Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 10009 flies and magic

"Cut!" Ronald covered his face, suppressed the urge to laugh, and waved at the staff standing next to him, "I have to freeze again."

This scene is Daniel returning to Miyagi's home to continue training in basic karate skills. Miyagi is continuing his daily practice of catching flies with chopsticks. In the folk tradition of Ryukyu, a person who can pick up a flying fly with chopsticks can go anywhere without any advantage.

The staff member opened the screen and waved away the flies. He pulled another small freezer and carefully took out a new fly from it.

This is the famous "Fly Shepherd" in Hollywood. As long as you shoot a scene with flies, you can't miss this uncle who knows flies best in Hollywood. He carefully released the flies, and then said, "Hurry up, the freezing slows down the flies for only a minute, and after this time, they come back to life again."

"Hurry up, get ready to shoot!" Ronald quickly resumed shooting.

Ralph Mazio picked up a pair of chopsticks, waved them in the air, and clicked them a few times, but they didn't catch them. Gradually a minute later, Daniel still didn't catch it, the fly regained its strength, buzzed away from the small coffee table he was sitting on, and flew towards the camera.

"Cut!" Ronald waved his hand angrily, knocking the fly to the ground with a snap. I've shot it many times, but I just can't get it.

"Director, do you want to die?" The props team came over to discuss with Ronald. The poor fly was struggling desperately on the ground, flapping its wings, apparently foresaw the fate of the future.

The prop is tied with a very thin wire, and then the other end is passed into a long hollow tube, so that the wire slides inside, simulating the appearance of flies.

Ralph Mazio tried a few times, "snap", and caught the fly, "Miyagi master, Miyagi master, I clamped, clamped..."

Master Miyagi did not expect that his apprentice would catch the fly that he had tried unsuccessfully for many years, and he was so angry that he slapped his chopsticks on the table.

"Cut! How's it going?" Ronald asked the DP.

Director of photography James Crabbe shook his head slowly at him, "This fly can only move back and forth, and the amplitude of up and down, left and right is too small, not like the flight path of a normal fly at all.

"Hey..." Everyone sighed and had to come again.

The prop master came up with another way. He used a piece of black silk thread, which was tied to a two-meter long wooden stick, and the other end hung down naturally. Above, waving slightly, so that the silk thread below naturally flies freely like a fly.

"This fly is a little less fluffy," Ronald instructed, sipping his black tea. The yarn flew very lightly, but not as fluffy as a fly.

The props master looked around and found a chubby and cute man in a black sweater.

"What are you doing?" Chang Ji tried desperately to protect himself, but the props master didn't care, he took a few pieces from his beloved sweater, and then carefully glued the fine fluff to the end of the wool.

"Cut!" This time the director of photography made an OK gesture.

Daniel was very happy that he, a novice, was able to do what Master Miyagi could not do.

Miyagi was a little unhappy, and was robbed by Daniel.

He continued to let Daniel work on his home, first letting him take two large sand wheels and smooth the wooden floor. Then he asked Daniel to paint the outside walls of his yard and house.

"Pay attention to breathing, breathing, breathing... You do it first, I have something to do when I go out."

Daniel gradually became dissatisfied with Miyagi, especially after painting the walls of the house, Miyagi was still humming a ditty, and after asking him to come back to work at six o'clock the next morning, Daniel gave up completely.

Daniel felt that Miyagi took advantage of his desire to learn karate and asked himself to help him work for free. He worked for four days without learning any basic karate skills, and was so tired that he could barely lift his hands.

Master Miyagi noticed that Daniel's muscles were sore. He rubbed his hands to warm up and massaged Daniel's body. Daniel was made to scream in pain, and then he realized that he could no longer hinder his activities.


Ronald felt a little bit wrong after watching this performance.

Morita Noriyuki and Ralph Mazio both looked at him, wondering where he was acting wrong.

"It's none of your business, this episode needs to be retaken." Ronald announced that he would take a half-hour break, and he would rethink this episode.

"Ronald, isn't it great that we follow the script? Do you have any new ideas? If the shooting schedule is delayed."

Weintraub came over to have a chat. Producers are most afraid that the director will have new ideas in the middle of shooting, which will often lengthen the shooting cycle and cause budget overruns.

He felt that the audience in America couldn't understand what "magic skills" Master Miyagi had anyway, so he might as well make him a god and rub his hands to heal all injuries.

Ronald didn't agree with this kind of treatment. He didn't find it when he wrote the script according to the dream, but during the actual shooting, the "magic power" suddenly appeared, which was really very jumpy.

He might be able to coax children, but Ronald didn't want to make him into a movie that only teenagers loved.

The plot of a good movie can be very simple, but the details in the movie must stand the test, so that it can be remembered for more than 20 years.

"That's it, Jerry," Ronald thought for a while, comparing Weintraub and Susan and the two actors, "Star Wars director Lucas, Luke Skywalker early in the movie In the plot where every second of the escape is extremely precious, a minute was inserted to let the master Obi-Wan explain the principle of 'The Force'."

Weintraub nodded frequently. He now watches Ronald's dailies every day, and gradually trusts the young director more and more day by day. Cimino and the others always instilled him with a lot of theories every time they met. He made a lot of sense to hear it roughly, but when it came to the actual shooting, it was impossible to tell whether it was good or bad based on the actual shooting.

And what Ronald said, he could understand, "Understood, Master Miyagi is Master Yoda of Daniel Skywalker, and it happens that they speak a bit like, always saying inversions."

