Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 74: Was it intentional or a misunderstanding?

Cher had no choice, this misunderstanding had become a big deal. She was very anxious. The acceptance speeches for the Oscars were actually all the same, nothing more than thanking some people who should be thanked.

Only a few actors, such as the actress Shirley MacLaine a few years ago, could give memorable speeches.

For Cher's speech, which followed the rules, it was not important what she said, but what she did not say was more important. Tomorrow, this will definitely become a highlight of her awards ceremony, appearing in the news at various times, and maybe there will be gossip tabloids that fabricate news that she and the director are not in harmony overnight.

Cher was very regretful. Why didn't she prepare a small note and read it? Or maybe it was because she didn't expect to win the award. He looked over from the backstage, wishing that the award presenter would pause and let her go up to correct her speech.

The award for Best Director was presented by comedian Robin Williams, who had a mustache and started his stand-up comedy performance (to drag out time).

This year, he was also nominated for Best Actor, relying on "Good Morning, Vietnam" directed by Barry Levinson. In the movie, he plays a DJ of a US military radio station, who is famous for hosting a morning show with passion.

Today, he also borrowed the style of the protagonist in the movie and began to perform passionately on stage. Perhaps he secretly felt unhappy about losing to Michael Douglas, so Robin Williams worked very hard.

Some audiences appreciated it and laughed. But Ronald was not included.

Since Robin Williams came on stage, he has been telling jokes and imitating various cartoon characters for three minutes. At the end, he didn't know what else to say, and began to learn to roll his eyes like Tom and Jerry...

Ronald pressed his hand on the root of his nose and rubbed his forehead that was about to explode. This is really too frustrating. This award presenter, I don't know if there are five nominated directors sitting there

"The nominees for the Best Director Achievement Award are..."

Robin Williams finally started reading the nomination list.

"Bernardo Bertolucci"

The big screen began to play the shot of Bertolucci directing actors wearing Qing Dynasty official uniforms in the Forbidden City.

"The Last Emperor, one of President Ronald's favorite movies" Robin Williams still didn't give up joking.

Bertolucci frowned at what he said. As an Italian left-wing filmmaker, he hated the right-leaning President the most.

"Lars Hallström, the Years of Dog Face"

The screen showed the footage that the organizing committee had reshot a few days ago. The young Swedish director was looking at the scene in front of the camera's viewfinder.

"Why do they all have to look at the camera? Oops, the lens cover hasn't been opened yet..." Robin Williams had to add a joke to everyone.

"The winner of the Oscar for Best Director is..." Robin Williams announced the four nominees, then skipped Ronald and went straight to announcing the winner.

The camera lens had already moved to Ronald. Seeing the red light of the camera, Ronald, who knew he was on the live broadcast, was nervous and wanted to give the audience a relaxed smile to show his demeanor.

Suddenly, the photographer didn't know what happened. Why did he only mention four of the five nominees? He stood there, not knowing whether to move the camera away from Ronald or stay here, waiting to capture Ronald Lee's reaction.

Ronald was even more shocked when he saw this. What's going on? Did they cancel my nomination temporarily?

Diane, who was standing next to him, didn't understand what happened either. She turned her head and saw Ronald's raised eyebrows. This would definitely not look good on camera. She immediately used the actor's line skills and squeezed out a sentence while keeping a smile on her mouth: "Smile, pay attention to the camera."

The director didn't let the photographer move the camera away, and continued to let the camera stare at Ronald.

"The winner of the best director is... Oh, by the way, in addition to the Oscar statuette, the Academy is also going to give a green card to the final winner."

Robin Williams continued to tell jokes, which was a joke that among this year's nominees, four directors were not Americans.

"Did they cancel your nomination?" Donna couldn't help it. She turned 45 degrees from the right and asked Ronald what was going on. My cousin is now a junior investment manager at a Wall Street fund. She knows that she shouldn't show too much expression or movement in such occasions.

"I don't know... No one told me. There's no need to do this, right?" Ronald tried to stay calm. Would the organizing committee do such a ridiculous thing? Why did they cancel his nomination? Was his secret of traveling through time discovered? Did they think they couldn't make a movie based on their own abilities?

"No, Robin forgot you..." Diane found that the screen decorated with a picture frame on the stage was playing a documentary clip shot by MGM for "Moonlight". Ronald was sitting next to Cher and Dukakis at the dining table, saying something, as if he was instructing them on the details of their performance...

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, there's another one... Ronald Lee, Moonlight..."

Ronald breathed a sigh of relief immediately. What's going on? How could he forget the nomination? Did this guest improvise a joke for too long just now, and his brain is not very sharp?

"He has just been signed to film the sequel to the moonlit night, 'Sunrise!' We all know that after being mesmerized by the moon, we will get up very late the next day."

"Hahaha..." The audience burst into laughter.

"This guy did it on purpose..." Ronald gritted his teeth while keeping a smile to show that he was not in a bad mood when being teased. He squeezed out a few words from his teeth and complained to Diane.

