Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 236 The commander wants to watch your movie

"The Miramar base will let the actors who play the pilots and radar officers study for a week. They are shooting the cockpit footage on the plane, and the Navy must first receive basic safety training and learn to catapult skydiving." Bruckheimer to Ronald.

"Very well, the next part is the most important aerial combat shot of the film. It would be great if the Navy could cooperate like this." Ronald continued to devote himself to the planning of the shooting after a day's rest.

"Ronald, your phone." Don Simpson came in from the side. He had been released from the rehab center, and his complexion had improved a lot.

"Thank you," Ronald walked out of their office and went outside to answer the phone.

"Hello, Ronald? Are you still in Los Angeles? How's the filming going?" Roger Coleman was on the phone.

"You will have to wait until the Navy is ready before you can shoot the aerial combat footage. After the whole film is edited, you will have to wait several months before you can appreciate your heroic appearance in the tower." Ronald joked with the former boss.

"So, are you free these days? That's great. The president of the Film Society is calling, the commander-in-chief is going to see 'Moscow doesn't believe in tears', you and I will go to Washington with me." Roger Cole man on the phone

"I don't need to go, I've already seen it last time." Ronald remembered Nancy's difficult temperament, and he really didn't want to go.

"Fool, this is a good opportunity to increase your social relations and influence. Do you still use me to teach you? Your breakdance is not the promotion of the first lady, can it get a box office of over 100 million in North America? It's time to make a good impression on the first family."

"Okay," Ronald thought indeed, although he was just a nobody in front of the Grand Commander, what if the Grand Commander also recommended his movies?

"You kid, you are very smart, why are you stupid sometimes?"

From a business-class seat in front of the plane to Washington, Roger Coleman gave Ronald a lesson. This time, the American Film Institute paid for the airfare and the cost of the luggage for the copy. Coleman was a rare ride in business class.

"This kind of opportunity doesn't come all the time, you have to be good at grasping it. Frank Sinatra was originally in Hollywood and was not such a close friend of the commander-in-chief, but since he ran for governor of California, he has been funding the political activities of the commander-in-chief, Only in the case of being revoked by the FBI for taking pictures of the casino, I can get it back again."

"I just think the First Lady is a bit..." Ronald scratched his head.

"Shallow? What's this? Which Hollywood actress is not shallow? The Oscar honorable mention last year,

It was given to Barbara Stanwyck. She didn't even win an actor award. Wasn't she close to the commander-in-chief, can she get this honorary award? "

Ronald's opinion is that he feels that Coleman doesn't recognize his contribution to Hollywood, and he is still very upset.

At the airport, the Secret Service sent a special car to escort Coleman, Ronald, and a dozen best-preserved copies of the film to the White House.

White House Chief of Staff James Baker came out to see them and stretched out his hand, "Meet again, young man, is this movie about the Soviet Union also related to you? Who is this?"

"This is the former president of New World Pictures, Mr. Roger Coleman. This is Mr. Baker, the White House chief of staff." Ronald introduced to Baker.

"Hello, Mr. Chief of Staff," Coleman shook hands with him. "This is the movie Ronald went to Montreal to help me choose, and it was very successful."

"Come with me to the screening hall, the commander is waiting to see."

Ronald hurriedly stepped forward, pushed the cart with the copy by himself, and the group went to the screening hall. Baker told them to wait and went elsewhere.

Seeing that there was no projectionist to take over, Ronald stepped forward, pulled out the first film, clipped it onto the clips on the projector, and turned on the projector's light to test the effect. Then turn off the machine. After a while before anyone came, Ronald waited with Coleman.

After half an hour, the chief commander, his staff, the deputy commander and others walked in together.

"Young man, we meet again", the commander recognized Ronald Jr. "Why are you here today?"

"I bought this movie for my boss, Mr. Coleman." Ronald introduced Coleman next to him.

"Hello," the commander shook hands with him, "Where's the projectionist?"

"I will show the movie, I can show it for you," Ronald said quickly, and turned on the projector in the screening room at the back.

After more than two hours of the movie, Ronald turned on the lights and came out to the screening room to wait for orders.

"What a good movie." First Lady Nancy also took out a handkerchief and wiped her eyes. At the end of the film, the two best friends of Katerina, the female director of the film, said goodbye, leaving time for her friends and her lover, Guosha, whom she finally found.

Katerina was full of sadness and sweetness, and said the line "I've been waiting for you for a long time" to her lover, Guosha, who was sitting at the dining table eating red cabbage soup.

Finally, the camera cuts from Katerina's apartment to the outside of the apartment. The windows are lit up, and in the lights of thousands of homes, ordinary families, joys and sorrows, merge into the city of Moscow and disappear.

