Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 40004 Favor of the God of Movies

Exploiting Hollywood 1980 Chapter 404 The Favor of the Movie Gods

Cher was wearing a black coat with sexy black stockings underneath, a pair of red high-heeled shoes with red sequins on her feet, and long black hair with big waves, combined with the more three-dimensional facial features after makeup, it was simply A classic brunette beauty appeared in front of the crowd.

Cher's facial lines are very suitable for filming. Her cheekbones are a bit high, and she may be called mean, but with the combination of eye shadow and blush, it is very suitable for film shots under light, very three-dimensional. sense.

The face has its own shadow, as long as one light is needed, no complex composite light source is needed to create the effect.

All images on the movie screen are flat, and the human brain needs calculations to reconstruct the three-dimensional image of the human face. The more three-dimensional facial lines, the easier it is to be seen by the audience's human brain as good-looking. Coupled with the advanced lighting for filming, to be beautiful on the big screen, the requirements for actors are much higher than those in TV dramas.

In a sense, whether an actor is suitable for the big screen is also selected by the film gods. Only actors who are favored by the god of movies can be the protagonists.

Cher made a dance pose and turned in from outside the camera. She is like Mimi, the protagonist of the opera "Bohemian", deeply intoxicated in love.

Olympia Dukakis, entered the picture from another angle.

David Watkin is indeed a very good director of photography. Based on the results of the rehearsal, he quickly arranged several camera angles to capture this story around the long dining table from different angles.

He also made it just right that the camera wouldn't catch the other cameras, which was very clever. Sometimes, the dead angle of the shooting is just a little bit, and only a few tens of centimeters are suitable for the camera. Watkin quickly found the best angle based on experience.

When the actors still have the feeling of quarreling just now, they can immediately start shooting.

"God, what the hell happened to you?" Mother Rose asked her soul when she saw her daughter dancing like a madman and waving a scarf in her hand.

"I really don't know where to start..." Loretta, played by Cher, pulled up her chair and sat down beside the dining table.

"Your hair isn't the same anymore." Mother Rose was keenly aware of Loretta's change.

"Mom, everything is different." When Loretta watched the opera last night, she found that she had found her true love, Ronnie with a wooden hand.

"Are you drunk?" Mother Rose brought her daughter a cup of hot coffee.

"No, are you drunk?" Cher still had her dissatisfaction with Dukakis in her emotions. This rhetorical question fits Loretta's romantic feeling after she met the true love of her life. people are dissatisfied.

"No, but I have a hangover." Ross, like her husband Cosmo, had to use alcohol to numb herself last night to fall asleep next to her cheating husband.

"Where's Dad?" Loretta hadn't woken up from the romance.

"Upstairs," Ross brought himself another cup of coffee. "Johnny Camarelli came last night."

"What? He's not in Sicily?" Loretta couldn't be more settled,

Everything about her and Johnny's brother Ronnie, she wasn't ready how to tell Johnny. Originally, Johnny had to wait for the funeral of his seriously ill mother before returning to New York to marry Loretta. Loretta still had time to slowly figure out how to explain it to Johnny.

Suddenly realizing that he was about to face his fiancé Johnny, Loretta stood up with a surge of excitement in her heart. Haven't enjoyed a few hours of romantic warmth, and was suddenly scared away by the violent conflict that was about to face.

"He's not in Sicily, he came yesterday and chatted with everyone."

"Impossible, he was in Sicily, his mother was dying, and he was there with her for the last ride." Loretta excitedly yelled in denial.

When people suddenly face things that they cannot accept, they often deny the truth. Loretta is very excited to debate the fact that Johnny has returned to New York.

"No he's back."

"No way, he's in Sicily with his dying mother!"

"His mother is fine."

"Impossible, she is seriously ill and dying."

"It's a miracle!" said Rose sternly. She also hadn't completely gotten rid of the conflict with Xue Er. This kind of sullen tone was like a master of acting, watching a singing layman make a cameo appearance and making trouble for no reason.

