Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 281 The image of a star

"Boom, boom... boom boom, boom..."


Ronald stopped the filming, "Tomita, come here." He reached out and called Tomita Tan Ling, the dazed heroine who was wearing a white shirt and overalls after being called off.

Since the head-on confrontation with Ralph Mazio's manager, the two new stars in the filming played big names and asked for a lot less treatment. Ronald's filming progress gradually began to pick up.

However, in today's filming of Kumiko, played by Tomita Tan Ling, teaching Daniel to dance the traditional dance of Dongying, he encountered a lot of obstacles.

"What kind of person do you think Kumiko is?" Ronald knew that this girl had no experience in filming, and probably didn't realize what her problem was, so he had to guide him slowly.

"I think he is a typical Ryukyu girl, very motivated, and wants to go to America and pursue ballet studies."

Tomita Tan Ling was a little embarrassed. This was the third time her dancing was stopped. His voice was also much lower.

"You understand it well, but I think Kumiko may not be a typical Ryukyu girl. A typical Ryukyu girl doesn't have the dream of pursuing ballet, are you right?"

"Well... Director, you're right, I didn't expect it."

"Actually, you and Kumiko have similar backgrounds. You came to America from Ryukyu and then pursued a career in acting. If you weren't influenced by America's culture, you wouldn't be so independent and free to pursue your dreams bravely. Am i right?"

Ronald felt that Tomita's understanding of acting was a bit misguided, so he had to teach her slowly. I am not an acting coach, let alone not teach deep things, I have not learned it myself.

Fortunately, as a bystander, Ronald could see Tomita's problem clearly. This is a common mistake made by beginners.

"The performance should pay attention to the reaction of the opponent, your attention can not be fixed on your own heart, how do I play this role well.

Instead, we must integrate the role and ourselves, and pay attention to the expressions, thoughts, and lines of the opposing actors. Just like in our daily life, attention is also external to the body. "

"Director, you are right, I know what you mean." Tomita Tan Ling's savvy is very high, she understands that she is thinking too much.

"I want to express my own characteristics more than I want to play Kumiko.

A little less conservative for Eastern Ying girls, and a little more independence and freedom for American girls. Kumiko is you, you are Kumiko, understand? "


After filming again, Tomita Tan Ling's performance was much more natural. As soon as her mental pressure went away, she was very open, and in some scenes, she even compared to Ralph Mazio, who played Daniel next to her.

Ralph Mazio also felt this, and he also strived to exert more kinetic energy in his performances. In this virtuous circle, the quality of the two's rivalry began to get better every time.

"Dong dong... dong, dong dong... dong" Kumiko dances to the rhythm. This kind of oriental dance, the body turns left and right, and the hands make various clapping movements by the side, which is very unique.

Ronald watched from behind the camera, and it was rare that the screenwriters Weintraub had hired were able to relate the second Dragon Power Kid Daniel Sang's unique trick to this dance. Using the rotation of the waist to eliminate and fight, it would allow ordinary audiences to understand the beauty of this trick.


The crew moved to a road on Oahu and had already found an electrical store in advance. On both sides of the road, someone has already stopped the car, and the crowd on the road is played by a group.


"I'll show you my dream." Kumiko pulled Daniel and came to the door of the electrical store.

"Do you want to be a salesperson?"

"No, I'll show you my dream."

The salesperson at the electrical store spoke a few words of Japanese to Kumiko, and then put the videotape of "Famous in the World" into the machine.

"This is your dream? To be a dancer?"


The camera shoots from the middle of the two male and female protagonists. The backs of the two are sandwiched by the TV in the window, and they gradually move forward. The dancing posture of Antonia Francesky is gradually enlarged, and then occupies the whole picture. .

Ronald looks from behind the camera, full of memories of his youth.

"Ronald," DP James Crabbe whispered, but the director didn't respond.

This shot has already been filmed, do you still need to improvise for the two of you? Crabbe touched his chin and thought that many directors would deliberately not stop and let the actors continue to do some impromptu performances. The lines that were forced out in this way would sometimes be more realistic.

