Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 275 Lightning Lamp

Ronald came to the studio of the film studio. Xiaoyan's father was the lighting engineer of the crew's "boyfriend of the female director". He was standing next to a large trailer with several wires pulling out from the trailer, connecting the lights to the scene.

"Female Director's Boyfriend" is the sequel to another blockbuster movie "You Yuan" two years ago. The male lead is Guo Kaimin, the actor who played "Lushan Love". He is speaking to the camera.

Ronald noticed the crew here, there was no live microphone. He was wondering, only to hear a man wearing a director's hat crookedly stop the rehearsal.

It was a senior director of the film studio, surnamed Sang. After he went up to talk to the actors, he gestured to the camera to start filming. The shooting habits here are very different. Perhaps in order to save film, the actors have to rehearse many times before they go to the camera to shoot.

"Om..." The scene was also filled with a small noise. Ronald was also the first to see the crew filmed like this.

"Do you Hollywood also make sequels to successful movies?" Assistant Director Huang has been pestering Ronald since he knew he could speak a little Chinese, and he was very interested in Hollywood's advanced concepts and technologies.

There was no sound on the scene and there was noise, so Ronald was not afraid to disturb the shooting, and explained to Deputy Director Huang from a distance.

"There are many situations like this in Hollywood. It is very natural to have a blockbuster movie to make a sequel. The audience is familiar with the plot and characters, which can greatly reduce the marketing cost.

"Stop!" Director Sang called off another rehearsal, "Very good, in this state, we will officially shoot later."

"Dad!" Xiaoyan ran over, greeted his father, then pointed at Ronald and told Director Sang about Ronald's intentions.

"Ah, it turned out to be a foreign friend, let Lao Yan go, his apprentice can already be a teacher, and it's enough to have him here."

"Hello, Mr. Yan," Ronald greeted Xiao Yan's father very politely.

His name is Yan Zhongfang. He is a lighting engineer and engineer in a film studio and has invented many practical new lighting equipment.

"Om... ka"

The noise stopped after Yan Zhongfang turned off a switch on the car.

"Hello." Yan Zhongfang wiped his hands with a towel, and came up to shake hands with Ronald, not knowing why the foreigner was looking for him.

"I would like to ask, what is this? Why do you put a noise source here, isn't it very inconvenient for live radio?" Ronald was very interested in different shooting methods.

"This is a DC power supply car for lighting. Unlike Hollywood, we have advanced technical level dysprosium lamps. The dysprosium holmium lamps we designed and manufactured are used with DC power. It happens that our crew does not need live radio, so DC Converter noise is not a big deal.”

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Yan Zhongfang asked Ronald.

"I'm here to buy advanced lamps from you. I hope you can sell or rent them. The price is negotiable." Ronald said about the idea of ​​buying the lamps invented by Yan Zhongfang.

"Aren't you a guest from Hollywood? Why do you want to buy our lamps? Your lamps are more advanced than ours?"

Yan Zhongfang looked surprised. He didn't understand that his inventions were all based on advertisements in overseas magazines, from the performance descriptions in short words, reversely designed and manufactured lamps, how come Hollywood directors still need buy from yourself?

"No, yours are more advanced than ours." Ronald said with certainty.



You're looking at lightning bolts. "Yan Zhongfang listened to her son's explanation for a while, and took Ronald to the warehouse of the film studio.

Pulling off the carefully covered cloth, an invention of Yan Zhongfang, a boxy lighting device, lay quietly on the ground below.

"That's it, we don't have a lot of movies to do with lightning shots, and it doesn't come in very much, so it's in the warehouse."

Yan Zhongfang turned on another DC power supply, connected the light power supply, flipped a note on the back of the lamp, set the switch, and then gently flipped the switch, and a burst of strong light was emitted from the scene.

"Wow, that's it!" Ronald was excited.

The lights excited by the 50,000-volt high voltage, like lightning, flashed the warehouse very brightly. The light from the boxy lamps, regardless of the brightness of the original incandescent lamps in the warehouse, illuminated the entire ground.

The lightning flashed three times, each lasting nearly a second, and then calmed down.

"How did you do this? No one in Hollywood can create such a realistic lightning effect as you. Mr. Yan Zhongfang, you are going to make a fortune." Ronald also wanted to step forward and do it himself.

"The lightning lamp needs to rest for a period of time. After the heat of the explosion dissipates, it can be activated again." Yan Zhongfang felt the temperature near the lamp with his hand, and then let Ronald set the time himself, and another lightning came.

"This lightning can also accurately set the time!" Ronald liked it more and more.

"The scientific name of this is called high-power high-voltage DC long-arc xenon light lightning lamp." Yan Zhongfang proudly introduced his invention.