"Miracle? Miracle you... It's the modern era, and there are no miracles anymore." Cher seemed to be hitting back at the so-called master of acting skills, as long as one of the movies is well done.

While raising the tone and amplifying the volume and arguing with her mother, Loretta quickly picked up the napkin on the table and started wiping the lipstick on her mouth. If Johnny came this morning, don't let him see through him and Ronnie had an affair .

"Ha, I think Sicily still maintains the original rhythm, and has not entered any modern era." Dukakis watched Cher's frantic performance, sat down slowly, and replied calmly. If you have acting skills, you don't need to work so hard.

"He came directly from the airport, and he wants to talk to you." Putting the coffee in the corner of the dining table, mother Rose saw her daughter's deliberate make-up, and already understood a bit of the problem in her heart.

"You have a love hickey on your neck!" Dukakis's voice suddenly increased. "What are you doing? Johnny is coming home this morning to talk to you."

Loretta, played by Cher, was frightened and went to the glass of the cupboard to take a picture of herself.


Ronald watched the whole scene from behind the camera, and sure enough, the best performance was the real performance. Everyone's emotions were already in place during the morning's quarrel, and there was no need to do any psychological construction at all, and the vivid emotions in the memory were readily available.

Of course, Cher's performance was still a little off. Dukakis spoke with emotion and rhythm. Every sentence was stuck at the turning point of emotion. The rigorous training on Broadway made their lines very good. .

"What the hell did you do? Your beautiful future life was flushed down the toilet by yourself." Dukakis became more and more excited as she spoke. She spread her hands, palms up, and used up and down gestures to strengthen her argument.

"Cover up your damn love bite, cover it up with foundation, and put on some makeup!"

"Okay, okay, you have to help me." Cher took out the plush pajamas from behind the door, ready to change into a sexy outfit.


Suddenly the doorbell was rang, the mother and daughter looked at each other, is this Johnny here?

"Oh, I'm going to change clothes, you go to open the door," Cher said to Dukakis.

"Zi..." The people outside the gate kept ringing the doorbell.

"Go open the door, Mom." Cher picked up her pajamas and walked into the room.

"Um..." Rose, the mother played by Dukakis, kept shaking her head, expressing her disapproval of her daughter's meaningless comments after she fell in love.


Ronald was actually not very happy with Cher's performance, she didn't show the consistency of the flustered performance of the heroine Loretta when things happened.

Cher herself is a big singer, so of course she is not at all panic about such trivial matters. But Loretta is just a small accountant, making a living by helping small Italian businessmen among relatives and friends as part-time accountants.

Of course, it will be even more nervous to encounter this kind of thing that is smashed by my fiancé on the spot.

But it doesn't matter, Ronald thought, such an emotional state is unattainable, don't waste time on such small details, the reversal of this scene is very intensive, and it takes only a few minutes for multiple characters to go back and forth. Turning, the audience's emotions were swayed up and down. It's better to let go of Cher's little flaws, at least her previous performance was very good.

"The next game." Ronald said softly to the staff.

Nicolas Cage appeared at the door of the gate, looking inside through the glass.

Mother Rose saw that it wasn't Johnny, but another handsome guy of Italian descent, the star was younger than her daughter. I know in my heart what happened.

She opened the door and yelled at her daughter, "Not Johnny!"

Loretta opened the door and came out with her head tilted. She had changed into a set of home plush clothes and plush socks to dress up comfortably.

"Oh, it's Ronnie." Loretta sighed in relief.

Ronnie, played by Nicolas Cage, has a big back, and his hair is still a little dissatisfied. The black trench coat is carefully selected and looks very handsome.

"Is Johnny there?" Ronnie asked Loretta inside.

"I'm not here now, but he's coming soon." Loretta felt a little calm when she saw her lover coming.

"Very well, when he comes, we will spread everything out and put it on the table to make it clear."

