Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 385 The more unlucky actress

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The news of watching the copy with Schwarzenegger was known by old friend Jim Cameron.

"Why didn't you come to play with me?" Cameron knew that Ronald was on vacation and invited him to his house for a beer.

"I just finished a dance film, and I feel exhausted. I just want to find a place where no one else is watching the sunrise and starry night, and let nature heal my trauma."

"Does it work?"

"It was okay at first, then it was ruined by someone who was selling some kind of Transcendental Meditation."

"Ah, I know they're very big in Hollywood right now. They're a little wicked."

The two tacitly did not say anything about the movie. Work is all about movies, and talking about movies when friends get together is a bit boring.

After chatting about motorcycles and sports cars, the two had a good time drinking beer, which was interrupted by Cameron's wife Gale, who came back from outside.

"Jim, why are you... oh, Ronald. Here you are."

Gail and Jim are working on a new movie. They have been together for a long time, and their hairstyles and demeanor have become more and more similar.

The trio chatted some industry gossip over beers as they did in Roger Coleman's New World.

"Do you remember my friend Martha Coolidge?" Gale asked.

"Of course," Ronald was quite impressed with this feminist pioneer. She was supposed to direct the new film "Some Kind of Wonderful," written by John Hughes, which was rejected before filming began.

"She was so miserable. After she was fired, she met John Hughes on the plane. She wanted to regain the directorship, so she chatted with Hughes for a long time on the plane, and shared some of her new ideas with Hughes. said.

It was a hapless guy who wanted to go home for a reunion before Thanksgiving, but he met an annoying neighbor on the plane. He didn't expect the plane to divert due to the weather, so he could only catch the train with the annoying person. The story of backing up the car and finally returning home.

As a result, when Martha went to the Screenwriters Guild and the Library of Congress to register the script two days ago, she found that Hughes had already registered her idea in advance. The title of the script is 'Planes, Trains, and Cars'. "

"It is indeed possible that John Hughes is a fast hand. I heard that he can often write the first draft of the script in one night." Ronald felt that although this is a one-sided statement, the possibility of belonging to the truth is not low. Hughes also wrote a sentence that he inadvertently said back then into a movie.

Who can blame this? John Hughes, after all, is a director with several blockbusters, and Martha Coolidge hasn't proven herself in the Big Seven. There were only two people present on the plane, and unless Coolidge had recorded evidence, he could not even get a signature.

If you have any good ideas, it's better to shut up and write them first, and don't show off in front of your peers.


Once Ronald was back in Hollywood, he also met insiders. The news that he had ended his leave of absence spread. Nisita began to receive more and more calls, mostly from people in the industry who wanted to find out where they were and want to chat with them.

There are a few of them that they can't shirk.

So Ronald came to Paramount the next day to meet Ned Tanning, the de facto producer.

"Ronald, I heard that your new film is another good one, congratulations in advance."

"What, do you want to help me distribute it?" Ronald joked.

"Ha, don't make fun of me. Although this location looks beautiful, I'm actually carefully courting artistic geniuses like you. And then pray that my movie doesn't box office badly.

You and I both understand the problem with the movie "Dancing Hot", so don't make fun of me. "

"Okay, I gave you a chance, you don't want to regret it."

When Ned Tanin saw Ronald look at the new film "Dancing Hot" with such confidence, he was a little undecided for a while. There are only two people present, so the reputation of the so-called Jewish people does not need to be brought up to speak.

This is the stubbornness of those old men.

After thinking about it for a while, Tanin poured Ronald a good brandy XO, and then decided to stick to the original plan, "It's not convenient for me to stand in front of the stage and actively support your new film, but when you release it, I can' To borrow 'some Paramount media assets for you.'"

"Then I'm very grateful." Ronald took a sip of his wine. "What are you talking about when you invited me here this time?"

"That's it, do you remember the new movie John Hughes made with Paramount?"

"Some Kind of Wonderful?" Ronald was a little surprised. "This is the second time I've heard about this movie since I came back."

"Who did you hear about it?" Tanin replied, "It doesn't matter, everyone has spread the word anyway. This movie is in trouble now, and I can't even find a heroine. I'm here for you, yes I want you to step in and save this movie.

After all, the original movie was an idea that you casually said after watching Hughes' movie. "

"You even know that?" Ronald was surprised that Tanin knew that he was the creator of the movie's story.

