Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 81 Coppola's Tips

"The record industry joins Hollywood with another big shot."

In the "News" section of "Daily Variety", there is a corner where the new film of "Jerry Weintraub Productions" officially announced the new director's joining.

"Jerry Weintraub is ready to bring his talent to Hollywood. He revealed to this reporter that the new director Ronald V. Lee will join the 'Long Wei Kid' crew as director. It is reported that , he is also the screenwriter of the film."

"Had been praised by Stanley Kubrick as one of the most promising of emerging directors, Ronald Lee, a graduate of NYU's Tessa School of the Arts, directed Universal's 'Fast-Paced Richmond' High School', and Small Productions 'Night of the Comet'.

This is his first opportunity to direct a 7.5 million production. Mr. Jerry Weintraub said he admired Ronald Lee's talent and keen insight into teenage audiences.

Mr. Weintraub told the newspaper that the story of the film was based on real events, and he said that "The Dragon King" would be an action-romance comedy that would appeal to teenage audiences. "

Ronald folded the newspaper and put it in his collection box. The day before yesterday, I went to sign a director contract with Weintraub with my agent. A total of $200,000 in director compensation, plus a 1 percent dividend. Not counting the dividends, it is about the same as your own screenwriter salary. .

However, this kind of profit sharing is generally an honorary clause for directors and actors, and most of the time, no one can get it. This is not the same as "Night of the Comet" in which Ronald himself invested part of the money.

What Ronald valued was the movie's budget of up to $8.5 million, of which one million was a reserve fund. If the filming period was not enough, it could only be used after Weintraub signed it.

And Weintraub had a distribution deal with Columbia, so the marketing, and distribution, of "Dragon Boy" wasn't a problem. Columbia, as an established studio, must be much more secure than Atlantic in this regard.

Ronald remembers the day he signed the contract and asked Weintraub himself what he thought of Pat Morita playing Master Miyagi. Weintraub was adamant that as long as he was a producer, there would be no way to use Pat Morita. and declined further discussion.

Ronald had to put the matter on hold for now and talk to Weintraub about casting the other main characters.

The male protagonist is determined, and he will not look for the second generation of stars to star in. Weintraub has asked Susan to audition for Hollywood houses. However, because all the young actors are now going to audition for "Red Dawn", the audition for "Longwei Kid" has to be set back a bit.

The heroine is a vase character, as long as she is a beautiful girl with the temperament of the girl next door,

Just let Danny find the one he loves. Ronald selfishly recommended Helen Slater to Weintraub.

After seeing the audition photos from the agent, Weintraub said that he could go directly to the second round of audition, and wait for the candidate for the actor Danny to be confirmed, and then audition together to see the chemical reaction.

Master Miyagi is of Japanese descent, which is quite special. I have tried to get all the Japanese and Chinese actors in Hollywood to audition. He also asked Ovitz from CAA to speak, and asked Dongying Film for some pictures of actors who can speak English.

Ronald remembered Elvisson's reminder that when Francis Coppola was looking for Marlon Brando to play Corleone in "The Godfather", he also faced strong opposition from the top of the production company, but in the end he still did it. became a thing. Moved the idea of ​​going to the door to learn scriptures.

Coppola is busy. His second Oklahoma film adaptation of Hinton's novel, "Betta Fish," has been edited and will be released soon. This time, instead of going through Warner Bros., but using its own "Diorama" company to do the distribution, it was a busy time.

Fortunately, Nisita is also Coppola's agent. After his phone call, Ronald was able to come to visit. Coppola agreed to give him half an hour to chat.

"Hey, Ronnie. What, I heard that you are looking for me for something?" Coppola's complexion was much better when he was on set. After the release, Warner Bros. shipped some of the copies in good condition abroad, and began to show overseas, and it is expected to collect close to 10 million.

This gave Coppola's reputation, after the "Old Love, New Love" box office fiasco, credibility again. Various studios began looking for him to direct again. Famous indie producer Robert Evans is also approaching Coppola to discuss projects.

"I won't waste your precious time. I have something to ask you for. When you filmed 'The Godfather', how did you get the top of Paramount to use Marlon Brando? I want to borrow your wisdom, Francis."

"Marlon Brando," Coppola adjusted his glasses, "that's a long story, would you like some salami? My friend brought it from Europe. A glass of red wine? From my estate. "

Coppola poured Ronald a glass of red wine, then lit a cigar, slowly recalling the events of the year.

"Brando had a very bad reputation at the time. He had accidents in several consecutive films. He was a very smart man. Sometimes when he met a director with a poor level, he would get angry and stop acting. So when Paramount heard about it, I thought Activate him and immediately refuse."

"Oh? This is very similar to what happened to me." Ronald took a sip of red wine. "This wine tastes very good, even better than the last time at the Oscar dinner. I'll buy a case back."

"Certainly, the weather is good this year, and if I were you I'd buy a little more."

"Then I told Nisita that it tasted good."

"By the way, the president of Paramount told me at the time that I was forbidden to mention Marlon Brando's name and discuss his role as the godfather."