"Hmph..." Mother Rose looked at the two of them in this state, and the guess in her heart was confirmed by seven or eight points.

"Hi, I'm Ronnie, Johnny's brother, nice to meet you." Ronnie stretched out his hand...to his mother Rose, who was blocking the way in the middle of the corridor.

"I'm Ross Castorini, Loretta's mother."

"Nice to meet you."

Mother Rose ignored LaRoney and looked at his neck with a handful of LaRoney's trench coat collar. "You have a love bite too."

"Oh..." Loretta hugged her head, and her mother Rose saw through Ronnie's bottom in two strokes.

"Your mother is well," Ross went to prepare oatmeal, passing the news of his mother's miraculous recovery.

"Ah, that's a good thing, although I'm not very close to him."

"You have to go, you have to go, you can't be here today." Loretta pushed Ronnie, she didn't want to face her fiance Johnny and lover Ronnie in person.

"I came to see your family today..." Ronnie came to Loretta's house after much thought.

"Who wants oatmeal?" Mother Rose was there to prepare breakfast.

"I want some," Ronnie pushed Loretta away, walked over to the table, and took off his coat. When it came to the other hand, it was inconvenient for the prosthetic hand to take off the sleeve. He took it off by biting the cuff with his mouth.

"Tsk..." Ronald praised in his heart, Nicolas Cage was inspired by a group of old actors, and this little action of his was very consistent with the identity of Ronnie Camarelli with a wooden prosthetic hand.

Acting is acting as a reaction, often playing against people with excellent acting skills, talented actors, and it is difficult not to improve. In performance, the effect of teaching by example is far more than words.

The camera is in the hallway, and Vincent Gardenia, who plays father Cosmo, comes in wearing a white shirt.

The difficulty of this scene is also here. The characters walk into the kitchen one by one, eating and chatting around the table. It is very similar to the process in which the actors pass through the entrance door to the center of the stage.

And as there are more and more actors, the drama itself becomes more and more complicated. It is necessary to grasp the focus of the whole scene, limit it to only two or three people, not overload the audience's attention, and watch the trick smoothly. It is a very important test of the director's scheduling and the performance of the actors.

Cosmo sat down at the end of the long dining table, and he looked at Ronnie, at the young man's wooden prosthetic hand. He looked at his daughter Loretta again. He drank a lot of alcohol last night, and for a while, he couldn't figure out what the relationship between the two was.

Loretta did not dare to look at her father, bowed her head and said nothing.

Cosmo had to ask Ronnie, "Are you Ronnie? Johnny's brother?"

"Yes, nice to meet you, I'm Ronnie Camarelli."

In Toronto, Canada, there were no photographers’ union representatives watching on the set, and no one cared about the rule that the director of photography couldn’t take the shot himself.

The director of photography, David Watkin, stepped in and zoomed in to get a super close-up of Cosmo's Vincent Gardenia's face.

He uses a zoom lens, not for any zoom effect. But the time of this scene is particularly important. In order to save time and change the lens, the mood of the actors cooled down. By pulling the lens between zooms, you can achieve lenses with different focal lengths, which is equivalent to using a zoom lens as a fixed-focus lens.

Vincent Gardenia's acting skills are extraordinary, he looks dull, but he also quickly figured out the relationship between the two. When he went to the opera with his lover yesterday, he happened to meet his daughter.

I just didn't expect that this daughter's lover was actually her fiance's younger brother.

Mother Rose came over with oatmeal for everyone. Daughter Loretta was looked at by her father's strange eyes and couldn't stand it. "Don't look at me like that, Dad."

"Go on, keep going." Ronald was behind the camera, excited. He felt that this shooting was like a divine help, just like the god of movies accidentally opened his eyes and looked at this studio in the next Toronto session. The state of this shot is surprisingly good. I hope that the next actor will join in and it will be maintained. go down.

