Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 454: The One Called Kimura Looks Most Like a Star

"The winner of the Best Actress Award at the 2nd Tokyo Film Festival was Rachel Ward. Her performance in 'The Good Wife' reflected the complexity of human nature in a world that no one paid attention to before World War II. In the corner, the emotional release of a suppressed wife is superbly performed. "

In a large cinema owned by the Tokyo Rapid Railway Group in Shibuya District, the awards ceremony for the second Tokyo International Film Festival has reached its final stages.

"Australian star Ms. Rachel Ward presented the award."

Following the host's introduction, Ronald walked quickly, jumped onto the theme stage, took the crystal trophy from the hands of the hostess, and awarded it to Rachel Ward, who was already waiting aside.

"Congratulations!" Ronald looked at Ward, she was still so charming. Today, Ward wore an early Australian-style red and yellow dress, a red coral necklace, and her hair was carefully styled into a mess. She was still very charming.

"Ronald", Ward smiled at Ronald. Ronald smiled back, and the two of them remained silent. Ronald stepped aside and gave the stage to Ward.

"First of all, I would like to thank the Tokyo International Film Festival jury for their recognition of me. I would also like to thank my husband, Barry, who also plays my husband in the movie..."

"Wow wow wow..." After a burst of applause from the audience, the live band began to play music.

Ronald and Ward walked off the side together. The audience's applause was very polite. The organizer of the film festival, Tokyo Express Railway, is a railway and real estate company that owns multiple cinemas in Shibuya.

They are trying to copy the Oscar awards process in every aspect, and on the surface it looks very similar. The only shortcoming is that the stars in the audience are not dazzling enough. Except for a few celebrities who came to compete, there are no well-known actors.

"Barry," Ronald handed Rachel Ward, who was holding his arm, to her husband, and sat in the front row.

"It's my turn." Diane was wearing a black suit and her hair was combed upward, making her look a little more mature than she really is. Ronald kissed her on the cheek and stood aside to watch her walk up to the podium.

“The winner of the Best Actor at the 2nd Tokyo Film Festival is Zhang Yiou from China, ‘Laojing’, and we invited the famous Hollywood star Diane Lane to present the award.

Since Mr. Yiou could not come, the award was received by Wu Tiang, the director of "Lao Jing". "

The audience in Tokyo was still very polite, and even though the actor didn't come, they still gave him as much warm applause as Ward.

Diane held the crystal trophy and awarded it to Director Wu.

"Thank you, thank you to the judges of the film festival. The friendship between China and Japan has a long history. The two countries are neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water..."

Director Wu's acceptance speech was in Chinese, and there was an interpreter from the organizing committee who translated it on the spot.

Ronald saw that Director Wu was really unprepared and spoke the diplomat's lines.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Ronald felt that the audience's applause was even more intense this time. Maybe they were not being polite, but Diane was really popular here.

After giving her acceptance speech, Diane came down with Director Wu on her arm. When they walked to the side aisle, she switched to hold Ronald's arm.

"It's a very good movie. I like it very much. Congratulations." Ronald crossed paths with Director Wu and looked at him taking out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat. He couldn't help but feel happy. "You will prepare a thank-you speech for the Best Film Award later." Yet?"

Director Wu looked at Ronald, who spoke Chinese, as if he was stunned by the news he revealed in advance.

"Can you speak Chinese?"

It turned out that he was surprised that an authentic Western foreigner could speak Chinese.

"Know a thing or two," Ronald stretched out his other hand to shake his hand, "Ronald, Ronald Lee."

"Oh, you are the director Luo who helped Xujiahui's Director Huang win the Los Angeles Women's Film Special Award."

Director Wu suddenly realized that the domestic film industry was obsessed with that award. The authentic Hollywood award might be just a little bit worse than the Oscar? Who doesn’t know Director Ji Yuluo who helped Director Huang win the award? I heard that he is very interested in Chinese culture.

