Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 357: Operating 3 Movies Simultaneously

Jennifer Connelly took Ronald's business card seriously, but she did not leave, but accompanied Ronald and art director Ryan Weaver to watch various locations of the Catskills.

Ronald used the camera he brought to take pictures every time he went, and he was going to choose the scene according to the pattern when he went back.

"Aren't you going to be shooting locations here? Then why don't you get a studio set?" Jennifer Connelly asked, hearing that Ronald took pictures because it was too expensive to empty the Catskills his own doubts.

"It's too expensive. There are a lot of tourists here. We shoot for 15 to 20 days. We can't work overtime here, so it takes three to four weeks. As for the set, it's even more expensive. My budget for the whole film is only 450. Ten thousand U.S. dollars."

Ronald found a place that sold ice cream, bought three double-ball chocolate ice cream cones, and took one for Connery.

"I won't eat it." Connery refused, and she couldn't escape the baby fat common to American girls, and she was fat. She rejected Ronald's offer, but kept her eyes on the ice cream and kept looking, "You're so famous, shouldn't the studio give you a budget of twenty or thirty million?"

"For some reason, I had to finance the filming myself." Ronald took the ice cream and ate it himself, "Are you still making movies?"

"Shooting, when I filmed 'Once Upon a Time in America', it was like taking an advanced study class for a film shoot. Originally, my mother asked me to be a model, but now I've become an actor before I realize it.

I did "Labyrinth just came out, did you see it? I did it with David Bowie."

"I haven't watched it yet, but I will."

When Jennifer Connelly heard that Ronald only had a budget of $4.5 million, she was less eager to recommend herself.

Ronald also understands her thoughts. I heard that Magic Labyrinth is a blockbuster with a budget of 20 to 30 million. Connery cooperated with a big director like Leon when he debuted, and he made a big production. He heard his own small film , no disappointment is abnormal.

Saying goodbye to Jennifer Connelly, Ronald and art director Ryan Weaver set out to figure out what to do next.

The problem of falling leaves has limited the shooting time of "Spicy Dance" to summer and autumn. If there is no cheap location this year, it must be postponed to next year.

Ronald felt that the problem was a big problem. He first asked Ryan Weaver to find other suitable locations to see the results of his shooting, and then determine whether to shoot this year.

"On the East Coast, the further south you go, the later the leaves are discolored and fall, so we have to look south. Based on the photos you took today, look for Jewish resorts with similar architecture and seating." Ryan Weaver concluded. .

"It's not us, it's you. I'll have to go back to Los Angeles soon, and there are still two movie projects waiting for me to deal with." Ronald didn't have time to accompany him to continue the scene.

"Okay, but I have to find someone to help me. I can't handle the framing alone. The framing of this movie is more complicated, and I may have to use film for a test shot. At least I have to find someone to help me carry the camera."

"You can recommend a personal choice, but I don't have much budget. You have to go to the Deep South in economy class."

"Then look for David Chapman, he's a solid location production designer. He's experienced enough to handle low-budget productions like yours, but you need to meet a certain era. If you agree, I'll bring He comes to meet you, and then we go to Virginia and North Carolina to find suitable locations."

"I'm not free, you can decide." Ronald waved his hand, Ryan Weaver's ability has been proven, just see the results for yourself, "But why don't you go to Florida or Georgia? Where's the climate? Isn't it warmer?"

"Though the trees there are not deciduous,

But the tree species is completely different from New York State, and you don't want palm trees in the Catskills. "

"Oh, I'm confused, it's up to you to decide. I won't interfere, I just want to see the results. When I get back, I'll see your photos and test footage."

After Ronald finished explaining, he hurriedly called a taxi to rush to the airport, where Richard and Bud, who were waiting for him, had already helped him prepare their luggage, got their plane tickets and went to the boarding gate.

"When we got to Los Angeles, we first made an appointment with Mr. Katzenberg from Disney to meet with the two directors they recommended for 'The Nanny's Adventures.' Then we were the production director of Twentieth Century Fox, the production of 'Beautiful' The work hasn't started yet, and unlike the majors at Disney, they don't seem to be making any progress, and many details are up to you."

"You and Nisita went with me to meet the executives of the two companies. I'm out of work now, and I have to have someone to help me share the work. You have to grow up as soon as possible. You can't just be my work assistant." Ronald now accepts After the preparatory work for the three films, there was a shortage of manpower around me, so I had to let out the immature people as my eyeliner.

Anyway, these two films are not intended to be directed by themselves. They can guarantee that they will not overrun or exceed the budget on the spot.

His main events are still "Spicy Dance" and "Moonlight Sultry", which will be filmed next year.

"Well, I will be optimistic about the studio." Richard pushed his glasses. He has been a junior partner of CAA for several years, and it is time to upgrade his work content and the look on his business card.


"These two director candidates are all your acquaintances, right?"

