Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 448: Also ranked first on the album sales chart

The editing of the two versions of the advertisement was completed quickly. Ronald asked Corey Yuen to edit the advertisement that imitated the 007 scene starring Pierce Brosnan and Diane, and he personally edited the version starring Demi Moore.

In the screening room, Ronald and two martial arts stuntmen from Hong Kong watched the sample film.

"Very good, this is an action scene that Hollywood has never seen before. You have done it very well and it is very efficient. I am very surprised. There is a great need for stunt directors like you here. Have you ever thought about staying in Hollywood to develop?"

"I am already married. I came here to earn some money for the family. Director Luo, you are very good to us, but I still have to go home to take care of my husband." Yuen Qiu said that she should return to her family.

"Why? Women can also work after getting married? Look at the stunt directors in Hollywood, there are many couples."

"My husband is also a director, I have to go back to take care of him." Yuen Qiu replied.

Ronald shrugged. He knew that directors would not be at home for several months when filming, so it was really difficult to persuade this rare female stuntman to continue working.

"They are a loving couple." Corey Yuen explained beside him.

"What about you, Corey? Are you interested in staying in Hollywood? My company will soon invest in some low-budget movies, each of which will cost one or two million dollars. If you are willing, you can submit the script to me." Ronald turned around and extended an olive branch to Corey Yuen.

This time, seeing that he was a very efficient director, action designer, and post-editor, Ronald was attracted by his talent.

"Corey is one of the top five or six action directors in our place. He is nominated for the best action designer at the Academy Awards every year." This time, Yuen Qiu introduced Ronald.

Corey Yuen certainly wanted to try his luck in Hollywood. The small productions here also have a budget of several million dollars, which is more than the big productions over there.

He pondered for a moment and said, "I still have to go back to help Brother Long. He will make a comeback this year and will need me in many places."

"Well, when you are free, you are always welcome to come here with a script to try." Ronald knew that he had the ambition to be a director and had enough knowledge and experience.

"Thank you, Brother Luo. I think so highly of you. When the sequel of Project A and Police Stories is finished, you can come and try it." Yuen Qiu was quick to speak. He saw that Corey Yuen really wanted to come and try it, so he took over the conversation.

"If you have any ideas, call me and I will tell Brother Long." Ronald smiled at them and made his promise. "And your sister Qiu, if you want to make a comeback to relieve boredom or earn some pocket money for your children in the future, remember to find me. Hollywood is in great need of good female stuntmen."

"Thank you, Director Luo, for your appreciation." The two stuntmen are considered to be educated, and Ronald can win them over.

"Today, let my company's assistant Miss Chen accompany you to Los Angeles to take some photos and buy some souvenirs. They will all be put on the company's account." Ronald called the translator Miss Chen, explained it, and took out a credit card and handed it to her.

The two went out happily with the translator. The moment they opened the door of the screening room, a strong man walked in.

"Hi, Ronald, we meet again."

It turned out to be Bruce Willis.

"Bruce, Demi is not here today. Her scenes have been filmed." Ronald wanted to hide when he saw him coming.

During the filming, this Bruce Willis fully demonstrated the extent to which a male star would go to pursue a female actress.

During the filming, hundreds of roses were sent to the filming site every day, and there were special people to serve Demi Moore, using mineral water and food specially ordered by him.

And because he is a TV star, he also broke the rules and went to the filming site himself to tip the staff on the scene. In particular, Willis gave hundreds of dollars in tips to each of the martial artists who helped protect Demi Moore.

"You all have to work hard to protect Miss Moore and never let her get hurt. I'll watch you here..."

In the end, Ronald couldn't stand it anymore, so he put on the style of a director and drove him away.

Today he broke the rules again and came to the screening room where no one except the director and editor could come. I don't know what excessive demands he would make in order to please Demi Moore.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Ronald knew what Bruce Willis wanted to do as soon as he saw his smirk.

"Hey, I want to see Demi's finished film."