If it is a continuous long shot, it will be amazing, the emotions of the actors are smooth, and the viewing experience of the audience will be much better.

"Hi, morning, Dad." Mother Rose heard the old man coming downstairs.

The old man played by Fedor Chaliapin, with a dissatisfied face, walked into the kitchen slowly and found his seat.

"What's the matter, Dad." Father Cosmo saw that the old man's mental state was not right and asked him what happened.

"I'm old, and when I'm old, I'm despised by others. Even if I talk, no one will take it seriously."

Another camera was facing the front of the old man, shooting from a slightly upward angle.

Fedor Chaliapin is very energetic in the upside-down picture, posing as a grandfather.

"Son, I gotta talk, you're paying for your only daughter's wedding. Your arrogance is ruining your family.

That's all I said, I'm done. "

After speaking, the old man pulled out the chair and sat down.

This is the first unexpected twist of the scene. No one would have imagined that in the end it was this grandfather who was a bit old Hutu, who stood up for his granddaughter and used an old man's dignity to get his stingy son to agree to pay for his daughter's wedding.

He didn't pay for Loretta's first wedding!

"It's okay, Dad, I agree. If Loretta gets married, I'll pay for all the wedding expenses."

Vincent Gardenia's face, kind of funny on camera. This Cosmo's character is very scheming. He just saw the relationship between his daughter and Ronnie, and knew that the marriage between Loretta and Johnny is likely to be cancelled, so there is no problem with his mouth.

Who would marry this hapless widow?

Loretta, played by Cher, made a face at her father Cosmo. She knew what his father thought, but she was still very happy to agree to her grandfather's request. For a while, I felt that Castorini was worth it.

"Bravo, you're just talking like that, okay, okay!" The grandfather was very relieved, happy for his granddaughter Loretta, and excited that someone could listen to his words.

Mother Rose gave Grandpa a bowl of oatmeal, and then she went to the other end of the long table with all her heart, and sat opposite her husband Cosmo at both ends of the long table.

While everyone was digging into oatmeal, maybe Cosmo was soft on the old man just now, or maybe it was the daughter's problem, which made Mother Rose frown at the big family.

Then she clasped her hands together and asked her husband Cosmo at the other end of the dining table.

"Am I a good wife?"

Husband Cosmo looked up in surprise. He didn't know why Rose asked this suddenly, "Of course."

Rose got the answer she wanted, a smile appeared on her face, and then she resumed her seriousness and said the request that she wanted to say for a long time:

"I hope you never see her again."


The sound of people scooping oatmeal on plates with metal spoons suddenly stopped.

Cameras on both sides of the dining table captured Loretta and Ronnie's reactions. Loretta covered her head. She talked to her mother Rose at church, and Rose said she knew that Cosmo had a lover outside.

Ronnie showed a curious look. It seems that things in the Castorini family are not much more chaotic than the Camarelli family.

Another camera is on the old man on the other side of the table.

Fyodor Chaliapin was so deaf that he didn't hear Dukakis's lines at all. But the reaction of everyone clearly told him that it was now at that point.

He looked left at Cosmo's reaction, then right at Rose's. The old man had to rely on his children to take care of him. He didn't dare to publish what he had already done, so he quickly lowered his head and drank porridge.

Ronald watched his father Cosmo's reaction and acted very well.

Ross didn't ask Cosmo if he had a lover, or who his lover was, how they met, and what to do now, the kind of question that a vulgar woman would ask.

Ross is very smart. After the general had his husband Cosmo with the question of whether he was a good wife, he directly put forward his request that Cosmo would not see that woman again.

Generally, husbands who are caught rape will either deny or deny, or simply pick on the faults of their wives. But Cosmo said just now that Rose is a good wife, and those options are gone.

The expression on his face was more shock than embarrassment.

All kinds of emotions poured into the fat face, and the actor Vincent Gardenia slowly stood up and looked at his wife's sad face...