Katzenberg, Disney's vice president of production, attached great importance to Ronald's project "The Nanny Adventures" and participated in the project meeting in person. This production meeting is mainly to determine the director's candidate.

"Yeah, Cameron Crowe and I have known each other for a long time, and he was the writer of my first film. Chris Columbus, I met him a few times at Steven (Spielberg) We got along very well.”

"Do you have a preference between the two director candidates?" The two women next to him asked Ronald.

"No, how about you? Deborah, Linda?"

Ronald asked about the two female producers, who were involved in the project on behalf of Disney's Touchstone Pictures, and who also held the title of producer. At that time, the on-site tracking and budget control will be handed over to the two women in the future, and Ronald prefers the overall grasp of creativity.

Deborah Hill, who leads the duo, replied, "We've talked to the last two candidates, Chris Columbus is more ambitious and I'm leaning towards him.

It was a small production with a budget of six million, and we had to have someone who had an appetite and struggled with all kinds of hardships, who only slept a few hours a day and could still have fun.

This job is very challenging. "

Linda Obst is a little behind the two characters. "Cameron actually has a lot of good ideas, but he's not aggressive enough. The first debut, not afraid of hard work but also to achieve the goal. This kind of drive is more important than artistic ability.”

"Hmph... what you said makes sense, let's meet both of us."

"Hi Cameron, how are you doing? How is Nancy?"

Ronald hugged and greeted his friend Cameron Crowe, then started talking to him about directing the script.

"I just think that the temperament of this film is very mixed, including romance, secret love, cheating, adventure, and a deep yearning for family life. This is a very clever screenwriting method, but there are also There is a risk of viewers wondering what genre the film is.

If I were to write the script, I would probably cut down on one direction and put more emphasis on the other. …”

"Um..." Ronald and Cameron Crow chatted for more than half an hour. The two female generals and producers said it well. Crow is a bit in the habit of thinking about things from the screenwriter's point of view.

What he said is not unreasonable, but now Touchstone Pictures does not need a screenwriter to revise the script, but a script that can advance the project and make a satisfactory script according to the producer's will. director.

"I'll call you when there is a result." Ronald sent Crow out of the door.

"Thank you, Ronald, I actually don't know if I want to be a director or if I'm ready."

Ronald shook his head, fortunately the honest man in the artist didn't say that during the interview. Although Crow and himself are buddies, this is an important juncture in deciding the director candidate. Does this mean that he has no confidence?

Maybe after marrying the rock star Nancy Wilson, he is not short of money, so his will to fight is not strong.

"Hello, Ronald."

When Chris Columbus came, he was much more nervous.

"Being a director has always been my dream, and given this opportunity, I will do my best.

I'm very satisfied with the script. It's very good at dealing with teenagers and children's psychology. I like it very much.

I can't think of any scenes that were extra difficult, other than the shot of climbing a high-rise building, which required the design and implementation of the stuntman.

I think there will be inevitable, unanticipated difficulties when shooting, but as long as there is a team you can trust, I can't think of anything that can't be solved.

I wanted the movie to be lighthearted undertones for kids and parents to watch together. In the final closing part, I hope to add a little lesson to let children know the risks of going out without listening to the babysitter.

I think parents would be happy to pay naughty kids to watch this kind of movie..."

Obviously, Chris Columbus's desires are much stronger than Cameron Crowe. He spent many years as a screenwriter with Spielberg and never had the chance to be a director.

Nor did he get any money from those Amblin movies. With a wife and children to support, he prepared for this movie much better than Crow.

"Please go back first, we will notify your agent if there is further news." Ronald sent Columbus out of the conference room.

"Thank you, Ronald. I didn't expect you to remember what I said to you. It's very important to me and I'll try."

"This is the touchstone's trust in you. Disney called you by name." Ronald didn't take credit.

"I know, I know, but I'm very happy that you can give me a chance."

The two director candidates are a bit bookish, and their speech is very organized and not aggressive.

The three people on the touchstone are satisfied with both candidates, of course, they prefer Chris Columbus.

"Then Columbus, I'll call Crow." Ronald decided on the director candidate.

"Next is the scene, and the casting. Do you have any recommendations?" Katzenberg asked Ronald.

"This needs to be discussed with the director, and it needs a girl who has an independent temperament, and the audience can believe that she will stand up and fight against the gang in order to protect the child in her care.

The key to the success of this film lies in the protagonist, whether the nanny Chris can convince the audience and look at the whole story from her point of view. Children should also think that she is lovable and will be a close nanny.

The parents who hired him should feel that he was a mature and responsible nanny who would be comfortable keeping her at home to look after the children when he was out on his own.

Boys want to think she is sexy and beautiful, the kind of girl next door that they fall in love with at first sight..."

Ronald saw the two female generals, and Katzenberg looked at him and stopped talking.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"Hollywood legend, you are just like Hitchcock. Before the director, you had a lot of shots in your mind. When you arrived on the set, you shot the shots in your mind. It seems to be true. We regret that we didn't invite you to direct this movie. ."

