Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 89 The Best Choice

The latest website: Sure enough, Weintraub suggested that Bruce Lee's former friend, Chuck Norris, who played the final villain of the Colosseum battle in "Dragon Fight", should be the action director, and invited him to play the role of "Cobra". "The character of Chris, the owner of the karate hall.

But Chuck Norris was not a good choice. The owner of the museum, Chris, has his own fighting philosophy. As a veteran of the Vietnam War, he believes in not leaving prisoners and striking first. This is the exact opposite of Miyagi-sensei's philosophy of not bullying the weak, and attacking the weak. These two philosophies are also the essence of the struggle between the protagonist Daniel and the enemy Johnny.

The problem is that Chuck Norris has no acting skills. He has a poker face all the time in the battle, and he has no expression. He has a big beard, and when he talks, he can hardly see any movement of his facial muscles. It is impossible for such a person to play any philosophical coaching role, only a warrior.

Weintraub has always had all kinds of whimsical ideas lately. Ronald has already figured out that this producer is essentially just a movie fancier. He often wants to gather stars in one movie and become a collector.

But sometimes, he has some reliable opinions, such as professional and amateur ideas for a while, so Ronald suspects that he has one or a few people in the industry as his staff, and communicates every few days.

Of course, Ronald has more important things to deal with now, that is, the choice of the heroine, so he did not discuss with Weintraub about the choice of this important supporting role for the time being, but only introduced Daryl Vidal to him as an action drama. Assistant joins the crew.

Two days later, bad news came. Two leading actress candidates, Leigh Thompson and Jennifer Gray, were both selected by director John Milius to play the female partisans in "Red Dawn."

When Ronald heard the news, he immediately booked a plane ticket to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he was going to meet Elizabeth Shue and persuade her to delay her studies at Harvard as much as possible to star in "The Dragon". This is not the best option in Ronald's existing casting range, but the only option.

Elizabeth Sue was very excited when she heard that Ronald wanted to confirm her as the heroine of "Longwei Kid", although she was already a twenty-year-old college student. A side glance.

"I'm so happy." Elizabeth Sue was still a baby face, and the baby fat had not completely subsided. She smiled and apologized to everyone. Seeing her lovely face, several Harvard students seemed to recognize her as "Burger King" girl", trying to strike up a conversation.

Now Ronald feels that her appearance is also very good, and she will be recognized by the audience as a middle school student.

"Okay, I'll let the producer contact your agent. A total of two months of filming, and two weeks of rehearsals before that,

The salary will be paid according to the standard. "

Relying on his personal relationship with Elizabeth Sue, Ronald came to see her first, so as to prevent the agent from interfering with it and taking the opportunity to coerce more remuneration and on-set treatment. As long as Su is willing, and the agent does not know that they have no more options, it is not difficult to sign this contract.

"Well, but I have to ask my parents for permission." Elizabeth Su was happy, and then she looked a little worried. She is the child of a wealthy family, and some things take into account the demands of her parents.

"I thought you were an independent girl." Ronald aimed at her psychology, trying to arouse Su's sense of independence.

"I know, um... it's just my tuition, my parents pay a lot. You know Wesleyan and Harvard are very expensive. I don't get paid enough for the commercials." After a year of college, I am not the naive high school student who shot a chewing gum commercial.

"I'll let the producer talk to your agent. I think it's enough for your next college tuition."

"Well, I have another idea. I have a younger brother, Andrew, who is also interested in acting. Can I give him a small role? That way my father and mother will tend to agree."

"how old is he?"


"I could put him on the scene, just as a student at the Cobra Dojo," Ronald replied.

"Okay, I have prepared the materials for applying for deferment of admission." Elizabeth Su showed a smile of "haha, I succeeded".

Without having time to visit the old Harvard campus, Ronald hurried back to Los Angeles. There are more auditions and preparations waiting for him here.

Daniel LaRusso's rival, Ali's ex-boyfriend Johnny's audition also began. This is the biggest villain in the movie, the opponent Daniel beats in the final to win the karate championship.

Emilio Estevez auditioned again. He's been out of luck lately, and his younger brother, Charlie Sheen, was picked by Milius to film "Red Dawn," but he wasn't seen.

"Anyway, if you can't play the protagonist, it's not bad to play the first villain." With this idea in mind, Emilio read a passage of Johnny's lines.

"What do you think?" Weintraub asked Ronald and the casting director as soon as Emilio finished reading his lines.

"He's a hunchback," said casting director DuPont. "His resume says he has wrestling experience, but I can't tell."

"I'm a little fatter, and I don't look like a middle school student." Ronald clearly objected, "Emilio Estevez's figure is completely adult. He and Ralph Ma Zio played Daniel sparring, and the audience won't believe that Daniel, who is like a chicken, has the possibility of winning."

Ronald doesn't like Emilio Estevez anyway. On the set of "Urchin Out of the World", he felt that he was competing with young men everywhere, and he was a little bit sloppy because of his father's position in the industry.

And he also wanted to pick Diane several times, and when he had a fixed girlfriend, he was completely "scumbag".

"I agree with you guys", Weintraub didn't expect them to like Emilio either, "I think Johnny should find a new person to play, so that the audience won't be disturbed by the role before the famous actor, but from the plot Judge them as bad people."

"The new idea is here again", Ronald thought, this judgment actually makes sense, and Weintraub asked him about the "high ginseng" again.

"I think this principle is very good. Even Chris, the owner of the Cobra Dojo, we'd better find a new person to play. Emilio has played the 'cheesy' in 'The World's Urchin', and the audience will not realize it. Thinking of him as a cheap character would interfere with the impression of Johnny Downey." Ronald took the opportunity to sell his idea, preferably without Chuck Norris.