"Where did you study ballet?"

"There is no ballet school on Ryukyu Island."

"Oh, that's too bad."

Ralph Mazio and Tomita Tan Ling knew that the director didn't stop, and they didn't dare to look back to see what happened, so they had to continue talking nonsense. But the two also said it was very interesting, and fully expressed the mind of a Ryukyu girl.

"Hey? cut!" Ronald reacted suddenly, lost in memory and forgot to stop. Fortunately, the lines they improvised were not bad.


Filming continued for many days, and the two new stars were still obedient. Although they can no longer be as devoted as they were in the first part, they used a video recorder to record all the rehearsal pictures, and then dismantled them piece by piece and figured it out.

But after the baptism of the first part, the image of the two has become a household name in America. And the two have played these two roles in and out of life this year. Therefore, although Ronald was not very satisfied, he also felt that he had achieved ** points in the performance.

The two stars are of course different from the actors who debuted at the beginning of the year. What the star thinks is not the drama and the overall effect, but the deepening of his own image in the minds of the audience.

Ronald also knew that this was a necessary compromise. Sometimes the filming was not perfect, and when he wanted to start over, he would recite in his heart, "Anyway, this is a sequel, anyway, this is a sequel, just make money, just make money. Eighty thousand, eighty thousand. "

On this day, the scene where Daniel just came to Ryukyu was photographed.

The villain of the movie, the karate master named Changshan, was dispatched by Master Miyagi's childhood brother Sato to pretend to be a taxi driver to pick them up and test the two masters and apprentices by the way.

"Welcome to Ryukyu", the role of Chang Shan is the Japanese-American actor Yuji Yiben.

He stretched out his hand, took Ralph Mazio's hand, and then squeezed it firmly, "I hope your journey in Ryukyu is a pleasant one."

In the close-up, Thenar Yiben's arm muscles are very good, and it can be seen that he has been exercising all year round.


Ronald saw that Ralph Mazio was shaking his hand, and he was pinched hard.

"Ronald, I want to chat with you alone." Ralph Mazio looked for Ronald with a serious face.

"Okay, you come with me." Ronald was discussing the following close-up with the director of photography Crabbe. Seeing Mazio's serious face and knowing that he had business affairs, the two went to chat in his trailer.

"I have to remake this one, it doesn't match Daniel's image." Seeing Ronald closed the door, Ralph Mazio immediately pointed out his dissatisfaction directly.

"What do you mean?" Ronald was a little angry, why Mazio also began to try to direct his own shooting.

"I'm referring to Daniel's image. He was a counter-attack kid in the first part. He followed Mr. Miyagi to practice karate. It's impossible for the second part to be a rookie who can't stand shaking hands. After all, he has already The All-Valley Karate Championship."

"But have you ever thought about it? The championship is actually a competition for a group of high school students in America to entertain themselves. On the Ryukyu Island, Changshun is a real karate master who fights to the death, and the core of Longwei Kid's drama is that Daniel's counterattack. If he is not allowed to face a master whose strength exceeds his own, how can he realize the ultimate trick and defeat the enemy with the last move?"

The two discussed the issue of Daniel's image for a long time, but could not reach a consensus.

"Ronald" Ralph Mazio bowed his head, "I've always been very grateful for your support. This is the first film I've ever made a name for."

Then he raised his head firmly again, "I can't take a scene where Daniel is being treated too badly, Ronald. My entire career has been built on this character. My agent found it for me. In the new film, the character is also an electric guitar lover, learning all the way, and finally defeating the electric guitar masters in the industry.

For my image, for my future, and for me to get more similar roles, I can't take the scene of Daniel's miserable failure, he can fail, but not like this, when Changshun squeezes it hard, it hurts Can't stand it. "

"I hope you can understand the plight of an actor, if you insist on filming..."

"How about you if I insist on filming?" Ronald looked at Ralph Mazio to see what he could say.

"I will have the manager raise an objection to the crew and use the terms of my contract to deny this scene from appearing in the final film."