"Not only that, but I also know that Hughes didn't write the story according to your idea at first, but reversed the gender of the male and female protagonists, and filmed 'Beauty in Pink', where two men chase a woman. The audience responded very well at the end of the test screening. Oops, I was forced to make up for the ending where the heroine and the rich family get together

It was only when he believed your judgment that he rewrote the story of two women chasing a man. "

"You've even figured this out," Ronald thought. It seemed that Tanin really wanted to help him solve the problem.

"Of course, I didn't know it was your idea at first, otherwise I would pay a lot of money to let you be the producer, and there would be no such chaos."

Taning sighed, drank some wine again, and repeated the question of the "Wonderful" crew.

After Martha Coolidge got the directorship, she thought it was a good opportunity to make a feminist film. So she seriously overstepped her authority and began to revise the script without permission.

"Wonderful" was originally a very good story about the beginning of love and the ugly duckling turning into a white swan. It's about Keith, the child of a white-collar worker who owns an auto repair shop, and who likes Amanda Jones, the girl who lives across the road.

Amanda is the girlfriend of the wealthy boy Hardy. She was very beautiful, the most beautiful girl in the school, but also from a poor neighborhood. Looking for a boyfriend like Hardy, I want to change my destiny by getting to know a boyfriend in the upper class.

By chance, Hardy and other girls kissed privately and was caught on the spot by Amanda. In revenge, she agrees to Keith's invitation to go on a date with Angry Hardy.

In order to make a good impression on the lover of his dreams, Keith asked Watts, the girl next door, to help himself, be a driver, arrange various programs, and paint an oil painting portrait of Amanda Jones .

In the end, Amanda's impression of Keith changed, but Amanda, who still had kind thoughts in her heart, finally gave Keith back the gemstone earrings that Keith bought with the accumulated college tuition. Decided to fight for yourself instead of earning money by being a full-time girlfriend for a man.

Keith also discovers that he really likes tomboy Watts. Eventually the two came together.

This fairy-tale-looking, teenage-inspired story was transformed into a noir story by Martha Coolidge. Keith becomes an underground voyeur, Amanda and Watts become very vulgar, brainless beauties, and feminists who hate men.

This change was discovered by the producers, who immediately fired Martha Coolidge, retrieved the first director Howard Deutch, who was fired by him, and changed the script back to the original version.

I have to say that although Martha Coolidge has bad taste, she is very good at pleasing actors. As soon as she was fired, Hughes gave all the actors a choice whether to quit together, and the heroine immediately left with Martha.

The male protagonist also wanted to leave at first, but was persuaded by the actor who played Watts, so he stayed.

The entire crew, it can be said that director Deutsch and screenwriter and producer Hughes are not of one mind. But the time limit for the upcoming turn-on has given them no time to re-cast.

"So what do you want me to do? I can't solve this kind of thing?" Ronald felt rather complicated after listening to the cause and effect. And between himself and John Hughes, there is still a murky competitive relationship. Although it looks okay on the surface, I don't want to get involved in this mess.

"You show up on the set and use your reputation to convince those actors. As long as you nod their heads, they can approve the script that is currently adopted. You know, these actors listen to Martha every day. Realism, feminist thinking, are all being poisoned."

"I have to reject you, Ned." The more Ronald listened to it, the more wrong it became. The actor felt disgusted with the director and script he took over, and it would be thankless to go there by himself.

The director can scold the other people in the crew for their ineffective work and delay in time. Only the actors are the objects that the director needs to focus on protecting, and the problem cannot be solved by swearing. If there is a major conflict between the director and the actor, and they cannot communicate, it is absolutely impossible to cooperate well and make a good movie.

"If you want me to say, it's better for you to re-cast the roles." Wouldn't it be better for the new director to let him re-select his own team?

"It's too late. The film was originally scheduled to be released in February next year. If the casting is re-cast, it can only be postponed, or the shooting will be cancelled. I think about it, as long as you can do it. As long as you show up on the set, they will accept it. Yours. One sentence you say is more useful than ten sentences by Director Deutsch."

"I still don't think it can play such a role." Ronald thought for a while, but refused. There are too many people involved in this kind of thing, why do you want to go to this mess?

"You should go, Ronald. You have a moral responsibility to the male lead. If you don't go to the crew to suppress their conflict, you'll completely ruin his acting career."