He suddenly slapped the table, and he was once proud of a lover outside and a wife at home, and the arrangement was very good. In the end, he was understood by Ross, and his every move was under the control of his wife.

The old man was startled by his son's slap, and he fell back in surprise. It wasn't that he was frightened by the sound, but that Cosmo's palm was right next to his rice bowl.

Fyodor Chaliapin turned his back to the camera, his body was covered in drama. After he was surprised, he couldn't understand what it was, and he leaned back and continued to eat porridge.

"Tsk..." Ronald curled his lips, this is to steal the show with his back.

"OK!" Cosmo patted the table hard, but spoke softly.

"You still have to go to church to confess." Rose's face showed a triumphant smile. The husband agreed to cut off contact with his lover and went to church to confess his sins. In Italian culture, this is equivalent to fully admitting that you have done something wrong, and you will not be connected to that woman again in the future.

Cosmo shook his head and smiled bitterly, "A man will one day discover that his life is built on nothingness."

Who knows, yesterday it was one at home and one outside, and today it was a dream that was punctured like a piece of paper?

Olympia Dukakis' face suddenly became very excited, with tears in her eyes, and her chin trembled slightly with excitement.

Ross said one sentence at a time, gritted his teeth and said what was in his heart:

"Your life is not built on nothingness..."

"TiAmo (Italian means I love you)." Ross's voice was a little deformed, saying the oath of Italian love.

"Ano (I love you too)", when Cosmo heard his wife's crying confession, he was also excited, as if he had returned to the time when he was standing downstairs at his wife's house when he was young.

Then he blew a kiss to his wife Rose, his voice trembling with excitement.

Rose felt her husband's true feelings and held back the tears that were about to flow.

Loretta, played by Cher, didn't expect that it was her own problem, but her parents suddenly came too.

She rolled her eyes and looked at Ronnie beside her.

Ronnie immediately made a TiAmo look, causing Loretta to roll his eyes again. Love is there, what about the rest of Johnny?

"Zi..." The doorbell rang again.

"Johnny is here, I'll open the door." Loretta covered her face, and she had to face it after all.

"I'll go, I'll make it clear to him." Ronnie loved his lover and went to open the door.

"No no, I'll go." Loretta asked Ronnie to sit, and she looked at her father Cosmo. "What should I tell Johnny?"

The old man over there was still looking at a few family members with a puzzled look on his face.

"To be honest, Loretta, they will know sooner or later." Father Cosmo said to his daughter from his own experience and lessons.

"Oh...you're right, TiAmo, Dad."

"TiAmo, my little cookie."

Loretta was about to open the door when she found that the door was already open, and standing there were Uncle Raymond and Aunt Rita.

They both looked at Loretta as if something big had happened.

Aunt Rita looked at Loretta as if she had committed some serious crime. "Do you have anything to say to us, my dear."

Loretta looked puzzled, "No, what?"

Uncle Raymond glanced at his wife and decided to give his niece another chance, "We just got back from the bank."

"So?" Loretta was still puzzled. "Oh, my God, I forgot to deposit the cash in your store."

Loretta went to the bag and found the cash. She was the accountant in her aunt and uncle's store. Yesterday was the day she sent the cash to the bank. On the way to get her hair done, she had a date with Ronnie at night and forgot about it.

"God, great, her money is still there."

Aunt and Aunt walked towards Rose, "Yesterday was a strange day..."

"We never doubted you, but yesterday was really weird."

"Sit down and have some coffee."

The family found out that it was a misunderstanding, and just like the Italians, they gestured exaggeratedly to express their unnecessary worries.

Aunt Rita was attentive, she noticed that everyone's expressions were wrong, "So what are we doing?"

"Wait, wait for Johnny to come." Mother Rose told her.

Rita saw Ronnie, then looked at Loretta, and knew the problem was with the young man.

"This is Johnny's brother, Ronnie Camarelli," Ross hinted at sister-in-law Rita.

