Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 146 Premiere Explosion

May 4th.

"Break Dance" was screened simultaneously in 1,069 theaters across the country. Now is a relatively weak schedule, and there are not many new films. After all, no one wants to be sniped by the sequel to the blockbuster Magic Palace. MGM thus helped to grab more theater releases.

However, it is still not as good as "Sixteen Candles" released by Universal, the film directed by John Hughes, which has won 1,240 theaters. That movie had a budget of more than six million, and was more valued by comparison.

Ronald came to a Universal Theater in West Hollywood. MGM's expectations for "Break Dance" were not high, and they did not hold a formal premiere. Instead, the main creative team came to a large cinema to watch the movie with thousands of audiences. A live performance and a question-and-answer session were then arranged.

Minahan took this seriously, recruiting a few nurses just in case no one asked questions.

But from the beginning of the film, Minahan knew he was overthinking.

The opening scenes of breakdance made the audience start to marvel.

Lucinda Dickie was in the restaurant. After her part-time job, she went to the dance studio opened by Franco to practice dancing. Franco grabbed Kelly and after a while of compliment, hinted that as long as Kelly committed herself, he would let her participate in the dance. Contest, be your own dance partner.

Kelly refused this kind of power and sex deal. She and her friend Ayton, who danced together, came to the hip-hop scene in Venice Beach to watch breakdance for the first time, and the audience began to burst into exclamations.

The bikini beauty flashed in front of the camera, Jean-Claude Van Dan in black tights did a backflip, and three hip-hop boys danced a floor dance in unison.

The appetizers have made the audience forget to eat popcorn and stare blankly at the screen. It wasn't until Falcon challenged Motor and Cyclone for the first time that the two left with Kelly that the audience began to regain their ability to think.

Everyone grabbed the popcorn and ate it together, and drank the Coke together.

"Hiccup..." A swallowing sound was made almost simultaneously, interrupting the film's lines.

Ronald looked very excited from his seat. Breakdancing, a dynamic and rhythmic dance, appeared on the big screen for the first time, and it had such power that the audience forgot to drink Coke!

Kelly, played by Lucinda Deitch, invited Motor and Whirlwind to her jazz dance class after seeing breakdancing. Let them see their jazz dance too. The two breakdance masters didn't appreciate the old jazz dance very much, so they broke danced.

When her teacher Franco found out that Kelly brought Ye Luzi's hip-hop dancers to the dance classroom and incorporated the movements of jazz dance later,

She was sternly stopped.

The audience booed again.

Most of the people watching today are teenagers, who, in their opinion, should be booed as an old fashioned jazz dance. Break dancing is the dance they should dance and appreciate.

The camera moves to the convenience store where Motor and Cyclone work. Motor goes out with a broom and dances a motor-broom dance.


The whole movie theater seemed to explode.

"What's this?" Viewers couldn't believe their eyes, they saw something groundbreaking on TV. This spacewalk is even more exciting and natural than Michael Jackson's at the Motown concert.

Then the motor volleyed the broom with his hand, as if he was really walking on the moon, and the broom was free from the fetters of gravity and danced with him.

The camera then turned to the motor and the whirlwind dancing with people in the basement, and the audience was once again stimulated. The confrontational dance is even more exciting than the single-player routine.

Kelly's new agent also persuaded her not to entangle too much with street dancers, but to focus on little jazz dance. Kelly had a big quarrel with him, saying that he didn't understand the beauty of hip-hop at all, and asked him not to see it with his own eyes, so he shouldn't belittle it.

In the end, the agent was persuaded by Kelly to go to the basement to watch the fight dance together. After Kelly joined this time, the trio outperformed the opponent Falken's trio in terms of appearance and dance routines.

Overwhelmed by the novelty of the dance, the agent managed to sign up the trio for a Broadway spot with Franco from Kelly's original dance class.

The film thus enters the midpoint, and the audience begins to soothe their emotions, eat popcorn, and prepare for the end of the second act.

The agent found them a place to go to the dance organizer's luncheon. In the garden outside the mansion, the celebrities began to dine.

Two ladies who came to the banquet, seeing Maa wearing a rented suit, thought he was a black waiter, and raised their hands to let him serve.

Mo Ma got angry and brought a cheese plate and brought it in front of them, "Do you want some pig's head cheese?"

"no, thanks."

Disgusting walks the two ladies' motors and finds Cyclone blaming each other again with Kelly's ex-dance teacher Franco. It turned out that Franco saw Kelly and Whirlwind together, and he was jealous, saying that their dance was a low-class dance, and they could not participate in the elegant jazz dance competition, and threatened to disqualify them.

Whirlwind was humiliated and left with Ma Ma.

Kelly was also pissed off by Franco, saying that she was in the same class as the whirlwind and the motor, and not in the same class as a dancer like him who flattered these rich ladies.

The agent assures that Franco can't decide their eligibility, and Kelly drives to Motor and Cyclone to find them for a dance competition together.

Mada taught children how to break dance at home, while Cyclone was alone on the beach. Kelly found them and tried to convince them to race together.

Cyclone said that he did not participate in the competition to win prizes, but to promote breakdancing, a dance form that is truly free.

The whirlwind pulled Kelly to the beach, and the two watched the amazing dance of the paralyzed "hand man" together.

"How the fuck does this dance?"

"He seems to be disabled, doesn't he?"

"Isn't he on crutches? You see that his lower limbs are different from normal people. It must be polio."

"Then why he can still perform such dance moves, I think it is better than the gymnasts of the Souville Union."

The audience has ignored the plot and began to discuss it loudly.

This dance shocked them too much. If it weren't for the scene of "hand man" leaning on crutches, the audience would not believe that he was disabled anyway.

