Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 419 The Lady of Scientology

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"This script doesn't have a three-act structure!"

Ronald returned home and read the script of "Rain Man" in one go. He closed the script, picked up a cup of black tea, let the temperature of the cup warm his hands, and finally understood why there were two big directors who were already interested in directing, and then decided to quit.

The script of a movie generally consists of three stages. The characters and the environment are introduced at the beginning, and there are dramatic conflicts in the middle. Various conflicts gradually develop. When it is inevitable and the situation must be broken, it enters the end.

But in this "Rain Man" script, although the characters of the two brothers are very exciting, there is no obvious three-act play structure. It's as if a story is moving at a constant speed to the end.

The story is actually quite simple. Brother Charlie Babbitt, a retailer of parallel imported luxury cars, suddenly receives news of the death of his feuding father. With a bad business, he wanted to inherit his father's estate with hope.

When he arrived in Cincinnati, where his father was, he left most of the inheritance of three million dollars in his will to an older brother Charlie had never heard of, Raymond Babbitt, who was mentally weaker than ordinary people.

An angry Charlie secretly went to the medical facility where Raymond lived, kidnapped his brother Raymond, and wanted to get half of the inheritance from the trust administrator, the dean of his brother's nursing home, to fill the shortfall.

As the two brothers traveled all the way to California, they gradually discovered their long-lost affection. Charlie wanted to get custody of Raymond, and the dean of the nursing home offered to give Charlie half of the estate and let him give up custody of his brother.

But Charlie didn't want to part with his brother. In the end, Charlie lost the case in court. The two brothers separated Yiyi. Raymond promised to visit his brother in Cincinnati frequently.

This plot looks simple, and it is the kind of movie that requires extraordinary acting skills to allow the audience to recognize the characters before they can sympathize with the feelings of the two brothers.

Obviously, both actors and directors will be eager to try this huge challenge. A good shot is very likely to receive favorable treatment from film critics and awards.

But the disadvantage is also on this. The script itself lacks drama. If the actors are not well chosen, and the audience cannot be understood by sympathy, empathy by understanding, and finally deeply moved by brotherhood, this movie will be very powerful.

Without the right cast, or lack of chemistry, the film will be a box-office and awards failure.

Whether it's Sidney Pollack or Spielberg, they're both accomplished directors, and obviously they haven't found the right actors to star in. Anyway, they are not short of any projects, can't find suitable actors,

Then I'd rather not shoot.

"Fortunately, I have Dreamland to help. As long as you follow the casting in the dream, you can find the most suitable actor." Thinking of this, Ronald happily took a hot bath and went to bed early to wait for the Dreamland to come.

The light gradually brightened, and a burst of music played.

"KFMU radio station in Los Angeles, every morning, FM97.1 broadcasts on time for you. First of all, I bring you a new song "Open Heart (Ope)" by Madonna, I hope you like it. "

Ronald stretched out his hand and touched it left and right, and found that he was still lying on the bed. The sun was dazzling and he couldn't open his eyes. He touched the brand new Sony recorder on the bedside table with his right hand and pressed the switch.

This is the new tape recorder that Bard recommended to himself after returning from New York. With an electronic watch, it can be turned on as an alarm clock in the morning.

"Why didn't you dream? It's because the movie is not good, so I haven't seen it in my previous life? But Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman starring, shouldn't they be famous? Isn't it the last two People act?"

Ronald rubbed his eyes and finally opened them.

"Let's go for a run, and then go to the club to practice." Ronald took a shower and went to the karate club opened by Darryl Vidal, the substitute of Longwei Kid, and practiced against him for half an hour.

After the release of Longwei Kid 2, the business here is even better. Darryl Vidal changed to a bigger clubhouse, and put a photo of himself and Miyagi actor Morita Noriyuki on the wall behind the front desk of the clubhouse superior.

"You really want to have something on your mind." Vidal doesn't lead the class very much anymore. He only takes some advanced classes and receives celebrity students in Los Angeles.

Provide you with the fastest update of "Exploiting Hollywood 1980" by the great Moscow fitter Guosha!

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"I seem to have suddenly lost my inspiration and I'm a little distressed, so I want to come to you to practice and free my brain." Ronald smiled bitterly, he really didn't find any rules about how to dream about movies.