Sure enough, seeing is worth hearing a hundred times. Being able to speak Chinese is not easy, but being able to use idioms correctly is really amazing.

"Will you travel to China? Your movie is very popular in China now, and everyone wants to see you."

"Huh?" Ronald didn't expect Director Wu to actually say that his movie was a hit in China.

"What movie? I don't have any plans to release my new movie in China?"

"Break dancing, break dancing, now even in my Xiying Studio, there are many young people learning to dance, let alone big cities."

"Ha..." Ronald realized that his "Break Dance" was also one of the ten films exported to China by the American Film Association this year, and he sold it to them at a very cheap price.

"Is it really popular? I would like to take a look..."

"If you have time, you might as well come to my Xiying Studio. I'm the director there now. We also have the Terracotta Warriors and Horses to see. Your commander-in-chief also came to see them."

"Okay, I'll go there when I have time... Where did you choose your leading actor? From his performance, he looks like a real stonemason."

"Hahaha, actually, his main job is a photographer. I dug him out from Guangying Studio. But he is from Northwest China. I really couldn't find a male lead, so I found him. He already has a good understanding of movies, so there is no problem with his performance. But I don't know if he will be liked by the judges this time... This is also the first best actor in an overseas film festival after our liberation."

Director Wu is actually the director of Xiying Studio. He changed from director to director. He is very eloquent. I can't speak the language in Tokyo, and there is no one to communicate without the translator. I was very frustrated. I saw Ronald could speak Chinese and was excited after winning the award. He started to talk nonstop and wanted to have a good exchange with "Director Luo from Hollywood".

Ronald held back his laughter, looked at the anxious translator next to him, and pointed to the stage.

"The winner of the Best Film Award at the Second Tokyo Film Festival is from China, 'Laojing'!"

"Director Luo, I really want to hear them talking about Laojing? Did I hear it wrong?"

Ronald quickly pushed Director Wu, who was already at a loss, and signaled the translator next to him to help.

Director Wu handed the crystal trophy for the best actor to Ronald, and then went up to receive the award.

"Congratulations, Director Wu. This award was decided by Ronald Lee's strong recommendation."

The award was presented by Gregory Peck, the chairman of the jury. He saw Director Wu and

"Thank you, thank you." Director Wu did not expect to be loved by two Hollywood big names in Tokyo. Then, at Peck's reminder, he took the golden dragon-shaped trophy and walked to the microphone to give his second speech.

"Uh... I am very happy that this movie can be liked by Japanese audiences. This is the result of our collective creation, not just my own credit. My leading actor is also my photographer. In order to play the role of Wangquan, he carried stones on his back in the mountains for a month. The stone trough at the beginning of the movie was made by him.

Chinese films have also been influenced by Japanese films. Our leading actor is a loyal fan of Mr. Kurosawa Akira..."

Director Wu is worthy of being a leader and director. Without any preparation, he improvised an award speech.

After the awards ceremony, Ronald and Diane came to the closing dinner of the film festival together. Director Wu was surrounded by many Japanese filmmakers. They liked the desolate and vast scenery of the northwest.

Gregory Peck stood with Ronald. He admired this kind of film that reflects the different styles of third world countries the most.

"If I have the chance, I would also like to make this kind of film."

"If you go, I'm afraid the streets will be empty."

"Humph, such a movie may be real realism for Hollywood." A British accent said without warning.

Ronald tilted his head and looked at the person who said strange things. It was the "famous" director Alan Parker, the British director who did bad things to prevent him from getting the screenwriter's signature. He likes to shoot the dark side of society, and he has always disdained this kind of movie with a bright ending.

"Ronald, look at you, you are also a movie director now."

Ronald smiled and didn't argue with him. He criticized mainstream commercial movies, but in the end, Hollywood gave him money to make movies, not those vulgar movies. This man had no chance to make those dark "realistic" movies.

"When you were in the crew, you were still a young man who changed the script..." Alan Parker wanted to take advantage of his seniority and regain some face in front of Ronald so that the Japanese producer would trust him more. His last movie was a box office failure, and it was not easy to find investors.