Seeing that something was wrong, Ned Tanin played the moral card again, hoping to impress Ronald.

"What does this have to do with me?" Ronald was surprised.

"The hero's name is Eric Stoltz."


Ronald was speechless, and began to seriously consider whether he should help with this, and then exchange the publicity resources in Tanin's hands.

Eric Stoltz first acted in a movie when he was filming "Fast Tempo" himself. Later, he was also selected to shoot last year's sci-fi masterpiece "Back to the Future" as the leading role.

If it weren't for the problem of his own performance, and if Michael J. Fox was replaced, then Stoltz might have been a box office champion.

Although he continues to perform, "Back to the Future" probably won't win the box office championship. But after all, he is the protagonist of a big first-line production, and his actions have indeed changed the fate of the other party.

"You know, Ronald. When a movie hits theaters, especially when you have this little production coming out now, early viewing of the critics is very important to the opening weekend box office.

If you promise to help me with this, then Paramount's film critic resources can also be 'borrowed' for you for free when 'Spicy Dance' is released. Of course, those RBIs are your own responsibility. I'm just in charge of the wire. "

Seeing that the time was right, Ned Tanin offered a better offer.

"I can try, but I can't guarantee anything." Ronald thought for a long time, but he still couldn't bear the network of Paramount's marketing department. If "Spicy Dancing" can get such good conditions before its release, maybe the box office can rise by more than 20%.

For the box office, it doesn't matter if you go to the scene and make a mascot yourself.

"By the way, help the crew to solve the heroine problem?" Tanin and Ronald high-five to indicate that they have reached a gentleman's agreement, and then they put forward an additional condition with a smile.

"What do you think of Diane Lane?" Ronald thought of the unlucky Diane and hurriedly put forward his thoughts.

"Diane Lane? The little heroine of 'Love at Sunset Bridge'?"

"She's the one who played the heroine in three of Coppola's films."

"Honestly, I shouldn't refute your recommendation right now. But a lot of the investment in this movie was bank loans. There's the reputation of the original heroine candidate, Kim, who did it. mortgage."

Ned Tanin explained to Ronald how bank financing works. Generally speaking, the bridge loan of the bank must have an issuance contract, and then there must be one or two stars who can guarantee the box office performance as a guarantee.

Kim Delaney was the lead actress in the well-known ABC soap opera "My Children" in the early 1980s, and was nominated for an Evening Emmy. She just switched from TV series to movies, and the fame accumulated in the TV series is regarded by the bank as a kind of box office guarantee. At least when it comes to marketing, you can save a lot of costs

"So, the heroine of this movie also needs to be a household name?" Ronald asked.

"Yeah, and it's the face the audience remembers." Delaney's fans are so loyal, many of them stopped watching the show after she left "My Children" last year.


Ronaldo plug.

Ned Tanin is so cheap, it's really not easy to earn.

The requirements for this kind of heroine are actually very high, and they also need to be known by everyone, and they must also conform to the beauty in the script, so that people can tell at a glance that she is more beautiful than other actresses. In the history of Hollywood, there are not many people who are able to dominate the crowd.

Moreover, the bank needs a female star who has a fan base and is known to the general audience, which means that several actresses around Ronald are immediately excluded.

Diane Lane is not gorgeous enough. Her well-known character was shot when she was a fourteen-year-old girl, which is completely inconsistent with the current image of pearl and jade. .

Helen Slater's appearance is gorgeous enough. But there are very few characters to remember. In "There Are Evil Husbands", the audience remembers more of the performances of the short male lead and the obese female lead.


"What do you think of Diane Lane as Amanda Jones? How about Helen Slater?"

Ronald soon met director Howard Deutch. Still want to ask the other party's thoughts, in case the recommendation can be successful?

Director Deutsch looked embarrassed, and now the filming is about to start, and the heroine has not yet been found.

He turned out to be the assistant director of John Hughes, and the first independently directed "Beauty in Pink" did not fare well at the box office, and also caused the heroine Molly Ringwald and Hughes to break up after filming because of their different views on the ending. .

The second film was directed by this film. After being fired, he came back to be the director again. He basically has no prestige among the old actors of the crew.

Now Hughes is busy preparing for the new work "airplanes, trains, and cars", and secretly competing with Paramount for the treatment of the next film contract, and will not surrender to Paramount for himself. Most of the difficulties encountered in this "wonderful" need to be solved by themselves.

