Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 174 The Great Commander Meets

The commander's office called and said that he would meet Ronald and the two actors of "Break Dance" at the White House. In order to honor the three young people, they would speak out to all races and disadvantaged groups in America. Through the art of film, perfection It embodies the unity of America.

The Olympic Games to be held in Los Angeles and the Paralympic Games to be held in New York were both boycotted by the Eastern Bloc, headed by the Soviet Union. The vast majority of Eastern European countries in the Eastern Bloc, as well as Cuba in Latin America, and African countries such as Angola, boycotted the Olympics.

Only Yugoslavia and China did not participate in the boycott. Mainland China, in particular, sent a delegation to participate for the first time after 30 years of absence from the Olympics.

The official reason for the boycott given by the Soviet Union was that America had set off great-power chauvinism and anti-Soviet hysteria despite the racial and discrimination problems in its own country.

The practical reason, as everyone knows, was in retaliation for the boycott of the Moscow Olympics by America and its allies four years ago.

The former secretary-general Yuri, who took the moderate route, had already planned to send a delegation to the competition and trained a huge team of athletes in China, but the new secretary-general returned to the confrontation path of the former secretary-general and called the brakes on the competition.

Therefore, before the opening of the Los Angeles Olympic Games, the commander met the three main creators of "Breakdance" at the White House: director Ronald, black starring "Bougallo Prawn" Michael Chambers, who has been handicapped with inconvenient legs Latino, "Hand Man" Eddie Rodriguez.

In order to counter the frequent accusations against America by the Ministry of Truth of the Souvelle Union, the commander eagerly hoped to show the unity of all races and disadvantaged groups in America.

Another reason to meet with them was the president's urgent need to push his bill limiting the minimum drinking age in the states in Congress.

As he is running for re-election, he urgently needs a breakthrough in the legislative field that the public loves. The middle-aged, the main polling crowd, abhors children who drink and drive. So the commander-in-chief wants Congress to pass a federal bill that would limit the minimum age for drinking.

America is a federal country, and whether or not to establish a minimum drinking age is a state law, and the federal government has no right to intervene.

But this does not deter the staff of the commander-in-chief. They put forward a motion that for states that do not pass the minimum drinking age law of 21, the federal government will gradually reduce or even cancel the education and medical subsidies for the states until the state legislation is passed.

This bill has received high support among parental voters, but it has also received counterattacks from interest groups, inciting young people who have the right to vote at the age of 18, but who cannot drink after the bill is passed, to come out against it.

The commander urgently needs stars who have a high degree of support among young people,

Come to stand for yourself and win those young people to support you. But depriving a person of the right to drink is difficult to win the favor of the other party, so the campaign team of the great commander began to promote anti-drinking and driving.

So this time, in addition to representing them, the commander invited the three of them to participate in the anti-drinking and driving propaganda.

It is a pity that the Israeli Minahan was not invited. He really wanted to shake hands with the commander-in-chief at the White House. This will be a hard currency that will be very useful in the world film market in the future.

But Weintraub, who has nothing to do with "break dancing", took the initiative to invite the three of them to take his private jet to Washington, D.C.

"Hello, Ms. Morgan," Ronald said hello to Weintraub's wife, Jane Morgan, while drinking coffee on the business jet. This time she will also go to the White House to meet with her old friend, the deputy commander's wife, Barbara.

"Are you going to the White House for the first time?" Jane Morgan asked the three young creators.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there would be a chance." Michael Chambers, the prawn of Bougallo, said with emotion, touching the leather chair. The "hand man" on the side also showed an excited look.

"You are called to the Foreign Affairs Reception Hall, which is the only way to enter the White House from the South Lawn...", Jane Morgan explained to them. It is a great banquet hall where foreign ambassadors come to America to meet the chief commander. Submit credentials, right there.


Ronald and the two actors were waiting in the foreign affairs reception hall for the arrival of the commander-in-chief. Michael Chambers was wearing a suit, and Eddie Rodriguez was still on two crutches.

Sitting across from them is also the star who came to meet today, the most popular music master in America, Michael Jackson.

MJ wore a navy blue dress today with a large yellow ribbon with tassels, preppy white socks and black boat shoes.

Ronald greeted him with a smile, and MJ smiled back when he saw it. Today, he has more schedules than the three Ronalds. After being received by the commander and the first lady here, the star will go out to the South Lawn with the commander and his wife to be interviewed by reporters on the scene.

Sitting next to MJ was a short, fat man weighing over two hundred pounds. He also took out a large cigar to smoke, but was stopped by the staff.

"This is it?" The big fat man is MJ's new manager, Frank DiRio. Responsible for all the day-to-day arrangements for Jackson.

"Ronald, the director I wanted to make my MV, was stopped by Quincy."

"Oh," DiRio put the cigar in his pocket, "if you want him, he should."

"The version of the video he did for Cindy Lauper was great and I liked his style, but Quincy said he wasn't big enough and was looking for John Landis."

"You're already a superstar, MJ, it's you who will be at the door of the White House, joining the media with the commander-in-chief, not him. If I say, whoever the fuck you like to work with, is the the most important."

"Leader of the President of the United States of America."