"Oh, hello, I'm Rita Kapomaggi"

Rita saw his unusual relationship with his niece. She looked at Rose with a questioning look in her eyes. Isn't your daughter engaged to Johnny?

Ross returned a look that you were right about.

Rita looked at Cosmo again, and Cosmo nodded.

And then there's Loretta, who grimaces.

Finally, there was the old man Hutu's grandfather. He looked left and right. Everyone was embarrassed and didn't speak. The atmosphere in the air gradually solidified. The old man couldn't take it anymore.

No one said a word, only Ronnie was moved by the old man's sense of humor and laughed out loud. No one echoed him, and it was a bit embarrassing for a while.


The doorbell finally rang.

Aunt Rita, who felt that nothing was right today, went to open the door.

"Johnny Camarelli", Rita announced to everyone.

"Hey..." Johnny laughed dryly when he entered the door, he was always so cautious.

"Loretta?" Johnny was first taken aback when he saw Loretta, who was completely different from before.

"Ronnie?" Johnny was continuously surprised today, "Are you here to reconcile with me? Ronnie?"

"Yes, but it may not be what you want." Ronnie stood up and said to his brother, who was here to grab the bride.

"Of course I want to reconcile with you." Johnny looked at Ronnie, thinking he had agreed to attend his wedding, a little relieved.

"Didn't you say your mother was dying? How did she get better?" Loretta asked Johnny.

"I told her I was getting married soon and she was fine. It was a miracle," Johnny replied.

"Of course it's a miracle." Ronnie knew very well that the mother of Palermo, Sicily, always liked to use this method to manipulate her son's behavior.

"Johnny, I have something to tell you." Loretta stood up, determined to face the situation she created, using her father Cosmo's tactics, and telling the truth.

"Loretta, I also have something to tell you, but can you come out and talk to us alone?" Johnny also said something.

"No, I want to be with my family, just say it here if you have something to say."

Danny Aiello, who played Johnny, is also a Broadway character actor. He looked at Cher and said what was in his heart:

"Loretta, I can't marry you."

"Hmm... eh?" Cher's change of expression was very good. Loretta's remarks were completely unexpected.

"If I marry you, my mother will die." Johnny was very superstitious. He had a personal experience of Loretta's bad luck. His mother almost died because of his engagement, so he came to dissolve the engagement.

"What are you talking about?" Loretta was puzzled.

"What are you talking about?" Ronnie was dissatisfied, and Johnny was willing to break off the engagement, right?

"I said promise, he made a promise, it's an engagement ring," Loretta showed Ronnie and Johnny the engagement ring on her middle finger.

"My mother almost died, and now she's all right, I can't marry you."

"Oh, Johnny, you're 42 years old and still being controlled by her." Ronnie couldn't stand his brother's life being controlled by his mother.

"What about you? You are a son who doesn't love his mother." Johnny was especially dissatisfied with his brother's rebellion against his mother.

"What about you? You big liar, I have a ring here as proof. You proposed to me, but now you want to go back on it."

"Loretta, I have to get my ring back."

"You..., okay," Loretta took off the ring and threw it at Johnny, "The engagement is canceled!"

Johnny didn't catch the ring and fell to the ground. He was also very angry. He didn't expect to encounter such fierce abuse, "You will understand later, Loretta, this is the best for you." Johnny pointed at Luo Retta said.

Loretta was irritated by Johnny's own gesture of fingering, "I'll go to your funeral in red in the future."

The mentality of the two collapsed, and they began to scold you and me one by one.

"Loretta," Ronnie said suddenly.


"will you marry me?"

"What?" Johnny, who had just picked up the ring, knelt on the ground and raised his head. He heard a strange sentence. His brother Ronnie actually proposed to his ex-fiancee, Loretta.

"Where's the ring? Where's the ring for the proposal?" Loretta was dissatisfied, the two brothers did not prepare a ring for the proposal.

