Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 172 New Character Recommendation

Helen Slater was quickly informed that she had been chosen to play Marty's girlfriend, and she began working on "Back to the Future", where she began script readings and rehearsals.

Ronald continued to visit old friends all by himself.

Jim Cameron is busy in the post-production of "Terminator" special effects, soaking in the editing room for more than ten hours a day. Fortunately, his girlfriend Gail Heard understood him very well at this time, not clamoring for him to go home with him like his ex-wife Sharon.

Cameron and his ex-wife have completed the divorce procedures, and it seems that Cameron will soon be able to marry Gale and go home.

Another old friend, Cameron Crowe's new film "The Fire of St. Elmore" has finally confirmed the director, Joe Schumacher, who is two meters tall.

He started out as an artist and has been working as an art director, and "The Fire of St. Elmo" is his director's first medium production.

"Ronald, you have to help us, help your old friend Cameron." Joe Schumacher speaks loudly and is a very straightforward big man.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Ronald greeted Crow with a nod.

"Our biggest problem now is casting. This is a group photo, Cameron has already told you. We need to find four handsome men and four beautiful women, all of whom are college classmates. You are the most familiar youth in Hollywood. Actor's director."

"Hey..." Ronald sighed after reading the script, these eight characters all need acting skills, not like Helen Slater and Brooke Shields. As for the actresses around me, it seems that only Diane Lane can do the job.

Ever since Ronald's "Fast-Paced Richmond High School" ushered in the age of teen movies in Hollywood, and through the expansion of films such as Coppola's "Old Boy", the seven major studios are now investing as much in teen movies. very high.

The problem is that there are not enough male and female actors of the right age. Often an actor has to be scrambled by several films. Everyone doesn't like to train new people, but stares at those actors who have proven their strength.

Ronald, as the director who started this trend, has made good friends with many young actors, and is now the object of many teenage film directors to please. He said a word, maybe the actor will choose his own movie.

"Four men and four women, haven't you got any of them?" Where can you find eight famous actors?

"We have to pick up after others," Cameron Crowe complained to Ronald, pouting at the opposite office.

"Oh, that's John Hughes' office, and his 'The Breakfast Club' is on?" Ronald asked.

"Yeah, he's also good at casting. I'm staring at him now, and when he shuts down, I'll grab someone." Joe Schumacher said with a laugh.

There's no shame in admitting that I can't find the right actor, and I'd rather not direct this movie if I don't have the right actor.

"Who do you like?" Ronald asked. "Molly Ringwald?"

The young red-haired actor, John Hughes' muse, saw a picture of Ringwald and was able to write a script for her.

"She's not yet an adult. I filmed college graduates, so I only found older actors from him to pretend to be those who were high school students."

The two actors in "The Breakfast Club" were not considered because they were really high school students.

Ronald looked back at Cameron Crowe.

"It's Emilio Estevez, Andrew McCarthy, and Judd Nelson," Crowe replied.

"Are two other acquaintances?" Ronald remembered Emilio, the eldest son of star Martin Sheen, and Andrew McCarthy, who had starred in Pepsi and Burger King commercials with Elizabeth Shue.

"The female character also found an Ellie Siti from the opposite side. We still need a handsome guy who is beautiful. And a more independent actress, beautiful and independent, who will chase boys backwards. ."

Joe Schumacher talks about who he wants Ronald to help recommend. Another female character is not good-looking, and a little older than a college graduate, they can handle it themselves.

"Have you found Tom Cruise?" Ronald was the first to think of this handsome guy. You don't want to be beautiful.

"We went to Paula, but she chose Ridley Scott's 'Legend' for Tom. He'd be the perfect fit, and it's hard to find a 'beautiful' actor like him."

"Pretty" is not often used to describe male actors, and Ronald remembers hearing it somewhere.

By the way, "Where's Rob Lowe? Have you tried it? It's the one who played the second brother 'Soda Soda' in Coppola's 'Out of the World'. It's definitely a beautiful boy, and girls don't like it. The legs are so pretty." Ronald thought of the actor who played ping pong with him on the set.

"Let's get in touch now." Joe Schumacher hadn't seen Rob Lowe, an actor more beautiful than Tom Cruise, but since Ronald recommended it, he arranged an audition immediately.

"Girls, independent..." Ronald looked at the remaining actress candidates and wanted not to contact Diane first. The other party has enough acting skills and can play any personality, but she has rejected her own. recommended role.

"Ronald, you are here, hahaha. Congratulations." Ned Tanin, the former vice president of Universal and now the executive producer of the two production crews, heard the tip from the secretary and rushed over to give Rhona De say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Tanin, hahahaha..." Ronald greeted him with a hug. Looking at this conservative and somewhat stodgy executive now, I can't help but think that Zemeckis gave his surname to the villain Biff in "Back to the Future."

