Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 59: The heroines who are mirror images of each other

"Your movie has the temperament of old Hollywood." Robert Greenhart, the production manager sent by 20th Century Fox to the crew, was responsible for various logistical services for the crew. He was very careful in his work and handled every detail very well. He was brought here by the boss of Fox to help Ronald.

"What do you mean?" Ronald sat on the director's chair with his name on it. He was taking a break after filming until noon today.

"The biggest star in your movie is Harrison Ford, and the second biggest star is Sigourney Weaver, but they haven't appeared yet after one-third of the filming. This is very similar to the movies in the big studio era. At that time, the stars were assigned to play roles by the studio, and there was no need to appear at the beginning."

"Hahaha... You are right, this movie is not a pure commercial film. I am trying to tell a good story in a complete way."

This person's subtle flattery swept away Ronald's fatigue. Everything has been going very smoothly since the filming today. Sigourney Weaver actually has experience on the stage of drama. She also respects the director on the set and everything is filmed according to the script.

The next is the scene where the two heroines met for the first time. Tess arrived at the new office on the first day. This office is arranged according to the layout of the offices of old investment banks on Wall Street. Catherine Parker, played by Sigourney Weaver, has an office in a corner, the best office on the first floor.

Tess's office is just outside her office, working with the secretaries of other managers.

Compared with the messy internal layout of Tess's original company, this company is obviously much more successful, with beige walls and walnut-colored wooden doors as the main colors. Even the secretary's seat is spacious.

The interior decoration of Catherine's office is even more luxurious. There are windows facing the street on both sides, with light-colored curtains, a desk that spans the entire office area, and a state-of-the-art computer in one corner. The props and set groups, through Bannon's relationship, almost moved the interior decoration details of Goldman Sachs intact.


Sigourney Weaver walked into the frame of the camera from a distance. She was wearing a black and white plaid tweed suit, a white cashmere turtleneck sweater, and a thin pearl necklace hanging on it. This is another very accurate powerful outfit often worn by female executives on Wall Street.

The upper body downplays the feminine characteristics and highlights the competitiveness, and the lower body is a short skirt, which makes them swaying and highlights their feminine charm. Let them have the advantages of both.

Sigourney Weaver's coat is not buttoned, just hanging on her shoulders, and she walks like a boss. She walked in front of Tess's secretary's desk.

"Hi, I'm Katherine Parker, you must be Tess," Sigourney said, handing the brown Hermès leather briefcase to her left hand, then took off the Gucci suede gloves on her right hand and stretched out her hand.

"Uh-huh..." Melanie shook her hand and laughed nervously, awkwardly and unnaturally. She had reason to laugh like this. Tess was wearing a powerful suit today, but it was all cheap stuff from the basement of the World Trade Center. It was a black, ordinary knitted turtleneck sweater, a thin gold necklace, and a black, ordinary white-collar coat. The only thing with a brand logo was her belt buckle, a cheap, small brand made in Asia, Esprit. The exaggerated belt buckle pattern was too fancy compared to Katherine.

"Aha, you have a stuffed toy here." Sigourney Weaver acted like a very intimidating executive. She picked up the bunny stuffed toy on Tess's desk and spoke in a tone that sounded like she was finding fault.

"Uh-huh, I usually don't put stuffed toys on my desk. This was given to me by my friend for my birthday a few days ago." Melanie Griffith reacted well. Being criticized by a boss full of power, she explained anxiously.

"Are you kidding? I'm going to have my birthday next Tuesday too." Sigourney Weaver's reaction was also very good. The self-centered temperament of the character of Catherine was fully demonstrated in these two lines of dialogue. "How old are you?"

"Thirty," Tess spoke more and more quietly, and was shocked by Catherine's upper-class temperament from head to toe.

"Really? I'll be thirty next week, too. We're almost twins."

"Hehe... except I'm a little older," poor Tess has begun to speak incoherently.

