Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 136 The emotional design of the ending part

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"There is a fire hazard here, everyone, I repeat, no smoking is allowed, or fireworks are set off indoors, fire extinguishers must be ready..."

Weintraub convened a short meeting in the editing room to highlight fire safety.

Everyone didn't know why, so they checked the fire extinguisher reserve, and the editing assistant went out to practice the use of fire extinguishers. Then I came in and started the daily editing work, which was delayed for half an hour.

"Is anyone smoking in the editing room? Next time I'm going outside, it's all film, it's very dangerous." Ronald inhaled, but there was no smell of smoke. I don't know why Weintraub went out of his way to state the importance of fire protection.

"No, how dare we smoke in the room full of film, we go to the open space outside to smoke." Several editing assistants and editors shook their heads in denial.

"Jerry, what's the matter? Did some company's film burn?" Ronald asked Weintraub, who had just entered the room.

"Didn't you watch the news? That black singer had an accident," Weintraub came over and said to Ronald.

"Who? What accident?"

Weintraub turned on the TV in the editing room, and the news was full of news of Michael Jackson being rushed to the hospital for an accidental fire and burns.

Busy editing every day, Ronald is a bit of an afterthought to the news.

It turned out that when Michael Jackson was filming the latest Pepsi commercial, he unfortunately encountered a fire and suffered burns on his scalp and face, and was taken to the hospital. The doctor said that MJ was not in danger...

The stunned Ronald thought it was a bit ridiculous. It was just an advertisement, and it was not an action movie with dangerous stunts. How could he still get burned?

He called to arrange an agent and wanted to see MJ. However, because there were too many people to visit, MJ still needed to rest, so I just called MJ's team to condolence on behalf of Ronald.

After a few more weeks, the first editing of "Longwei Kid" was basically completed, which lasted about two hours and twenty minutes. Ronald began to refine each editing point, trying not to waste time in each place and not affect the content. , cut out a few seconds, a dozen seconds, to make the movie more compact.

If the first cut version is about 20% longer than the scheduled time, then this method similar to the Chinese food's method of slowly boiling the soup and collecting the juice can remove the 20% of the redundant shots.

Ronald's filming has always been more precise, and the final result can already be formed in his mind before filming starts. Therefore, as long as you think about where to put the scissors every day, the technical difficulty is not too difficult, but it only takes some time.

Fortunately, Ronald spends more than ten hours in the editing room every day, plus some shots in his dreams for reference, so by the end of February, the fine-cutting has been completed and the soundtrack work has begun.

Bill Conti has completed the soundtrack for the pan flute instrument, with a total of nine stanzas. Start adding them to the movie separately, and then slowly fine-tune the time.

Weintraub is happy that the movie will be finished soon, and sits by the mixer every day, watching his beloved film take shape day by day.

"The pan flute here is very suitable for this scene of Master Miyagi. He said that karate is in the mind, in the heart, not on what belt you tie, what do you call this?" Weintraub looked at this paragraph The soundtrack is greatly appreciated.

"The music of this pan flute is a 'boost'. Before Miyagi was just a repairman, although he rescued Daniel from a few boys in the Cobra Dojo, the audience has not yet realized how powerful he is.

It was not until this philosophical speech was spoken here to characterize his martial arts that the audience, like Daniel, regarded Miyagi as a real martial arts master. "

Ronald explained to their layman producer that this piece of music matched the language of the camera, zooming closer to Miyagi, making him look taller.

"That's right, that's the boost, I feel like he's grown taller all of a sudden," Weintraub said, "Your soundtrack is very good, very oriental.


Bill Candy smiled. In fact, more of the credit is due to the zoom lens. The soundtrack here is not the protagonist, but a booster. But the boss praised, there is no need to refute.

"The rhythm here is a bit wrong." Ronald continued to watch the soundtrack, and when he saw the soundtrack of the final gold medal fight, he pointed to the monitor to the two of them.

Weintraub hadn't seen this part yet, so he fell down on the table and watched it carefully on the small monitor.

In this episode, Daniel and Johnny are tied 2-2 in the final. Whoever scores the last point can become the champion.

Daniel's left foot had been kicked by other players in the Cobra Dojo before. Although he had received acupuncture treatment from Master Miyagi, he was kicked by Johnny with a sweeping leg in the final and the old injury recurred.

He had no other way but to use the unique "crane kick".

Daniel lifted the injured leg slightly off the ground, raised his arms in the posture of a white crane hanging its wings, and then the camera showed his injured leg.