This Robin Williams must have seen that he was young and deliberately prepared a joke to tease him.

"Don't talk, it's about to be revealed, the photographer is zooming in on you" Diane is an actress, she is particularly sensitive to the camera, and hurriedly held Ronald's hand to remind him not to speak out loud and be read by others.

Sure enough, the photographer was ordered by the director in the headset to zoom in on Ronald for a close-up.

Ronald didn't dare to make a fuss, so he had to show a cute smile, then turned his head to Diane and pretended to be relaxed, and then pretended to wipe the sweat with his hands.

Who knew that when he turned his head, he saw Bertolucci over there, also gritting his teeth and pretending to be generous. This Robin Williams made all the nominees nervous during a normal award ceremony. He was really not a good choice.

The two exchanged glances, then both supported their chins with their hands and smiled at each other. Let's announce this award soon!

"The winner is... Bernardo Bertolucci - The Last Emperor."

"Sure enough," Ronald deliberately clenched his fist, cheered for Bertolucci, and then began to applaud. These close-up shots will be made into picture-in-picture by the TV station and displayed on the screen at the same time. Ronald has also practiced this expression of "I didn't win the award, but I am proud of my competitor."

"As an Italian and European, the Oscars are very far away and mysterious to me. But The Last Emperor received nine nominations, and I suddenly became the most enthusiastic audience, calculating the probability of winning every day..."

"Hahaha..." Ronald really laughed this time, Bertolucci's acceptance speech was quite sincere and interesting.

"I want to thank many people, first of all, I want to thank China for allowing me to go to their beautiful country to shoot this movie."

Bertolucci was so excited that he even said he was willing to kowtow to the members of the Academy! Because now is the most emotional moment in his life, he doesn't know how to express it.

Ronald applauded with everyone. After listening to the acceptance speech, he finally calmed down from the ups and downs. The Last Emperor has won eight awards out of nine nominations tonight. Only the best picture is left.

As the theme song of the Last Emperor played more than ten times tonight, Donna asked Ronald, "Do you have a chance to win the best picture?"

"Almost none. Most of the movies that win the best picture will have the best director, best screenplay, and best editing. There will also be one of the best actor or actress." Ronald knew that he would not have much chance to win the last award.

Before the last award was presented, there was a few minutes of rest time to let the TV station play ads and give the audience some time to adjust.

Ronald looked at Bertolucci. His seat was at the back, which was different from the front row for popular movies. Maybe it was because of his shy personality, which is rare among Italians? Ronald looked at himself. It seemed that producer Jeremy Thomas was also missing. The crew of The Last Emperor seemed to be particularly low-key today.

"Ronald... is it convenient?" It seemed like someone was calling him.

Ronald turned around and saw Cher's manager, a lady standing outside the aisle. The expression on her face was very anxious, asking Ronald to come out and talk to her alone.

"What?" Ronald walked a few steps with her to the aisle on the side.

"Cher is very sorry that she didn't thank you alone on the stage. She didn't expect that she would win the award and didn't prepare a speech. You may have noticed that she was nervous and got stuck several times."

"It's okay. I know she forgot the words on the stage. The time is short. The time for the heroine's acceptance speech is much shorter than that of the hero." Ronald had not recovered from the mood of being teased just now. When he said this, his expression on his face was very serious.

"Cher originally wanted to come here to apologize to you in person, but she has the obligation to accept interviews with reporters, so I came instead of her... Please forgive me. She said she would explain it clearly to the reporters. It's all her fault."

"I am Eddie Murphy..." The guest who presented the Best Picture Award had already come on stage.

"Okay, let Cher talk to them clearly." Ronald signaled that she was fine and sat back in his seat.

"I only have 60 seconds to say my thanks. I should thank Ronald and Shanley, but I was a little nervous and didn't even thank my boyfriend." Cher was interviewed by reporters in the back to explain the situation.


"How is it? What did Ronald say?" After finishing a round of interviews, Cher waited for her manager to come and report. She had tried her best to explain the situation in the interview.

"Ronald's face was not very good. He was very serious and said it didn't matter. Just ask you to explain it clearly when answering reporters' questions."

"Oh my God! Ronald and I are done. I said bad things about him during the filming and said that she didn't know how to direct actors. Today it seems that he is not going to forgive me. In fact, no one in Hollywood accepts me. I am old and don't look like a Hollywood woman. Only Ronald gave me the opportunity to play the leading role."

Xueer held the statuette and was discussing countermeasures with the manager. Although after winning the Best Actress, there will definitely be invitations to various high-priced scripts, but if the news spreads that he is ungrateful to the director after winning the Best Actress, no high-level director will invite him to do such artistic and commercial roles in the future. A high-level movie with excellent sex.

"What should we do?" Xueer asked the manager.

"What Ronald said is for you to make amends and let most people know that you really appreciate him. This is good for him, but in the final analysis it is also for your own good. The ungrateful actress, in Haolai Wu has no future."