"Johnny, can you lend me the ring?" Ronnie asked his brother for the ring.

Johnny looked at his brother and then at Loretta. Although it was extremely embarrassing, he still wanted to reconcile with his brother. After hesitating for a few seconds, he handed the ring to his brother.

"Loretta Castorini, will you marry me?"

Loretta's face turned cloudy, "Yes, Ronnie, in the presence of my family, I am willing to marry you."

"Oh, Loretta, do you love him?" Mother Rose saw that her daughter had fallen in love.

"Yes, I love him so much."

"Oh, that's too bad." Ross bowed his head and smiled bitterly, loving a man and often forgiving his shameful shortcomings. "

"Did you hear that? She loves me." Ronnie put his mind down. He hoped that Loretta would marry him because of love.

The two hugged happily, looked at each other for a while, and then began to kiss.

The camera on the other side began to shoot at the old man.

The old man wiped his eyes tremblingly with a tissue, as if he was crying.

"What's the matter with you, Dad?" Cosmo asked.

Fedor Chaliapin put down the tissue, "I painted the lake."

Cosmo nodded, everyone had to be smeared.


"Cut! Cut!"

Ronald stopped filming.

The actors seemed to stop for more than ten seconds, unable to believe that such a difficult scene was over.

Ronald saw David Watkin give him an OK gesture, "Come on, let's eat."

It was nearly two in the afternoon, and all the actors had not eaten. Ronald hurriedly asked his assistant to serve the meal.

"Uh..." Ronald's own stomach also made a loud sound.


The actors began to applaud, expressing their joy for such a wonderful play.

"How did you do it? Ronald." Olympia Dukakis played very coolly. The scene was full of sighs, many reversal plots, and the rivalry between the actors was also very exciting. Even on Broadway, not every show can be performed so vividly.

"Maybe the God of Movies answered my prayers and is opening his eyes and looking down at us." Ronald didn't know why it was so smooth. Maybe the actor's previous state just matched, maybe everyone was hungry for a long time, and they all wanted to show their best performance as soon as possible after filming and eating.

Maybe, it's just a coincidence that everyone is at their best.

The actors all had something to eat, and Ronald hadn't had time to eat yet, so he and the crew's technicians began to rearrange the seats. Immediately afterwards, Ronald directed the final scene of the film.

The camera shoots in just by the kitchen door, as the family pops champagne to celebrate Loretta and Ronnie's engagement.

Everyone added a cube of sugar to the champagne, in accordance with the Italian tradition, and toasted.

Johnny sat on the side, gloomy, or the old man brought him a glass of champagne, "Johnny, come on, for the sake of the big family, don't you understand? We are all part of the big family."

"For the family!"

"For the family!"

Johnny is not unhappy, raise a glass and celebrate with everyone.

The wine glasses are touched, Ronald and David Watkin back together, and the camera slowly exits the dining room and into the living room hallway.

The camera slowly turned around and took pictures of the group photo on the wall.

There are pictures of Loretta as a child, as well as pictures of Cosmo and Ross getting married, and pictures of Ross and his brother Raymond as children.

The camera continued to move to the right, and finally stopped at a group photo, which was the first photo of the old man's parents after they immigrated to America from Palermo, Sicily.

The two old people in the photo looked at their children and grandchildren, and seemed to have a gratified smile.

The camera slowly zooms in...


"Oh my god. It's finally over."

Ronald finally let go of his worries, but felt dizzy, as if he hadn't eaten at noon, and the high-intensity mental work in the afternoon brought sequelae.

Unlike the actors who can go to the trailer to refill some snacks at any time, and the director of photography also find time to eat and sleep, Ronald has been thinking about the shooting with high tension.

The high-intensity pressure was suddenly released, and Ronald felt dark in front of his eyes. The low blood sugar made him stumble and almost fell.

"Are you all right?" David Watkin helped him.

"Give me a sugar cube, I seem to have low blood sugar."

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