"I will watch it when I have a chance. This movie can help me understand the soul of the Russians." The commander was very touched. The real joys and sorrows of ordinary people in this alliance are not easy to find in the open media.

"Young man, what do you think?" The commander saw Ronald Jr. standing beside him and asked him how he felt.

"I feel like watching a Hollywood movie. They also have strong women, single mothers, tacit friends, alcoholic ex-husbands, struggle and love. I feel like they are real people, just like us. The emotions of ordinary people."

"That's very good," the commander nodded frequently. "In Hollywood right now, there's too much unnecessary eroticism and violence, and it's been a long time since I saw a romantic movie about the love life of ordinary people. Young man, you've been filming recently. what movie?"

"I'm working with the Navy to make a patriotic film about the Navy pilots, mainly about the struggle and love of young pilots." Ronald was in a cold sweat and glanced at Coleman next to him.

In the plots of the movies I made before, it was either eroticism (nudity scenes in a fast pace) or violence (the martial arts sparring of Longwei Kid), and it was an authentic exploitation film taught by Coleman University.

"Yes, our old friends in Hollywood are all calling to complain that there are too few movies of this John Wayne-esque Americana heroism, and I'm glad you made one. When it's released, I'll give one away A copy goes to the White House, and Nancy and I are waiting to see."

Ronald was personally praised by the commander, overjoyed, and hurriedly stepped forward to express his gratitude.

"The copy is here, I have to read it a few more times." The commander shook hands with him.

The first lady also came over to thank him, "I'll remember to ask old Ronald to tune in to your new movie. Is it named now? When will it be released."

"It's called top gun, and it's expected to be released next summer."

The deputy commander next to him adjusted his glasses, nodded to Ronald, and walked out.

"I told you, this kind of thing can't be missed. How about now?" On the plane back, Coleman sat in the back seat of the economy class and said to Ronald.

"Yes, I'm still a little not used to dealing with political figures." Ronald adjusted his sitting posture, his stature was a little uncomfortable dealing with the airline's increasingly small economy class seats.



A few days later, at Naval Air Station Miramar, Tom Cruise was sitting in an amusement park-like contraption, strapped on his seatbelt, and the machine suddenly fired, blasting him several meters into the air. .

This is a machine that simulates the ejection of a pilot. All actors who play pilots and radar officers must come here for training. After obtaining the Navy's security clearance, you can get into the rear seat of the f-14a Tomcat and shoot the footage inside the cockpit.

After returning from Washington, Ronald also came to the base, and he also had to complete the training. For some scenes, he must also go to the sky and command the scene on the plane next to him.

"It's really exciting," says Tom Cruise, who has a keen interest in flying and is having fun doing these exercises.

"It's so boring." Fang Kilmer, who was next to him, was dissatisfied. He was tossed so hard by the Blue Angel last time that he vomited on the ground, destroying the image of a tough guy. In fact, he didn't want to fly in the sky. For the camera in the cockpit, wouldn't it be enough to find a prop to set the scene?

"Gentlemen, we're going to do our last training, pool training."

The group followed the naval instructor to the edge of a large outdoor swimming pool.

Everyone put on thick flight suits and brought parachutes. This training is part of search and rescue. In case of failure in the sky, the pilots sitting in front will guarantee to eject and fall on the flat ground. They have already undergone skydiving training, and there is no problem in thinking.

But if you fall into the Pacific Ocean, you have to learn how to save yourself with a parachute and a flight suit. Wait for dozens of minutes without drowning until the search and rescue helicopter comes.

"fcuk, why would I do such a stupid thing?" Fang Kilmer scolded next to him again.

"Pay attention to the essentials. After falling into the water from a high platform, keep your balance and don't do extra movements. The more you struggle, the easier it is for the parachute rope to become entangled. As long as you keep your balance, our search and rescue personnel will arrive soon."

"shxt", Fang Kilmer didn't pay attention to the lecture. After he fell into the pool, he struggled several times and accidentally loosened his shoelaces. One shoe got into the water, he tried so hard to get it, he lost his balance and choked several saliva.

The training instructors at the base hated him for not paying attention to the lectures, and he was agitated. Deliberately didn't bring him up right away. After he choked a few sips of water, he waited uncomfortably in the pool for five minutes with a boot that got in the water, and then he was pulled up.

"Damn, I don't do this anymore," Fang Kilmer scolded and went to the locker room.

"Does he have any other training programs?" Ronald asked the assistant.

"It's over, you can take off in the back seat to shoot."

"What a troublemaker." Ronald shook his head. This kind of star will never be used again when he can control the casting power of the crew in the future.


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