If a man is the boss, Tess's makeup and dress may still be liked, but such a female boss who is better than herself in all aspects makes Tess feel inferior in every way, and...

"I've never worked for a woman, hehe... nor for anyone younger than me." Melanie Griffith played Tess's helpless look very well.

"Well, there's a first time for everything," Sigourney Weaver also acted out Catherine's condescending demeanor, "Will this not be a problem?" Catherine thought most about herself.

"No, of course not."

"Very good," Sigourney Weaver turned to go into the office. She felt that this was a good way to deal with a secretary. "Why don't you go make a cup of coffee and then come into my office? I want light roasted coffee without sugar." She said as she entered the office and slammed the door shut.


After Ronald called a halt, Sigourney Weaver opened the door of the office and came out to hear Ronald's opinion on her performance.

"Here, take it..." Ronald opened the drawer of Tess's prop desk, took out a stuffed doll from it, and handed it to Sigourney.

"So cute..." Sigourney Weaver also likes this kind of toy. Just now, she took it up and looked at it for the plot, and almost couldn't help laughing. This kind of toy is naturally attractive to women, and it is very relaxing to hold it in your hand.

"I like it very much, I'll give it to you."

Ronald turned around and told the camera crew about the next shot. The two actresses were left there talking.

"This shows that he likes your performance." Melanie Griffith whispered to Sigourney Weaver.

"So, this is how Director Ronald expresses his appreciation?" Sigourney quietly put away the stuffed toy and put it in her bag. Although this is much smaller than the gorilla toy he gave her a few days ago, this reward for excellent performance makes Sigourney like it more.

"Isn't it? He will also send you cookies baked at home if he likes your performance."

"He is really a very reserved director, but there are not many directors who can consider actors like this. It's very rare."

Not knowing that his unintentional actions have won the sincere love of the two heroines, Ronald and the director of photography are discussing the arrangement of the next shot.

"I hope to make a contrast. This side is Catherine, exquisite, wealthy, and privileged, and the other side is Tess, rough, poor, and grassroots."

"Then I will give them a big contrast in lighting. In addition, I have to find a prop with symbolic meaning."

"Props?" Ronald snapped his fingers and called the person in charge of props, and told him the requirements.

"What do you think of this?" The props searched for a while and brought two ceramic coffee cups from the tea room. This coffee cup is divided by a line in the middle, one side is gray and the other side is black, which is exactly the color of Tess and Catherine's clothes.

"Very good, use this."

Ronald thought it was wonderful and handed the two cups to Melanie Griffith.


The camera in Catherine's office was facing the door, and there were two knocks on the door.

"Come in"

Tess entered the office carefully with two cups of coffee in her hands.

One cup was handed to Catherine, and the other was placed on her side of the desk. The elegant gray side was facing Catherine, and the black side was facing herself.

"Tess, let's talk about the basic rules first..." Catherine was not very satisfied with Tess, so she wanted to set some rules for her.

"... I think we are a team, so we also have a team slogan: simple, elegant, no mistakes." After talking about a lot of her own requirements, Catherine began to criticize Tess's dress in a way that seemed polite but was actually very rude.

"... If you wear superficial clothes, they see clothes. If you wear elegant clothes, they see women, Coco Chanel said."

Melanie Griffith felt that her dressing taste was criticized enough and felt a little humiliated. On the other hand, she felt that Catherine was very tasteful and what she said made sense.

"What do you think of my current outfit?" Tess asked her boss carefully.

Sigourney Weaver had already tilted her head towards the computer on the side of the desk. She didn't look at Tess, but she put some pressure on her intentionally or unintentionally:

"You look good, but maybe you want to pay attention to your (exaggerated) jewelry."

Melanie Griffith looked embarrassed. Being criticized for her dress by a female boss younger than her made her feel that she lacked a lot of knowledge about dressing before. She quickly put her hands on her knees to cover the big gold bracelets on her wrists, and then tried to keep them still to prevent the big earrings from making a jingling sound.