Fortunately, here comes Ronald. Originally, in the last movie "Beauty in Pink", I agreed with Ronald's opinion, and let the heroine fall in love with the rich boy instead of the poor boy. If it wasn't for Hughes' stubbornness, maybe it wouldn't have grossed just $40 million at the box office.

"I think both of them can do it, but if they take the place..." Howard Deutch understands that what the crew needs is a star.

"Any of them will do, as long as you, Ronald, are willing to take over the missing part of the investment." Tanin next to him took it.

"Ah..., I'm just asking casually." Ronald declined immediately when he heard that he was allowed to invest.

What a joke, my money is stuck in the "spicy dance", if you have money to invest in a new script, you can open a new drama yourself. It's not that I have no money, and I have to use Paramount's resources.

"Let's meet the actors first." Seeing Ronald's bad expression, Deutsch carefully changed the subject.

"Okay, see you."

The group came to the large office, where a group of actors were sitting on the sofa chatting.

"Everybody knows this, Ronald. He's going to be our co-producer." Deutsch walked into the office and introduced Ronald to everyone. He then in turn introduces Ronald to the actor.

"This is……"

"Eric, long time no see." Ronald stepped forward and hugged Eric Stoltz.

"Hello, Ronald." Stoltz obviously had a little relationship with Ronald, but most of the eyes he looked at Ronald were still positive. The crew has a box-office guarantee like Ronald, so he must have a chance to turn over his acting career.

"This is the female number two, Mary Stuart Masterson who plays Watts."

"Your hair?" Ronald saw a short-haired beauty, quite the temperament of the Watts tomboy in the script. The other party's hair was originally dark brown, with golden top, and now the hair color is messy.

"My previous play was going to be dyed blond, but the original hair color grew out, and it hasn't been dyed yet." Masterson saw Ronald and was glad that his new play seemed to be upgraded. A generous introduction.

"Don't dye it? This release fits Watts' tomboy character. What do you think?"

Ronald turned back and asked director Deutsch.

"Ah... ah, that's what I thought too."

After meeting everyone, and then introducing the new arrangement, Ronald made it clear to everyone that Howard Deutsch had the greatest creative authority on the set and that all the actors were under his command.

"But Ronald, in my understanding, Keith in this script actually has some Loser elements in his character. I think it's a fairy tale to shoot him..."

Eric Stoltz raised his hand to speak, and he also wanted to talk about his own understanding of the character.

"Eric will stay here for a while, and everyone else will leave the meeting. Come here on time tomorrow to try out the installation and do the script reading. Director Deutsch will take full responsibility for it. I won't be here."

Ronald cut off Eric Stoltz's wordy words with a sharp knife, and told everyone to break up.

"Crack", Ronald sent everyone including director Deutsch away and closed the door. Only Eric Stoltz and Ned Tanin remained. "

"Eric, do you still have any resentment towards me in Back to the Future, when I proposed to Mr. Spielberg to change you."

"I understand it was an artistic decision, but I lack a different opinion on how to play Marty."

"Very good, so you're a professional actor." Ronald motioned for Stoltz to sit down, then asked Tanin to sit across from him, staring at Stoltz to exert pressure.

"But my understanding of the character is my sincerity. I really think so..."

"Are you out of your mind?" Ronald raised his hand to stop Stoltz, who continued to chatter.

"I..." Stoltz was very uncomfortable with Ronald's sudden change of face.

"I brought Mr. Ned Tanin here today for you. He is very dissatisfied with your disobedience to the artistic principles of Director Deutsch. He is going to fire you."

Tanin cooperated with a serious expression and raised his chin slowly, "Are you still insisting on your own creative ideas? Child."

Ronald finally said, "It was me who said to Mr. Tanin, I know you. It was the first time I asked you to play a small role in 'fast tempo'. Although the role was small, you played it very well. I Totally agree with Mr. Deutsch's understanding of the script, we're going to make a fairy tale. Would you like to join us and make a good story?"


Without waiting for Stoltz to answer, Ronald took another step closer and lowered his voice, "You were changed roles in Back to the Future, which had a lot of impact on your acting career? Don't you want to do it again, because Creative disagreement, and then getting fired from Paramount?"