"Call me Ned, Ronald. We're old friends." Tanin pulled Ronald away from Cameron Crowe to his office and poured him a fifteen-year-old Scotch. .

"Why are you free today? When will we collaborate on a movie? I'm very optimistic about you."

"I'm here to see an old friend, Crow, who was my co-writer on the 'Fast Pace' debut."

"If you want me to say, don't watch that exploitative film, it's all old-fashioned stories, completely copying the structure of 'The Great Cold'. But John Hughes' new work seems a bit interesting. I heard that many people around the world are talking about Hughes. Good words, say that he is as talented as you.

It only cost a million dollars anyway, so I let him do it. "Tanin drank the wine in his glass proudly.

Ronald smiled, Crow's screenwriting works, he is not easy to criticize.

"How about you, go and watch John Hughes' production for me? I'm absolutely assured of his screenwriting ability, but the box office of his last movie was severely suppressed by your 'breakdance', I Still a little worried. As long as you can nod your head, I can rest assured."

"There's nothing wrong with doing this, but I can't be a producer, and I don't want to get involved in other people's directing work." Ronald hadn't seen this colleague for a long time, but he still insisted on one principle, It just can't be used as a spare tire to monitor others.

"What's wrong with this, just go to the studio to help me see, just as a friend?" Tanin saw Ronald let go, and hurriedly finalized the matter.

"Let's go meet him first, he's auditioning for an actor."

Ronald followed Tanin again to the office opposite Cameron Crowe's crew.

The door was closed, and inside John Hughes was auditioning for another female role. "Okay, if there is further news that you need to come back to audition, I will notify your agent."

Unlike "St. Elmo's Fire", "Breakfast Club" tells the story of high school students, five students from different backgrounds, who were punished at the same time for some things, and went to school on Saturday to be closed.

In addition to his muse Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall, two actors who participated in "Sixteen Candles", John Hughes couldn't find any more young actors for a while, only put Low requirements, find adult actors to play tender.

Actors Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, and actress Allie Sheedy were overaged to play high school students, and Hughes wanted to imitate Ronald and Cameron Crowe, Get them back to high school beforehand to get a feel for it.

Speaking of which, the script of this movie was still inspired by Cameron Crowe's "fast pace", and put different labels on the hero and heroine, representing a typical type of high school student.

He had never thought about whether "The Breakfast Club" should have five main characters or six. It's really hard to find another suitable actress. I tried my best and couldn't find it. It's better to just delete a female student. Three boys and two girls can make the story more compact.

"Okay, I get it." The actress who auditioned felt Hughes' indifference. She knew that she had little hope. The way of an actress' battle is to find a successful candidate in the despair of failing auditions again and again. hope.

"It looks like they're over for the audition," Ronald and Tanin, who were resting in Joe Schumacher's office, heard the door open opposite.

"Let's go and talk to Hughes." Ronald greeted Crow and took Ned Tanning to the door, ready to reunite with John Hughes.

"Kick...Kick...Kick" The actress who failed the audition in leather boots passed in front of them. She walked out of the aisle, found a scooter made by Dongying, then took out a helmet, and with a flick of her long black hair, she was about to put it on.

Ronald was attracted by the sound of footsteps, turned his head to look, and saw this scene inadvertently.

He stood still, looking at the attractive posture of this beauty and thinking, "So independent and beautiful, isn't it very suitable for the 'St. Elmo's Fire' over there?

"Ronald, what's the matter with you?" Tanin and John Hughes, who came out of the door, looked at Ronald not moving his legs, and then looked at the actress.

"Oh..." John Hughes pushed up the big black-rimmed glasses, "Would you like me to introduce you to me?"

"Demi, Demi!"

"What? Do you still have roles for me to play? I don't mind a small role." A slightly hoarse sexy voice came, and the motorcycle girl was Ronald's old acquaintance, Demi Moore.

"Oh, Shxt!" Demi just put down her helmet and saw Ronald on the opposite side, "Ronald, is that you?" Demi couldn't help thinking of the past, this man made himself want to use his relationship to get the lead role It is a pity that the dream was shattered.

And he is so good now, friends are talking about this talented director, if the "Longwei Kid" starring him is so good, isn't his charm much better than that young Elizabeth Su?

"It seems that you have a 'history'," Tanin laughed.

"She was an advertising model for my early photographer business," Ronald explained. "Demi!"

He stopped Demi Moore and walked to her with long black hair, "There is another movie here, you can try it."

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