"Good luck to you, and find investors in Hollywood who can appreciate your taste." Ronald smiled and ignored him, and took Diane away to say hello to Rachel Ward and her husband Barry Brown.

"Rachel, Barry," Ronald hugged and greeted the two.

"How is your movie box office? When will it be screened in America?"

"We only got a box office of more than 100,000 US dollars in Australia. No distributor in America is willing to take over. This time I won the Best Actress, and I also hope to promote overseas distribution."

Rachel Ward did not hide anything from Ronald. She heard that Ronald now also has a distribution business and wanted to find him to see if he is interested.

"Why? I think this is a very interesting movie?" Ronald was a little surprised by the box office figures.

The love triangle between the heroine played by Rachel Ward and the two brothers, even if the story background is relatively unpopular, it is not so tragic.

Ward and her husband Barry smiled at each other, "Our image in Australia is too different from that in the movie."

Ronald talked to them for a while and figured out the reason.

The Wards in Australia are similar to Paul Newman and his wife Woodward, a loving celebrity couple. But in the movie, Barry Brown plays an unromantic husband who has little in common with his delicate wife, so that the wife finally cheats on her husband's younger brother.

This kind of movie plot that contradicts the character image and the star image makes the audience feel uncomfortable. Although there are some sexy shots and strong storylines, and Ward's performance is also very good, the audience just doesn't buy it.

However, no one in America knows them...

Ronald couldn't help but evaluate the prospects of this movie in America. Rachel Ward is a big beauty, and she and her husband performed hard, um...

"I'll let my colleagues see what they can do..."

After declining the organizer's invitation, Ronald and Diane left the dinner first. They had to go to the dinner hosted by Kitagawa and Kadokawa Haruki.

"The second Tokyo International Film Festival concluded successfully, and films from China were a great success... Diane Lane presented the award to Yiou for Best Actor"

"Oh... this film festival is very popular." Kadokawa Haruki, the young owner of Kadokawa Bookstore, watched the news on TV and couldn't help but sigh, it was all on the NHK news.

"Diane-san is also very beautiful, showing off the style of a Hollywood star." Johnny Kitagawa's sister Mary began to flatter Ronald, praising how American his female companion Diane was. Style.

"Hahaha..." Ronald was quite happy. Diane seemed to be very popular in Japan. She filmed a few more advertisements this year. The audience here gave her a high evaluation. She was like a Hollywood superstar. treatment.

"Would you consider acting in one or two Japanese movies?" Ronald turned around and asked Diane. Although her stardom was not going well, maybe she could make a movie in Japan.

"Huh, I'm very popular in Japan. My 'Streets of Rage' is still showing in cinemas."

Ronald made an expression of disbelief and turned to look at Johnny Kitagawa. This movie was made three years ago. Is it still being played now?

"There are indeed long-term theaters that are still showing it," Johnny Kitagawa nodded. "Now the opening and ending songs of that movie are often requested by radio stations, and the MV is often broadcast on TV stations."

Ronald looked back at Diane, and he was reminded of the scene where she was wearing Armani costumes and looking very charming. It was at that time that Ronald discovered her feminine charm.

Perhaps seeing the tenderness in Ronald's eyes, Diane smiled and touched Ronald's hand and squeezed it hard.

"Our new trainees are also learning the Japanese version of this episode." Mary Kitagawa began to show off her abilities in a hurry. "Shall I ask them to perform for Ronald-Sang? Can you give them some instructions? The best.”

"Ha, let them give it a try." Ronald held Diane's hand and remembered that the last time he came here, Kitagawa also found a group to sing. This time it is also good to see how good the next generation of Johnny is. .

Mary Kitagawa gave instructions to her assistant, and after a while, six teenage boys filed into the banquet hall.

Facing Ronald, one by one stood up and introduced themselves.

"My name is Masahiro Nakai, I am 15 years old."

"My name is Kimura Takuya, I am 14 years old."