With an announcement from the concierge, Ronald put his hand up and helped Hand Man up. Opposite MJ and the manager also got up.

"Gentlemen, I've just dealt with my staff, and Nancy and I welcome you to the White House."

Everyone clapped together.

The actor who started his career has a rich expression, humorous language, especially his deep and powerful voice, which makes people feel close at first sight.

"You are all symbols of America's success. In this... land, everyone can succeed regardless of their ethnicity, skin color, or education level..." The commander shook hands with Ronald and the others one by one. The photographer next to him kept pressing the shutter.

When shaking hands with "hand man" Eddie, he deliberately used the other hand to support each other.

Then there was MJ, who chatted with Jackson for a while and seemed familiar with him.

"It reminded me of a league joke where a Polish dog, a Russian dog, came to see their American cousin.

The Amelica dog said to them, here, everyone has meat to eat. As long as you keep calling, someone will throw you a piece of meat.

After listening to the Polish dog, he asked his cousin America, what is meat?

The Russian dog also asked, what is barking? "

Everyone laughed, this is the chief commander mocking the alliance.

Ronald found it very interesting. The acting of the chief commander was obviously very good. When he played the realistic role of the chief commander, he was very much in line with the expectations of the American people.

The three Ronalds, each holding a metal certificate inlaid with a wooden frame issued by the chief commander, took a group photo with the chief commander and his wife. This is in recognition of their outstanding contributions in promoting the unity of the people of all ethnic groups in America and in the campaign against teenage drinking and driving.

The commander-in-chief wore a dark suit and brown leather shoes, while the First Lady Nancy wore a white suit with single-breasted gold buttons.

Ronald was also dressed in formal clothes, and took another big group photo with the prawn and the hand man between the first couple.

Then the commander shook their hands and said goodbye to them. Nancy accompanied him and walked out of the South Lawn with MJ, where he was interviewed by the media.

"Oh, Man, I actually shook hands and took a photo with the leader of America." After the prawn Chambers was patted on the shoulder by the leader, all the bones in his body were softened by three points.

On the contrary, the "hand man" has remained calm and not particularly excited.

The three were in the foreign affairs reception hall waiting for the staff to lead them out.


Weintraub's voice came, "Come here, the deputy commander's wife wants to meet you."

Ronald walked to the side hall, where Weintraub's wife, Jane Morgan, was chatting with a woman with silver hair.

"That's it for you and Jerry? That... just sharing your husband with you in such a grand manner?" It was Barbara, the wife of Deputy Commander George, who was talking to Jane Morgan.

"I don't want to give up my husband to that bitch, Barbara. Why didn't you go with George?"

"Nancy doesn't want me to attend this kind of occasion and compete with her for attention..." Barbara said openly.

"Ah, this is the Ronald you said." Barbara saw Ronald and Weintraub come in together.

"Hello, Ms. Barbara." When Ronald saw this, he felt that she was very friendly, unlike the first lady Nancy's Hollywood style, with undyed silver hair and a wrinkled coat, like the next door neighbor Like grandma at home.

"I want to ask you to ask. I heard from Jane that you are a genius in the film industry." Barbara stepped forward and held Ronald's hand, "I have a son who wants to invest in movies, I don't Do you know if there is a real chance of success in this business? I don't want him just to hang out with those female stars."

Ronald was amazed at Barbara's frankness, thought for a moment and said, "If you choose the right project, it is still a good investment business. However, in this industry, the risk of box office is indeed relatively high. If your family is interested in For investment, I suggest talking to the seven major Hollywood studios. The films they make are generally guaranteed.”

Barbara's eyes gleamed, and Ronald answered her questions directly, without investing in his film, which made her appreciate it very much.

"Thank you, Ronald, and I appreciate your candor. When you get older, it's easy to think about your children."

"It seems to me that you are not old, and I am going to invite you to be the heroine of the movie." Ronald smiled.

"Hahahaha, you are such a good guy, if there is any problem, I want my son to come to you to ask some questions about the film industry."

"Of course, you can find me through Jerry." Ronald responded with a hat, and said goodbye to them.

"How? A very mature young man," Jane Morgan said to Barbara. "In fact, the reason I tolerated Susan was what he said to me that made me understand. Jerry's legal wife, why let a woman of unknown origin take my things?"

"Legal wife," repeated Barbara.

Jane Morgan knew that old George had the same problems as Jerry, and immediately changed the subject, "Do you still support the idea of ​​little George?"

"Little George always makes me worry. He wants to enter Hollywood recently, hey. It seems that the next generation of our family will rely on Jeb. Little George lacks wisdom and hard work. I hope he can stay away from politics in the future and do A happy and happy person can live his life just fine."

Barbara came from a famous family, and what she cared about most in her life was the inheritance of the family. Although little George did a terrible job in the oil company, she still tried her best to pave the way for what he wanted to do. "

"Aunt, have you seen the news that I went to the White House?" Ronald, who returned to the hotel, excitedly called Aunt Karen to report his good news.

"Yes, I saw it. I'm so proud of you, Ronnie." There was also a brief message after the Chief Commander was interviewed by reporters with MJ on the South Lawn to jointly push the federal minimum drinking age bill, saying Ronald, as the director of "Breakdance", accepted the commendation of the Grand Commander.

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