Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 315 Top Gun Returns to No. 1 at the Box Office

The North American box office for "Top Gun" dropped slightly over the weekend after Memorial Day, but it wasn't much, and remained above $8 million. This result made Paramount already happy and didn't know what to say.

According to the original plan, starting in June, the distribution department will add 700 copies to the more than 500 theaters that have newly joined the screening program. Continue to wrestle with new films in the summer season.

"Cobra", directed by Minahan and starring Stallone, has surpassed Top Gun and won the championship by relying on the large release scale of more than 2,000 theaters in the first week, but the plot of this movie is rather old-fashioned. Stallone's "Cobra" special forces captain and Brigitte Nelson's kidnapped businesswoman were not convincing, and the audience's word of mouth was not very good.

Therefore, its stamina is seriously lacking, and the box office is down 40% from the first week, which is obviously the box office trend of middle-quality movies. It's not the same as Top Gun, which only fell 10% this week and is still increasing in the second week.

"Blood and Demon" handed over the championship in the second week. "Top Gun," which has only half as many theaters as it, is back on the throne.

Ned Tanin, who was in charge of the production, saw this kind of box office trend and knew that he had won the grand prize again, and Top Gun showed the image of a king. He knew that the top three in the box office of the year were in sight, and he began to think about shooting a sequel to "Top Gun".

On this day, he invited Ronald, who had just returned to Los Angeles, along with Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer to the executive office on the top floor of Universal, to discuss with them whether to take advantage of the hot iron and launch a sequel.

"Our box office in the UK broke the record for the opening weekend of this year's release. In China and Germany, although there are language barriers, the number of moviegoers is also very optimistic. After all, the air combat of modern fighters and the love story of handsome men and women are beyond words. obstacle.

Next week, we will be screened in Dongying, Korea, and Hong Kong one after another, and we will definitely get good results in Hollywood films. In particular, the accident of the Soviet Union's accidental shooting of an Air Koryo passenger plane a few years ago has not been forgotten, and this movie of one Tomcat fighter jet shooting down three MiGs should please their audiences. "

"Hahaha, I like what you're saying, Ned." Don Simpson's momentum picked up, and he clapped his desk again and again.

Ronald smiled, too, to see what Ned Tanning had called them to discuss.

"So, I think, since the audience likes to watch our naval fighters so much, it hurts Mig's plot. Why not take the hot iron and launch a sequel?"

Don Simpson shook his head and objected.


We'd love to have a sequel, too, but audiences may not be ready for another air combat movie anytime soon. Do they need a certain amount of time to forget about the aerial combat in the original film, or is it more appropriate to make a sequel the year afterward? "

"After all, this is a special film. It is premised that the audience likes aerial combat scenes. It is because of Ronald's special talent. We also watched his Saab commercials and made up our minds on this project. We didn't want to take risks. ." Jerry Bruckheimer added that it's not that they don't want to make a sequel, but nothing has been settled yet.

"That's why I found someone to write a new synopsis of the story. The Lone Ranger was at the top gun school and taught students who were as wild as him, and then went on another mission with the students to defeat MiG and rescue us who were captured. Pilot, to complete the unfinished business of the late father, how about this story? We are starting preparations now, and it will be released in 1988"

"A new protagonist?" The three looked at Ronald.

Ronald pondered for a long time before speaking slowly.

"It's so sudden when you say that. I haven't had time to think about it. If you guys want to make it, you have to have a particularly compelling story. The Lone Ranger's personal growth, his love life, we're all consummating in Top Gun. Now, how to shoot next?

Of course, the idea of ​​photographing his trainees was brilliant. I even thought we could have a female pilot as the protagonist. This will ease the audience's problem of watching a male pilot who is tired of hormonal overload.

But I think the biggest problem with this sequel is that all the flying stunts we were able to show were filmed in Top Gun. The Navy couldn't find a dogfight scene that could be shot at a relatively low cost and that could attract the audience's approval. "

Ronald looked at Ned Tanin with a bewildered look, "I know it's hard to explain, to put it simply, we've photographed everything we can, and it's very difficult to get something different. Big. After all, air combat is not boxing. You can't make the audience happy by changing an opponent and a coach like Rocky.