"What you said makes a lot of sense, um." Weintraub looked at the role list, "Fortunately, the other players in the Cobra Gym, we use all the juniors of movie stars, they haven't acted in any movies, so Exactly."

"Okay, let's try the next one. Robert Downey Jr."

Outside the door, the assistant called in another audition actor to read the lines. Emilio Estevez hadn't left yet, he was chatting with his acquaintance Chad McQueen. Chad and his classmates who played Johnny and trained in karate at the Cobra Dojo came to see Weintraub and asked for treatment on the set.

Both sons of Hollywood male stars, Chad's father, the late Steve McQueen, was a bigger star than Emilio's father, Martin Sheen. So Chad's temper is even worse than Emilio.

"Yo, Emilio...why are you here again? You look downcast. Did Red Dawn miss you?" Chad McQueen confronted Emilio Esteve defiantly when he came up. Z said.

Next to Ron Thomas, and Rob Garrison, their parents did not have McQueen, so they also respected Chad in their daily play. Seeing that Emilio was deflated, they also came up to laugh at him "hehehe".

"Pfft, you are not even qualified to be the protagonist, you can only play supporting roles." Emilio was also unforgiving.

"Hey," Chad was about to explode, "Didn't you be cast on both sides? We can still play a supporting role, and it's an important supporting role. This is our first movie."

"Hey, Lao Tzu played a supporting role in 'Apocalypse Now' in the first movie."

"Really?" Chad McQueen asked his two followers in disbelief. "Did you guys see him when you were watching Apocalypse Now?"

"No, you're not bragging."

"It's just that it was cut off later." Emilio has a foothold in Hollywood and has many invitations. He doesn't want to talk to these ignorant second-generation stars.

"Don't be too happy, it's just a silly exploitative film, to coax children. Do you still want to be famous for this kind of film?"

Speaking of which, Emilio Estevez walked out of the audition office.

The three stars and the second generation looked at each other in dismay, wondering if the exploitative film he was talking about coaxing children was bragging.

"Don't listen to him, Chad, the whine of the loser."

"Go away," Chad McQueen pushed away the attendant who came to persuade him. "It's nothing special, the movie is to make yourself handsome, no matter what movie or role he plays." Chad took a sip. Nose, his late father, Steve McQueen, once said to him that male stars don't have to think about plot and dialogue, just show their temperament.

He looked towards the audition room, as if thinking of the scene where he showed off his power in the movie and beat the hero Daniel.

Inside the audition room, three people are interviewing for this actor named Robert Downey Jr. His father was a director who made low-budget films in New York.

"Have you practiced karate?" Weintraub asked.

"No, but I can act like it."

"Have you practiced any other martial arts?" Ronald added.

"No, but I played a supporting role in the Broadway musical 'Grease,' and I have a foundation in dance." Robert Downey Jr. did a few dance moves, but they didn't look very flexible.


"What do you think? The acting seems to be a little more feminine." Weintraub wrote his evaluation.

"The lines are very well read, but he can't handle the action scenes." Ronald thought of the dance moves he had just done. If it was a crane kick, he wouldn't be able to do it. That shot is the ultimate trick to defeat the opponent, and it is very troublesome to shoot with a double.

The "Next, Eric Stoltz" audition director ticks down the list.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Hi Ronald, see you again."

"Hello Eric, please read this line for us." Ronald saw the actor who played Sean Penn's sidekick on "Fast Pace."

"What do you think?" Weintraub didn't know if it was suitable, so he asked Ronald and Dupont.

Ronald also looked at the audition director. He and Eric Stoltz were the actors he chose for the film industry. Eric also greeted him, and in order to avoid suspicion, he asked DuPont to speak first.

"The appearance and movements are okay, but he is too quiet when reading the lines, and the lines are not powerful enough."

"Look at it then," Weintraub said.

Ronald wanted to laugh, this Eric Stoltz worshipped Sean Penn's method performance when he was on the "fast" set, and ended up imitating the method master, Marlon Brando kind "Hum" type of lines method, regardless of his identity or a fledgling boy.

"The next one is William Zaba... No, Ziba... No, Key..." Ronald encountered a surname he couldn't read again.

"William zabka." DuPont, the casting director, saved his life.

Ronald had a headache when he saw the name with two consonants stacked together, and heard that the name was of Eastern European descent.

"Good afternoon, my name is William Zebka."

An actor who looked tall and fit appeared in front of the three of them.

"Have you practiced any martial arts?" Ronald could see at a glance that the other party was a bit of a trainer.

"I was on the high school wrestling team, and I was a top three in interscholastic wrestling in Los Angeles."

"It turned out to be a peer," Ronald felt better about Zebka.

"Have you practiced karate?" Weintraub asked.

"No, but I have the foundation, so I shouldn't be slow to learn." Zebka is very confident.

"Please read this line," said casting director DuPont.

"Okay, we'll let your agent know when we have news," Dupont said after he had read the lines. Then he looked at Ronald and received a positive look.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Dupont asked curiously, seeing that he was not leaving.

"I, I wrote a biography for Johnny," Zebka took out a piece of paper.

"Oh, let's talk about it." Ronald became interested, and it seemed that the actor had done extra homework.

"I came up with a loose backstory to better 'feel' the character. I imagined Johnny had no father, and Chris of the Cobra Gym was the closest he'd ever come to a father in his life."

"Not bad." Ronald didn't write Johnny's backstory after Zebka left. Zebka's handling of it made the competition between Johnny and Daniel more fateful and a sense of the times. The divorce rate in America is now very high, and the children of single-parent families also account for a considerable proportion of the audience.

Such competition between the two, in addition to honor and Ali, also has a subconscious longing for a normal family life.

"I think he is the best choice." Weintraub is also very satisfied.


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