Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 61 Harrison Ford favored by the camera

"Here are all the stills of Melanie Griffith. I numbered them according to each scene." Robert Greenhart, the production manager of Fox, carefully sorted and archived the stills of the female lead.

Ronald read them once and nodded to show his satisfaction. This is because the next plot will enter the plot where Tess discovers Catherine's conspiracy to take her idea for herself. Tess fought hard for her own future. While Catherine was recovering in Switzerland due to a fracture, she "borrowed" Catherine's expensive clothes and "occupied" her office. She pretended to be another manager and began to find Jack Traynor to sell this idea to him.

If successful, Tess can jump out of the secretary circle and find a job that really suits her with this qualification. If not successful... then the 30-year-old girl will give up that career dream like other secretaries and obediently find someone to marry.

This is the door for the whole movie to enter the second act. Ronald likes this so-called "transformation" plot very much. It not only makes the audience like the heroine more, but also makes them feel like fighting with her. They tend to stand in Tess's perspective and hope that she will succeed in the end and gain career and love.

In order to prevent any omissions, they have to reshoot the previous shots of Tess. They need to archive all the looks of Melanie Griffith. In the next scenes, she will become a sexy career woman who is no less than Catherine.

Arriving at the rented two-story mansion, Ronald watched the props team doing the final finishing. Generally speaking, the house remains the original state of the owner, who is a person with good taste. However, Catherine is a single woman, so the props team bought some exercise bikes and other fitness facilities, put a state-of-the-art computer, and some women's clothes and shoes to fill the wardrobe.

"Be careful, this painting cost me tens of thousands." Watching the props team hang the Andy Warhol painting that Ronald took on the wall, he was a little afraid that these people would think it was a cheap product and rough.

"You have the final say, director." The workers in the props group didn't believe it. They were obviously some cheap advertising prints, but they cost tens of thousands?

"Please make way... The big guy is coming down..." Another person in the props group pressed the button and lowered the large crystal chandelier on the roof. The light inside was refracted by many crystals and was particularly beautiful. It slowly descended to one floor and finally stopped at a height of more than one person.

"This is half an antique. Clean it carefully. You don't know if there will be any connection problems after such a long time." The man instructed a lady to take a feather duster and wipe the dust carefully. In fact, this electric device that can move the chandelier up and down was installed for cleaning.

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful." Donna said beside Ronald with an assistant tag. Many little girls have listened to fairy tales since childhood, and there is always a crystal chandelier in the prince's castle.

"Really? Let's add this scene." Ronald thought that female audiences like Donna would also like it.

"Oh... what is this lifting chandelier for? It's so beautiful." Joan Cusack stood on the stairs, facing the camera lens, and said to Griffith beside her. The chandelier slowly descended from top to bottom. The camera recorded the envy in the eyes of the two girls from poor families through the chandelier.

.... "This lifting function is specially used for cleaning. Can you imagine it?" Tess, played by Melanie Griffith, also opened her eyes wide. This is the dream of many girls in America since childhood.


Ronald stopped, and the performance of the two was as good as ever. "The next is the big scene. Are you ready?"

"Of course, if you want others to take you seriously, you have to take your hairstyle seriously." Melanie Griffith was fearless. She had to cut her real hair short in this scene. She had thought about it long ago. If this movie was successful, she would also receive more invitations for the role of professional women. This short hair over the ears was just right.


The camera was placed in the bathroom, and it was repeatedly placed, so that the half-body of Tess and Xin appeared in the mirror opposite them. The individually movable makeup mirror below was also adjusted repeatedly to find an angle that could reflect Tess's face, but it just didn't reflect the camera lens on the side and back.


"Have you really made up your mind?" Joan Cusack said to Melanie Griffith who was sitting.

"Of course, if you want others to take you seriously, you have to take your hairstyle seriously." Griffith said the lines to the mirror, as if it was the character Tess who was saying it, and as if it was her own inner thoughts.

Joan Cusack, standing behind, grabbed a bunch of Melanie's hair with her hands and cut it with scissors.


Ronald saw that there was no problem with the haircut scene, so he quickly asked a professional hairstylist to come and cut Melanie Griffith's hair on the spot. Not long after, a good ear-length hairstyle appeared on Melanie Griffith's head.