"My name is Katori Shingo, I'm 11 years old."

"They are so young..." Diane looked at the boys.

"This is Johnny's strategy. They have been trained since childhood and have to sign long-term contracts." Ronald explained to Diane that this is not Hollywood. Kitagawa only casts a net for these boy bands. Each trainee is trained from a young age.

These six boys are very lucky and have already formed a Junior group. They will be able to debut in a year or two.

"Thank you. Next, we bring you a song, 'Tonight is the Meaning of Being Young'"

The six boys started singing a Japanese translation of the "Streets of Rage" ending theme song along with the backing tape.

They were all a little nervous. The two oldest boys, Masahiro Nakai and Takuya Kimura, both sang out of tune, but the youngest, Shingo Katori, sang decently.

"Okay..." Diane liked them very much. Her own singing skills were average, but she just thought they were cute when they tried to sing.

"Ronald-san, do you think these guys are still good at it?" Mary Kitagawa's habit of showing off her handsome boys happened again.

Johnny Kitagawa stopped his impatient sister and asked the group of six to push him down first, "Ronald-san, which one do you think has the most potential?"

"Are you acting? The one with long hair, his name is Kimura?..." Ronald did not hesitate to name the person he thought had the most potential in acting, the second oldest Kimura Takuya. "

"Oh, how do you say this?"

Johnny Kitagawa was also quite surprised. He didn't expect Ronald to be able to name the candidate in one sentence. Haruki Kadokawa over there also looked at Ronald with great interest and listened to what he said.

"He was very focused and had imagination in his eyes. Among the six of us, he was the only one looking at us in the audience. He seemed to be facing a concert of tens of thousands of people, and his eyes seemed to be looking at tens of thousands of viewers."

"Hahaha, that's it, Ronald-san, I understand." Johnny Kitagawa was very happy and toasted to Ronald.

"Our investment is settled.

"Sorry to trouble you too."

Ronald was drinking sake with them. Two Japanese film festival bosses decided to invest in Hollywood movies with Japanese plots or Japanese movie stars, and Ronald and the others were also welcome to film in Japan.

As a liaison in Hollywood, Ronald's recommendations and projects will receive priority investment from the two here. And relax the conditions for release in Japan. This time "Dirty Dancing", the theaters owned by the two will screen it with all their strength.

"Cheers!" Bannon, who had been watching the wind, finally waited for the moment when the cooperation was finalized, and happily toasted with them in celebration.

"Speaking of concerts with thousands of people, MJ's new album concert in Tokyo was very popular."

Kitagawa changed the subject and talked about MJ's concert arrangements in Japan.

"Diane and I will go to the scene. MJ gave me front row tickets."

"Does Ronald-san have any connection with the King of Pop?" Kitagawa really likes MJ's concert style and has always wanted to introduce his live performance to the Japanese music scene.

"We are very good friends." Ronald smiled faintly. These Japanese people are still very adored by MJ's music and live performances.

"As expected of Ronald-san, we can help you if you have any problems in Japan in the future." Kitagawa and Kadokawa exchanged glances with each other. As one of the few pro-American factions in the Japanese business community, he has such a great director who has a wide range of friends in America to cooperate with, and he is also a key figure who can break into the American cultural world.

"Okay, okay," Ronald tried his best to maintain the posture of a mysterious master. In fact, he himself did not know as many people in Hollywood as they thought.

"By the way, are there many people in Japan watching videos now?" Ronald thought of Diane's "Raging Fire". Since it is still so popular, maybe he can make a fortune by distributing videos.

"There are still quite a few. The format war between Sony and JVC is still going on. But when it comes to movies, everyone still likes the VHS format. Their videotapes can hold a whole movie."

"If Ronald Sang has the copyright of movies that Japanese audiences like, he might as well release videotapes here. Both manufacturers are very welcome. Their VCR sales also need to be driven by good movies."

"Well, I'll go back and discuss with them and choose some movies that Japanese audiences like to try."

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