Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 215 1 Big MV

"This is what Akira Kurosawa wrote for you?" The agent, Nisita, came to Ronald's apartment and watched Ronald put the banners written by Akira Kurosawa, the master in Los Angeles' Chinatown, on the banner. on the wall of the room.

"Yes, that means hard work in Chinese." Ronald asked Nisita to see if the left and right were level, then jumped off the stool.

Diane got paid for the advertisement, stayed in Los Angeles for a short time, and went to various places to promote with the "Cotton Club" crew. In addition to all over America, she also went to Europe, especially the hair country, to do marketing. Coppola hasn't given up on trying to make the big-budget hit at the box office.

Inspired by Coppola, Diane also wanted to give it another go, in case he could become famous in Europe and continue his career as an actor. Actors who made their names from European film festivals and then returned to Hollywood are not without them. For example, Jacqueline Match in the early years was like this.

Ronald, who is reinstated as a single, spends his days with retired Navy Captain Pete Pettigrew, designing the flight maneuvers of the F-14A Tomcat.

Ronald has been on the F5 fighter jet of the Blue Angels Aerobatic Team. From his experience in the sky, he designed a fighter jet to leave the aircraft carrier, and then took the footage of the aircraft carrier from the fin of the fighter jet.

It was taken from a fighter jet that rolled 360 degrees, and the aircraft carrier that was slowly exercising at sea seemed to have turned a somersault. This is Ronald's intuitive feeling in the cockpit of the Blue Angel. The blue sky and the sea are in the The pilot's eyes turned upside down.

He wanted moviegoers to actually feel what it was like to be in the cockpit, too.

But Pettigrew told him that the Blue Angels' F5 could do it, but the F-14 Tomcat couldn't. The F-14 Tomcat is a large fighter jet with twin engines and twin vertical tails. Because this aircraft has two vertical tails, the directivity of the nose is much stronger than the rolling ability of the fuselage.

After taking off and leaving the aircraft carrier, if the lever rolls, it is very likely that the nose is pointing in the direction of the lever, rather than the rapid rollover of the fuselage. To make the moves he wants, it takes an ace pilot to fly to be successful.

The communication with the flight instructor benefited Ronald a lot. Together with Pettigrew, he improved a lot of the flight shots of the aircraft. Grumman's engineer, director and flight instructor formed a three-person team, and gradually let Ronald De's vision can actually be filmed.

"Allie Sheedy is also a client of CAA this time, and I hope you can give her a little bias during the audition."

Nisita is here to implement the packaging project. In addition to Ronald and Tom Cruise, he also wanted to put some supporting roles in the film.

"Of course, she was the first choice for me and the two producers."

Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer later came to Ronald's apartment, bringing with them several audition shots of their favorite pilots.

"This is Val Kilmer, this is Anthony Edwards, this is Emilio Estevez, this is Tim Robbins." Bruckheimer put pictures of several young actors on the table Swing up.

"It's all hormonal." Ronald noticed their square chins, "It's just that Emilio is a little hunched, not suitable for the role of a pilot."

"I'm not going to do a large-scale audition. The three of us find suitable candidates first, and then invite auditions." Don Simpson made a sniff.

"Don, you know my rules, don't bring these things into my house." Ronald hated his habit so much that he couldn't help but object.

"Well, well, I know you're clean,

I will never be in front of you again. ' said Don Simpson as he walked out of the apartment.

Bruckheimer also shrugged, and his partner's behavior made him uncomfortable, but America was a free country, and even as a good partner, he couldn't mind Simpson's business.

"Allie Sheedy is coming to the studio to audition tomorrow, and we'll let her put on her uniform first. I have a feeling she's the one we're looking for." Bruckheimer talked about tomorrow's heroine audition.

"The Fire of St. Elmore," directed by Joe Schumacher and written by Cameron Crowe, has been filmed, and several leading actors have been vacated.

Ronald and the two producers first met Allie Sheedy, and Ronald felt that Demi Moore was also suitable for the role of Charlie's flight instructor.

"St. Elmore's Fire" is over, and the two leading ladies, Allie Sheedy, and Demi Moore are ready to audition.