Daniel, who was not confident, glanced at Mr. Miyagi. Miyagi also felt that things were not good, so he nodded and agreed. This was Daniel's last chance.

The camera cuts to Johnny again, he doesn't know why, he doesn't know what Daniel means when he stands up on one leg and looks like the middle door is wide open.

The camera then cuts back to a close-up of Daniel's face. He deliberately glanced at his left foot, and then his eyes returned to Johnny's chest.

Johnny doesn't care what tricks the other party is playing, he just moves forward.

The camera returns to Daniel's left foot, a feint.

Johnny seemed to understand that he was going to kick his upper body with his injured leg and score a surprise score. Anyway, in karate competition, as long as you hit the effective part of the opponent, you will score points. His hands were down to protect his chest.

The camera returns to the panorama here. It is a low camera position, and the panorama of the battle between the two players is taken from the side.

The low position made the two look very tall. Johnny rushed in front of Daniel and wanted to punch each other in the face to KO.

Daniel kicked a crane and hit Johnny in the head, taking away the final point.

Next is the shot of Ali and Daniel's mother rushing up to hug him.

Weintraub also pressed the stop button and asked Ronald, "What's the problem here? I think it's good. The climax of the soundtrack coincided with Daniel's trick score."

Ronald smiled, "Of course, there is a reason for this. But we already knew that Daniel was the winner in the end. And the audience didn't necessarily know.

Why not keep a suspense here. Let the climax of the soundtrack come after that crane kick? "

"Why? Isn't it like this in the movies?" Weintraub hadn't figured it out yet.

"That's it", Ronald rewinded the film again, "We started here, and we have done a lot of foreshadowing. Daniel's old injury relapsed, and the audience thought he was going to collapse in the final, but it ended with regret. This gave the audience A feeling of disappointment, even though it was so hard, it didn't work in the end.

But Danny didn't give up. After making eye contact with Miyagi and agreeing, he desperately used his own practice.

Johnny was strong and he rushed over. Daniel deliberately gave up defense like this, how did he win in the end? He mobilized the opponent's attention and made two consecutive fake moves, making Johnny's head defense gone. "

Ronald paused before the ultimate crane kick came out, "Now the audience is still guessing, will Daniel win in the end? How did he win? How does this pose make a trick? When the crunch is close, the climax of the soundtrack enters..."

Ronald started to play at a normal speed, and when the climax of the soundtrack had entered a second, it paused before the crane kick flew, "Here, the audience was leaked the ending in advance, they were expecting a unique trick from the sky, from their Imagination is flying to solve problems. The soundtrack has already told them that Daniel will win next."

"Well, I see what you mean." Musician Bill Candy understood what Ronald meant. You want the climax of this soundtrack, not to guide the audience's emotions. Instead, come in after the crane kick is successful. Let them fully express their emotions, and then enlarge it? "

"Yes, that's it." Ronald put the knob to the playback position, "We used the entire movie to make enough foreshadowing. Miyagi also said that if the crane kick is used correctly, the opponent can't defend.

The audience's emotions are already looking forward to the final ending. There is no need to remind the audience like those shoddy exploitative films that they don't know the trick below. "

"Brilliant strategy, very good, I'll revise it again." Bill Candy is very satisfied, and he rarely learns something from his cooperation with the director.

"What you said, I'm looking forward to the high-level officials in Colombia, and the expressions on their faces when I saw this movie." Weintraub explained that Ronald's changes would be more beautiful. Few movies are so carefully designed, Let the audience respond immediately every time they think of something.

"Huh? We seem to have missed a shot here." Ronald looked at the screen on the monitor and slipped to the end.

"What lens?" Weintraub wondered.

"Look, this movie actually focuses on the father-son relationship between Miyagi and Daniel. When we got here, Daniel was hugged by Ali, and finally he was a beautiful woman. My mother also came up to care and congratulate, and she was respected by his opponent Johnny. He conceded defeat and also won the trophy. What he thinks most now is to celebrate with Miyagi-sensei?

We just filmed him saying 'We did it, Master Miyagi! ', is it followed by a satisfied smile of Master Miyagi? "

Ronald played the last few seconds of the film over and over again, "At that time, it was aimed at Morita Noriyuki, and it was a medium shot. In fact, there should be a close-up here. Miyagi was also smiling at Daniel and nodding in appreciation.

That way the audience can be emotionally rounded, a victory between two interracial fake fathers and fake sons. "

"You're right," Weintraub also watched the replay, "I'm going to call Morita Noriyuki, I hope he didn't shave his beard."

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