Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 241 Air Combat Special Effects

Ronald hugged Diane sweetly. When he and Diane were together, he felt very relaxed. The two hugged each other like this and fell asleep.

"Om..." Two tomcats flew through the air, Ronald clearly felt that he was dreaming again.

An F-5s painted black with a distinct five-pointed star on the wing appeared in the dream, then hummed, and another f-5s, also a fake MiG-28, cut in from an angle out of the shot , the two machines are side by side, giving a silent sense of oppression.

The pilots of the enemy planes all wore oxygen masks and never showed their faces, giving a powerful feeling.

"They've got four, four... no, five." Iceman and Slider, shouted at the F-14, and soon their wingman Hollywood and Werewolf were shot down by missiles fired by the MiG.

"Let the Lone Ranger lift off and go to the rescue."

This is the final air battle scene, the original director's cut was really exciting.


Diane was grabbed by Ronald's nervous hand and woke up. Seeing Ronald so precious to himself, he happily kissed him on the face again.

"Hey? It's dawn?" Ronald felt that he slept the best night in recent times, but it was a pity that he didn't finish watching the aerial combat footage.

But it doesn't matter. Pete Pettigrew has come up with a few good maneuvers. Combining the dream and his thoughts should be able to achieve a similar effect.

He left Diane at the hotel to prepare for the audition and went to the naval base himself.

Looking at the actor playing the Lone Ranger's temporary radar officer, Tim Robbins, who is nearly two meters tall, can't pull the cockpit cover up no matter how he adjusts his body.

Ronald touched his sweat, "It's really not good, let's shoot all his shots on the ground."

Fortunately, I asked Cameron to build the ground cockpit in advance, and there were often problems with aerial photography. Robbins was too tall to sit in. And Barry Tabb's face was so pale that he didn't have a shot to use. Not to mention Fang Kilmer, who doesn't even dare to get on a plane.

"Never do plane scenes again," Ronald scolded.

Big machinery is very difficult to handle, and problems often occur. It can be regarded as the second most difficult means of transportation in movies after trains.

Cameron's model was approved by the producer,

The actual camera setup is in the process of being commissioned. A huge circular track was erected in the huge studio, and a front-end projection device was placed next to it.

The one-to-one simulated f-14a cockpit was placed on a circular track, and when it was pushed gently by hand, it swayed left and right like a cradle on the track.

"Very good, both sides can be played at the same time, let Tim Robbins try it first."

Tim Robbins put on his flight suit and oxygen mask, and sat in the special effects cockpit, which was specially enlarged for him to accommodate his giant body.

"Let's try it out."

"Are you crazy? Lone Ranger, go back and help the Iceman!"

Robbins was a young actor, and he said the final air battle lines with a straight face.

"I don't feel right now, I can't go to the battlefield," Tom Cruise played him next to him.

The front-end projector took the pictures of the blue sky and the sea in the air on the screen behind the fake cockpit, and another small projector took the f-14a Tomcat to the cockpit reflective picture and the glass of the fake cockpit cover. superior.


"I want to try it too!" Cruise became interested and sat in the fake cockpit to try the circular orbit.

"Just say something, I didn't prepare your play today." Ronald said, this time he was experimenting with Cameron's toy effect.

"Ronald, you and I will take the test for a jet pilot's license in the future. Let's fly together."

"Then you have to act well. Jets are expensive, and you earn my money for me."

"Hahaha, get my orange juice."

Cruise took off his oxygen mask and took a sip.

"Tower, tower, request to pass the field." Cruise began to talk nonsense again.

"Cut", Ronald saw that the film on the small plate was almost finished, so he hurriedly stopped it and sent it to be printed.


The fake cockpit on the ground works well, and the scene of Val Kilmer can also start filming. Ronald handed over these characters to the second camera group, and let the second group of directors direct, and then ran back to Miramar Air Force Base to grasp the actual shooting part.

This part is still the most real and shocking image. I boasted in front of Paramount President Mancuso, and let the audience see the unprecedented spectacle, relying on these scattered aerial combat shots, how to edit them into one Reasonable story.

"Fine, we keep this distance. I want a shot of the fighter behind it relatively still."

Ronald watched from the ground and picked up the radio to order.

An f-14a flew toward the base from the sea. In the low-altitude and high-humidity environment, the eddies formed on the wings pulled out two very beautiful white clouds and wrapped the fighter jet.

"This shot is worth a million dollars, well done." Ronald praised the stunt plane with the camera ahead on the radio.

"Oklahoma's..." The advisor Pettigrew next to him would automatically answer.

"It looks good, everyone will think this is a sonic cloud that breaks the sound barrier."

Pettigrew shook his head, these Hollywood people look good in everything.

The real sonic cloud is a kind of cloud and fog produced when the aircraft breaks through the speed of sound, and it will also be accompanied by a very loud blasting sound.

It's too fast, so it's hard to get good-looking shots in the air. Director Ronald actually used the eddy currents that the wings would pull up when flying at a low speed on the sea in this high humidity weather, but in the slow speed eddy currents, the clouds and mists condensed by water vapor are really beautiful.