"There is meditation in karate. You can try to adjust your breathing and then meditate." Vidal taught Ronald a set of traditional karate methods.

"Is it useful?" That night, Ronald took the Japanese-style futon woven by high-grade rushes sent by Vidal, tried to adjust his breathing, and sat quietly for half an hour before going to bed.

"KFMU Radio Los Angeles...Bon Jovi's new song for you today, Living by Prayer (Livin "onaPrayer)"

"Shxt..." Ronald unplugged the recorder angrily.

What Japanese Zen way is of no use.

Over the next few days, Ronald tried hot springs, Jane Fonda's aerobics, and Kim Cattrall, all to no avail.

"You slept well, and there was nothing wrong with it."

A doctor from a private hospital in Los Angeles across from him took the electrodes on Ronald's body. You have a high percentage of deep sleep and I have never seen a Hollywood person who sleeps as well as you. Many actors and directors actually suffer from insomnia, and they want me to prescribe drugs, so you can rest assured.

"No, I didn't dream..."

"No, people dream during the REM period of sleep. What you said is not dreaming, but in fact, the quality of sleep is high, and the content of the dream is quickly forgotten before waking up."

"But I just want to remember what I did in my dream. I...I sometimes dream of inspiration." Ronald whispered to the doctor that he actually didn't mind the poor quality of sleep in exchange for more frequent sleep. dream movie.

"This is more common among artists. Sleeping is actually a subconscious way of organizing our daily thoughts. When you wake up in the morning, it is normal to remember some inspiration in your dreams." The doctor began to write a report to Ronald.

"In this way, I have a small method for you to try. Put a note or a tape recorder by the bedside. In the minute you wake up, try to write down your dream so that it is not easy to forget."

"Oh..." Ronald began to change out of his hospital gown and put on his own.

I can't remember this? I didn't dream.

"How is it? What did the doctor say?"

Outside the door, Bud and his agent Richard, who came back from New York, looked at Ronald and the doctor.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Li is only in poor sleep condition occasionally, so there is no need to prescribe medication. If sleep condition occurs again, then we will see if it needs to be controlled with medication."

"Oh, that's great." Richard's heart fell to the ground. He was most nervous when he heard that Ronald was going to see a doctor specializing in sleep.

"I'll just say you're fine." Little Bud grinned.

"No, I have something to do." Ronald looked unhappy. This was a dream of inspiration. Is this biggest support leaving him?

The main actors also know each other, and the script has been read over and over again. The necessary conditions are met, so why can't I dream for several days?

"How is it, Ronald? How do you read the script? Which role should I play?" Tom Cruise's phone also called.

"Um...um...I haven't quite figured it out yet." Ronald shied away.

"Why don't you come to guarantee the building, Mimi and I are in the technical center of Scientology. The confidentiality is very good here, and we can chat as much as we like."

"Uh... ok"

Although I don't want to go to the place where the staff in Scientology are nervous, but I don't have an answer, maybe it's better to go once. Ronald thinks he's made several blockbuster movies, and maybe he can make it without dreaming?

"Hello Ronald, my name is Kelly, Kelly Preston, and I'm Scientology's assistant. I'll be your temporary assistant this time."

In Scientology's Technology Center, a beautiful young blonde waited for Ronald at the front desk.

"We've met when I did my first movie, Fast-Paced Richmond High School, and you auditioned. "Ronald looked familiar to her, thinking of the past years ago.

"Yeah, in fact, the first time we met

Provide you with the fastest update of "Exploiting Hollywood 1980" by the great Moscow fitter Guosha!

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Earlier, when I was filming "Endless Love", I went to New York to audition. "

"Yes, it seems that I have you." Ronald nodded, "Why are you here now?"

"I already believe in Scientology, and they have helped me a lot, so I also help out with some volunteer work here. You are coming today. David, the president of Scientology, said that I am also from Hollywood. I'll be your assistant."

"Where's Tom?" Ronald looked at the sweet-smiling Kelly Preston, who seemed to have grown more charming over the years.

"He's doing an audit with Mimi. I'll show you some of our technology centers first?" Preston naturally came over, took Ronald's arm, and showed him around the Scientology Center.