"Of course I don't want to." Stoltz's voice rose a notch and trembled a little.

"You are a good actor, try to keep an open mind, and then try to understand the philosophy of director Deutsch. If there is any problem that can't be solved, you can call me. OK? I'm on your side this time, I I'm sure you're a good fit for the role of Keith."

"thanks, I will……"

After all, Eric Stoltz is not a star, and he is made obedient by Ronald, who is both soft and hard. He even assured Ned Tanin that he would cooperate fully on the set.

"Good boy, I trust Ronald and his vision. You will be fine."

Ronald sat back on the sofa, "Very well, Eric is very cooperative. Now the candidate for the heroine is missing."

"You guys, haven't you decided on the heroine? I have someone..."

Eric Stoltz, who was just about to go out, said to Ronald.

"Who?" Ronald asked along with Ned Tanning.


"Do you really think Leigh Thompson is a good fit?" Ronald drove a Ferrari with director Deutsch in the co-pilot, and the two were driving to Leigh Thompson's home in the mansion in Beverly Hills.

"What audience in America doesn't know Marty's mother in Back to the Future, that hot and sexy Lorraine."

"But you don't think that she is more suitable for the role of the girl next door, and even playing Watts is more persuasive than playing Amanda Jones. She doesn't seem sexy enough." Ronald asked his own question.

Perhaps Leigh Thompson is the best candidate from a bank financing standpoint. Because Back to the Future, almost all viewers know her. And she starred in "Howard Duck", which was released more than two months ago, and it was a huge failure at the box office.

Some people say that the sex scene between her and the duck is the biggest disaster bed scene in history.

Li Thompson's acting skills are also very good, but the actors themselves have a kind of temperament. She can be considered a beauty by the characters in the play and can steal other people's boyfriends, but when you say that she fascinates all men at school, Ronald doesn't find it convincing and the audience can recognize it.

"What are you talking about? Of course she is the most beautiful. Li is not the girl next door. She is very attractive. It can be said that there are few actresses more beautiful than her in Hollywood."

"Oh," Ronald glanced at Deutsch. Does this person have any special hobbies in aesthetics, such as the Leigh Thompson one?

"Ding dong," Ronald rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong... ding dong, ding dong"

"Hey, I agreed with her agent, why is she not here?" Ronald asked strangely. It is said that he is the director who let Thompson debut, so he should not let his pigeons go. Although the house where Leigh Thompson lives now is much better than her own.

After a long time, Leigh Thompson opened the door, wearing a pair of large sunglasses, and let Ronald and Deutsch into the room.

"This is director Howard Deutch, and he'd love to have you starring as Amanda Jones in the new film 'The Wonderful.'"

"Yes, Miss Thompson. I'm Howard. I've been in touch with your agent before, and I like the way you act. This Amanda Jones is the most beautiful public high school girl, you see we got her name , the Rolling Stones song of the same name.

Amanda Jones, alone at home, was so beautiful until someone asked her out..."

Deutsch was thrilled to see Leigh Thompson, talked about the role, and even sang a few lines from the Rolling Stones song of the same name.


When Leigh Thompson heard these two lyrics, she was at home alone, no one asked her out, she couldn't take it anymore, and burst into tears.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Ronald hurried up to comfort and hugged Leigh Thompson.

Thompson's body was shaking violently, obviously emotional.

Ronald glanced at Deutsch, meaning you did a good job. He looked around and handed Lea Thompson a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Let her calm down slowly.

"I'm sorry, I was just emotional..." Thompson slowly calmed down, and she and Ronald whispered about their predicament.

It turned out that George Lucas's new film "Howard Duck", which he worked hard to win, suffered a terrible failure at the box office.

The same box office fiasco, in fact, the extent to which investors lose money is also very different.

George Lucas, like Ronald, made films all of his own money. With this huge production and distribution budget, even with three Star Wars films, Lucas, who made a huge amount of dollars for him, suffered heavy losses.

A lot of criticism in the industry has been directed at Leigh Thompson's heroine, who has no chemistry with the duck made by the special effects model.

Some people who know it know that it is the problem of this special effect model. Different buttons are used to control different machines to make expressions, which is very rigid.

But there are also many people who think it is Thompson's acting problem.

Many of the scripts that originally invited her to appear in them have secretly withdrawn their invitations, or there are no invitations for the second and third rounds of auditions.