Ronald rubbed his head. This Willis was very familiar and thick-skinned. But the commercial was actually very short, unlike the movie, which needed to be kept secret, so it didn't matter if he saw it.

"Oh, she is really very attractive, what do you think?" Bruce Willis looked at Demi's image on the screen, his eyes shining.

"Who said it wasn't?" Ronald pouted.

"Brother, I've never been like this before, she is really too charming, can I..."

"Make a copy for you." Ronald quickly called the editing assistant to make a copy of the videotape for Bruce Willis.

This guy was so obsessed with picking up girls that he felt a little upside down, as if he had really fallen into Demi's trap.

"Thank you, Ronald. I have to go back. The progress at Blue Moonlight is very slow due to Sybil. I have to go to the studio."

"Bye..." Ronald quickly sent this simple-minded TV star away.

The finished films of the two advertisements were screened in front of Coca-Cola's marketing director Mellett.

"Put aside the one that looks like 007." Mellett liked Brosnan's ad more and looked at it again and again.

This is a bit beyond Ronald's expectation. Judging from the storyline, action scenes, and protagonist's performance, Demi Moore's version is more complete and smooth, and more in line with Diet Coca-Cola's products, but Mellett seems Save the male version of the commercial for the Super Bowl.

"I like this version of the ad very much. James Bond fights the Japanese ninja. 007 should actually be played by this actor. Let's use this version of the ad as the Super Bowl halftime ad version. The version with the actress, we will next Start playing this month.”

"You are the boss." Ronald was very happy to know that the other party had approved both advertisements.

"If I may, I would like to ask, why did you choose the version with the male protagonist to save for the Super Bowl?"

"The main customers of Coke are men. Although the heroine in that version is very good, I'm afraid it won't arouse the reaction of many customers." Melette was in a good mood and explained a few words to Ronald.

"Thank you," Ronald said to Coca-Cola's marketing director and sent him out.

"Is his idea true?" Returning to the screening room, Ronald found Darcy Maguire, the creative director of the advertising company, for advice.

“That’s actually not true,” Darcy Maguire pouted. “Many six-packs of Coke are purchased by housewives. They are the decision-makers for household purchases.

This kind of fast-moving consumer goods with large shipments actually has the most important impact on mothers and wives. So I think I should use the Demi Moore version. "

"Gender issue?" Ronald asked Darcy Maguire.

"Pretty much, this industry has been male-dominated in America for 80 years, and there are many rules in the industry that have been handed down from that time. Now that professional women and housewives in America have become more and more powerful, some old rules have also come to an end. It’s time for correction.”

"Maybe next time, but this time the male version took over."

A meeting was quickly held at Coca-Cola, and Ronald's commercial film passed review. Coca-Cola paid readily. Ronald took the check and was looking at it under the desk lamp.

As long as I go to the bank to cash the check tomorrow, the dilemma of having no money this year can be greatly alleviated. In the first half of 1987, I only had normal expenses and didn't buy myself any expensive toys.

While admiring the presentation of his creativity, Ronald heard the phone ring.

"Hey, Ronald."

"Ronald, this is Demi."

On the other end of the phone was Demi Moore's husky and sexy voice.

"Demi, I was about to call you. Coca-Cola has approved the commercial. Contact your agent and he should get the check soon."

"Thank you, Ronald, thank you." Demi said excitedly on the other end of the phone. She hasn't received a new film for a long time, and she has to borrow money to buy new clothes. With this advertising income, which is equivalent to half of her salary, her financial situation will be greatly alleviated.

"I didn't call to say this." After thanking Demi, she resumed her lazy voice, "I can't thank you in the old way this time."

"Don't worry too much, we are friends." Ronald thought to himself, had he made any inappropriate hints? Originally, the matter had been settled, and there was no need to hold on to Demi Moore. He is not the kind of producer who can control an actress just by giving him a favor once.

"Yeah, I know, I know, you are very good to me..." Demi still said what she wanted to say.