"I've heard it many times, what does that audit mean?"

"It's a form of Scientology that helps us achieve a more pure mind and body."

"Ah? Just use that multimeter to measure it?"

"Hahaha, that's not a multimeter, it's an instrument invented by L. Ron Hubbard, the inventor of Scientology, that can measure the degree to which your Heitan is contaminated by the remnants of cosmic villains, as long as you actively participate in Scientology The activities of the base can remove the pollution and restore the purity of the Shitan, so that the spaceship can be boarded in the future.”

"What Shitan? What pollution?"

Ronald felt as though he had heard it wrong, did Preston mean Scientology? How does it sound like science fiction?

"Hee hee hee, I have Scientology's advanced information here, called Znu, if you want to see it, I can secretly show it to you. Anyway, if you participate in Scientology, you will become a senior member in one step, and you can have permission. Look at our Znu mythology."

Preston said, sticking closer to Ronald.

With curiosity, Ronald led her into a luxuriously decorated room, where several young people were mopping the floor hard. Seeing Preston come in, he saluted her and exited. , leaving the room for her and Ronald.

"This is our advanced teaching, and ordinary beginners are not qualified to read it." Preston watched them go out, and then took out something written in a sheepskin book from a safe-like box, very similar to Scrolls.

Preston put the sheepskin horn on the table with Xenu written on it.

She pulled Ronald gently and opened the Znu book to read with him.

"75 million years ago, the universe was ruled by Znu, the leader of the Galactic Federation (Gfedery), with a total of 26 stars and 76 planets, including Earth (then Earth was called Teegeek).

To solve the overpopulation problem, Zenu sends billions of aliens to volcanoes all over the planet. The vehicles carried by these aliens are spaceships similar in appearance to DC-8 airliners.

Then, Znu detonated a nuclear bomb, killing the aliens. The spiritual bodies they left behind, but tenaciously stayed on the earth, polluting the earth, which is the main reason for the mental damage to human beings..."

Ronald suddenly had a delusion in his life, and if Preston hadn't clearly stated that this was the advanced teaching of Scientology, he seemed to feel ten years younger, back in high school, and dating the most beautiful girl on the cheerleading team, and the date His girlfriend Preston is talking to himself about the "Star Wars" plot.

"So, Scientology's auditing equipment can reduce the evil substances of the galactic villains remaining in our bodies. After becoming more and more pure, we can board the spaceship when the Galactic Emperor Zenu returns to Earth."

"You must be kidding me, aren't you? You want to do this sci-fi movie?"

Ronald looked at Preston with a smile on his face, the beautiful and virtuous air of a southern woman, if it weren't for the absurd words that came out of her mouth, such a tenderness that was different from the blunt character of most American girls. It's very refreshing for women to be alone.

"No, this Zenu doctrine is relatively advanced. You haven't done an audit, so it's normal that you don't understand it now..."

Preston pulled out what looked like an electrician's multimeter, came up and asked with a smile, "Do you want me to do an audit for you now?"

"Next time..." Ronald made up his mind never to come here again.


Provide you with the fastest update of "Exploiting Hollywood 1980" by the great Moscow fitter Guosha!

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Ronald, it's great of you to come, how did you read the script? How do you feel? Are we working together again? "

Tom Cruise, who had already done an audit with his girlfriend Mimi Rogers, looked refreshed and came to see Ronald.

"Kelly, have you met? She is our most beautiful churchmate in Scientology, and one of the most professional and gentle. You have time to ask her to audit you..." Mimi Rogers beside her chime in.

"Next time, pick a time to do this kind of thing." Ronald looked at Cruise with the same sincere smile as before, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Ladies, give us a moment." Cruise asked Mimi and Preston to leave first, and communicated with Ronald by himself.

"I know it's a little too strong for you, but they do help with my dyslexia, and I think it's good. If you don't want to, you can come as my friend, it's not exclusive here."

"Okay, by the way, what did you say before? Which one?" Ronald diverted the topic.

"Ah, I said it's better for me to play the older brother, or the younger brother. What do you think of the script? I was very excited after listening to the script. The story of this brother is so good, I think the two protagonists will be very enjoyable to play."

