Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 283 Making a sequel is like a cookie mold

After filming in Oahu, Hawaii, the crew moved back to Hollywood.

Weintraub rented two large studios at Warner Bros. in Burbank, No. 15 and No. 16, and renovated them into the parking lot where Daniel won the championship for the first film, and finally, in the temple, where Daniel and Daniel won the championship. The arena where Jangsun's final duel is held.

"Jerry, I didn't know you had acquaintances at Warner Bros.?" Ronald was pleased with the set. Weintraub's account was very clear, and he would rather spend more money and rent several studios at the same time to decorate and wait for the crew, rather than expensive crew and other sets.

"It's nothing, their offer is cheap," Weintraub said with a smile, with a Jewish look on his face.

"Martin, William!"

Ronald was delighted to see two more villains from the first movie. Martin Cove, who plays Coach Chris, and Johnny, who plays Ali's ex-boyfriend who lost to Daniel in the final.

"Hello, director. How do we need to move, and are there any scenes that we need to be careful about?"

"It's very simple, it's not a problem for you at all. It's just that Martin is going to smash the window glass with one punch. I've already sent someone to modify it with special glass for stunts."

Two unknown newcomers, after filming "Longwei Kid", their income has soared. In addition to the constant invitations, the two also used the characters in Longwei Kid to receive a lot of advertisements. This movie brought them a lot, so seeing Ronald who chose them in the first place, they are very respectful.

"Rob, Long, Chad", Ronald gave another high-five to the three second-generation stars who played the students of the Cobra Dojo in the first part.

They don't care much about the income the movie brings. All they care about is the feeling of being famous. Although the three of them don't have many scenes, their arrogant attitude allows the audience to recognize them everywhere.

"Sweep the legs!"

"Prepare the body bag."

"No prisoners!"


Everywhere in Los Angeles the trio had enthusiastic audiences repeating their iconic lines from the first film.

"Director, we have too few scenes in the second film, will there be more scenes in the third film?"

Chad McQueen is the head of the second generation of stars, and he asked questions that everyone cares about.

William Zebka,

And Martin Cove, also pricked up to hear what Ronald had to say.

"Haha, you have to ask the producer Mr. Weintraub, he has the final say."

Ronald snorted and didn't give a positive answer.


Morita Noriyuki posed, facing Coach Chris, played by Martin Cove, with one hand on his chest and the other gestured to hit him.

Fear, remorse, and other complex emotions appeared on Martin's face.


Ronald is still very satisfied with Cove's professionalism. Morita doesn't know any martial arts at all, but Kov is a master of karate. In the scene where the two of them are together, the audience can feel Kov's oppressive muscles.

In this way, Miyagi-sensei can still hold the opponent firmly, which is very helpful for creating the image of Miyagi's master.

Hug and say goodbye to all the actors. Their brief appearance in the second sequel is over. The crew moved to the studio next to it and continued to shoot the final scene in the ring in the shrine, the final duel between Daniel and Jang Sun.

"You know what? They all told me that the sequel is like a cookie mold. You can just use the mold of the first one to fit the sequel. It's just that the actors are getting more expensive pay."

Weintraub said with a sigh. Ronald lived up to his expectations and shot the sequel very quickly. Moreover, the quality of the shooting is guaranteed. Every night, he watches the samples together when he has the opportunity, and the quality is improved compared to the first one.

When Ronald heard the cookie mold, he thought of Aunt Karen.

When she is making cookies, when she wants to make cookies with special shapes such as hearts and small animals, she will take out a set of metal iron molds. Use a mold to put a set on the biscuits, and you can quickly get the shape.

"Maybe, but the biscuits in the sequel are not easy to make, at least they have to be bigger, more fragrant, and preferably have different flavors."

"Yeah, let's see what more interesting action scenes Daryl Vidal and Pat Johnson can come up with in the last fight."

Weintraub is also smart, and he's seen quite a few sequels. The stereotyped characters, the stereotyped plot, is equivalent to repeating the story of the first blockbuster film over and over again, and then slightly adapting it here and there, hoping that the audience will not discover it.

The audience's appetite will grow bigger and bigger. The crane kick in the first part will definitely not meet the audience's expectations. They must be given a more powerful and magical trick.

Daryl Vidal is the only one who knows Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do in the action guide. So Ronald is the same as the first one, ask him to design and perfect the final big trick.

"In Jeet Kune Do, the concept of continuous elimination is to rotate the upper body around the waist. One hand is used to resist and resolve the opponent's attack."

Vidal was teaching Ralph Mazio a common technique in Chinese martial arts.

"For example, if you come to hit me and rotate around your waist, I can turn your straight punch to a side angle, and use this hand to pull it aside. In this way, your center of gravity will be skewed, mine The other hand can take the opportunity to attack your empty front."

"So...?" Ralph Mazio imitated Vidal's movements.

"The trick is not to stay away from the opponent's straight punches, but to get close, so that the opponent can deviate again. There will be this kind of skill to get close to each other.”