"How can I make up for it? I just rushed in and apologized." Xueer covered her face, "Those reporters will definitely not put my apology on the headlines. They will definitely report that Ronald and I are not on good terms for the sake of sensationalism... …”

Unexpectedly, the great joy of winning the Best Actress award has now become a problem due to an oversight.

"Reporters and editors decide TV news headlines, but newspapers and magazines..." The manager gave Cher an idea.

"Let everyone know... let's do it..."

"You applauded every winner, and now you should also applaud the losers. I know what it is like to lose an Oscar. You must feel very stupid..."

Award guest Eddie Murphy is also a comedian, and as usual he has to make a joke before announcing the best picture winner.

Ronald thought to himself that if he could give Cher more time for such an extremely stupid impromptu joke, it wouldn't be the wrong thing to say.

"Actually, the organizing committee asked me to be a guest, but I didn't really want to come. My agent asked me why I didn't come, and I said, because the Oscars don't recognize black actors..."

"Huh...?" A big question mark arose in Ronald's mind?

This year’s Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, wasn’t Morgan Freeman nominated? Why are you being pretentious? Before the awards night, no one except two staff members from PricewaterhouseCoopers knew who would win the award.

"It's been sixty years since the Oscars. Let's count the Oscars that black people have won? Hattie McDaniel in Gone with the Wind, Sidney Poitier in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, and The Officer in previous years And the gentleman Louis Gossett, just three..."

Ronald is a black man, and other ethnic minorities are not recognized by the Oscars. This year, John Lone was not even nominated.

And he was talking about only three awards, and he was talking about the acting award. Since the establishment of the Best Original Episode Award, basically black people have won the award every year. "Famous" by Erin Cara. Stevie Wonder and Lionel Richie all have statuettes.

"On average, there is one award every 20 years. Based on this calculation, the next black person to win the award will not be until 2000."

"So I finally agreed to come and present the award for the best picture, but I did it for black people. I hope Hollywood will give more recognition to black people..."

Eddie Murphy started to complain a lot about black people being discriminated against and not being treated fairly. Everyone couldn't stand it anymore, and then he ended his complaint, "The ones who won the Best Picture are..."

"Broadcast news..."

"Fatal Attraction..."

"Hope and glory..."

"The Last Emperor……"

"The winner is..." Eddie Murphy began to open the envelope. At this time, on the frame screen, there was also the last nominee for best picture, which was "Moonlight" produced and directed by Ronald.

"Huh?" Ronald looked at the stage. Did he win the award?

Everyone in the audience had the same idea as Ronald, what does Eddie Murphy mean? After he said that the winner was... then "Moonlight Sultry" popped up on the screen. Did he forget that there was another movie nominated, or did he mean that the staff was ready to show the winner?

"Did you win the award?" Donna grabbed Ronald's hand tightly. She was an outsider. According to common sense, her cousin must have won the best picture... right?

"No, Eddie Murphy forgot..." Diane knew that all the winners were only known by the award presenters when they opened the envelopes. Eddie Murphy might have been too enthusiastic about it, so he forgot to mention Luo Nader's film was also nominated.

The entire audience was silent, everyone was staring at Eddie Murphy.

Perhaps he was frightened by this silent silence, or felt something was wrong on the audience's face, or maybe it was a deliberate joke. Eddie Murphy acted as if he had just reacted, "Sorry, there's another movie. Nominated film, Moonlight, produced by Ronald Lee."

"Are there any other nominated movies that haven't been mentioned?" Eddie Murphy added after he finished speaking, as if Ronald's movie was competing to get in. "If not, I will announce it. I have already seen the name..."

"Rumble, rumble..." The drums sounded.

"The Last Emperor……"

As the theme song of The Last Emperor played for the last time, producer Jeremy Thomas finally appeared. His eyes were swollen, as if he had been punched twice, and he came on stage to receive the statuette.

"I would like to thank everyone who worked on this movie. Thirty thousand people in China worked on this movie. In the end, the movie was a success. Thank you to them and everyone."

Ronald applauded mechanically, he had not just felt that Eddie Murphy had once again "forgot" about his own movie nomination.

It might have been an accident once, but it happened twice. Who is this person? Do you want to give yourself a signal?

"You seem to be worried. Actually, they all say that nominations depend on ability, and winning depends on luck. In my mind, you are already a winner?"

No one interviewed the loser. Ronald returned to the hotel with his family and friends. Donna went to her room. Diane took off her expensive dress, put on pajamas, and made coffee for herself. Seeing that Ronald was still frowning and thinking about something, she came over and kissed him, wanting to comfort Ronald.

"I'm not sad because I didn't win the award," Ronald indicated that it was not because of this, "You go to bed first, I still have to make a few calls..."

"Okay, I'll go to bed first." Diane touched Ronald's arm.

"Hello? Rick (Nicita)? Were you and Richard at the awards ceremony today? Isn't it strange?"

"I'm at the scene, and Richard is watching the live broadcast outside. We have to be careful and take some countermeasures. This is very unusual."

"Help me monitor tomorrow's news reports, including all newspapers, magazines, and television media. I want to see all the news about tonight's Oscars."

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