"I...the new house I bought, I can't even pay the mortgage now."

Leigh Thompson had a very good acting career, but was hit by a disaster. Originally, according to the income estimate of Back to the Future, the house she bought immediately exceeded her ability to bear.

"Where's your boyfriend? Shouldn't I be here with you?"

"Dennis, Dennis has gone abroad to film. He also has no income to help me."

"Well, Director Deutsch urged you to play the leading role, what do you think? This is an opportunity." Ronald handed over the script.

Howard Deutch looked expectant.

"I agree in principle." Leigh Thompson agreed after not looking at it for long. "For other things, please talk to my agent. If she is ok, I will act."

Amanda Jones, the heroine, has a lot of roles, and Thompson lacks a role that can make the audience remember her positive image.

"Okay, mission accomplished." Ronald muttered, finally fulfilling Ned Tanin's request. In exchange for resources to promote his "Dancing Hot" movie.

"Ronald, can you stay for a while? I want to ask you something. I'm still a little unsure about this role." Leigh Thompson called Ronald and left him in the mansion. A phone call to call a taxi.

"Why, do you still have any questions? The male lead is Eric Stoltz, and you have filmed together." Ronald asked, "The second female lead is also professional enough, I think you will meet on set. It worked well together.”

"No, Ronald. Do you think I'm really a good fit for Amanda Jones? I'm afraid I'm not pretty enough."

Leigh Thompson is very clear about her conditions and acting skills, and she also has good plans for her acting career. She agreed to act for her own income and to appear in front of the audience.

But I know in my heart that she may not be the best person to play the role of Amanda. So she quickly left Ronald for advice.


Ronald thought, it turns out that Thompson also has concerns, and the appearance is not suitable. But Deutsch seems to really think she can do it.

He thought about it for a long time, and said to Thompson, "The director is very satisfied with your appearance, so I think he has his own considerations."

Thompson nodded.

"However, if you want the audience to be persuaded by your character, remember that character. You might want to think a little bit more about your character."

Thompson's eyes were still red and swollen, but she immediately took out a pen and paper, ready to jot down Ronald's comments.

"The audience remembers the character in the story, maybe your appearance is not convincing enough, but the audience will fall in love with Amanda Jones because of the character's personality.

In the end, she did not accept Keith's courtship, because she saw that Keith did not understand that his true love was Watts, and Watts would rather be the driver to pick him up to date Amanda in order to fulfill Keith's wish.

So these three characters have a tone, that is, they are all kind people. When her ex-boyfriend, the rich man Hardy, bullied Keith, Amanda held a negative attitude.

So you have to work hard here and think about what kind of inner person Amanda is, and then you will finally see Keith spends months painting himself oil portraits, and clearly has a good heart for Keith. , or returned the expensive earrings, adult beauty. "

"I remember..." Leigh Thompson regained her composure and wrote down the points Ronald reminded.

What Ronald meant was actually to use his kindness to impress the audience when his appearance was not beautiful enough to be shocking. This kind of suggestion is put forward from the perspective of the director grasping the overall situation and balancing the various roles, and it is very important to the actors themselves.

"Thank you!" Thompson hugged Ronald tightly. It is really rare that she can take a role now.

"Don't worry, America's audience won't forget your performance in Back to the Future. As long as you make a sequel to Back to the Future, you'll be able to turn over no matter how many bad movies you've made. Think Princess Leia."

"Hey..." Leigh Thompson was amused by Ronald, "but Director Zemeckis said many times that he would not make a sequel."

Ronald shrugged and walked down the long aisle to the entrance, a beautiful Mediterranean-style house, the floor is paved with imported Italian marble, the door is also very expensive wood and textured metal handles.

He turned to Thompson, who was sent out, and said, "If you are short of cash flow, you might as well retire the house. I can't afford to live in a mansion like this right now."

"I will, I figured it out, living here is suffering." Thompson stepped forward and kissed Ronald's lips lightly. The two said goodbye and left.

"How, she agreed?" Ronald, who had just walked out to the parking lot, was jumped by Deutsch next to Ferrari.

"I'm worried that she will repeat again, so I'll just wait for you here." Deutsch explained why he was here.

"Yes, you can prepare the script and read it around." Ronald opened the car door, "I will take you to the foot of the mountain."

------off topic-----

Combined into one chapter today

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