"The color rendering of the xenon lamp is very good, the brightness is enough, and the flash time can be precisely controlled, which can simulate the brightness of lightning at any night. The lamp used is a long-arc xenon lamp, which we use to illuminate large stadiums. It’s more expensive because it’s used in public places. We can’t use it indiscriminately. Now some movie studios across the country will borrow it if they want to shoot flash movies.”

Ronald and inventor Yan Zhongfang had a very speculative chat.

Yan Zhongfang not only invented the lightning lamp, but also imitated the same set of lighting lamps as Alai in Germany.

Movies have evolved into the color era, and the charcoal arc lamps of the black-and-white era can no longer be used. Later, someone invented the dysprosium lamp, adding the rare element dysprosium to the lamp, so that various colors can be reproduced more accurately on the color film.

However, the film studio could not find a matching high-power AC power supply, so it had to bypass the AC-DC converter and make a lamp using DC power, adding two unique rare elements, dysprosium and holmium, to overcome stroboscopic. question.

The price of the DC power supply is the low noise on the scene. Fortunately, the film studio is now dubbing in the later stage, and this shortcoming has not been magnified.

"How did you think of increasing the voltage to increase the brightness of the lightning lamp? The high-voltage performance of the long-arc xenon lamp is so good." Ronald touched the lamp and looked at it like a baby.

"I also once connected the wrong power supply to the 380-volt industrial power supply on the set, and found that the light bulb was much brighter than the 220-volt one before it blew up, so I came up with the idea of ​​​​inventing lightning lighting.

In the end, it was in the journal of the Souvelle Union that the performance advantage of the long-arc xenon lamp was found, and the lightning lamp was invented. However, our factory manager said that I was not doing my job properly and was not very supportive of my continued experimentation. "

"Why? With your ingenuity, you should be engaged in specialized product development work, instead of condescending to be a lighting engineer on the set." Ronald thought about digging people.

"My inventions and creations all use the equipment in the factory. The long-arc xenon lamp is also dispatched by the factory to report to the top. Without the support of the factory manager, it is impossible for me to invent the lightning lamp. Let me go, am I not? Willing to." Yan Zhongfang's family is here, and he is a little reluctant to let him go to America.

"Then I'll buy two sets of lightning lamp equipment, and you can make a price."

"I can't make a price. This is the property of the factory."

"I will buy you a full set of patents and production processes, pay in dollars, and you will make an offer." Ronald felt keenly that the effect of this kind of lightning lamp is extraordinary. As long as it is introduced into Hollywood, all movies related to lightning will be If you wanted to rent your own lamps, it was a separate business at that time.

"This belongs to the unit, and the private person has no right to sell it, but I can report to the factory manager."

"Do you want to buy our lightning lamp?" Director Xu of the film studio was surprised when Ronald took Xiaoyan and his son to express his willingness to buy.

"Yeah, it's a really nice light fixture that we don't have in Hollywood."

"But our film studio doesn't produce such lamps? These two lightning lamps were prototype lamps made by Master Yan Zhongfang when he was doing inventions."

"Huh?" Ronald thought to himself, why don't you understand the value of this lamp?

"But they don't seem to understand that with such a small amount of film production every year, there are not many lightning shots. It's not like all the shoddy Hollywood romances, horror movies, and even Broadway stage plays, which require some lightning effects." Luo Nader understood that here, Yan Zhongfang's invention is just a toy, and it can only become a business when it reaches America, where the movie and TV market is huge.

"Why don't I write a letter of introduction for you, and you can go to the state-run electronic lighting factory in Minhang to purchase your own. Master Yan Zhongfang's drawings can be given to you, as long as..."

"I can bid on your patents."

Director Xu also ran across the East and the South and knew the meaning of capitalist patents, but that was not what they needed.

"Our country's scientific and technological strength is still relatively backward, and only at certain points can it break through the world's advanced level of science and technology..."

Ronald didn't know how to answer this.

Xiaoyan translated Director Xu's words, and then said to Ronald, "We rely on ratings for everything here. My dad has invented so many new devices, but he has not yet been rated as a senior engineer. As long as you can give us a proof, This invention has reached the international advanced level in the 1970s, whether it is my dad or Director Xu, it is a great achievement."

"Oh, don't be humble. You are not the international advanced level in the 1970s, but have achieved international breakthroughs. Now your lightning special effects level is the world's first, and the whole of Hollywood is not as good as you."

"Is what this foreigner said true? Is it really that good?" Director Xu was a little worried and asked Xiaoyan, the translator, quietly.

"I can ask the American Film Society, and the American Academy of Film Technology and the Arts, to give you evaluation reports. I will also purchase the bulbs for your lightning lamps in bulk. As long as you can sign an exclusive supply agreement with me ."