"I hope you can give your opinions. There is a two-way lane between us, and I also hope to see your diligence. Have I made it clear enough?" This time Sigourney Weaver turned her eyes back. This attitude towards servants was what she learned from her parents' attitude towards maids, which was to alternate between knocking and being kind. She looked at a photo on the table, which was a photo of her with her successful father and her socialite mother.

Melanie Griffith acted out the helpless look of a secretary of ordinary background being squeezed by her boss. She cleared her throat:

"Very clear, Katherine."

Sigourney Weaver smiled. These two moves can make Tess work hard. She stood up and said, "Finally, you can call me Katherine." She shook hands with Melanie Griffith again.

Different from the handshake in the corridor in the previous shot, Katherine and Tess were just strangers at that time. This handshake in the office completely defined the relationship between the two as boss and secretary.

"Cut!" Ronald came out from behind with a smile. It was a very good thing to have a female lead Melanie Griffith who was in the state. Sigourney Weaver was led by her to the state. The rivalry between the two today was progressive and very exciting. There was nothing wrong with an expression or a tone.

"Very good, very good, I like this scene very much..." Ronald praised again at the first time. Today was Sigourney Weaver's first day of formal shooting. This positive feedback was very important for her to get into the state.

"What, no stuffed animals?" Sigourney Weaver smiled and held out her hand.

"Ah? I didn't prepare so much. We'll talk about it later." Ronald was confused as to why he wanted to do it.

"It seems like the director wasn't happy with the scene?" Sigourney asked Melanie quietly.

"No, Ronald would never directly criticize or say anything bad. He always said very gentlemanly, the scene just now was very good and I liked it very much. In order to achieve the best effect, can we try a different approach? Do it again?" Melanie Griffiths smiled and imitated Ronald's speech.

"It seems that it has not exceeded his expectations..."

"What about props? Go to the store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and buy some stuffed animals. Some of different animals. I found that actresses like them very much. They will feel much better if they have stuffed toys." Ronald also asked him to continue buying props. It seemed that the two heroines liked this interaction of giving out prizes if they performed well.

Next, the main scene is the rivalry between the two heroines in the office.

Catherine wants to organize a lunch party and invite various clients to come for dinner, hoping to reverse the poor performance of the previous M\u0026A department. She asked Ginny from the public relations company to come over to organize the meeting, and asked Tess to come over and take the minutes of the meeting.

Tess wanted to express herself. She remembered that Catherine said it was a two-way street, so she suggested that she find a restaurant in Chinatown to provide a Cantonese dim sum cart. After being given a high look by Catherine, he passed the preliminary test.

At the luncheon, Catherine kept a group of male customers in a circle, while Tess was still used as a coolie by her, pushing the dining cart and asking the guests if they wanted some snacks. All the limelight was stolen by Catherine.

Tess is very envious of Catherine's social skills, and she is constantly learning from Catherine's style. In the following shots, her dress, hairstyle, and makeup are getting closer and closer to Catherine's direction.

Tess thought about her idea and took the initiative to talk to Catherine about it. Tesk Corporation is a media group that is seeking mergers and acquisitions to strengthen its assets and better prevent hostile mergers and acquisitions from Japanese competitors in the capital market.

Tess heard some of Tesco's ideas. She had an idea that Tesco should not acquire those expensive television networks, but should acquire a radio network first. The valuation of radio stations is low, and there will not be much resistance to mergers and acquisitions, which can boost the stock price. At the same time, radio stations and television networks are also protected by the American Communications Commission, and any acquisitions from abroad require their approval.

In this way, a safety net can be laid between Teske and its Japanese competitors to prevent their mergers and acquisitions from encountering resistance other than price.

Catherine did not expect that Tess, the secretary, had such business knowledge besides making snacks. She repeatedly confirmed that Tess came up with this idea by herself, and did not hear it in the elevator, nor was it told to her by others.

