Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 291 You kiss her on the screen, off the screen...

The "Top Gun" crew added a production budget. Ronald and the camera crew, props crew, and makeup crew all went to Chicago and rented a studio for a TV station in Chicago.

With the fastest speed, two scenes were built. One is Charlie's house. According to the stills at the time, a replica of the house by the sea outside Los Angeles was built with the bedroom intact.

In another scene, Charlie and the Lone Ranger meet in the Miramar base elevator the day after their breakup at home, rekindling their interest in each other.

On the weekend of the second week, everything was ready. Ronald came to the scene very early and directed the film crew to prepare for a full day of reshoots.

"Ronald, what do I need to prepare?" Tom Cruise rushed over from Highland Park. He had just finished an opposite scene with Paul Newman last night. Today, he will play a completely different role with Kelly. · McGillis filming passion scenes.

Working more with Martin Scorsese, Tom Cruise began to think more about his acting skills before each scene. Scorsese and Paul Newman have a lot of experience to teach him.

"Today, there are no demands on your acting skills. You just have to show your masculinity as much as possible. Let your feelings carry you along."

"Okay, it's not difficult for me." Tom laughed heartily, showing his neat white teeth.

After he became famous, his teeth were completely renovated by the most expensive dentist in Hollywood, and it was already a standard American smile.

"Remember that bathroom scene? You and Val Kilmer opposite?" Ronald asked Cruise.

"of course I remember."

"Well, this is also after the shower, and I meet Charlie again in the elevator. I need wet hair to cover up your hairstyle so that the audience won't notice the big change in your hairstyle."

"No problem, I'll take a shower now."

The hair stylist visited Scorsese's crew a few days ago, observed and experimented for a long time, perhaps inspired by Ronald's making Kelly McGillis wear a baseball cap, he came up with an idea to let Tom Kerr Ruth took a shower and brushed his hair back to dilute the impression of length.

"Kelly," Ronald called back to McGillis.

"That's great," Ronald adjusted McGillis' baseball cap. A few strands of blond hair came out from under the hat, floating on his forehead and temples, adding a little playfulness. He continued to brush a few strands of blonde hair from the brim of McGillis' hat.

McGillis showed a rare shyness, which made her a little unaccustomed to such intimate actions in front of everyone. However, she also enjoyed Ronald's care and couldn't control her laughter.

"Remember this feeling, the scene in the elevator will be like this."

"Yes, sir." McGillis laughed even more.


With everything ready, Ronald took the time to start shooting. Scorsese only gave one day.

The camera starts shooting at the small room that has been erected like an elevator.

McGillis was inside, wearing a black baseball cap.

Tom Cruise in a camisole,

His sturdy upper body was exposed, a towel was draped around his neck, his hair was still wet, and he was combed back. He walked into the elevator from the side behind the camera. Then face the camera.

The Lone Ranger saw that Charlie was also there, and showed the knowing smile of seeing someone he likes.

Charlie also saw the Lone Ranger, was moved by his smile, and smiled too.

Ronald gave a gesture, and the props group used the rope to pull the false door of the elevator. With a whimper, the door was closed.


Ronald is very satisfied with this shot. The smiles of the two protagonists are like the men and women who failed on the first date. They still have good feelings for each other the next day, and they meet again.

"Restore, restore," the props team shouted, pulling the fake elevator door open. The camera changed to a close-up shot and continued to shoot the two protagonists.

In the editing room afterwards, the two shots would be edited together. In this way, when the audience sees the conversation between the two in the camera again, they will naturally think that it is after the elevator door is closed that the two are talking.


The Lone Ranger waited for the door to close, then immediately turned to Charlie and looked at her with a smile.

"Looks like you have to take a shower." Charlie teased.

"Yeah." Tom Cruise's smile was a little shy. Six months have passed, and now he is not single. Xueer comes to a private meeting whenever she has the opportunity. When he plays this kind of scene, he still thinks of Xueer. The sweet expression will make the female audience like it very much.

"Pfft," Kelly McGillis smiled. She also knew about his relationship with Cher, and he had a long-distance call with Cher for half an hour before starting work.

"I just want to tell you that although the MiG-28 data is very important to me, but..." McGillis sighed, and then spit it out. It was as if she had said something embarrassing to her.

"I don't usually invite male students to my house." Charlie seemed determined, "You are..."

The Lone Ranger got closer and closer, his expression serious. The male hormones began to diffuse in the air, and Charlie felt the oppression, "Please understand, MiG's data is very important to me."

"Ding!" The props group used the electric bell to simulate the elevator bell.

Several other set crews pulled open the false door.

An officer came in.

The Lone Ranger and Charlie are suddenly separated. After a while, wait for the officer to get off the elevator. The Lone Ranger approached Charlie as soon as the false door closed, smiling and looking into her eyes.

"I'm glad we got the word out."

That being said, but Cruise's eyes told another story, and he looked at Charlie motionless.

Charlie was swayed by him, and he went back to look at Lone Ranger's lips, his eyes wandering up and down.


Ronald is satisfied.

Tom Cruise has obviously made great progress in acting after Scorsese's training. And Kelly McGillis was originally a Broadway theatrical actor, and this ambiguous and complicated scene is her strength.

The two of them said that they invited him to the house because of work.

