Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 83 Audition Video

The latest website: Helen was reluctant to play "Longwei Kid", Ronald reluctantly told Weintraub that the heroine had to audition from scratch.

"It's alright, I understand. That's it, I'll let Susan participate in the next audition. She'll be my representative on the set. If there is someone you both like, bring the audition video to me, and we Let’s do a second round of interviews together.”

After Susan Eakins waited for Ronald and the audition director to leave Weintraub's mansion, she gave Weintraub a sweet kiss. She knows that her appearance is impossible to make a movie, but it is also a very interesting job to be able to participate in the crew and decide the fate of others.

"You have to pay attention to Ronald's choice. I think he is still a little young, and I don't know the fierce competition. Hollywood is a place where dogs eat dogs. If there are suitable candidates, you can tell me in advance, and I will find a way to meet them. signed the contract."

"Do you want to see all the candidates?" Susan asked.

"No," Weintraub thought for a while, "You just need to pay attention to the main candidates of Danny, Master Miyagi, and Ali, and yes, there are also candidates for the villain Johnny and his master Chris."

Ronald doesn't know yet that his credit with Weintraub has been downgraded. He brought in Pat Morita to see how he's been practicing lately.

At Ronald's apartment, Pat Morita knocked on the door. . After the door opened, he saw a strange man hiding behind a camera with one eye covered by a blindfold of the viewfinder, and a microphone plugged into the camera.

"Hi, Pat." The weirdo is Ronald with his new Sony betamax camcorder.

"Come in, Morita," Ronald said to Morita, while filming him with a camera, "You're welcome, just sit down. Your beard grows well, and it will be the same in the future, don't shave, this mess The beard is just right."

Pat Morita sat down and took the Coca-Cola from Ronald.

"Just like that, introduce yourself to the camera."

"The nest is called Morita. Nihao"

Morita began to speak English in a foreigner's tone.

"Very good, very good. Where did you learn karate?" Ronald was very satisfied, Morita really focused on practicing the accent of foreigners speaking English, similar to the dragon eagle in 'Sixteen Candles' .

"Wo, Dad, taught."

"I heard that you were a fisherman in Ryukyu?" Ronald saw Morita entering the role and began to talk to him.

"Oh, in Ryukyu, all Miyagi will do two things, fishing and karate."

The two did a question-and-answer session for about five minutes about some of the content in the script. Ronald stopped the camera, "You're doing really well. I think you'll have a good chance this time. Where did you learn your broken English like a real foreigner?"

Morita regained his fluent way of speaking, "I have an uncle who is a first-generation immigrant. He usually talks like this..." Then Morita leaned closer, "Thank you very much, Ronald. Is there really a chance this time?"

"I can't promise anything, but I'll at least give you a chance to audition." Ronald shook his hand.

Pat Morita walked out of the apartment with hope. Ronald saw him get into a small, broken car, start it up, and drive away.

"Hope he can have luck, let Weintraub nod." Ronald thought to himself for referring to Coppola's method of recommending Marlon Brando, and decided to surprise Weintraub if he had a chance.

Weintraub did not attend the interview for the male lead the next day. His personal secretary, Susan Atkins, sat in the audition room on his behalf.

The audition director, Penny Dupont, is a middle-aged woman of Chinese descent. She knows Ronald's requirements very well. The protagonist, Danny Webb, must be the kind of person who comes from the bottom as soon as he looks, and then has a way of putting his chips on the table. Stubborn man on shoulders.

Because of this kind of request, several famous actor candidates proposed by Weintraub were rejected by Ronald and DuPont.

For example, Tom Cruise, he is too handsome and handsome, and it is impossible for people to feel like being bullied and unable to fight back.

Another example is Nicolas Cage. He has a very stubborn face. He was bullied by Johnny, and it is estimated that he will fight back with all his might.

Therefore, most of the people who came to audition today were a little thin.

The budget of 7.5 million still attracted a lot of actors, but few were able to compete for the leading role.

Hollywood has only just begun to pay attention to the teenage market a few years ago, and there were no suitable teenage actors before, which led to these old faces appearing in various crews.

Susan Akins was a feast for the eyes, and all the handsome guys introduced themselves as required in front of her. Ronald also used her as an audition examiner and asked a few questions about the actors, which made her feel good.

Everyone finally took a fancy to four male actors.

The first is Emilio Estevez, the son of the famous actor Martin Sheen.

He seemed to be in conflict with Ronald. When he first entered the audition room, he began to challenge Ronald with words. Fortunately, the young director was unmoved. He just asked him to go back and listen to the news after he finished his self-introduction.

The second is Charlie Sheen, Emilio's younger brother. The two are brothers, but with different surnames. Charlie was noticeably less aggressive than his brother. Ronald chatted with him a little more, and asked Susan to ask him about his acting experience.