After hearing Tess say that it was entirely her own creation, Catherine became interested. Tess wants to participate in the project, and having Catherine endorse her will give her a strong recommendation for her next promotion.

Catherine thought this idea was amazing. She unexpectedly achieved the same goal as acquiring a TV network through an outdated radio station that no one had thought of, and a law that no one had looked at for many years, so she wanted to take this idea as her own.

However, she still told Tess that she would give her the treatment she deserved. After all, the two of them were a two-way channel and a team!

In fact, what Catherine wants to do is to find her long-cherished bachelor Jack Traynor, a very successful merger and acquisition broker on Wall Street, and jointly sell this merger to the president of Tesk Corporation.

This kills two birds with one stone, not only solving the business problem, but also making Jack Traynor determined to marry him.

Tess, who was still in the dark, was determined to imitate everything about Catherine. By the third scene in the office, she had changed into the same white shirt with a stand-up collar as Catherine, a black skirt, stockings and high heels, which highlighted the long legs of the two heroines.

However, Catherine did not promote Tess to a real "team member" because of this great idea, but let her do all the chores. Catherine, who was about to go on a skiing vacation in Switzerland, asked Tess to kneel on the ground to change her ski boots to see if they fit.

"Have you reserved a room for me?" Sigourney Weaver asked condescendingly\u003e

"I called a few days ago and they said they could give you a suite in the new building."

Sigourney Weaver turned and looked at Tess, her face showed a picky and impatient look, "Did you tell them that I want to order?". Catherine was also very gentle in her rebuke.

"Oh...I said your name, Parker."

Catherine had an expression on her face that asked me to teach you how to do it. She picked up the phone and dialed the number of the ski hotel. Then she spoke in very elegant German with an aristocratic pronunciation.

"They knew it was me and gave me the nicest room in the old building with a wood burning fireplace and everything was perfect. You know what? I have a boyfriend who's also in New York and he said he'd come get it for me. Say something very important, I think he will ask that question."

"Do you think so? What if he doesn't propose?" Tess couldn't understand why Catherine was so sure, as if everyone wanted to revolve around her.

"Because all other options are invalid..." Catherine said proudly, she was talking about Jack Traynor, and then she taught her secretary a lesson:

"Tess, you can't just wait for things to happen. If you just sit there and hope for good things to happen, then it will never happen. You have to make it happen. Watch me and learn from me!"

"Cut!" Ronald was very satisfied with the performance of the two. When he spoke, the camera was condescending, suggesting the positioning of the two people in their hearts.

"For you, one for each of you." Ronald now has sufficient stock and took out two giraffe plush toys to give to the two.

"Thank you, so cute." The two heroines exchanged glances. Today, they got another reward from Ronald. He is a very real director who knows how to communicate subtly.

In the plot, Catherine will break her leg while skiing and need to recuperate for a while. She called Tess and asked her to go to her house, supervise the work of the cleaning lady and the gardener, and tidy up her room.

Then Tess found Catherine's recorded memo and found that Catherine wanted to take her ideas for herself. Tess was very disappointed. Thinking about what Catherine said about fighting for it herself and making good things happen, she decided to pretend to be Catherine and go to Jack Traynor to make the merger.

Finally, when the filming entered the third week and a half, Harrison Ford's scenes were finally about to start.

Now, the people in the crew obviously looked different. Many people's clothes in the crew became more tasteful, and some ladies' makeup became more exquisite. He was really a very charming male star.

"Cousin, just let me go to the crew to play. I haven't seen Harrison Ford alive yet."

Even cousin Donna called after hearing the news, wanting to come to the crew to meet the big star.

"Well, come on, I'll prepare a visitor's card for you. Be careful not to disturb Harrison, and don't go up to ask for autographs and photos during breaks. Harrison doesn't like to do these things with fans. I'll introduce you to him."

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