"This is an aerial scissors tactic, five MiG-28s are chasing the two F-14As in front, and the easiest way to catch them is for the predator to do a cross-chasing, like a pair of large scissors, prey ahead."

Pete Pettigrew holds two fighter models in a cross motion.

"That way there's always a plane that catches the weak point of the prey ahead and we can lock and fire."

"Very well, we'll shoot according to this."

"Oklahoma moms and dads will love it, especially this multi-plane cross-scissor, looking back from the plane in front, it's like...how to describe it, like you see four or five planes all over the place. It's like spinning around your ass, it's pretty spectacular."

"Very well, it looks like you can get a job in Hollywood later, Pete."

"God bless me, it's good that I don't get scolded to death by my old colleagues."

In the back of an f-14a, a reconnaissance-specific camera gun was added, and then a movie camera and film box were added after modification.

"Just please, remember to fly a little more smoothly." Pettigrew handed the mission to the best flying idiot (bozo).

"Remember to have a few rolls, the audience loves watching that."

"Oh!" Pettigrew closed his eyes, what does this require?

The f-14a is a twin-engine heavy fighter. When rolling, the pointing stability of the nose is not as good as that of the single-engine f-5s. It needs to roll and be stable again, which is a great test for the pilot's skills.

"No problem, look at me."

Bozo knows that his days of flying fighter jets in the navy are running out. In the future, if he goes to civil aviation to fly passenger planes, or more boring cargo planes, he won't have the opportunity to play these activities. He readily agreed.


After seeing the film brought down by Bozo and the effect after printing, Ronald and Pettigrew were speechless. Bozo flew so beautifully, the roll was very stable, and the distortion tasted with the wide-angle lens, four or five frames.” The enemy plane" was chasing the f-14a Tomcat in the back, a kind of unparalleled hero's temperament rushed to the face.

"Very good, very good, this is the spectacle the audience wants to see." Ronald thought proudly that this kind of shot himself should be more spectacular than the original.

"Yo, that's it for today. You can get in touch with the Navy to see when the missiles will be officially approved for launch."

Ronald was also thinking about the actual shooting of the two air-to-air missiles that the Navy had promised.

Cameron and Gale will hold a small wedding today at City Hall, and only invite a few friends from both sides.

Ronald rushed back to the hotel to attend with Diane.

"Congratulations!" Ronald is both the man's friend and the woman's friend. He hugged Cameron and Gale, who was wearing a bridal veil, and gave them gifts.

"This is a pickup voucher for a Honda Accord. Gail needs to run a lot and needs a safer car." Ronald gave Gail a gift.

The couple gave up most of their income in "The Terminator" in order to be able to become directors and producers. The cost of the special effects device installed for "Top Gun" last time was also used to maintain daily expenses, so Ronald offered a cheap and safe Dongying car for them to use.

"I don't have a present?" Cameron came over and hugged Ronald.

"I'm here as the woman's representative, Jim. I'm also sitting on the bride's side at the dinner party. Besides, Gail is the one who manages the money in your family." Ronald joked, the husband is the director and the wife is the wife. The producer is the division of labor between the two.

"Congratulations," a man with a German accent, and another tall beautiful girl also came to congratulate.

"Hello, Mr. Schwarzenegger." Ronald shook his hand.

"Hello, Ronald. This is Brigitte."

"This is Diane."

The two introduced their girlfriends to each other.

Brigitte Nielsen is a Danish model, six feet tall, a perfect match for Schwarzenegger, the Austrian bodybuilding champion.

The two of them met while filming "The Queen's Sword" and were fighting hotly.

"Oh, you are really strong, stronger than what you see on TV." Diane couldn't help but admire the giant, "You are much stronger than Stallone."

"Ow," Schwarzenegger made a muscular pose.

"Any Stallone's enemy is my friend." Schwarzenegger was blunt, and now he and Stallone are the biggest competitors.

"Then we have a lot of common language." Ronald laughed, and he and Stallone didn't have a good relationship.

"Ladies and gentlemen, by the authority vested in the State of California, and in the witness of Mr. Roger Coleman, I declare that James Cameron, and Gail Anne Hurd, are married couple."

The wedding officiated by government officials was relatively simple, and Cameron and Gale became husband and wife immediately.

Ronald and Diane also picked up fireworks and fired them at them.

"In the end Gail's parents still didn't come." Ronald sighed, Gail felt lonely. This is also the reason why Ronald is coming to the wedding and try to be as lively as possible.

"It's time for us to celebrate."

Ronald gave Bud a gesture, and he went to get the rented stretch car, and the couple and guests were going to the restaurant for dinner. "

"Thank you", Gail came over to thank Ronald, Roger Coleman is like his father, Ronald is like his younger brother, such a wedding can also make up for some regrets.

"Take it", Ronald saw the opportunity and handed Cameron a modified motorcycle delivery coupon. It was the latest Harley motorcycle. In the most famous local modification shop, the parts that are prone to problems are being replaced. into more durable products.

Now many Harley enthusiasts are starting to do this. After all, Harleys that often lie in their nests are beautiful, but they are very impractical.

"I just said, you won't forget my share."


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