"That's it," Ronald felt that it was a good way to use the Star Wars metaphor, and everyone could understand, "Have you heard the concept of 'qigong'? I'm at the 'Asia Pacific Museum' in Pasadena, I met a Chinese-American Taijiquan instructor, Chao Li, who said about the concept of qigong, in which 'qi' can be injected into the acupoints of the human body, and pain can be cured."

Ronald took some of the things that the Chinese coach Asari gave him in the boxing manual, and chose some easy-to-understand things to tell Morita Noriyuki.

"Acupuncture points are the points on the meridians of the human body... Anyway, you can just hold on to this point and pretend to be inputting energy into it."

"The Force?" Morita Noriyuki also used the concept of Star Wars as an analogy.


Gu Po

Master Miyagi made a Taijiquan gesture, the sky is round and the place is full of emptiness, and then he pulled Daniel's arm and quickly tapped a few acupoints on the arm, and then used the grasping technique, rubbing up and down to quickly clear it. a few meridians.

"What happened? Daniel turned his arm and found that the pain accumulated over the four days was gone, and now his arm can be used freely again.

"This is called Qigong, a secret technique passed down from China to Ryukyu."

"How is this done, can I learn it?" Daniel's curiosity began to prevail again.

"Shut up!" Miyagi shouted violently, causing Daniel to concentrate very much in fright.

"Daniel-san, wax and polish me."

Daniel crouched down and made a waxing appearance.

"Hey...hey..." Miyagi-sensei found that the child was stupid again, "Stand up straight and do it."

"Wax, polish, wax, polish" Daniel did a few casually.

"Waxing!, Polishing! Pay attention to breathing, inhale... exhale..." Teacher Miyagi corrected him and made a note, so that he could do it well and be strong.

"Ah!, Ah!" Miyagi suddenly punched Daniel.

"Ah...ah..." Daniel, like a clockwork machine, automatically used waxing and varnishing techniques to block Miyagi's punches.

"Now do the sand style."

"Ah...ah..." Miyagi shot out two low-level hand knives, which were also guarded by Daniel's instinct.

"Painted Wall Style."

"Ah...ah..." This time Daniel blocked even Miyagi's kick.

"Ah ... ah ... ah ... ah ..." Gongcheng mixed his fists and fists. Daniel all used the wall to wash the car with the wall and washing the sand.

"Daniel-san, come back at six tomorrow morning." Miyagi bowed to Daniel.

"Hey..." Daniel also bowed deeply. He felt very miraculous. Just by working, he could master the basic skills of karate.

"Ah... alas..." Miyagi pulled Daniel, "Eyes, always look into each other's eyes, even when bowing and salute, don't look anywhere else."

"Shayonara", Miyagi looked Daniel in the eyes and said goodbye.

"Shayonara", Daniel began to be convinced by this master.

"It's very good." Susan Akins watched the samples printed on the same day in the screening room. She was already confident in Ronald's level. Miyagi's acupuncture and tendon techniques made her very motivated.

"Very good, tomorrow to Chatsworth reservation" Weintraub is also very satisfied.

Chatsworth is a large lake near the San Fernando Valley. It and the adjacent wetlands consist of a large piece of undeveloped land that belongs to the California government-designated reservation.

It used to be the Chatsworth Reservoir, but a geological survey after the California earthquake in the 1970s found it to be on a fault line. In order to prevent earthquakes, after draining the overloaded water in the reservoir, it has become a large lake with beautiful scenery.

"!" Ronald wore a sun hat and sunglasses, picked up the electric horn, and issued the order to start shooting.

On the quiet Chatsworth Lake, some wild ducks were crowing. On the right side of the camera, Daniel, played by Ralph Mazzio, was rowing desperately and slowly entered from outside the camera. After a long time, Ralph Mazzio When Odu was about to lose his strength, Ronald shouted:

"Cut! Change the close-up."

This shot of Ronald is to give the audience some ice cream to eat. After a long narration and lyricism, there is such a very literary rowing scene, the audience can soothe their emotions and prepare for the upcoming turbulent third act of the karate championship battle.

"Stand on the edge of the boat, practice basic skills, pay attention to breathing... um, don't scare my fish away." On the other side of the boat, Master Miyagi sat and threw out his fishing rod, "Balance is the key, balance well. , Karate is good, but the balance is not good, it is better to go home and not practice."

Daniel practiced "Waxing", "Sand", and "Painted Wall" while asking Miyagi if he also fought a lot when he was a kid.

"A lot of fights, but Miyagi doesn't like fights."

"Why? Didn't you learn karate for fighting when you were a kid?"

"There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky." Miyagi smiled at Daniel, "Did you come to learn karate for fighting?"

"No, I just want to not fight."

"Okay, Miyagi is optimistic about you."

"When can I learn to punch?" Daniel began to be curious again and was unwilling to continue practicing basic skills.

"Punch, you should practice the chicken first." Miyagi shook the boat vigorously, but Daniel didn't have a good balance and fell into the water.

"Ahaha, Daniel-san, you are really still pinching behind your ears (described as a person who is still fresh and inexperienced)."

"Why are you doing this, you are crazy." Daniel cursed in the waist-deep lake, and then shivered from the cold and climbed onto the boat.

"Remember the importance of balance." Miyagi took out a blanket and covered him.

"Cut!" Ronald gave an order, and Ralph Mazio's manager rushed up and wrapped him in a cotton coat. The water in Chatsworth Lake in late autumn was already very cold, and Ralph Mazio didn't have to act at all, and he shivered from the cold.

The DP made an OK gesture, and Ronald hurriedly sent Ralph Mazio to the trailer to change his clothes.

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