"Very good, very good, you go and have a rest." Ronald looked around at her new hairstyle, and she was completely reborn, from a secretary with no taste to a very elegant manager. Such sexy charm attracted Jack Trainor, played by Harrison Ford, and it made the audience feel reasonable that he would fall in love with her.

If he was still dressed in his original rustic style, it would be difficult for the audience to understand why Harrison Ford, a top broker on Wall Street and a successful man with such appearance, would fall in love with Tess.

"It's Harrison," Donna, who was beside him, was the first to spot the figure of the popular star.

"Hi, Ronald, I heard that the scenes in the morning were very good?" Harrison Ford came over to greet Ronald, "This is your cousin? Donna, right?"

Seeing Donna in red clothes next to him, Harrison signed for her politely, and the two took a photo together.

"Thank you, Donna and her mother are my only relatives." Ronald also felt Harrison Ford's kindness. If he wanted to show his affection to someone, it would be difficult for men, women, young or old to resist. This may be the charm of a big star.

"I heard that the previous scenes were very good?" Harrison repeated the sentence after taking a photo with Donna.

"Melanie is ready and her hair has been cut. I think she is looking forward to playing against you." Ronald felt the emotions hidden under Harrison's careless appearance, which seemed to be nervous?

Guiding stars is a very troublesome thing, and Ronald felt that he had a handle.

….“I’m also looking forward to acting opposite her.” Harrison said as he took out the script. His first scene today was a love scene with Melanie Griffith.

“When do we rehearse?” Harrison Ford began to look around at the layout of the scene and walked along his route.

“No rehearsal,” Ronald smiled.

“No rehearsal?” Harrison’s eyebrows tilted. If it were in a movie, his character would have come up with some good ideas.

“I want to capture the improvisation of the first rehearsal. When Melanie comes out, I’ll turn on the camera and you can do it according to the specifications of the formal shooting. I won’t say A, so you can collide with some inspiration.”

“Oh, that’s it, very good, I’ll go get ready.” Harrison Ford hurried to his resting place to brew his emotions. Ronald’s approach of doing it right away made him a little nervous.

His wife, Melissa Matheson, got a lot of news from the crew. Inside 20th Century Fox, there were rumors that the acting of the two leading actors, Sigourney Weaver and Melanie Griffith, was so explosive that it was destined to be a masterpiece with the potential to hit the Oscars.

So Melissa Matheson repeatedly urged Harrison Ford to prepare seriously. This play was also a good opportunity for him. He should not let the audience feel that his acting skills were outdone by the female stars.

In this play, Tess and Jack made an appointment to go to Jack Traynor the next day to tell him about their merger and acquisition plan.

That night, Jack Traynor would go to a cocktail party. Tess was a very scheming woman. She put on her boss Catherine's high-top black dress worth $6,000, put on Catherine's fur coat, went to the cocktail party, pretended to meet Jack Traynor "accidentally", seduced him, and impressed him.

In this way, when they met the next day, Jack Traynor would be impressed by her, and it would be easier to promote his plan.

However, the plan went wrong. Tess was frightened and overly anxious after seeing the price tag of six thousand dollars. Xin found her a sedative. After taking it, Tess had a drug attack at the cocktail party and fell asleep in the taxi. Jack, who was chased out, saw her and sent her back to his home.

"Bang..." The door was opened, and Harrison Ford carried Melanie Griffith upstairs. He acted very carefully, not letting Melanie hit the narrow stairs, and not letting the camera capture the place where the sexy black skirt might be exposed.

On the second floor, Harrison Ford gently put Melanie down and hung up her fur coat very gentlemanly.

Looking back, he saw that Melanie had fallen asleep, her head tilted to one side, and went up to help her straighten it, and then asked "Do you... do you want a nightcap?"

Jack Traynor saw Tess's messy hair. His girlfriend Catherine must use a nightcap in this case to prevent it from falling down when sleeping, and the curled hair on the next day would ruin the hairstyle.

"I think you might not..."

The last shot was fixed on Harrison Ford looking at Melanie affectionately.

Ronald didn't call A or Cut, but the director of photography reminded him whether to stop.

…."Ah... OK, OK, very good, Harrison, very good." Ronald, who reacted, quickly took out his praise skills and went up to praise Harrison Ford's first shot.

