card and gave it to Ronald, "Just make a call and say it's what I ordered."

Producer Joel Silver said, "George is very talented. His brand of men's clothing has just entered the American market, and I have been wearing his brand."

"Thank you then, I feel like today is my lucky day. By the way, what's the name of your men's clothing?"

"It's named after me, and I've opened several stores and a factory in Los Angeles, handling all kinds of orders for suits and other men's clothing, don't worry, your suits will be handled very well."

"The Giorgio Armani suit, haha, sounds very good." Ronald smiled and looked at the business card, then put it in his pocket and put it away.

Giorgio Armani personally designed and completed two sets of Diane's stage costumes. I heard that Diane himself put forward some design requirements. Today, the final modification of the costumes has been completed and has been sent to the dressing room. George is also ready to come and see the scene. Effect.

"Okay, when it's down, you guys can swing according to this rhythm!" The assistant director below the stage finished the rehearsal for the group performance, disbanded first to let them rest, and then assembled after the official shooting.

The lighting team began to light under the arrangement of the director of photography. Ronald noticed that a tall, bespectacled man was directing the lighting on set in lieu of the DP. This is not common on film crews.

"Mark Brickman" producer Joel Silver flaunted in Ronald's ear, "It took me a million to bring him in to light two concerts."

Ronald can't remember this is the first time he has heard the word "one million" in the past few days. Armani, the fashion designer, also has a salary of one million. Today, the lighting professional also needs one hundred. Ten thousand. It's really a very generous budget and everything is done according to the highest standards.

Lighting engineer Mark Brickman did the lighting for rock singer Bruce Springsteen's live concert. He is very good at using light to create emotions. As the highlight of the movie's opening, Diane's scene can be said to be It was a highly anticipated appearance.

"You can go down there and take a look. It's very shocking." Producer Joel touched Ronald's arm and asked him to go to the audience area to take a look.

Ronald flipped off the stage again and went behind the camera that was hidden at the end. One of the problems with multi-camera shooting is that the camera will capture other camera positions, which leads to cross-cutting, so the director of photography who is good at shooting multi-camera is very good at hiding the camera skillfully.

Ronald walked behind a camera disguised as a lighting device, and the dozen or so group performers at the front of the stage were still rehearsing what they would do when they interacted with Diane's Alan Ann.

The group performers raised their hands high and stretched out to the stage, as if they were worshipping their idols, a substitute for Diane, simulating Diane clapping, shaking hands, saying a few words and so on.


Ronald suddenly found that looking at the past from this perspective, the audience and the stars on the stage appeared a very interesting spectacle.

The stars on the stage were focused by the spotlights from the ceiling, surrounded by dark red ambient lights and the red atmosphere created by colorful neon lights. The lighting engineer was also instructing the assistants to set off cigarettes. In a foggy atmosphere, from the dimly lit auditorium, it seemed that the stars were shrouded in a cloud of mist, and there was a fairy-like scene.

The most interesting thing is that the hands raised by the audience at the front desk are not illuminated by the light. But against the bright stage backdrop, through a series of clever combinations of lights, there is a silhouette effect.

The audience seems to be worshipping idols, and the star is the center of the light. Ronald can imagine that during the official shooting, it will be an extremely shocking light effect, and the eyes of the audience will follow the guidance of the lighting to focus on Diane.

And Diane will rise like a shining star, surrounded by enthusiastic audiences.

"It's worth a million dollars," Ronald thought. As expected of the live lighting for some of the most popular rock bands at the moment, this kind of stage effect is absolutely impossible for ordinary film lighting engineers to produce such an effect.

Ronald jumped on stage again, trying to figure out the lighting setup, but he quickly gave up, it was an incredibly complicated system with spotlights on stage, neon lights in the background, and lots of environments in the gaps lamp.

The lighting assistants set off cigarettes in different places. The smoke has filled the entire stage, and there are several small windows above. The outdoor sunlight is slightly refracted and entered. light effect.