"Hahaha..." Ronald snorted, "If you have no doubts, we can start auditioning when Chris Columbus joins the cast.


Ronald called Crow, who lost the election, and informed Columbus of the good news. He only had one night off, and the next day he went to Twentieth Century Fox non-stop to discuss another film, "Spirit."

The preparatory meeting for the film was very different, with only one person at Twentieth Century Fox.

"I have a director candidate, Michael Gottlieb, what do you think?"

The speaker is Joseph Farrow, executive producer at Twentieth Century Fox. Now Fox's production business is shrinking, and the division of power left over from the oil tycoon era has not changed.

Farrow is a high-level acquaintance with Barry Diller. The project was handed over to him. When he came up, he told Ronald to let the agent go out. The two chatted privately and divided up the benefits that could be distributed.

"What movies has he directed before?" Ronald frowned. Fox's style was completely different from the rigorous, meticulous, and professional style of Disney's Touchstone.

"No, I haven't directed a movie. But he is the younger brother of the screenwriter of 'Jaws', my man, give me a chance? I can give you the decision of the heroine."

"Gotlieb, like Farrow, is a typical Jewish name," Ronald thought. Now Fox's main focus is on the acquisition of cable television networks, where film production is equal to a paradise for major executives and project producers.

The other party took out the heroine to talk about it, and it seemed that he felt that he would like to communicate with the actress.

"Who are you going to use as the hero?"

Since it's fattening, Ronald thought I would too.

This movie was very childlike when I dreamed of it, and it didn't look like a serious movie. Anyway, Fox paid for it, and they could play as they liked.

A film with a nominal producer and no real production rights will not have any impact on the reputation of its core business in the industry.

"I'm going to be in the Brat

Pack), these people have a bad reputation, but they are very famous. Our movies can rub off their popularity for free, and have a lot of pages for free. "

"I think you're right, which one are you going to use?" Ronald liked the idea of ​​a hitchhiker.

"What do you think of Emilio Estevez? He's the leader of the Boys."

"I don't think he can play, this kid is a fucking hunchback."

"And what about Andrew McCarthy? He's done a lot of commercials for Pepsi, and he's the best looking."

"He's not bad." Ronald remembered the actor who played Hughes' "Beauty in Pink", the actor who played the movie in his dreams, so he would go with the flow and not ruin other people's "good things".

"Who do you want to use as the heroine?"

"I'm optimistic... Wait, isn't the Screen Actors Guild going to interfere with casting? Can you decide by default?"

Ronald thought about it for a while and thought that Kim Cattrall in his dream was a good actor. He had also taken care of Diane on the "Monster Brain Chinatown" crew before. Kind of didn't want her to get caught up in this doomed trash movie.

"This kind of small production, that is, the production cost of more than seven million, plus we have not released the news that you are the producer, there will not be many actors to audition. As long as you like to recommend it, I will You can arrange for her to choose."

"Let's follow the standard audition procedure." Ronald thought for a while and couldn't fool Kim Cattrall.

"Are you serious?" Joseph Farrow was surprised that Ronald gave up his "power".

"Do you want to meet some new people? Or the life you know."

Farrow thought about it, and suddenly realized, "But it's fun, don't promise too much, lest too many people want to play the lead role, I can't end it well. This drama is a big heroine drama with a female perspective. There will be a lot of inconsistencies. A famous actor came here."

"Uh...you have the final say." Ronald had no intention of distinguishing, he just wanted to do what he should do, and then the unfortunate crew stayed away.

"Dangdang, Dangdang..."

Joseph Farrow happily sorted out the papers and hummed a little tune.

"Do you really want to be confident in this movie?" Ronald couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, didn't you find it? Strange love is popular in Hollywood now. There have been a lot of interracial romance films in the past few years."

"What do you mean?" Ronald found that Joseph Farrow didn't seem to be joking, and wanted to hear his opinion.

"It's human beings falling in love with non-human beings or non-living things.

It seems audiences are enjoying all kinds of weird pairings these days. For example, in "The Mermaid", Tom Hanks falls in love with a mermaid. In 'Howard the Duck', Leigh Thompson falls in love with an alien duck, and in 'Thunderbolt Five', Allie Sheedy falls in love with a robot. There's also a movie this year about a girl falling in love with her car.

Audiences love this right now, so Ronald, the script you recommended to us is very good. A cute nerd who falls in love with a beautiful wooden model.

Audiences will love it, and we have a 50% chance of a hit. "

"So the four examples you gave, the two servants, are fifty percent, right?" Ronald complained in his heart.

"Well, Mr. Farrow, your idea is an eye-opener. From that perspective, it's true that the movie has the potential to be a 'big hit'. Good luck."

"I wish us good luck, hahaha..."

------off topic-----

There is only one chapter of two in one today

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