"Bruce showed me the video he got from you today, and he took the opportunity to ask me to live in his home."

"Are you sure?" Ronald thought, why would the woman move into the man's house and live together in just a few days?

"I'm sure. On the one hand, I like Bruce, but on the other hand, he is the kind of man I dream of. I have no one to protect me in this industry, and I dream of such a man every day."

"Um, then, congratulations?" Ronald didn't know what to say.

"Thank you, you are the only close friend I have in Hollywood with whom I can talk about these things." Demi Moore is working in various camps in Hollywood, and she really has no real friends.

“Don’t say that, I’m happy for you.

"Thank you...well, I have one more thing...our previous ones..."

"Your secret is safe with me." Ronald heard the implication of Demi Moore. She abused drugs before, kept changing boyfriends, and secretly became her own traitor, stealing the secrets of her ex-boyfriend Emilio Estevez.

These things are big detractors for a simple-minded macho man like Bruce Willis.

Ronald was cautious about this kind of thing. He didn't tell anyone except his agent, not even his family knew about it. So in order to reassure each other and keep their secrets safe, the two made a tacit agreement to keep each other's secrets.

At six o'clock on Monday morning, Ronald was at home making breakfast and talking to Michelle Cannold on the phone.

The box office results of the second week were also summarized by Daydream Pictures. The screening scale was expanded to 1,400 theaters, and the box office of each theater only dropped by 5%. The total box office results have exceeded 15 million. "Dirty Dancing" continues to rank first on the box office list.

"Cea Sre's analysis came out, and female audiences accounted for the majority of the audience, exceeding 60%. Among them, female audiences over 23 years old also exceeded female audiences aged 17-23. They said this was an unprecedented phenomenon."

"It's a great thing for us."

Ronald clamped the phone around his neck, then cut the sandwich into two halves and brought it into the living room with milk.

"Yes, the effect of word of mouth is very obvious. In the Midwest of the Great Lakes, the Deep South, and some states in the West, the box office digital stars are better than the box office proportions of other movies in these places. Our word-of-mouth strategy was successful."

"Dirty Dancing" reversed the rule that musicals are popular in big cities but not in small cities, and popular in small cities but not in big cities. It is popular in both big cities and small towns.

Originally, the values ​​and tastes of these two groups of people were very different, even opposite. However, female audiences aged 23-58 leveled all the urban-rural gaps.

Older people watched "Dirty Dancing" to recall their youth. Younger people appreciated the seductive mambo dance.

And underage audiences went to see Patrick Swayze, the sexy dream lover.

So, although the box office performance was very poor among adult male audiences, the female audience group, those housewives who usually go to the cinema with their families once or twice a year, told each other crazily and made appointments to go to the cinema to watch this rare good movie.

There are also many families where mothers and daughters go together.

While these data surprised Cea Sre, they also began to examine their own evaluation standards. "Dirty Dancing" is a movie that breaks the rules from any angle.

In the past 20 years in Hollywood, almost no movie box office was supported by adult female audiences.

Their usual entertainment is to watch TV series broadcast during the day to relieve boredom. Over time, Hollywood studios, relying on data analysis, will make fewer and fewer movies that suit the tastes of these female audiences.

The result of driving with the rearview mirror in mind is a vicious cycle. There are fewer and fewer movies that suit the tastes of adult women, and female audiences are less and less willing to go to the cinema to watch movies.

But the demand for a good story is still there. Ronald's movie "Dirty Dancing" is like unlocking a basement that has been sealed for decades, and all the desires are gushing out like a flood.

The desires that have accumulated for so many years suddenly made them tell each other and contact their high school and college classmates. The best friends, handkerchief friends, and all the women in the current social circle, everyone must go to see this movie that tells a beautiful story about women.

Patrick Schweitzer and Cynthia Rhodes have also added many stops to the fan meeting schedule. Even Jennifer Grey, despite her injured neck, began to travel to some cities around New York in the east.