Melanie Griffith also giggled. Ronald's daily praise was familiar to her. Today he didn't reward toys or his baked cookies, maybe he was not very satisfied with this shot.

"Not bad?" Harrison Ford looked at Ronald.

"Pretty good, let's take a break, I'll ask the director of photography to adjust the light, your face needs better side light to set off."

"Ha..." Harrison Ford smiled, it seems that his performance is okay.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, how come Harrison Ford doesn't have any star aura? Han Solo, Dr. Indiana Jones, all disappeared from him..." Ronald pulled the director of photography Michael Ballhaus and ran to the small lounge next door. Ronald locked the door and began to complain in a low voice.

"Is it my problem, or do you think so too?" Ronald couldn't say it in front of the director of photography, so he had a clean argument with the director of photography.

"Harrison was not in good condition. When I took a close-up of his face, I didn't feel his unique charm..." Michael Ballhaus felt the same way.

"His soul is no longer there, no longer in that body. It seems to be somewhere else. Did he stay on the set of Star Wars?" Ronald vented a few words, "What do you think?"

Compared with the three actresses, Harrison Ford's performance was terrible. Ronald stood beside the camera and looked over. It seemed like nothing happened to Harrison Ford's body, face, and mouth.

Isn't this just an ordinary blue-collar worker reciting his lines without enthusiasm? Where are all his charming shots hidden?

Ronald even fondly remembers Alec Baldwin's performance when he auditioned for Jack Traynor.

"Take a few more shots, so that there will be enough material that can be used." Michael Ballhaus thought about it, and the only way was the oldest method, which was to take more shots and put them together during editing.

"This time, Harrison, you can add a little bit of your own feelings, such as asking Tess if she would like some coffee? I think this is a good time for you to show off your acting skills. The audience likes to see the kind of performance you show to beautiful women. gentleman."

Back outside, Ronald went into Harrison's lounge and made up some excuse to get Harrison to take one more shot.

"Are you sure? I have no problem, I can act the way I usually speak." When Harrison Ford heard this, Ronald respected himself very much and decisively decided to meet the director's request.

"Tess, would you like some..." During the second shot, Harrison Ford added some actions. He took Melanie's hands away, placed them on her abdomen, and then helped her tidy them up. He touched the hem of his skirt... "Well, I think now is not the time to drink coffee."


Ronald changed his angle this time, standing behind the camera, adjusting the director's viewfinder to the same focal length as the camera, and watching Harrison's performance.

...."It's still the same. Harrison Ford seems to have lost his soul, and he hasn't shown any star qualities..."

As Michael Ballhaus looked at him, the director of photography shook his head slightly.

Ronald had no choice but to step forward, "Very good, very good. Your performance was unexpected. This improvised line was excellent. Harrison, I didn't expect your improvisational skills to be so good..."

"Ha...this is nothing..." Harrison Ford was praised by Ronald, and the corners of his mouth began to rise with laughter.

"However, I think we can try some new things..." Ronald saw the corners of Harrison Ford's mouth begin to drop again, "You inspired me, Harrison, you inspired me, usually When you see your female friends, what do you give them to drink?”

"Drink some medicinal tea, my wife often makes it for me..." Harrison Ford felt that Ronald's statement made sense.


In the third article, Harrison Ford came forward and sat opposite Tess. He put his hands between his knees and rubbed them vigorously, as if he was a little unaware of this beautiful woman wearing a sexy custom-made skirt worth six thousand dollars. At a loss.

"Would you like some herbal tea? But I don't have any here. If I drink too much and someone gives me a cup of herbal tea, I will feel very good..."

"Cut!" Ronald shouted, "Uh...Wonderful, you did a great job." Ronald took the lead in applauding, and all the technicians present were led by him to applaud as hard as they could.

"Thank you, thank you..." Harrison Ford also stood up and performed a ritual to thank everyone.

"You're amazing..." Melanie Griffiths stood up and kissed the other person.

"Um...thank you"

Ronald exchanged glances with the director of photography. This one was even more ordinary. Even a kid from the high school drama club could do it better than him.

Among the people present, only cousin Donna, who was close to Ronald, saw the clues, "Is there something wrong? Ronald?"

"I have to let him do one more before he loses his celebrity temper." Luo teased into Donna's ear.

"Harrison..." Ronald stepped forward.