"Tom, I'm asking you something, you'd better tell me the truth." Ronald said seriously.

"What?" Cruise had a heroic look on his face, and the newly made dentures made his temperament reborn, very positive, Ronald could feel the upward spirit of the American people, condensed into magical facial features.

"Do you want to make this movie for the Oscars?"

"Hmph, I think the Oscars are biased against me. I think in terms of money, my performances can rival Paul Newman's, but they won't give me a single nomination.

It's a very good script, and Mr. Ovitz promised me that if I did, he would give me his best support. "

"If you want an Oscar, you'd better play the mentally handicapped brother."

Ronald patted Cruise on the shoulder and said slowly.

Although I didn't dream of the original, Ronald had read the script many times.

The two protagonists of this film are not equal. The chance of being nominated as a mentally handicapped older brother is much greater than that of a normal younger brother.


Tom Cruise loves both characters very much, and asked Mimi Rogers to record the dialogue and recite it by himself. It's a little strange to hear Ronald so unequivocally optimistic about playing the mentally handicapped brother.

In his opinion, both roles need good acting skills, and it's not that there is a possibility of nominating a double-click gun like this year's "Field Platoon".

"I recently met a lot of old directors from the golden age, such as Billy Wilder, and learned a lot about acting," Ronald organized the language.

"Acting is acting as a reaction, but this mentally handicapped brother rarely reacts."

"What do you mean, you need better acting skills to play brother Raymond?"

"On the contrary, playing the younger brother Charlie requires better acting. Because you don't get any feedback from the opponent, and his role requires you to make various reactions to foil his stupidity."

Ronald smiled and analyzed it technically.

"And the audience reaction, it's different. Charlie's the kind of car retailer they're used to, and there's a sly side. If you don't act a little bit, they can see it's wrong.

And Raymond is slightly mentally handicapped. We don't see this kind of person very often, so as long as your acting has some characteristics, they will feel that the acting is very similar.

So, in my opinion, it's still better to play Raymond. The technical difficulty is small, but the response will be good. "

"But the actors are responsible for the nomination of the Oscar for Actors. They will know that acting is still more difficult than Charlie, right?" Tom Cruise heard for the first time that he looked at acting from such an angle. There are too many differences in what I usually hear, and I am a little dubious for a while.

"Haha..." Ronald laughed. What acting skills did those actors know? How many understand the mystery? Acting is an art of practice, and many actors actually act with enthusiasm.

Provide you with the fastest update of "Exploiting Hollywood 1980" by the great Moscow fitter Guosha!

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From a technical point of view, it is still the directors who stand behind the camera.

"Of course, this is just my opinion, for your reference." The current Tom Cruise is no longer the young man Ronald drove to fill his teeth. Besides, he believes in this Scientology now. It's a problem, it always feels like a sci-fi movie, not a serious sect.

"I'll consider it carefully, your opinion is very important to me, Ronald." Tom Cruise thought for a while, and felt that what Ronald said was technically correct, but the Oscars were not the audience's choice. Yes, you have to get the actor's approval.

Then again, there's an image issue. Overall consideration is also required.

"Actually, you should play brother Raymond. You are so handsome, and you can have dramatic effect when you play a mentally retarded guy. If you play a normal handsome guy, it will have no impact."

Ronald gave another reason, and the more he said it, the more he felt right. If you really want to direct yourself, then let Tom Cruise play a mentally retarded, in order to attract the audience's interest. As for the Oscar vote, if the audience praises it, do the actors still have a choice?

After the two finished chatting about the project, Ronald fell silent while Preston hadn't come up to pester him.


"What happened to that Scientology? Not Cult?"

Ronald arrived at CAA and told Nisita about some strange things he had heard. Tom Cruise's main agent is his wife Paula, if Cruise's scandal involving Cult...

"Hey..." Nisita sighed, "Paula is worried, this Scientology is still a religion that is legally registered in America and has tax-exempt status.

At first we thought Cruise was just doing it for Mimi, and treating dyslexia, but we didn't expect him to actually believe it. "

"That Mimi seems to be very active. I think she is a smart person."