Charlie is also much thinner than his brother Emilio, which is more in line with Ronald's character traits.

Susan Atkins felt that she knew better about auditions.

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The third is c. Thomas Hall. He and Ronald are old acquaintances, and they are the protagonists of Coppola's "Old Man."

Howl has changed a lot since he took the lead. He was accompanied by a manager who was in charge of his daily life. Among these people, he was the first to receive such treatment.

The fourth is the "urchin of the world" actor, Ralph Mazio. Play Howl's last friend who died.

He also has a manager, but he is obviously Latino. When asked, his relatives are in charge. Latinos are generally more concerned about the employment of relatives.

Ronald had the longest chat with him.

"Which of the four do you think is more suitable?" Susan Atkins remembered Weintraub's request and asked about Ronald's thoughts.

"I think Ralph Mazio is better", Ronald said what he really thinks, "Emilio is too fat to want poor single mother's son, Charlie Sheen and Thomas Hall are still underage People, the filming has to be supervised by the trade union. The filming time cannot be too long, and teachers must be equipped to learn.

And teens are not very good at teaching. When they perform, sometimes there are unexpected performances, which bring magic to the film, but more often, it is unstable. Sometimes preparing a scene takes a lot of time to communicate and persuade. "

Ronald remembered that when he was filming "Fast Pace", several underage actors were wasting time when they were filming nude scenes. If it wasn't necessary, he still wanted an adult actor to play Danny.

"But isn't Ralph Mazio also underage?" Susan Atkins looked at Ralph's appearance in the audition photo. "He seems to be a little younger than Charlie Sheen."

"Haha, turn it over and take a look, he's already twenty-two this year."

"What?" Susan turned over the audition photos. The resume said that Ralph Mazio was born in 1961 and was twenty-two this year.

"Isn't this a nonsense?" Susan Atkins couldn't believe it. Ralph looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Isn't this very good? He looks like a teenager even you would believe. We only recognize his age on his resume, and that's what he wrote in his Screen Actors Guild registration." It's still a fake twenty-two. In short, the crew can use him as an adult actor.

"I just can't believe it," Susan defended, turning over the picture of Ralph Mazio over and over.

"Let him show his driver's license next time," Ronald said.


"I'm going to process the audition tapes of these actors, and then go to Mr. Weintraub's house with you and Penny to watch the audition tapes at night." Ronald got up to get the audition tapes, ready to take them to the editing room, The clips of the four candidates are cut together.

"Okay, I'll talk to Jerry."

The group arrived at Weintraub's house in the evening and sat in his huge living room with a view of Beverly Hills. Ronald put the audition footage in the VCR, then took the remote and pressed play.

Weintraub flipped an electric switch and closed the curtains. In the dim light, all four of them approached the TV to watch the actors.

"I recommend Ralph Mazio. He has a baby face and is an adult. He is easy to shoot. I have seen his acting skills in the world of urchins, and it can be said that he is very good." After watching the audition video of the four of them, De did not press pause. The TV was snowing. He turned his head and told Weintraub about his thoughts.

"What do you think? Penny?" Weintraub turned to ask for an audition director's idea.

"I agree with Ronald, Ralph is really suitable, he is small, it makes sense to be bullied, and he is cute, and it is normal for Ali to be attracted to him. Most importantly, he has a stubborn energy. ', Penny said to Weintraub.

"Well..." Weintraub was silent. He saw that the two agreed, and he didn't want to decide on the spot. He still asked Susan for the real situation after a while.

"I'll give notice to all four of them to recall for a second audition and have them read the lines. Come along, Mr. Weintraub."

"Okay," Weintraub agreed.

"Zizi...pa", the snowflakes in the video tape suddenly disappeared, followed by an old Japanese man. Gray hair is half bald and a messy beard.

He looked at the camera and was answering Ronald's questions, but he didn't respond very quickly. He didn't seem to speak English very well. .

"Just like that, introduce yourself to the camera." The tape seemed to be Ronald's voice.

"The nest is called Morita. Nihao" replied the Japanese actor.

"Good, good. Where did you learn karate?"

"Wo, Dad, taught."

"I heard you were a fisherman in Ryukyu?"

"Oh, in Ryukyu, all Miyagi will do two things, fishing and karate."

"Hey!" Weintraub interrupted Ronald, "Where did you find this actor, he is Mr. Miyagi, he is Mr. Miyagi." Weintraub patted Ronald with his hands excitedly Tak's shoulders, "We have to find him, he is the natural Miyagi Masayoshi. What's his name?"

"He?" Ronald grinned wickedly. "He's Pat Morita."


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