Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 220: Reading Around the Script

"Can you get me that plate of nachos? I can't reach it," said an actress in a red shirt and black pants, with one leg tucked under her hips, sitting on a chair at a long table in a Greek restaurant , and ask Tom Cruise across from him to pass her a plate of snacks.

"Here you are, Kelly," Tom Cruise offered the cornflakes, "I heard you graduated from Julia's drama department? College?" After slowing down, he was still the sunny boy who was full of energy.

"Correct," Kelly McGillis put a snack in his mouth, "but don't think I'm more fortunate than the other actors. I did go to school at Julia, but I've been working as a waiter in restaurants, and the first movie was Because my guests at the hotel happened to be screenwriters, I had the opportunity to enter the film industry.”

"Hahaha", Kelly McGillis pressed Tom's arm with his hand and said his history with a smile.

"Oh yeah? I'm also in Julia's drama department. Why haven't I seen you?" Val Kilmer raised his eyebrows and joined the conversation.

"Probably I've been acting on Broadway since I was in third grade, and I spent the rest of my time working as a restaurant waiter for money."

McGillis leaned over again and pressed Fang Kilmer's arm.

"Ha, I was still studying. I was very young at the time. It was Julia's youngest drama student, breaking the school record."

"Hahaha... I've heard of your name. The female students at that time all wanted to be your girlfriend."

McGillis's slightly hoarse voice ignited the atmosphere of the crew, which was mostly young male actors, and everyone laughed.

"Does everyone have something to eat and drink? Let's start the script reading."

Ronald handed each actor a first draft of the script.

"Thank you for choosing me, Ronald." McGillis took over the script, two large metal earrings were very bright, set off her very mature, a pair of wonderful eyes from the faces of every actor at the table Looking at it, everyone inevitably thinks that Kelly has a good impression of himself.

"Don't underestimate Kelly McGillis, she's very professional. I watched her debut and pursued her to sign a contract before she agreed to give up Broadway plays to make movies."

Ronald couldn't help thinking of what Peter Weir, the director of the movie "The Witness", said to himself a few days ago when he answered Ronald's private inquiries about McGillis' acting skills.

"In order to play an Amish widow, Kelly went to an Amish settlement in Pennsylvania and lived with a real Amish widow for a month to observe her every move."

"Let's start with the scene where everyone is gathered, Charlie and the students giving a lecture." Ronald reminded everyone to turn to Charlie, played by McGillis, and give the two pilots, including the Lone Ranger and the Iceman, to the flight class. That scene started the script reading.

"My lines?" McGillis flipped to the page, changed her seated position, cleared her throat, and began to read "Hello everyone, our main opponents are F-5s, and A-4s, they will Simulate how a MiG would fly..."

The so-called script reading is that all the actors sit together and read everyone's lines in the script together. No makeup, no need to go to the actual shooting venue, just play the role through the lines, understand each other, and the emotional reaction that everyone should have when reading the lines.

"So, she's very good at capturing the character's idiosyncrasies?"

"Of course, she came from a professional background, and her acting skills are very good. In fact, I will worry about whether your male protagonist can match Kelly's rhythm."

Ronald remembered the conversation between director Peter Weir and himself two days ago.

"Oh..." Tom Cruise looked annoyed,

Here, the Lone Ranger discovered that the girl who was flirting in the bar yesterday turned out to be his flight instructor, Charlie.

"As you may already know, the F-5s do not have the thrust-to-weight ratio of the MiG-28, nor can they fly as fast as the MiG-28. However, the MiG-28 is not without its weaknesses, it is overloaded at negative high G At times, I can't do a quick dive and pull up..."

"Hey hey..." Tom Cruise laughed at Anthony Edwards, who played his radarman, the scumbag.

"Are you going to tell her?" Anthony Edwards, a handsome blond, also picked up the script and read it. He's also a hormonal type actor, but in order to highlight Tom Cruise's lead role, producers and Ronald asked him to dye his hair brown and wear a conservative hairstyle that doesn't overwhelm the crowd.

"Why, Lieutenant, do you disagree?"

McGillis read that part of the flight instructor's technical lines very easily, and she didn't see that she was an actor who didn't understand aerodynamics at all.

"Kelly McGillis is a connoisseur, she can be very relaxed, and if your male actor is not experienced or has experience in theatre education, it's easy to get overwhelmed by her."

Ronald recalled Peter Weir's advice again.

The two producers considered a combination of factors, coupled with a tight schedule, and finally signed Kelly McGillis. Her fitting was very convincing, and she had good chemistry with Tom Cruise's audition. Tom Cruise, who just suffered emotional shock, was inspired by her to be a sunshine boy again.

