Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 333 The best way for film critics to comment

The next day, various film reviews were finally released.

The "Longwei Kid Part II" directed by Ronald received a completely different evaluation. The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, the New York Post, etc., Columbia and Weintraub's private film critics, have given praise.

But the rest of the country, the local newspaper media, was mixed.

Maybe it's because their level is inherently poor, maybe it's because of the maverick evaluation to attract attention, many film critics began to criticize the plot of the box office champion.

"This movie is like a sequel to countless classic movies, following the formula of the first one. Trying to build on the success of the first one. So he has more karate tricks, more violent fights, There are also exotic flavors, but all the upgrades have diminishing returns..."

"The performance is convincing, but the narrative of the film itself is 'purposeless'... The clichéd climax is only a cliché of clichés. The actors, especially Miyagi-san, make one feel comfortable through a successful performance. Best for kids to watch."

"These film critics are really funny, isn't that contradicting themselves?"

Ronald complained to his agent Richard, who called to remind him to read the review.

On the one hand, I will talk about the reasons for the success of the "Longwei Kid Part II", such as maintaining the style and story of the first blockbuster, adding more and better-looking martial arts, new heroines, and more exotic scenery. The entire film is also geared towards kids and teens, with some stories simplified.

These are all factors that make the movie a hit at the box office.

But on the other hand, they criticized the film, as if the success of the box office is something outrageous and must be criticized in theory, otherwise Hollywood will be occupied by this kind of film full of copper smell, what will happen.

"Aren't film critics like this, they face box office champions, they can only pick something wrong. The whole industry is like this, if you want to make money, you have to make a sequel like this. Do they still want every sequel to be like the second film of the godfather. It was both artistic and box-office success.”

"Hahaha," Ronald was relieved. "Richard, but if you say that, is there a hint that I can't make a movie that is both artistic and commercial at the same time?"

"I didn't say that. How can anyone in this industry know what to expect? To be successful in one area is already very powerful. Of course, if you can only choose one of the two, I still hope that you will succeed in business. "

"Have those two Chicago buddies reviewed the movie?"

Ronald was joking with his agent. He has discovered that self-deprecating self-deprecation is an effective stress reliever in the face of critics.

"Their newspaper reviews generally don't rate sequels, and Redford's pure clichéd commercial. But they'll talk about your films on the show."

In the evening, Ronald sat in front of the TV and watched the TV film review section of two Chicago film critics on pbs.

"Welcome to Sisko and Albert's Film Critic Show", after a funny beginning, the two film critics began their routine comments.

Roger Albert is still full of praise for the performance of Morita Noriyuki, the actor of Miyagi-sensei in "Dragon Power Boy", as in the first part.

He thinks that although the second movie is not as good as the first one, the first one is one of the best movies of the year, but it is also a very good sequel movie and it is worth recommending the audience to watch it in the cinema.

"I'm very sorry that Daniel-san's mother didn't have more roles, and there was no further exploration between Master Miyagi and his father, and there was no more exploration between him and his old lover, which made me feel very sorry.

Originally, this was a good opportunity to tap into the depth of the two impressive characters in the first film, but director Ronald Lee gently let it go.

And Ali, played by Elisabeth Shue, whom we loved so much in the first part, only appeared in the second part. I understand that sequel movies tend to introduce fresh heroines, but wouldn't it be funnier to have something happen between Daniel's two girlfriends? "

Ronald nodded in agreement, Albert was actually quite objective this time.

"But I don't have that much time. The film is nearly two hours old." Ronald felt that these film critics could actually point to some points, but he had never made a film, so I don't know many regrets. The product of a combination of trade-offs and compromises.

"The final fight is an improvement over the first one, Daniel looks more like a real street fight than the gymnastic crane kick in the first one. But I think he's more like a real street fight than the first one. The department hasn’t made any progress in structure, it’s still the same old recipe, the same old taste.”

Sisko is a little more demanding. He has high requirements for "Longwei Kid Part II", so he did not recommend it to the audience.

"Brother bald, I want to sell it for money." Ronald drank Coke and ate the biscuits baked by his aunt. Your own movies are originally made for children to watch. Why do you want such a profound character analysis?