"Fine, we need a working girl feel."

In the studio of the two producers, Allie Sheedy donned a uniform, painted a big red lip, and a sexy hairstyle with black stockings, high heels and a one-step skirt, twisting and twisting in front of the camera show yourself.

The shoulder-length short hair and the soft facial features of a very standard white beauty make Ellie Siti's sexy reveal a touch of intellectual beauty.

In "St. Elmore's Fire", she played the role of a working girl, and now she is slightly adjusted to be a little more mature, and Elle Sheedy plays it very naturally.

"When will I get the full script for the movie?" Ellie Sheedy asked Ronald, who knew him well, after the audition.

"The full script is still being revised and will be submitted to the Navy and Paramount for review." Ronald gave a brief outline of the story, and then gave a shortened copy that only related to Ellie Sheedy's Charlie. story to her.

"That doesn't mean... looks like a big MV?" Ali Siti hurriedly flipped through the script and said to Ronald suspiciously.

"It's okay to say that, this is originally a western with fighter duels, good guys, bad guys, heroes, beautiful women."

"Oh...", Allie Sheedy took the script and left.


Two days later, Allie Siti officially rejected the invitation from the "Top Gun" crew, expressing that she was unwilling to play Charlie in this movie because of time conflicts.

"Her agent is from CAA. You can ask her out for me. I'll talk to her face to face." Ronald was a little surprised when he was rejected.

Although Allie Sheedy has shot the lead of two teen films in a row, "The Breakfast Club" and "St. Elmo's Fire" have not yet been released, so she does not have enough capital to turn down Paramount Fifteen The heroine of a million-dollar production.

"Come on, Ronald, we're still looking for another actress to audition. I've heard some rumors that Ellie Sheedy is prejudiced against you, and this Bitchi shouldn't join the cast." Ellie was demoted from Rising Star to Bichi.

"What prejudice?" Ronald asked inexplicably.

"Ellie went to Emilio Estevez, and asked him specifically for advice. Emilio is a family of actors, and he is very prestigious among those young actors. I also heard from Ellie's agent. "Nicita quietly confided the middle story to Ronald.

Emilio Estevez is very angry with Ronald, who is also a young man. He thinks that Ronald is just lucky, and he doesn't know anything about performing arts, and only makes some shallow exploitative films.

His views influenced Ellie Sitty, who made Ellie, who was pursuing her acting career, have an opinion on making a film like "Top Gun" that had no acting requirements, as long as she showed up beautifully to be a vase.

More crucially, Emilio Estevez told Ellie a fact:

It's been 40 years since no one has made a fighter-fighting movie in Hollywood, and there's a good chance the movie will fail at the box office.

In addition, Emilio is also jealous of Tom Cruise's popularity, saying a lot of bad things about Tom, such as he can't read the script, maybe illiterate and so on.

Ellie Sheedy, who knew that Emilio and Tom Cruise had played in "The Outer Boys", did not doubt his claim, telling her agent:

"Nobody's going to see a big video of Tom Cruise flying in the sky. I don't want to do a 120-minute video with him."

"If she's really not interested, it's fine to refuse the audition. Why should she come to the audition? After she comes, she still has to say such things? Even if she has an opinion, can't you communicate with me first?"

Ronald was very angry that this Emilio always liked to gossip about himself behind people's backs. Didn't he just beat him by playing ping pong on the set and stopped him from pranking Diane? As for?

"He thinks you've taken everything that belonged to him, being a teenager, writing your own script, directing your own movies, and dating Diane Lane, a teenage idol," Nisita sees it more accurately, "the Martin Sheen's The eldest son, the license for himself is very high."

"Shxt! How could anyone think like that?" Ronald felt uncomfortable. "Then get Demi Moore to try."

"Hehe, isn't she Emilio's..." Nisita hesitated.

"What's wrong with her? She looks good in a uniform... er... I mean she's fit for a uniform... I mean... her husky voice is better."

Demi Moore auditioned for the studio with boyfriend Emilio Estevez behind her back.

"Very good, please face, side, and back to the camera to make one appearance." Ronald directed Demi to make three appearances.