Ronald felt that it was impossible to master it in a short time. He only had to remember the name of the lighting engineer, and maybe he could be invited when shooting similar scenes in the future.

"Ronald, Ronald", the agent Richard came in from the door and entered the dimly lit studio at once, unable to find anyone.

"Here, Richard," Ronald waved to him.

Richard watched with wide eyes for a while, walked to the front of the stage, and handed Ronald a large bag in his hand.

"The Nintendo you want."

Several people on the stage, including Giorgio Armani, gathered around to see Ronald's little toy.

Ronald opened it and saw that there were two cardboard boxes with a gray plastic box painted on them, with two handles. It looks like a video recorder. Below is the name of the game console Nintendo NES.

"Thank you, I happened to give one to my cousin, and I can play with Helen when Helen comes back." Ronald thanked Richard.

"What is this?" Armani looked at the gray machine and thought the design was interesting.

"A game console that can be connected to the TV. I heard that it is more fun than Atari."

"Who is Helen? Is that your girlfriend?"

"Yeah, she's doing 'Supergirl' on the Pinewood studio in London now, and she's starring."

"Oh, when she comes back, you must let her come to my studio to see, my brand also has women's clothing." George suddenly became interested, "Supergirl" sounds like a spin-off of "Superman" Set, such two people wear Armani costumes at the same time and enter the Oscar party, his marketing purpose can also take a big step forward.

At least handsome men and beautiful women, and stars, the broadcaster's TV camera must not hesitate to give a few close-ups.

"Wow", a small gap on the backstage curtain was pulled up.

Diane put on a very sexy and beautiful costume, and gave Ronald a surprise when she was about to appear in the scene. She had been waiting for a long time to appear in the backstage behind the curtain.

But seeing Ronald's full of joy just now was completely shattered by the happy smile on his face when he talked about Helen later.

And Giorgio Armani also said that he wanted to design clothes for Helen, and he was not unique.

"If that's the case, then let this secret love come to an end." Dai An was a little bitter, but also a little angry, she kicked the wall near the playing gate. Then I took the song "NowhereFast" that needed to be lip-synced from Marlene Jahan and recited the lines again.

"No matter what, you must sing this song perfectly." For some reason that Diane couldn't explain herself, she also wanted to make a perfect impression on Ronald. The real show that he has grown into an adult and turned into a mature and beautiful woman's charm.

"Sam, Sam?" Ronald was talking with George about men's clothing when a tall man suddenly squatted down with his hands on his stomach in the group performance.

The assistant director stepped forward to find out that he had sudden abdominal pain, and hurriedly called the driver and assistant to take him to the hospital.

"For another group show," director Walter Hill told the assistant director to replace it.

"He's the one who says the lines."

"Ah?" Walter Hill looked for it in the group performance. This group performance with lines was a hardcore actress who played female singer Ann, shouting "I love you, Ellen" to the stage. At that time, the camera will give him a close-up shot, and he must find a handsome guy to play.

The T-shirts worn by the following male group performers are also average.

"Ronald, why don't you make a cameo?" Walter Hill watched for a long time and found Ronald. He was wearing a handmade suit, his face was more photogenic, and he didn't need a good acting skills for a line.

"Me? Okay, what did I say?" Ronald saw that the scene of the big scene suddenly lacked a trick, and he should save the scene if he was suitable.

"I love you, Ellen." Director Walter said to Ronald for a while, then turned to his assistant, "Wait and stand next to him and remind him when you want to say your lines."

Hundreds of group performances came back, and after a few experiments with lighting adjustment, director Walter Hill walked to the big rocker arm directly opposite the stage and sat next to the director of photography.

"Prepare! 'Street of Rage' X scene, X scene, first article, prepare in all aspects."

The first assistant director shouted in a long voice, and in front of each camera there were people playing with a clipboard. The synchronization of multi-camera shooting requires coordination of each camera, so it took a little longer.


"All right."