Ronald spoke his terms.

"America Academy of Film Technology and Arts is the sponsor of the Oscars." Deputy Director Huang also knew a little English and immediately reported to Director Xu.

The technological breakthrough of this film studio was broken by Ronald in this way, from a lamp that no one cares about in the warehouse to the most important technological breakthrough on the literary front.

People from the Municipal Science and Technology Commission also came and communicated with Ronald for a long time. Finally, the mayor personally approved the exclusive sale of the lamp tube of the movie lightning lamp and the control device invented by Yan Zhongfang to Ronald's "Daydream Production Company". .

After signing the agreement, Ronald also, in accordance with the rules of the Chinese, entertained the leaders of the film studio and famous actors and directors.

Yan Zhongfang has already explained to Ronald, "This kind of long-arc xenon lamp is only manufactured in the eastern camp. In the west, you have already switched to metal halide lamps with lower cost and better luminous efficiency as lighting equipment for large stadiums. .

However, the color rendering effect of metal halide lamps is not good, and the film is yellowish, so it cannot be used for film shooting. "

This kind of lamp, only a state-run electronic lamp factory in Minhang is still producing. The products produced by this factory are also supplied nationwide.

I purchased a large number of lamps in advance and paid for it in US dollars. Then purchased the control equipment for the lightning lamp and the manufacturing drawings from the film studio. And got the exclusive right to purchase America, and the right to apply for a patent in America.

Ronald was delighted, knowing that he had come to pick up something good this time. Not only can it be used as a monopoly business, but it can also be used to enter many Hollywood production crews.

Director Xu and other leaders are also very happy. Not only are two national-level scientific and technological progress awards coming soon, but there will also be one more senior engineer in the factory. The mayor has promised to give Yan Zhongfang a special allowance from the city government.

This kind of talent, which is even rarer than an eighth-level fitter, can be compared to a university by a film factory with one.

Yan Zhongfang is also very happy, not only solved the senior engineer, but also got a subsidy. The future of the younger son is also resolved together.

Ronald said in private that although Yan Zhongfang, as an employee of the film studio, could not personally take a stake in the lightning lamp production and sales company that Ronald was going to set up, his son Xiao Yan learned English well and went to Amerika for a letter of recommendation, a tuition scholarship, and a letter of recommendation. After becoming a work unit, Director Ronald will solve it for him.

Xiaoyan is also very happy. He can not only study photography in an open and honest way, but also have the opportunity to study in America. This is the kind of treatment that only a few popular female stars in the film studio can get.

Ronald, who was very happy accidentally drank too much rice wine, pulled Xiao Yan aside and gave him his Nikon SLR camera.

"You learn photography and English well, and when you come to America, whether it's New York or Los Angeles, I'll take care of it for you."

Deputy Director Huang, who was accompanying her, was also very envious. She had just graduated from Director Xie's deputy and had not yet directed a movie independently. Xiaoyan couldn't be envious of her with such good conditions.

"Associate Director Huang, I can see that you really like movies, you like movies, and the most important thing is to make them. In the future, I will send you the latest Hollywood movie video tapes and the latest Hollywood movie science on a regular basis. You can see the latest theories and trends in the journals of the Academy of Art.”

Ronald was also moved by these people's enthusiasm for movies. Yellow wine has a relatively strong stamina. He patted his chest as a guarantee to give young people more opportunities to get in touch with Hollywood.

"Director Ronald, I'll toast you." Assistant Director Huang didn't expect to have his own good deeds, and immediately stood up to toast him.

"I can't drink any more. Your wine starts just right, and the stamina is too strong." Ronald felt a little too drunk.

"Ah, I'll make you some wolfberry, it's a hangover." Deputy Director Huang hurriedly got some wolfberry, made a cup with black tea, and handed it to Ronald.

"Well, this tastes good, sweet."

"Director Luo likes it, let the factory office prepare some for him to take back." Director Xu immediately ordered.

"It tastes really good." Ronald sat on the return plane and drank black tea with wolfberry. This trip was really rewarding.

Ronald locked up a sample lightning lamp, dozens of accessories for long-arc xenon lamps, design drawings, and materials for patent applications, all of which were locked into a large one made by the studio props. Equipment box, bring it on the plane in person.

When I went back this time, I just found someone to modify it and try the effect in the typhoon and storm scenes of the new film "Longwei Kid 2".

------off topic-----

The author has something to do today, only one more update.

In addition, Yan Zhongfang invented the lightning lamp is a real thing, and was taken by a Hollywood lighting engineer to open a medium-sized lighting rental company.

Yan Zhongfang also won the Oscar for technology with this lightning lamp.

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