"This office girl uniform is perfect for you, Demi," Ronald said, poking his face from behind the camera.

"Thank you, is this ok? You can mention anything else you need me to do." Demi Moore licked her lips with her tongue, her hoarse voice very sexy.

Ronald exchanged opinions with the two producers. "Charlie's identity has not been finalized in our script. If it is convenient for you, it would be better to try this navy uniform."

"No problem." After a while, Demi came out of the dressing room, a dark blue navy uniform and a white navy cap, which further highlighted her very good figure. She poses for the camera again.

When she turned her back to the camera, Demi raised her hips intentionally or unintentionally. Under the skirt of the navy dress, there were black stockings with high heels. The black silk thread that started from the heel and inserted straight into the skirt from the middle seam at the back of the leg, as if Sending a seductive signal to the audience.

"Can I do this?" A hoarse voice came from Demi, and Ronald and the two producers shifted their legs to their knees.

Apparently, Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer are happy with her too.

"Very good, Demi, we have the results and will notify your agent. When the time comes, we will let you audition with the male lead candidate to see the chemistry."

Ronald got a signal of approval from the two producers and turned to Demi.

"Pfft..." Demi seemed to be overexcited and threw herself to the ground.

"Demi, Demi..." Ronald stepped forward and patted her face.


Ronald was startled and foamed at the mouth.

He remembered that Demi had passed out like this in his apartment, which was an allergic reaction caused by a genetic kidney problem.

"Call 911," Ronald told Bruckheimer.

"Di Du Di Du..." The ambulance carried Demi Moore to the hospital, and Ronald followed behind.

"I think she seems to be..." Don Simpson said to his partner Bruckheimer.

"That's not good. Actors do this on the set. We are going to have a big problem." Bruckheimer is very clear that it is one thing to partner with a producer. If this happens to the main actor, the film will be scrapped. No one can afford to remake it.

"I remember you promised me not to touch these things that are harmful to the body."

At the bedside, Ronald reprimanded Demi who woke up.

"I..." Demi didn't expect Ronald to speak coldly. "Isn't that the case in Hollywood? Don Simpson, the producer of your movie, remember? Isn't he just like me?"

"So I'm not going to have Simpson on the set and break the rules," Ronald added. "It's the same with anyone."

"Woooooo..." Demi cried remorsefully. "I'm sorry, Ronald. I got addicted while filming in Brazil. I want to change now. Can you give me a chance?"

"I can help you. If you really want to quit, I know of an alcohol rehab center that can help you quit completely in three months." Ronald told Demi Moore of the plan discussed with her agent.

Ronald admired Demi Moore's looks, acting skills, and motivation, so he booked her into a three-month alcohol treatment center for thousands of dollars. But this way, Demi couldn't keep up with the shooting of "Top Gun".

"Thank you!" Demi buried her head on Ronald's shoulder, "I envy your girlfriend, she has someone like you who cares about her..."

"Hey, I just don't like seeing a talented actress like you ruined. The money you go to the alcohol treatment center will be paid back to me after you earn it." Ronald looked at Demi.

"Of course, how do you want me to pay it back." Demi licked her lips again.

"You go to the alcohol treatment center first, and then you can fully recover." Ronald saw that she was completely sober, and turned to leave, signaling Demi's manager outside the door to come in.

As soon as he turned around, Ronald found that his hand was still tightly grasped by Demi.

"What's wrong?"

"I beg of you, Ronald. Don't tell Emilio Estevez about me."

"Then you?" Ronald looked at the hospital gown she was wearing in the hospital.

"Emilio is an idiot, and I can easily convince him of any story. This over-the-top idiot tried to persuade Ellie Sheedy not to act in your movie. But thanks to him, if it wasn't for my body If something goes wrong, will this role belong to me?"

Demi Moore's eyes lit up, staring hard at Ronald.

"It also depends on your chemistry with Tom Cruise. You are not without competitors. Tom wants to recommend his girlfriend."

Ronald put Demi's hand gently under the quilt. "But you do have a good chance. We need a mature actress."

"Well..." Demi leaned on the pillow, "I won't give up, I will definitely be your heroine next time."

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