Before "Dirty Dancing", everyone was an unknown actor. This opportunity pushed them to the edge of first-line stars. Everyone was very excited and wanted to seize this rare opportunity to give their star status a boost.

With the advertising pay, Ronald began to have more money on hand. Bannon's loan had also arrived, and he began to invest in the production of videotapes, additional copy costs, and advertising marketing on TV stations and in various places.

The first batch of videotapes and records shipped out of the factory had been sent to the fan club in Nashville by Ronald's assistant. Those lovely female fans received Ronald's gifts and wrote back to thank him. They had watched Dirty Dancing 100 times and were already moving towards 30 times.

In short, the situation was not just good, but unexpectedly good. It was clear that every dollar invested now could be exchanged for three to five dollars in income next year.

After breakfast, Ronald drove to the office and started processing some documents.

"Morning, Ronald."

Michelle Cannold arrived at half past eight and also came to the office early.

He knew that Ronald had a lot of things to do, and he would usually come to the office two to three hours in advance to handle his work as the boss of Daydream Pictures. When everyone came to work at nine o'clock, he would go home to do his work as an artist.

"Good morning, Michel."

The two greeted each other and started talking about the production of videotapes.

"We are now accumulating a lot of inventory. Three months after the release, our first batch of goods can be sold to those videotape rental stores. After that, we will enter supermarkets, department stores, grocery stores and other retail channels."

"Very good, you are an expert in this area, I will entrust it to you." Ronald listened to the sales plan of the videotape and felt that there was no problem.

"Then I'll go first..." Ronald said goodbye to Michelle Cannold.

Just then, Jimmy Reiner, who was in charge of the record work, rushed in.

"Ronald, congratulations, you are number one."

"I know, we are number one in the box office." Ronald wanted to high-five him to celebrate.

"No, no... It's not the box office, it's your record sales that are on the top of the best-selling album list."

Jimmy Lehner turned on the radio and tuned it to KAMP in Los Angeles.

"Okay, just now it's a song 'Do You Love Me?' from the soundtrack of the movie 'Dirty Dancing'. I strongly recommend all of our listeners to buy a record. It has ignited my desire to dance. .

The movie is also a very good one. My mom also went to see it with my aunt, and guess what, she started dancing in the kitchen today while making me scrambled eggs.

This movie and this record have an amazing magic that can make people's soles itch.

Let’s take a look at today’s number one single, MJ’s ‘Bad’. His new album of the same name also ranked second on the sales list..."

"Shxt! Our album sells better than MJ's new album that just came out?"

"Yes, yes, this is completely beyond our expectations at RCA."

A few hours later, RCA's senior vice president rushed to Ronald's office with new information.

"MJ will call me and cause trouble for me...hahahaha..." Ronald laughed endlessly.

"No, no, although our sales are very good, the songs in it, except for the theme song and the one sung by Mr. Schwytz, are all old songs, so it is impossible to challenge MJ's position on the charts."

"Oh?" Ronald thought to himself. No wonder the DJ on the radio station was praising MJ's new song in the second half of the show.

"The sales volume of our album has actually exceeded that of MJ's new album. After all, our movies are crazy attracting audiences in the market. However, after the promotion of MJ's new songs, it is normal for our sales to be surpassed by theirs."

"No problem, with this sales volume, we can get a platinum record, right?" Ronald looked at it happily and was thinking of a good thing.

When he visited RCA's headquarters in New York, he found many platinum album-certifying metal medals hanging on the walls. It would be awesome if my own film company could have a piece of this. Who would have thought that a movie company could do miracles by selling records?

"There is no problem at all. I expect that it will soon reach the sales standard of 1 million copies. In time, double platinum or even triple platinum is also possible."

The vice president of RCA is very happy. This movie soundtrack album is about to make up for the huge deficit caused by the company's new album of Diana Ross in the past two years. The stock price at the end of the year will look much better.


Ronald took out some good wine and poured it for those sitting there.


Everyone raised a toast to celebrate this rare miraculous moment when both the movie and the album reached the top.

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