But the eyes they looked at each other and their body movements were undoubtedly telling another story. This is two long-standing men and women who appreciate each other, but haven't officially started a relationship, the most comfortable, anticipating, and longing stage.

After asking the DP, Ronald announced that the elevator scene was done.

The group transitioned to another scene, Charlie's bedroom.

"I want this big backlight to be darker." Ronald saw the lighting conditions in the bedroom scene, stepped forward to take a look through the camera, and continued to give instructions to the director of photography.

In order to prevent the audience from appearing and the hairstyles of the two of them, Ronald decided to use a very dark shooting method for this abrupt passion scene.

The curtains were drawn tightly, and only two white semi-transparent curtains were reserved to let in a little light from the outside.

Such a passionate scene, in fact, most of the time, only a silhouette can be taken. Ronald deliberately does not let the audience see too exciting pictures.

After all, this is a PG movie, and we can only touch a little bit of kisses and hugs. The main purpose is to let the audience's own imagination complete the missing part of the shooting.

The scene was cleared, and only the director of photography, Ronald, and a few necessary lighting assistants, and the recording team were inside.

"How are you? Kelly?" Ronald knocked gently on the dressing room door.

"I'm fine," Kelly McGillis came out, wearing only a white shirt with a long hem.

Ronald was a foot away from her to see the effect, McGillis was very sexy, and the white shirt typical of working girls, in the dim light, reflected the intellectual beauty of the instructor Charlie.

McGillis stood on tiptoe and put his hands on Ronald's chest, "If only you were the hero, I wouldn't have to stand in the ditch."

Ronald smiled. "There's no shortage of trenches. It's just me standing underneath."

His chest hair was slightly tickled by McGillis's gentle movements. Looking at McGillis' eyes, he approached McGillis gently and aggressively, just like the character of the Lone Ranger.

"After filming, wait for me." McGillis said softly in Ronald's ear.

"Hmm..." Ronald felt a tingling, rising from his waist, his entire left ear down, and a swishing sound all the way down to his neck, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture point.


Tom Cruise was already topless, waiting in the room.

The two were in a good position, and the shimmering light through the curtains hit the two of them against the light, outlining a beautiful outline of light.


The camera's motor hummed slightly. "Take My Breath," sung by the Berlin band, was gently released by the recording crew to make it easier for the actors to enter the scene.

McGillis and Cruise looked at each other, slowly, slowly approaching.

The camera's framing is just right at their knees.

Below the camera did not capture, the set team dug a trench in advance. McGillis' feet stood in the ditch, slashing her by several inches.

In this way, in the photograph of the camera agency, the height of Charlie and the Lone Ranger is very similar.

McGillis also doesn't have to bend over and bend his knees while performing such a very subtle, very ambiguous scene.

The two gradually got closer and closer, and finally their lips came together gently, then quickly separated, and then continued to kiss each other.

Ronald's hand grabbed his thigh. Scorsese is right, it's a very bad experience to watch a woman who is having an affair with him and film a passion scene with other men.

To make matters worse, Ronald was still the director, and he was distracted by the two's acting skills, and if the chemistry wasn't right, he was also responsible for the drama.

The lips, fingertips, chin, and tip of the nose of the two were deliberately and lightly touched. For a play of this scale, it is not a big problem to be rated as pg.

Then the two lay down on the bed and continued to shoot silhouette-like passion scenes under the backlight. Although there is no naked picture, it makes people's blood flow.


Finally finished filming this scene, and it was almost evening. Tom Cruise left in a hurry, Cher was coming to Chicago to visit soon, he wanted to hurry back to the hotel.

McGillis, who was left behind, also used the sunset to take a shot. He woke up alone in the afterglow and saw a plane folded out of paper by the Lone Ranger at the bedside, which was clearly the appearance of an f-14 Tomcat.


Ronald also couldn't stand being teased.

After confirming that there was no problem with the play, he grabbed McGillis's hand and walked outside.

McGillis was pulled by him, "My shoes."

"It's okay, the assistant will take it."

Ronald simply bent down and grabbed McGillis by the waist, carried her to the car.

When the car arrived at the hotel, McGillis took the initiative to put his arms around Ronald. The two avoided the gaze of the waiter in the lobby and walked quickly into the elevator until they reached the room on the executive floor.

Ronald opened the door with the key card and walked in.

McGillis came in behind and turned on the lights. She stood on tiptoe barefoot, she was wearing a thick trench coat and no shoes.

"Crack!" Ronald flicked the switch.

At night, when the lights in the high-end area of ​​Chicago shone through the windows, Ronald hugged McGillis, and the two hugged each other tightly.

McGillis ran his fingertips lightly across Ronald's face.

There was another numb feeling, and Ronald also reached into the trench coat with his hands and wrapped it around her waist. She was still wearing the white shirt.

Wow, the trench coat was pushed out of McGillis's body by Ronald and fell to the ground.

Ronald also had his fingertips caressing McGillis' waist, back, and then his lips lightly touching her neck and cheeks.

"Um...ah..." This time McGillis also felt the feeling of an electric shock when the skin was touched.

Lips pressed together tightly.

Ronald pressed the electric switch on the wall of the high-end hotel, and the curtain was slowly drawn.

There was only a dim floor lamp left in the room, and two men and women kissing each other fiercely.

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