Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 100 8 Trigrams Gossip

Ronald couldn't watch the girl cry, he went to the front and picked up a disposable cup, took a cup of coffee, walked over and patted Susan Atkins gently on the shoulder, and handed it over.

Susan was frightened, even in Los Angeles, one of the most open cities in America, a woman who deliberately destroys a celebrity's family will arouse criticism from society and public opinion. And her father and Weintraub were friends of the same generation, which made it even more controversial.

Jane Morgan was a famous singer, and if the gossip newspapers reported it (and they certainly would), she would be a badass woman ever since.

She took the coffee and wiped away the tears, "I, I, ... Ronald, I have no intention of destroying Jerry and Jane's family. I just like Jerry, and I want to be with him."

Ronald comforted her gently, "It's okay, I know you're a good girl."

"Ugh..." Susan hugged Ronald's shoulder and cried.

Ronald took her to the lounge next to him and asked his assistant to help take care of her.

Susan looked up at Ronald. "Can you help me see Jerry? If he...I can quit..."

"Poor woman..." Ronald thought to himself, nodded and went out to find Weintraub.

Associate producer Charles Okun was in his seat, watching it all. After seeing Ronald go out, he also got up and followed slowly to watch the fun.

Jane Morgan walked out of the screening room quickly, her footsteps gradually slowing down. .

Weintraub, who turned out to be her agent, called Jane Morgan in the hotel early one morning and asked her to come down to discuss a matter of life and death. After Jane Morgan went down, Weintraub wooed her on the spot, and half an hour later they were on the same bed.

So Jane Morgan knew exactly what kind of slut her husband was, and this time she hooked up with Susan, the secretary.

She walked slowly on purpose, giving Weintraub a chance to catch up.

"Jane, I'm sorry." Weintraub came forward and grabbed Jane Morgan's shoulders with both hands.

Jane Morgan reached out to him, "Here!"

"What?" Weintraub asked inexplicably.

"A million dollars, as we said, pay me a check for a million dollars when you're messing around outside."

Weintraub was embarrassed,

He didn't expect to be so embarrassed by Jane Morgan at his age. Jane Morgan is probably not joking, but when she says it out, others will think she is joking. The more he did, the more embarrassed he became.

"Don't do that, Jane."

"I said, you're going to play with these beautiful young girls outside, and I'll make you pay the price. I just didn't expect that your taste has deteriorated."

Jane Morgan remembered the blond chick who was swimming at home last time, the so-called girlfriend of Ronald, who was much better than Susan Akins in both body and face. And Susan was just a fat, ordinary red-haired girl.

"I won't allow you to say that to her, you can punish me, Jane! But Susan is innocent." Weintraub became angry when he heard this, and refuted Jane Morgan face to face.

"What?" Jane Morgan looked shocked.

"Don't say that about Susan, I love her. Let's get a divorce." Weintraub said the word divorce painfully. When he snatched Jane Morgan from her ex-husband, he didn't expect to get to where he is today.

"You!" Jane Morgan didn't expect Weintraub to be real, and her blood surged all of a sudden, making her dizzy, she walked slowly towards the wall and reached out to support it.

Weintraub didn't see all this, he had already turned around and walked back to the screening room, looking for Susan.

Ronald came out just to see Weintraub blurted out the divorce sentence. Seeing Jane Morgan leaning against the wall, he hurriedly stepped forward and gently supported him.

"Jane? Ms. Morgan? Are you all right?"

"No, I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy, thank you." Jane Morgan, a big singer, quickly regained her demeanor. She patted Ronald on the arm and motioned him to help her to sit on the bench by the door. .

"I think Mr. Weintraub was just impatient for a while. When he calms down, he will..." Ronald saw that Jane Morgan seemed to be hit hard, and his temperament was a lot depressed, and he quickly spoke to comfort.

"No, I know Jerry. He's a man who acts on his intuition." Jane Morgan looked at Ronald, suddenly wanting to talk.

"He is a Jew from a low-level background. When he was my agent, he acted intuitively. I also fell in love with him at first sight, so I divorced my ex-husband and stayed with him."

Ronald had to sit down and listen to Jane Morgan, the famous singer is indescribably pitiful. He lost his marriage and love at this age, and then all the old things were turned up and hyped by the gossip newspapers. For play.

"I will promise him. When I married him, I said that one day he has a new lover, and he must tell me. I just didn't expect that this day would really come."

"Ms. Morgan," Ronald saw what happened to her, and felt even more pitiful than Susan in it, "I remember the last time I saw you, talking about Debbie Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor. , you told me that if you were, you would never be as weak as Reynolds and give up her husband to other women."

"Huh?" Jane Morgan seemed to come alive again when she heard this. "I said it, and you are right."

She thought for a moment and said to Ronald, "I'll wait for him here. Please go back and tell Jerry that when I die, I want to keep the title of Mrs. Weintraub on my tombstone."

"Okay," Ronald thought to himself, he had become a messenger between the three of them.

"As for Susan, I can pretend that he can't see her. He's not allowed to bring her into my house. And Christmas, Thanksgiving, my birthday, our wedding anniversary..."

When he said this, Jane Morgan's voice trembled, "Remembrance Day, these days, he must go home and be with the children."

Gu Feng

Ronald walked back again, and when he opened the door, he saw Associate Producer Charles Okun standing by the door, "Where did Weintraub go?"