Unless you have a particularly good story that can get the audience back to heart for the Lone Ranger and his cadets. "

"Also, Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Kelly McGillis have gone through this film, and they've gone through the roof, and I'm worried their paychecks will go up like they're going for a helicopter," Bruckheimer added. arrive.

Ned Tanin smiled, "We will prepare a sufficient budget, and Paramount will not be stingy with the stars who have proven themselves."

"In this way, we will prepare separately. I will find someone to write the script. You can talk to a few main creators. Ronald is here to see if there are more stunt aerial combats that can be filmed."

Ned Tanin disagreed with these difficulties. In particular, Ronald said that there are no stunt aerial combat shots to shoot. In his opinion, it is probably self-inflicted. There are very few pioneering talents in Hollywood, but seeing you shoot and improve on your foundation is a commercial operation.

"By the way, your friend's 'Crocodile Dundee', we are ready to release it in September when the box office is not available. It cost us a lot of resources. However, the quality of the film is quite high, and I think it can make some money for us."

"This is something to be happy about, have you informed them?" Ronald was very happy to hear the news.

"Not yet, just wait for you to tell them the good news."

"Hahaha, thank you." Ronald knew that Ned Tanin was selling his favor to himself, but he was just helping out. Anyway, Daydream participated in this business, and maybe he could make a little money.

Ronald went to his agents, Nisita and Richard, to inform them of Paramount's thoughts and ask their opinions.

"Hey, it's not easy to handle. How much budget can Paramount provide?" Richard took the initiative to help him put aside the difficulties before Nisita spoke.

"I didn't hear Tanin say the exact number, but I don't think it would be a problem to go above 25 million."

"Not enough, far from enough." Nisita gulped down the espresso. "Paula told me that he had already bid more than five million for Tom, and if Scorsese's 'money essence', the box office and If the evaluation can be good, she will increase the price.

"How much?" Ronald, who was drinking coffee, almost got burned. "This number is almost the same as Dustin Hoffman, or Robert Redford? Is Paula so confident?"


"You're an old idea, Ronald." Paula Wagner, who was called, explained to Ronald in detail that this person can't be perfunctory and must tell the truth.

"Huh?" Ronald gestured for please.

"Ever since your friend Minahan Golan gave Stallone an action theater that can't make any expressions on half of his face, and a three-film contract of 25 million, there has not been any self-respecting first-line male star in Hollywood. Accept a salary of less than 8 million.

In just six months, from action star Schwarzenegger, to comedy star Bill Murray, to teen star Michael J. Fox, it was a chain reaction.

Schwarzenegger said that Stallone was as famous as him, so he had to ask for eight million. Bill Murray said that his "Ghostbusters" box office is no less than Stallone's Rocky series, so he also has this price.

And then there's Michael J. Fox, whose 'Back to the Future' was last year's box office hit, so he's worth the price.

Now that Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson, and Harrison Ford are going to charge high prices, Minahan has re-priced Hollywood's male stars. "

"No way? How will it end if it goes on like this? It will be even more difficult for Hollywood to make films that are not moderately invested in the future? With an average production cost of 12 million, even a first-tier male star can't be afforded now?"

"That's true. And Top Gun is even harder. Besides Tom, and Val Kilmer, who is a near-A-lister, and all those hormonal supporting actors, they're all going to raise their prices. Your friend McGillis, I'm afraid it will also call out a higher price among female stars.

If it's another movie, it's not sure, if it's a sequel to Top Gun, it will definitely charge a high price. You can trust me in the judgment of a caa broker. "

"It does make sense." Ronald thought for a long time and thanked Paula.

No wonder Ned Tanin said that he wanted to shoot the story of the Lone Ranger students. I am afraid that the collective salary increase has been considered.

By filming the stories of his students, all the characters other than the Lone Ranger and his girlfriend, instructor Charlie, can be removed, so that there is still a certain amount of space to shoot the sequel, and the budget will not be too high.