Cyclone, Motor, and Kelly, the trio competed. Finally jumped onto the judge's table and broke dance.

The chief judge, played by Roger Coleman, was smoking a big cigar, nodding and stomping happily, and he was very happy to watch.

Franco stepped forward and asked the judges to disqualify the trio, otherwise he would retire.

Roger Coleman exhaled a large smoke ring, "Then hurry up and don't stop me from watching the breakdance."

"Hahaha..." The audience was also amused. The bad guys were pulled out of the field, and the trio won the championship and started to hold hands and turn around to celebrate the victory.

The emotions of the audience were lifted, and some people began to applaud to celebrate the three leading actors winning the championship and realizing their dreams.

"I'm sorry, it's impossible for you to perform musicals on Broadway at this stage. Maybe there will be such musicals in 20 or 30 years. If you want to enter Broadway, your top priority is to promote this form of dance. . Go on TV to dance, train new dancers, that's what you should be doing."

The judge, played by Roger Coleman, said something to the trio. Although they won the championship, it is impossible to enter Broadway right now.

After the audience was delighted that the trio won the championship, they felt the real problem. It seems that they are still focusing on cultivating newcomers and striving for TV shows for the time being.

The trio started to teach children how to dance by the beach. A man in a leather jacket and trousers studded with diamonds approached, "You dance very well, can you join us?"

"It's MJ!"

"No wonder he can skywalk, it was Ma who taught him."

This real ending raised the audience's emotions sharply.

The movie freezes on MJ breaking dancing with Motor, Cyclone, and Kelly.

After the electronic note of "Biu Biu Biu", a red background appeared on the screen, and the white subtitles read:

"Stay tuned, Breakdance Sequel - Electronic Boogaloo"

Then the subtitles began to rise, and Ronald read it carefully, including the main group performers such as "Handman", and the staff of the crew, all included subtitles.

Finally, "Special thanks - Michael Jackson."

At the same time, the audience began to give a standing ovation, shouting loudly, asking the three leading actors to come out and perform live breakdance.

Minahan tried to get on stage to maintain order, was hugged by the enthusiastic audience, dragged him to go up, and two teenage girls, who just tapped him on the face several times.

With no choice, Boogaloo Prawn, Sabado, and Lucinda Dickey took to the stage to perform live breakdance to Ice T's rap music.

In the dance of the three leading actors, every movement attracted the cheers of the audience below, and some people followed on the spot.

Until Shabadu and Bougalo prawns did back spin and head spin respectively, and then the two of them appeared one by one, leaving the middle of the field. With headbands and leg warmers on, Lucinda Deitch landed on the ground with a front flip, then began to spin her back too.

"Ow, ow..." The audience was completely boiling, rushing up to grab the stage, not letting them go.

Minahan rushed out to call the police in a hurry. Ten minutes later, the police arrived and pulled up the human wall before letting the three leading actors retreat to the lounge from the enthusiastic audience.

"In the future, you should report to the office earlier." The senior detective who led the team told Minahan how to deal with the premiere with a big star.

"I don't know...how do I know...the audience is so enthusiastic, the audience is crazy." Minahan was so tired that he sweated profusely and took out his handkerchief to wipe it frequently.

"Did you invite that star in your movie?" the inspector asked. Such enthusiasm can only be seen at the premiere starring a big star, but today the audience is also a bit wilder.

"It's the three of them." Ronald stepped forward and pointed to the three leading actors, "They are the stars of the night."

"Motor... Whirlwind... Kelly..."

The audience outside the door was still reluctant to leave because they didn't know who the actor was and could only repeat the character's name.

"You three stars, it's better to go out to meet their requirements and sign their autographs, otherwise they won't leave tonight." The detective is experienced and knows that such an enthusiastic audience is difficult to pass up.

The three leading actors looked at each other, and this became famous?

The three of them had never practiced autographing at all, so they took the signature pen given by the movie theater, and the three of them walked out.

"Ah, oh..."

The crowd began to riot again, and the inspector repeatedly shouted to them many times to line up. This is just a few rows, waiting to be signed.

The three leading actors were patient and signed the names of the audience for more than half an hour.

Minahan called for the van, and the three of them squeezed out hard and got into the car to run.

The cinema was enthusiastically delayed for a long time, and the second "breakdance" was delayed. They heard the movement in the first game outside, and they were all very excited, urging them to enter the arena. Even the necessary cleaning time was shortened to a minimum. When the ground was still being cleaned, the audience broke through the ticket gate and entered the arena to find a place.

Ronald never imagined that this "Break Dance", which he casually filmed and cost less than one million dollars, could evoke such a response. He was so excited that he didn't know what to do. Looking at the ticket office, there are still many spectators of the first game, waiting to buy tickets for the third game.

Ronald also leaned over and saw that on the filming list above, there was also a new film, "Sixteen Candles", which was released at the same time tonight. The staff at the counter over there was also transferred over to open two rows to handle "breakdance" tickets.

Ronald, who opened his mouth wide, looked at the crazy scene, and he was inexplicable.

He drove to another movie theater to see what was going on.

Although it was not as popular as the premiere theater where the actors were seen, at the beginning of the second show, the box-office stars of breakdance began to explode, surpassing that of Universal's marketing efforts next to it, placing display boards and posters everywhere with "Ten" Six Candles".

There are also a number of old films that have been released for a few weeks, and they have also been beaten by breakdance. Cinemas have begun making temporary adjustments, freeing up halls for breakdance screenings, in the hope of selling more tickets.

"My god, why are you so crazy?" Ronald looked at all this, and he didn't know what happened.

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