Charles Okun pointed in the direction of Susan's lounge. Seeing him go over there, he began to figure out how he could benefit from this matter.

"Dangdang" Ronald knocked on the door of the lounge and pushed in.

Weintraub was sitting on the sofa, hugging Susan and talking, "Honey, I've had a showdown with Jane, and I'll divorce her."

"No, don't, it's my fault, I shouldn't have fallen in love with you, Jerry." Susan comforted Weintraub in return.

"Ugh..." Ronald cleared his throat, "Mr. Weintraub, Jane asked me to bring you a few words..."

Weintraub patted Susan's hand and stood up beside Ronald, "What did Jane say?"

"She said she wanted to engrave Mrs Weintraub's title on her tombstone after her death."

This is not agreeing to divorce, and you are going to die with yourself? Weintraub clenched his fists, a man willing to take on challenges, whether it be music, film, or his own personal life.

"It's not good for us..." Weintraub squeezed out a sentence.

"No, I think it's a good thing for the three of you." Ronald had a few more words to convey, first to give Weintraub a reassurance.

"Which side are you on? Don't forget that I hired you, and Susan has been saying good things about you." Weintraub didn't understand Ronald's implication. Teach him about his private life.

Associate producer Charles Okun, who was standing outside the door, heard Weintraub say the words in a raised volume and walked out contentedly. You can contact your partner right away.

Now that Weintraub is dissatisfied with Ronald, he only needs to collect Ronald's "crimes" as planned, and tell Weintraub together with the samples at the weekend. Saturday and Sunday were enough for Weintraub to fire Ronald and replace him with himself and his partner.

He found a phone and dialed a number, "Hey, Michael, you can get ready for action, that kid fell out with Weintraub, over his head."

The voice of Michael Cimino came over the phone, "You have done a good job, I will not treat you badly, I will set aside a special budget for you to use as a prop vehicle, and then I will also set aside enough Money to buy..." Cimino blew his nose repeatedly on the other side of the phone.

"Very well, you remember to stay awake in the past two days, and we have to prepare to find faults with his samples."

"Don't worry, that kid directs the film art of making exploitative films and moving a fart."


"I still have something to say," Ronald was dumbfounded when he heard Weintraub's questioning. He took Weintraubla aside, "Jane said she'd have to spend several reunion festivals with her as long as you don't bring Susan home..."

"Oh? What did you tell her?" Weintraub was surprised when he heard Ronald's message. This is a huge concession, and I don't know why Jane Morgan made such a concession.

"I just repeated what she said." Ronald repeated what he had persuaded Jane Morgan.

"I owe you one time," Weintraub patted Ronald on the shoulder heavily, "I have a lot of things to do in the future, so I won't be on the set for a few days. You take care of all the shooting yourself, probably I can spare time on the weekend and we can watch the demo together again.”

Weintraub regained his tycoon character, called an assistant, and sent Susan home first. Then went out to find Jane Morgan, and she went home first to negotiate.

As he was walking out the door, Associate Producer Charles Okun came up to him and said, "Jerry, when are we going to see the dailies? You asked me to pay attention to the quality of the dailies, I think there are still quite a few questions, when? Talk to Cimino?"

"It's the weekend, I guess I won't be free until then." Weintraub didn't have the heart to think about this at all. After a while, he quickly walked out of the screening room and found Jane Morgan. Then I chatted with her, then stood up, supported Jane Morgan, and the two found a driver and went home together.

Ronald stared at the assistants, put away the samples, then picked up tomorrow's bulletin and drove home in a Saab 900.

The next day was a few students from the Cobra Dojo. They saw Daniel playing football intimately with Johnny's ex-girlfriend, and then ended up smashing Ali's loudspeaker tape recorder and beating Daniel who came to fight the injustice. play.

While thinking about these shots in his mind, Ronald's phone rang.

"Hey, it's me, Ronald."

"Ronnie, it's me, Brooke. Finally got through to you. I'm going to send a clarification on that gossip."

"What gossip?" Ronald hadn't reacted yet.

"Ronald, it's me, Terry." Brooke's mother answered the phone, "When you brought Brooke back to Princeton that day, the paparazzi took a picture and it was published in today's 'National Enquirer'. On. Didn't you see it?

Oh, are you shooting a movie? I'm going to give Brooke an interview with those reporters outside Princeton tomorrow and deny you two are a couple.

Every time Bo Ji shoots a movie, there are actors who want to come together and borrow Bo Ji's popularity. 'Endless Love', 'Blue Coral Reef', every time the actor is like this, every time I have to take the initiative to ask the reporter to clarify. Now that Brooke is a little girl, she is not suitable for these scandals, you know? "

"Okay, how about you deal with it? Do you need me to do anything?" Ronald heard Terry's words, implying that he was also rubbing heat, and a sense of tiredness surfaced in his heart.

"There may also be reporters looking for you, as long as you follow our unified statement."

After Terry explained, Brooke took the phone again, "Ronnie, I'm sorry, it was an accident, it was dark that day, I didn't pay attention, in the photo, they used a telephoto lens, and they were far away. Taken anywhere."

"It's okay, you're America's sweetheart. Your mother has arranged things." Ronald wanted to hang up.

"Wait, Ronnie. I...I want to wait until spring break when you come back to New York so we can meet again."

Brooke Shields accented the word "spring break."

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