"Tom told Paula that he might propose to Mimi," Nisita said of his greatest fear. "Mimi Rogers' father was a follower of Scientology founder Herbert."

"Awful woman," the same thought flashed through both Ronald and Nisita's mind.

"Speaking of Rain Man, what do you think?"

Nisita didn't want to continue talking about those troubles in front of Ronald.

"I haven't decided yet, I just think that if Tom is going to play his brother Raymond, the chances of getting an Oscar nomination are much better."

"Playing brother?"

"Yes, this is a tricky choice. It requires less acting skills, but the effect is good."

Nisita listened to Ronald's technical analysis and nodded in agreement.

"I agree with you, but in the end it's up to Tom's own choice, and what Ovitz means."

"Hmm..." Ronald understood. Another star who was interested, Dustin Hoffman, was an authentic Jew who immigrated from the dark lands on the Dnieper River in Eastern Europe.

After telling Nisita what he meant, Ronald went home.

After taking a good hot bath and lying in bed, Ronald was still thinking about the crazy things he experienced today.

Is Scientology a Society of Science Fiction Readers, or a Legitimate Religion?

really weird!

Thinking about it, Ronald fell asleep.

A red sun shone on a misty sky with the skyscrapers of Los Angeles on the skyline and some power lines nearby.

A red Ferrari flew into the picture from the right side of the sky and slowly moved to the left.

The dream came quietly when Ronald was not expecting it.

Ronald, who was overjoyed, hid his happy thoughts, and didn't want to be too happy to scare away his dreams.

"Is this a sci-fi movie? Ferraris fly in the sky?"

Are you excited today? Heard that whimsical story of Scientology? So you have to see related things before you can dream?

The Ferrari slowly slides into the frame, then slowly descends.

"Isn't this the sequel of Back to the Future?" There is no title in the title, Ronald began to think wildly, the sequel found Ferrari as a sponsor? Changed DeLorean's sports car?

The camera jumps to the next scene, where the car is descending toward the ground, with Tom Cruise's handsome young face in the foreground.

Provide you with the fastest update of "Exploiting Hollywood 1980" by the great Moscow fitter Guosha!

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The protagonist of the sequel has also changed? Ronald was surprised that there was no reason why Michael J. Fox wouldn't play it?

"My grandma and your grandma

sitting by the fire

my grandma tell you grandma

I'm going to burn your flag"

A brisk, rhythmic music, remembered in the background.

Tom Cruise smiled as he looked at the Ferrari being put down by the crane. The number was written on the car, and a customs-like person next to him was still talking to Cruise's character.

"Oh, it's still the Rain Man." Ronald understood, it was Tom Cruise at the dock picking up the parallel imported cars.

"No, why did he still play the normal brother Charlie?"

Ronald sighed, Cruise didn't seem to listen to him.

The dream began to mold to the lake and became clear again. Cruise's Charlie gets angry with his father after hearing the will.

He found a way to meet his brother Raymond. Raymond also knew his younger brother and ran out of the nursing home with him.

"It's still Dustin Hoffman's brother." Ronald looked at the image of his brother who tilted his head and kept repeating a sentence.

"What kind of acting skills do you need? But outsiders, and those film critics, will definitely praise Hoffman for his good performance."

On the contrary, in every dialogue and every opponent's play, Tom Cruise has to use all his technical methods to face the camera alone and perform alone without the stimulation of the opponent.

Although it doesn't look very difficult, such a one-man show is actually the most difficult to perform.

"Crack..." Raymond accidentally dropped a jar of toothpicks on the table during the trip.

Dustin Hoffman immediately reported the number of toothpicks.

"Is this mentally retarded? Is this adding drama to myself?" Ronald was amused, and Dustin Hoffman must have changed the script. This is just a bit of a quirk, not retarded, but a genius.

"KFMU radio station in Los Angeles, every morning, FM97.1 broadcasts on time for you..."

Ronald woke up from his dream, it was morning.

"Baby Bud!" Ronald knew that it must be Bud again who helped him connect the power to the tape recorder.

"Don't turn this radio on in the future, I don't like getting up in the morning and listening to the radio..."

Provide you with the fastest update of "Exploiting Hollywood 1980" by the great Moscow fitter Guosha!

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