"British parliamentary elections. Lady Margaret's Conservative Party has won its most decisive election victory since Labour's victory in 1945, securing a majority of 397 seats, ahead of the opposition Labour Party And one hundred and forty-four seats in the Free Alliance..."

The sound of the TV, which was specially turned up, drowned out the other sounds in the hotel room. Helen's face and neck were all pink, and her rapid breathing reached the peak, and finally she lay on the bed exhausted.

Ronald passed a glass of water and turned down the volume on the TV. The walls of the hotel on the Pinewood Studios are not well insulated. If the noise goes on like this, Maureen Tiffey, who lives next door, will protest.

"Thank you," Helen took the water and drank it. She raised her head slightly, leaned on the pillow, and touched her face vigorously, "Has my face gotten a lot fatter?"

"No? I think it's just right." Ronald also squeezed.

"I think I'm too fat. After filming Supergirl, I have to work hard to lose weight."

"No, you also signed a contract for two sequels." Ronald comforted. Helen is indeed a lot fatter than before. American white girls generally have a rapid weight gain period before the age of 20.

And she also worked out for four months at a high intensity in order to play Supergirl. The weight has reached 120 pounds, and Ronald can feel heavier than before when he holds it.

"Oh, Ronnie. You're really dishonest, Superman 3 was a box-office flop, I know."

Helen Slater raised his face, pushed Ronald away, and turned to the other side to sleep on his side.

"Is it that bad? I thought that even if the Superman series was bored by the audience, it wouldn't stop them from watching Supergirl, right?"

"Well, but the filming was really bad, Faye Dunaway was late and not in shape. Christopher Reeve refused to make a cameo again, so we had to put up a poster of him in Supergirl's dorm room."

Helen turned around and came back, "I haven't been in other crews, but this crew doesn't give me a good feeling. Many people want to escape from the crew as soon as possible."

"Don't worry," Ronald didn't speak, and gently stroked Helen's arm to calm her down.

"You don't seem to be very fat." Helen found a new blind spot. "Did you also like this when you were young?"

"Uh...actually I don't remember much about my childhood, you know, the car accident..."

"Really? I can't imagine what you were like when you were young. I was always skinny when I was young, like a tomboy, running wild in the yard with my brother every day."

"You? Tomboy?" Ronald didn't quite believe it, and looked at Helen's long blond hair, round wrists, fair skin, and big blue eyes with double eyelids, very feminine.

"You don't know, do you? Before I was ten years old, I had short boyish hair, very wild."

"Why? Your parents want you to have short hair? If we have a beautiful daughter like you in the future, I will definitely dress her up beautifully."

"Well, my parents hadn't divorced at that time. They didn't let my brother and I cry, or let us get angry or unhappy. Anyway, such emotions are not allowed to appear at home."

Ronald was amazed at Gerald's way of educating children. His own Aunt Karen was very laissez-faire to Donna, crying and laughing when she was unhappy, especially girls, wasn't that the case?

"I don't know, they think it's good only to be happy. It's forbidden for girls who love to cry. They don't let me cry at home. Maybe this makes me a more tomboy."

"Then what if you get angry?" Ronald felt that in his interactions with Helen, she was very elegant, as if she had never really been angry.

"I have my way." Helen smiled.

"What way? Punching sandbags?"

"Do you think I'm the same as you? Stupid." Helen was happy again.

"It seems that your parents' divorce has had a great impact on you." Ronald asked Helen when he saw that Helen was in a better mood.

"Yeah, they had a very good relationship before the age of eight or nine, they loved each other very much. But after I went to middle school, Gerald gradually became busy, and I only remember him because he broadcast the Nixon hearings, so All of a sudden it was taken seriously, and there was very little time to go home.

Then there are quarrels, quarrels, and finally divorce. I'm still trying to get them together again, but they quarrel when they meet..."

Ronald hugged Helen tighter.

"I don't have any expectations for marriage. Anyway, people who love each other will hate each other after being together for a long time, and they will be separated."

"Of course we don't." Ronald kissed Helen on the lips.

It turns out that Helen has always avoided intimacy, no wonder when she and she were separated, Helen was not very clingy, nor did she have a strong desire for control.

"Did you just say that last time because of this?" Ronald finally thought of what Helen said to him when he came to visit London last time. If he fell in love with someone else, he would definitely To be honest with her and so on.

Helen nodded.

"Of course it won't happen, sweetheart. I'm thinking of you." Ronald then rubbed Helen's arm.

"That's good," Helen also moved closer.

"Then how are you doing here? Is there... er... is there anything good to eat?... er... I mean there's nothing good to eat in Britain."

Helen turned to look at Ronald, "Are you jealous? Um...Ronnie?" She giggled, "You send flowers every week, is there anyone in the crew who doesn't know?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, Ronald bowed his head and kissed Helen.

A long kiss, Helen was a little short of breath, she raised her hand to block Ronald, expressing that she wanted to enjoy the feeling of two people snuggling with Ronald, just chatting.

"Then do you have no memory of your childhood?"

"Just some clips, and some photos," Ronald replied. "By the way, and this watch, the only thing my father left me."

Ronald raised his wrist and showed Helen his watch. A large dial with large numbers and luminous lights. The leather strap has been around for a long time, and there are quite a few scratches on the metal dial.

"Hey, you look like a pilot's watch." Helen called out, "Is your father a pilot?"

"No, he is a retired Marine Corps soldier, and my uncle is in the same army. He married my mother and her sister, Aunt Karen."

"It looks like this watch has a lot of history. You should change it for everyday wear. Maybe this watch has some history."

"That's what you said."

"Hey, I'm still too fat." Helen started worrying about her figure again, and touched her thighs and waist.

"It's okay, I think you have the healthiest figure. And your acting skills are good, no one will notice your figure." Ronald also touched her and comforted her.

"What kind of acting do you know?" Helen was in London, with Peter O'Toole, Faye Dunaway, Mia Farrow and other famous acting groups, acting in the exploitative films Ronald made. It's becoming less and less attractive.

"Why do people keep saying that I don't know how to act." Ronald thought to himself.


After a day together with Helen, Faye Dunaway finally waited for her husband Terry, her mental state was finally under control, and the filming resumed its normal speed.

Ronald also bid farewell to Helen and flew back to Los Angeles.


At the arrivals at Los Angeles Airport, Ronald saw a familiar figure picking him up, it was Eddie, his agent in New York.

"Eddie," Ronald hugged him happily. "Why are you in LA?"

"I came to see my client. I remember your advertising contract was signed with me." Eddie said sternly.

Ronald knew that he was shooting a Saab commercial, but Eddie found out, so he took him to the coffee shop.

"This advertising business was found by Richard personally, and it is a foreign manufacturer..."

Eddie laughed, "I didn't come here to ask for guilt, Ronald. On the contrary, I'm glad to know that you've started shooting advertising business again. This time I've come to find you a business, and you can't refuse."

"Oh? Which company asked me to shoot an ad?" Ronald asked.

"Still your old buddy, Burger King."

"Eddie, I can promise you everything else, but this is not good. I heard that the little girl who played the Burger King commercial, Sarah Michelle Gellar, was sued by McDonald's and banned from McDonald's for life. When I'm busy, I just point to the McDonald's burger."

Ronald said half-jokingly that when he struggled in Los Angeles at first, he survived on McDonald's coupons and Big Mac burgers.

"That's impossible, I won't introduce you to the controversial business. Burger King has already achieved its goal, and they don't need to touch McDonald's. This time it's a new advertising idea, in fact, Burger King has only released Half the cost of advertising?"

"How come?"

"It's a joint commercial between Pepsi and Burger King."

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