This was also Ronald's final willingness to sign McGillis, a stunner who could make Tom's performance even better.

"Yes, Instructor. The data you said about the MiG is inaccurate." Tom Cruise pretended to correct the other party's data with an innocent look.

"How do you say that?" When McGillis was reading around, he accurately grasped the flight expert Charlie's disdain for the theoretical level of pilots and the helplessness of having to communicate with them.

"In fact, we happened to watch a MiG-28 do at least a 4G dive."

"Really? Where did you see it?" McGillis's tone was full of disbelief.

"It's classified."

"I have top secret clearance from the Navy."

"Well, actually I'm right above the MiG-28, I'm..."

"We..." Anthony Edwards' Silly Goose reminds the Mavericks that they're a team.

"You're on top of MiG, so how did you see it?" Instructor Charlie didn't believe it.

"Because I happened to be flying backwards."

"It's impossible. You can't fly upside down while following the 4G diving MiG-28. It's impossible for the F-14A Tomcat to fly like this."

Val Kilmer interjected at this time. The Iceman he played was a rationalist, and the Tomcat's manual did not say that he would operate the fighter like this.

"I actually took a picture as well," Anthony Edwards read Radar Officer Goose's line.

"Very good chemistry." Don Simpson listened to the script and read the script, and praised Ronald for the performance of the actors.

"I'm a little concerned that their chemistry is too real."

Ronald sees Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards partnering, opposite Val Kilmer, who plays Iceman, and Tim Robbins, his radar officer. The competition between the two sides is very strong, very similar. The rivalry between the Lone Ranger and the Iceman in the script.

"That's really good, that line you just said." Kelly McGillis took a sip of coffee and praised Tom Cruise's performance.

On the other side, Fang Kilmer adjusted his sitting position, and his eyes clearly saw that he was eager to participate in the competition.

"Isn't this better? Head-to-head competition", Don Simpson stretched out his two thumbs and made a flexion and extension.

"I'm afraid that their competition is so obvious and fierce that it will be brought into the daily life of filming." Ronald has experienced in the "Ultra World" crew, a few young men with high hormones will do it out for jealousy. A lot of stupid things come.

"They're the two biggest names in the movie, and we can't replace them," Jerry Bruckheimer reminded in a low voice.

"Anyway, we have to find a way to separate Tom and Val Kilmer after filming." Ronald looked at Kelly McGillis, who had made two big-name male movie stars ready to fight with each other.

"Kelly's acting is very loose, you have to watch her, sometimes even Harrison Ford is taken out of rhythm by her."

Peter Weir's advice came back to Ronald's mind.

It seems that signing McGillis is also a mixed blessing. This time I have to test my management ability on the set.

Ronald ate a cookie and motioned everyone to continue reading the next part of the script.

"My stinky, sweaty one, husband, if you don't come over and take me back to your room within a minute, you won't even want to get into my bed."

"Hey, wife, follow your orders."

Anthony Edwards, who plays the goose, is flirting with a young actor who plays his wife.

Dutou Goose's wife is a girl from a rural town in the south, and he raised a son with him. With the temperament of an innocent and simple country girl, this young actor reads his lines very well.

Coincidentally, this supporting actress hired by Don Simpson has some connections with Ronald.

After Leigh Thompson took a number of films, not after a Burger King commercial. Burger King re-selected a girl to replace her, and continued the configuration of the waiter duo with Elizabeth Sue, appearing in multiple commercials.

Don Simpson likes to take advantage of this free exposure, and after he auditioned for the actress, Meg Ryan, he signed her right away.

"Let's go have a drink!" At the end of the day's script reading, Kelly McGillis put on his coat and called out to the great guys around to go to the bar for a beer.

"Ronald, aren't you coming with us?" Tom Cruise saw Kelly McGillis and Val Kilmer chatting and laughing about their past at Julia College, and wanted to join them immediately.

However, he saw Ronald pick up the script, as if not going with them, and the friendship prompted him to come over and invite Ronald.

"You go first, I also want to talk to Tang and Jerry about the filming."

"Then I'll go first and have some fun yourself, OK?" Tom confirmed that Ronald couldn't go, then turned and trotted in the direction of McGillis.

"Hey, when's your witness? I heard Ronald say your Amish is really good."

"Hey..." Ronald let out a long sigh. It seems that this shooting will not be easy. This kind of male hormone outbreak is prone to accidents. God bless the people from Paramount and the Navy, don't see anything bad when you come to the crew.

------off topic-----

Something was delayed today, only one more update.

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