"Camera One"

"full speed"

"Number two?"

"full speed."



"Now, please go back to your hometown to perform, the one and only one, Alan Ann!" The host outside the venue called out the name of female singer Alan Ann into the PA system.

"Ow..." All the group performers began to cheer, their hands raised, and they danced non-stop. Ronald, also guided by the assistant director's gestures, began to wave his hands. Their hands are captured in a silhouette by the camera behind them.

The spotlight on the stage shone on the drummers in the band brought by the music director Jim Steinman, and a bunch of white lights chased after him. Wearing a white suit, he played the first rhythm of the drum set. The neon lights behind the stage began to flash on and off, forming meaningless symbols and letters.

The spotlight is one point to the left, the second spotlight shines on the keyboard player, and the keyboard player under the convergent light begins to play the first melody again. Following the drummer's rhythm, the keyboard player, also wearing a white suit, began to dance up and down to the rhythm.

Then came the guitarist, who was illuminated by the third spotlight as he took two steps across the stage before hitting the first chord.

The three band members were illuminated by three spotlights, and the exciting and rhythmic prelude of "NowhereFast" began to sound.

Ronald and the group next to him, as the spotlight directed, began to cheer for the three musicians. Everyone knows that the most exciting moment is coming, and the soul of the band, female rock star Alan Ann, is about to play.

The drummer gave the drum set a rhythm, beat all the drums from left to right, and finally hit the cymbal, and the spotlight shone in the direction of his drumsticks.

Ronald was as immersive as the audience. He seemed to have forgotten that this was a movie shooting. are looking forward to the performance of America's greatest female singer.

"Ouch..." The audience's shouts were several decibels higher, and all the spotlights shone on the entrance door. In the milky white light, a girl with fluttering long hair, wearing a black and red costume, holding a microphone in one hand and holding the other hand high, ran slowly towards the center of the stage.

The audience started chanting "Alan, Alan!"

Ronald's heart was beating faster and faster, and he almost didn't recognize the person, it was Diane Lane.

I saw her long flowing hair, shining with a smooth metallic light under the gathering of lights. Long eyelashes and deep eye shadow make a girl... no, make this woman look very sexy and beautiful.

Diane apparently made her request to Giorgio Armani, wearing the same color trousers, bright red, that she wore at Club 54 in New York at the end of the filming of "The Magic Stain".

Below the red cropped trousers are a pair of red high-heeled shoes, shone mysteriously by the light.

She was wearing a low-cut black skirt. Just past the thigh, it splits, revealing the red trousers inside. The slanted neckline revealed a red tube top on one side. She wears long black gloves on her arms and two fingerless black leather gloves on her palms.

This red and black color combination made Ronald open his mouth. Diane, who seemed to be the little sister next door yesterday, has become a very sexy and beautiful female singer today.

Diane ran toward the center of the stage from the entrance door, and the spotlight was chasing her closely, as if to set her off as the queen of today.

At the microphone in the center of the stage, Diane stopped, holding the microphone in one hand and holding the other hand high to the sky, with a kind of superstar light dancing all over her body, and she was about to sing.

Ronald stood there dumbfounded, as if he had forgotten everything, suddenly realizing what Diane and his cousin were talking about so often about themselves. I also understand the coincidence of why Diane always appears in the same place as myself.

"Hey..." The assistant next to Ronald was anxious, and this should be the shot of Ronald speaking. The camera on the stage had zoomed over and found Ronald in a suit.

"It's your turn", the assistant stabbed Ronald.

"Oh," Ronald remembered that he still had a line.

He surrounded his hands in the shape of a trumpet, leaned against his mouth, and blurted out:

"I love you, Diane!"



Cut! "

The big rocker arm that director Walter Hill is sitting on has swayed from the diagonal back to the front of Diane, ready to shoot her close-up, when I heard Ronald said the wrong line, I was a little annoyed that I wasted the first one with a rich mouth. lens. Quickly called to stop.

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