"So...?" Mazio's attack against Vidal was not a physical retreat, but a step forward. When the opponent's fist slowly and quickly hit him, he spun and pushed away the opponent's fist, and then Sneak attack on the opponent's undefended head.

"Very good, you and Yuji Yiben practice more and practice this trick until you are familiar with it."

Ronald entered the studio that was decorated to look like a Ryukyu shrine. Ralph Mazio's practice has gradually become proficient. He and Yiben are pretending to feed tricks. As long as they are not martial arts experts, they really watch it. Not too big flaws.

"Let's take a real shot."

After Ronald saw that the two had finished their positions, the lights were also set in place, and the two protagonists were called in and let them enter the center of the ring to start shooting.


Tomita Tan Ling, who was wearing a kimono, was pushed to the ground by Chang Shan. He was very dissatisfied with Ryukyu women, who were in love with white Americans in America. His master Sato, who was rescued by Master Miyagi in the typhoon, has also reconciled with his childhood playmate and brother Miyagi.

Everyone betrayed Jang-sun, which made him furious and began to challenge Daniel.

This is not those high school students in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. In Ryukyu, karate only ends when one side falls to the ground.

"You..." Daniel rushed forward angrily and stood in front of his girlfriend Kumiko. Start a fight with Jang Sun.

Changshan's karate level is obviously stronger than that of Daniel. Daniel was bruised and bruised.

He remembered the "crane kick" that helped him win the championship, glanced at the presence of Master Miyagi, and once again assumed the posture of golden rooster independence.

Master Miyagi shook his head slightly. Crane kicks are invincible only when used at the right time. In this situation, Chang Shan already knew about the tricks taught by Miyagi's father. With preparation, he could crack the crane kick instead.

"Ah..." Sure enough, Chang Shan caught Daniel's flying foot and threw him to the ground.


Ronald stepped forward to take a look and called a makeup artist to touch up the makeup.

Daniel was beaten badly, and Chang Shan also took Daniel a few times. After adding bruises on his face, forehead, chin, etc., he could continue to shoot the final trick.

"How about it, do you want to do it again?" Ronald asked Mazio and Thenar.

"No, I feel like I'll be really hurt by the Thenar Yiben if I do the trick again." Ralph Mazio is not a professional player after all, and is far from the level of Thenar, so let's end it as soon as possible.

"Okay, all departments are ready."


Daniel and Jang Sun continued to fight, and Daniel was beaten many times and had no strength to defend. Kumiko wanted to save him, but was stopped by Master Miyagi's girlfriend.

Miyagi and Sato looked at each other. Daniel couldn't handle such a real fight. They both took out a rattle from their pockets and began to shake them from side to side. The sound of the drums reached the beating who was being passively beaten. Daniel's ears.

He suddenly realized that on the island of Ryukyu, Master Miyagi and he got up every morning to practice the foundation of the Miyagi family's karate.

"The waist is the key. Rotate your waist and hit the balls"

Suddenly, the moves learned have meaning in real fights.

Daniel no longer took the initiative to attack, but still paid attention to breathing, kept his balance, and waited for the opponent to attack first.


Chang Shan made an assault.

Unexpectedly, Daniel, who had regained his composure, caught sight of him. He turned around, turned his left arm outward, blocked his fist, and naturally turned to his right arm in front of him. He took advantage of the situation and hit Chang Shan in the face.


Chang Shan did not expect this change, and stepped forward to attack again.

Daniel saw the opportunity. This time, he turned his right arm outwards and attacked with his left arm. His colleague who was in the grid file hit Chang Shan's head with his fist.


Chang Shan was focused on his face twice, and his anger was already attacking his heart. He no longer dodged back and forth, and rushed in front of Daniel, and the one who opened the bow from left to right and one punch was about to hit the opponent.


With the accompaniment of the rattle, Daniel seemed to have transformed into a rattle as well, strumming from left to right, left and right, and finally hitting Changshan to the ground.


Ronald sought the opinion of the DP and passed this one.

"Make-up, make-up."

Two makeup artists came up and filled up a lot of fresh bruises on their faces and blood marks on the corners of their mouths for Ralph Mazio and Tomita Tan Ling.

"The last shot, you pay attention to the chemical reaction."

Ronald told the two to get ready.


Two little lovers, hugging together, the camera captures close-up of their facial expressions up close. Tomita's acting skills are very convincing, and in the close-up shots, there are also rich expression transitions.

In the end, the two lovers, whose faces were bleeding, hugged tightly.


"The packing party is tonight, good champagne served by the kind Mr. Weintraub."

Ronald made a joke.

"Oh yeah!"

All cheered.

Ronald looked at the studio and said, "At least it's bigger and prettier."

The final battle of the second "Longwei Kid", the first one is larger in size, full of oriental-style interior decoration, and the actors are wearing kimonos.

The action is also more intense than the first one, it can be said that the fist is to the flesh.

There are also male protagonists' love scenes, which are also higher in proportion than the first. Tomita Tan Ling's costumes and close-ups are more and more advanced than Elizabeth Su.

"It depends on the flavor, whether the audience likes it or not."


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