Ronald has become a box-office director, and unless he wants to win a director Oscar, he doesn't need to take his critics too seriously.

But it's still uncomfortable to watch two of America's most influential film critics say on TV that their films are not.

"Listen to what they have to say about the French Open Condor."

Fortunately, the two ended their comments on themselves in a timely manner, and began to comment on the new film that ranked second at the box office.

"The French Open Condor Ridborah Wenger is the brightest star, she's on screen with Redford and the audience loves it.

But I have to say that the case in this movie is too complicated, the villain is too playful, the villain is too mediocre, and there are many plot holes that make people play.

When Redford's character and Daryl Hannah were sleeping in the same bed, the police broke in and took Hannah away. With such an interest, would they still let Redford be Hannah's defense attorney? "Albert did not recommend the condor of the French Open, and said a lot of bad words. It seems that the high-level turmoil in Universal is still going on, and no one is going to deal with them.

"This? Can't it?" Ronald is not a lawyer, he really doesn't know there is such a system of avoidance, but does it matter? Many TV dramas and movies act like this. Otherwise, if the male and female protagonists have no love scenes, who would watch them?

It's a pity that Deborah Wenger is about to give birth to a child and leave Hollywood for a while. She also has a morning in the film talking to a visiting police officer, throwing up. I don't know if the actor's real morning sickness was preserved.

"This movie has one man, two women and three stars. There are too many stars! If Hannah's role is removed, this is a good movie to recommend. The director is still immersed in the success of "Ghostbusters" and cannot extricate himself ( Ghostbusters has three main characters).

Deborah Wenger is smart and beautiful, and audiences absolutely love seeing her on screen. All superstars have a career stage, and the audience likes to watch them no matter how they act.

But other than that, I really agree with you on the movie, and I'm glad Redford can go back to the rom-com" Sisko gave the condor a better recommendation.

Ronald's remarks about their reviews of other people's films also feel like they're making a lot of sense.

It seems that critics are like pimples that are best grown on other people's faces.

The best way for film critics to review is to review other people's films.

The two are worthy of being the most influential film critics and know a lot about the history of Hollywood. They also said the condor was influenced by a series of courtroom dramas and films.

Their criticism of the film is also to the point. All three stars need to play time, so there are too many constraints when allocating the plot, and it is impossible to tell the story in the most friendly way to the audience.

But thinking of my own situation, this is what people outside the crew saw to make some understanding. What the real situation is, you may not know if you are not in the crew.

The thinking of film critics is different from that of directors, and the experience of the two and the audience is another matter.

The top two films on the list, since audiences bought tickets to see them, have received the most widespread praise, but film critics disagreed.

Anyway, when the film is shown, the complete process of creation is completed. And film critics only play a role in attracting audiences in the publicity and distribution links.

Ronald is still convinced that film reviews are not an accurate reflection of the quality of films, especially when Hollywood can fully influence film critics. It is more practical to measure it by the enthusiasm of the audience to buy tickets.

The last movie they reviewed was "Running Gun"

scared)", starring "Cotton Club" black star Gregory Hines and a white comedy star Billy Crystal.

"Classic good



cop partner. But the actors performed a very special feeling, and we could still be moved by the performance while anticipating all the twists and endings..."

For this small-budget, small production released by MGM, the two film critics have praised it very well. Both of them have made a recommendation decision, but it is the best of the three films that have been reviewed.

"I haven't seen this movie." Ronald looked for the rankings.

It turns out that the box office of "Deadly Gunfire" has not yet entered the top five. It is also a blockbuster movie released in 1,300 cinemas. The box office of a single venue is less than one-third of that of Longwei Kid, and the overall weekend box office is less than 4 million.

"What is this? Doing it for charity? Anyway, if the box office is not good, you can recommend it."

Ronald really doesn't quite know what these critics are thinking.

Perhaps in the Oscars, the Golden Globes, and the awards given by the Film Critics Association in various cities, the evaluation of film critics can play a very important role. But if they just watch the box office, their role is only to influence the first audience to go to the cinema, and their role is very limited.

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