"Don't tell me you want another one?" Harrison Ford said half-jokingly.


"Harrison, can I call you Harrison? When you were making movies, you were really charming. I bet all the female employees on Wall Street would be moved to tears if they were treated like this by you." Donna stepped forward. He took over the conversation.

"Ha... I'm glad you said that... Before I came here, I hired an image consultant to imitate men on Wall Street." The corners of Harrison's mouth began to rise again.

"They are indeed very similar to the elites of Wall Street, no, they are very similar to you...just a little bit different..." Donna replied.


"They are not as gentlemen as you. Those male managers on Wall Street just want to buy me a drink..."

"Hey..." Harrison Ford was very happy when he heard that his image and dressing style were imitated by Wall Street managers. What celebrities care about most is their own image.

"What do you think? Would it be better to have a glass of brandy?" Ronald took the opportunity to put forward an idea.

.... "Uh... Okay... I'll do another one." Harrison Ford was in a good mood, and rarely agreed to shoot a fourth shot with the same shot.

"How about... some brandy? I'm afraid I need some brandy..." Harrison Ford sat down on the chair again, looking at Melanie Griffith opposite him, and said the new version of the lines. "Oh, you're really beautiful..." At the end, Harrison Ford added another improvisation.


Ronald stepped forward and wanted to come, "Harrison, what do you think..."

"Oh, come on, Ronald, do you really want me to shoot the first take many times? Let me recall the scene when George and we filmed Star Wars again?" Harrison Ford was already impatient. He was not the little actor that Lucas was back then. Just shooting several takes was enough.

"Ah... I just think that everyone hasn't seen enough of your performance..." Ronald didn't want to make things too awkward with the star on the first day, "Anyway, I have to make some delicious food to make you happy. Your acting talent always inspires me and other actors..."

Harrison Ford looked at Ronald, and he didn't believe the nonsense of this young director in his heart. He wouldn't know how to shoot, right?

Ronald went back and drank a sip of black tea. He also cursed Harrison Ford in his heart. Such a big star, taking such a high salary, what kind of acting is this? He can't even give a good monologue. It's dry and has no rhythm and charm.

I don't know how to deal with the next shooting? Ronald is a little crazy.

"Where are you going to eat?" Donna came over, "I know there is a very delicious Chinese restaurant nearby. If you want to eat Chinese food, we have to call to make an appointment. The owner is my friend."

"Let's do it..." Ronald waved his hand and took Melanie Griffith, Joan Cusack, Harrison Ford and other main actors to eat delicious food regardless of the crew's next finishing work.

"I have to say, this Chinese food is completely different from what I have tasted in Los Angeles. It's very delicious." Harrison Ford has no resistance to food. After eating the two main dishes of roast chicken and roast suckling pig, his body and mind were greatly comforted, and the depression of being forced to shoot four takes by Ronald just now was also relieved a lot.

"It's really delicious, and it tastes comparable to what I ate in Hong Kong." Ronald was also conquered by the food. What should we do tomorrow with Harrison Ford, a star with a glamorous appearance? Let's talk about it tomorrow.

"Is it really that delicious?" Melanie and Joan, two actresses, had to control their diet and could only cut a small piece and put it in their mouths. The crispy skin of the roasted chicken, coupled with the tender and juicy muscles, several touches mixed with pleasant sounds in the mouth, melted together, it was really top-notch delicious.


Ronald, who returned to the hotel, first called the film delivery person to expedite the processing in the photofinishing factory. He wanted to see Harrison Ford's film developed early tomorrow morning.

He also called Martin Scorsese, a teacher who had trained big stars, to ask for advice, "Marty, what do you do when a star is not in good shape?"

"Oh, Ronald, this problem is best to determine the star's image and role at the beginning. I only contact stars who can cooperate." Scorsese uses stars to find those who are willing to abandon the false reputation of stars for performance.

"Hey, I understand, thank you..."

Ronald, who didn't get any advice, took out his phone and called Polly Pratt, the crew's artistic director.

"Polly, I need you on the scene tomorrow, support me, and stand by me."

"Oh, God, is it Harrison? I'll go..." Polly Pratt knew it was a star problem. In a big production crew, if the director doesn't suppress the star at the beginning, there will be endless tug-of-war and compromise afterwards, which is very energy-consuming and will also drag down the crew...


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