"How can the discussion be banned?" Ronald felt that Coppola must have some unique tricks. Under such circumstances, he could finally let Brando play. It seems that this time is the right time.

"I was lying on the ground on the spot, pretending to pass out and protesting. What kind of creative freedom is it if Brando is not allowed to mention an actor's name? They promised me creative freedom. "

"Hahaha..." Ronald listened to great joy.

"My trick worked, and the president immediately gave in and said I could bring up Brando's name. But it's impossible to hire him." Coppola then drank a little red wine, chewed a piece of salami, and smoked took a cigar.

"I fought with them for a long time, and finally Mr. President said that Brando could play the role, but he had to agree to three conditions.

Gu Sheng

First, he must star in zero pay.

Second must audition

The third Marlon Brando had to put down a $1 million bond, which would be deducted if his on-set misconduct caused filming to be delayed. "

"How did you get them to give up on such harsh conditions?" Ronald was curious, it was impossible for any actor to agree to such conditions.

"I said yes right away." Coppola laughed. "You have to remember, these producers are laymen. They say this just to show their power, that they can decide something.

As long as Marlon Brando agrees to play, and I think he is the most suitable person, as long as the person who really has the power to decide nods, the final conditions will be modified. "

"Oh," Ronald nodded and said yes, this is a key, and he has to study hard.

"It was impossible for Brando to audition, so I called him and said there was a role for him to play, but it was Italian, so I thought of going to his house and asking him to improvise a little bit to get a feel for it.

Malone is a smart guy, of course he knew it was an audition. My man, like a ninja in Dongying, quietly walked into his house and set up the camera. As soon as he arrived he understood what was going on.

He's a great actor, so I hate the director discussing how to act with him. I never instructed him how to act, I brought him some salami, and nachos with chino, and crispy wedges, and put them on the table.

That way he would relax and be willing to audition for me. "

"So in the end he still auditioned?" Ronald picked up a slice of salami and ate it with red wine. This thing is still good for drinking.

"Yes, Brando had just woken up from a nap, long blond hair, and walked into the living room, and he was only forty-seven at the time.

He had read The Godfather novel and knew I was auditioning. So he immediately combed his long hair and tied it in a bun behind his head. Then I took a box of shoe wax and blackened the hair that was showing in the front.

He was very spiritual, and he told me that Vito Corleone had a gunshot wound, and this kind of person speaks lightly. Then he murmured softly, 'Mmmmmmm...'.

He added that Vito was old and his cheeks would fall off. He took two more tissues, rolled them up and put them in his mouth, 'Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...'

I don't know what he's talking about, but I think it's awesome. "Coppola imitated Brando's inarticulate way of acting, and it was vivid.

"And then they were persuaded by the audition?" Ronald asked.

"No, it's not. Ronald, you have to be flexible sometimes. There are bad guys in this business.

I got the audition footage I needed, put it into videotape format, and then I did a little trick, and instead of showing it to the president of Paramount, I flew to New York and went directly to the president of Paramount's parent company, Gulf Western. Charlie Bluehorn look. "

"I told him it would only take him five minutes, and he promised to watch the video."

Mr. Bluehorn was very reluctant at first, saying to me, 'No...no...no...' Then the picture comes to Brando dyeing his hair black, putting a napkin in his mouth, and finally, in a weak voice,' Mmmmmmmmm..." while muttering.

Charlie Bluehorn grabbed my hand right away, "Francis, that's great!"

"That's how that classic character was born."

Ronald was very helpful after listening to Coppola's remarks. Sometimes don't argue with the producers, they often don't know what the director is thinking, and use actual images to convince them.

In addition, it is necessary to find the right people and show them the right clips at the right opportunity.

CAA also did not find a suitable Japanese actor, Ronald still agrees with it, and also has the professional vision of director Elvisson. After thinking about it for a long time, he called Nisita of CAA and asked for a private meeting with actor Pat Morita.

Pat Morita is a typical Eastern Ying person, small and very polite. He grew up in America, a second-generation immigrant. It's also a full acceptance of American values, so the names are completely Western, with the last name Morita at the back and the Western name Pat at the front.

"Hello, Ronald. So I still have a chance?" Pat Morita hasn't had a role since the "Happy Hour" sitcom ended. This is the most difficult time for an actor. And he is of Japanese descent, and there is no suitable role for him except for certain episodes.

Ronald chatted with him about his thoughts on the role of Miyagi-sensei. Elvisson is right, Morita is indeed a good fit. As a child, he was with his parents during World War II and was held in a concentration camp for several years. And he himself was rescued by the kind-hearted church, who gave him free treatment for polio, and there were no sequelae later.

This kind of attitude of resentment and gratitude towards America is simply a copy of Master Miyagi. Except that he is a little younger than "Miyagi Chengyi", but this is not a problem under makeup.

"I have the same opinion as Mr. Evelson, but you can't look like you, you have to make some changes.

First you have to grow a beard. Master Miyagi is ostensibly a solitary repairman, he doesn't pay much attention to appearance, you have to have a messy beard like a single person.

Second... your English is very good. "

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