However, he may not necessarily expect that Tom Cruise's asking price will be so much higher.

Ronald also received bad news from Pentagon liaison officer Matthew, and Peter Pettigrew, a retired instructor and crew flight advisor at the top gun flight school.

The Pentagon and the Department of the Navy are particularly satisfied with the effect of the "Top Gun" recruitment advertisement. This year's recruitment target for the Navy is expected to be completed ahead of schedule. Every movie theater showing "Top Gun" has become a live recruiting point for the Navy.

But that's why the Admiralty isn't as interested in making another similar film as it once was.

Pettigrew once again confirmed Ronald's concerns. All the aerobatic maneuvers he could think of, what could be photographed with current technology, and what looked good, were all photographed by Ronald. If you want better and more exciting shots, the only way, maybe only increase the number.

This one launched two Sidewinder missiles, and see if the lower part can send a Phoenix long-range air-to-air missile to deal with the Alliance's Backfire tu-22m strategic bomber.

This time, two f-14s participated in the battle. Can the lower part be equipped with an early warning aircraft and a-10 attack aircraft to attack the ground?

Without the cooperation of the navy, of course Ronald couldn't do this, he only shook his head with a wry smile.


Don Simpson was furious at caa, they saw Paula's offer and were furious.

"You are blackmailing, highway robbery!"

"At this price, isn't Tom Cruise as popular with female audiences as Michael J. Fox? Or is he not as handsome as Bill Murray's pimple-faced face? This year's Top Gun is likely to get it The top three at the box office, 'The Color of Money' in October, will also be praised by critics.

I don't understand, what's wrong with this? "

"They're the same price?" Bruckheimer couldn't hold back.

"I can't give you exact numbers, but here are a few disguised contracts, you can easily see who they are from the descriptions. I repeat, you can only read in the office, you can't leave here, and you can't make copies. , left this room, and I won't admit to showing it to anyone."

Nisita pulled several processed contracts out of a drawer and showed them to the two producers. Recently, the price of male stars has increased, and this scene is often staged.

"It's obviously Michael J. Fox?" Bruckheimer said to Don Simpson.

"I'm afraid yes, he only has time to shoot in the summer, and the price will be slightly cheaper, but now it has risen to five million dollars. An actor like him before, even if he played a movie like Back to the Future, only To two million."


"I'm afraid this sequel plan will fail. If we don't add more production budget, let's assume that at 35 million, the sequel may not be shot in the short term. Unless the abnormal salary of the male actors will return to the normal market price. ."

The two producers and Ronald, once again returned to Paramount's president's office to communicate with Ned Tanning.

"It's almost the same on my side. There are almost no more tricks for stunt shots. The Navy is not ready to release more advanced weapons to Hollywood. If we want to develop from the model stunts from scratch, we can achieve the reality of Top Gun. If it is effective, it is estimated that five million will be invested in advance, and it will take six months to one year to develop it in advance.”

Ronald also expressed his opinion.

"Okay, let's see what we can do." Ned Tanin agreed to suspend the project and wait to see what happens.

After the three left, Tanin picked up the phone and asked his secretary to find Paramount's production manager.

"The box office of this movie is getting higher and higher, and our sequel production plan still has to be prepared. The producers are worried that the pay is too high, you ask the writers to think about it again, and also cut Charlie from McGillis, leaving only Tom Cruise's Lone Ranger. Then looking for an actress to play his new girlfriend.

That way Don and Jerry will be interested.

As for Ronald? He's so conceited that I can't believe the stunt shots couldn't be done without him. You find an editor, go to the film library and find footage from Ronald's shooting of Top Gun, those stunt shots that were not used in the film, and you collect and see how much you can use.

The Navy could not cooperate at a low price, so we used the footage that was not edited in the first film, and added some new special effects shots to make a sequel. Anyway, in Top Gun, there are not many real aerial combat shots.

Well, there you go. This matter must be kept secret, so that Ronald does not know it. "


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