Ralph Mazio still said that paragraph, and then he looked away again, as if he didn't dare to look at Ronald.

"You're already a mature star," Ronald sighed in his heart. The other party disagreed, and he actually had no choice. It's impossible for the American audience to agree to a role change. Daniel and Miyagi-sensei, the chemistry between the two actors is so good, no one will come back to watch the second part without them.

"Really? You agreed?" Ralph Mazio let out a sigh of relief. He was under a lot of pressure to disobey the director who made him famous.

"I'm not against you, Ronald, it's just that I have my own problems to face," he explained quickly.

"It's okay, I understand." Ronald patted Mazio. He put his arms around each other's shoulders and walked out of the trailer, still maintaining a united image in front of the crew.

"This shot is handled like this. I mainly shoot Changshun's forearm close-up, you only clap your hands, so that you won't be compared by the audience in the close-up. I will add a reaction shot where your face is surprised. ."

"That's great, but Daniel's image shouldn't be too weak."

"Don't worry, tomorrow is your time to show off your power."

The next day, the crew came to a bar that was converted from a warehouse.

Daniel is here, making a bet with the people in the bar. Teacher Miyagi wanted to help Daniel win back his tuition, so he taught him the trick to focus.

In the end, under the guidance of Mr. Miyagi, Daniel broke three stacked ice cubes and won $1,800.


"Ah, ah..."

Ralph Mazio smashed three ice cubes with a whirl.


Very good, the props team will go and get some ice cubes, let's do it again. Make more cracks in the ice, don't expose the gaps you made in advance.

"Ronald, can I talk to you?"

This time, Morita Noriyuki, who played Miyagi, came to Ronald.

"My role is more about the humorous side of Master Miyagi, but the mysterious, powerful, and philosophical performance in the first film is a little less in the sequel."

"How can you..." Ronald sighed, "Forget it, I'll give you a little more mysterious, powerful, philosophical role tomorrow."

"Daniel-san, this is the ancestral hall of our Miyagi family, look at this," Master Miyagi took out a rattle.

"My father used this to teach me karate when I was little. This is the karate of the Miyagi family, the secret of its power."

"This?" Daniel fiddled with the rattle twice, making a thumping sound.

"Yeah, you see, only the waist turns, two drumsticks, one is always defending and the other is attacking. Then the attacking becomes the defense, and the defending becomes the attacking.

Humans have two arms, like this rattle, with the waist as the base point and rotating left and right, so that you can always balance defense and offense. "

Daniel suddenly realized, turned the rattle a few more times, and then began to practice the trick on his own.

"Daniel-san, come and practice with me."

The camera is pulled back slowly.

Miyagi and Daniel, in the dark room, faced the two paper sliding doors that were opened, and practiced the basic techniques of karate that were passed down by the Miyagi family.

However, this time the two joined the Miyagi family's secret technique, and they could clearly see that there were back moves in their attack and defense, and the two paid special attention to the rotation of their waists.

"Very good, Daniel-san. Well done."

Ronald watches from behind the camera.

In the middle of the sliding door, the white sky light came in and illuminated the master and apprentice who practiced the basic skills one by one into a backlight.

The dark background inside the room was stimulated by the white sky light shining in through the sliding door, and the two of them seemed to be practicing in the paradise of paradise.


"Oh... it's great!" Morita Noriyuki, and Ralph Mazio, the two of them saw the printed sample one night later, and were very satisfied with this shot.

Now the audience is happy, and the two masters and apprentices begin the process of epiphany again. Master Miyagi was full of philosophical teachings. During the pairing of the two, Daniel improved his skills at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Both were satisfied and began to applaud.

"Fuck, I hate doing sequels. These two have so many ideas since they became stars," Ronald whispered to producer Weintraub from behind.

"I hate the sequels too, both of them are getting paid more than tenfold."

"But it's worth it, the audience will love it, and we'll make money."

"It will definitely make money, it will make a lot of money." Weintraub was also encouraging himself, "Tomorrow, the deputy commander's flight will stop at Oahu. You will be quicker then, and he will also visit Dongying. ."


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