Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 77 Ronald's Money Making Machine

"Dukakis won six states in the Donald Party's Super Tuesday. Tennessee Governor Al Gore won five states, and Jesse Jackson, the leader of the black civil rights movement, won four states. The primaries will continue to fight."

In the business jet lounge at the airport, Ronald and Diane sat there waiting and watched the political news on TV.

The heat of the Oscars has gradually passed, and now the focus of the national audience is on the results of the new election and the primaries of the two parties.

The Donald Party was suppressed by the current president for two terms, and in the second term, only Washington, DC, and Minnesota, the hometown of Donald Party candidate Mondale, voted for the Donald Party. Under this strong oppression, the Donald Party has split, and no one knows what kind of political views they should hold to defeat the Elephant Party.

Generally speaking, by Super Tuesday in an election year, the primary election should basically produce a candidate. But several popular figures of the Donald Party are still fighting, and no one has an absolute advantage.

In contrast, the Elephant Party's Super Tuesday has announced that the current vice president, George Sr., has basically locked in the candidate of the Elephant Party.

Bob Dole, Jack Kemp and others who competed with him have publicly announced that they would give up the nomination for the president and congratulated George. Next, he just needs to go through the motions and accept the nomination at the Elephant Party Convention in August.

The business jet gave Ronald a good rest. After he and Diane were sent to the Fifth Avenue apartment by Bud, Ronald still had the energy to deal with various things. The next morning, he summoned the staff of Daydream and spent an afternoon and a morning dealing with the company's affairs.

All the reports that needed to be read and the signatures that needed to be signed were completed in the meeting at August 1st. The first task was for George to sign and distribute bonuses to employees, and Xiaojia was very satisfied.

"Xiaojia did an excellent job and did a very bad job. That fully shows that you Daydream can make money outside of Hollywood." Shi Feixing concluded at the beginning, and the employees in the New York office cheered.

"Bad, you're hiding it from him. Your video and record business made some money, so you're planning to take a nice vacation. Is he going with you?"

"You just hate to see you unhappy..." Burt jumped in front of the sofa and put his arms around George's neck.

"What's he been busy with recently? Did you hear from Doug that his new house is having some problems?" asked Diane.

With the price of $15-20 per CD, domestic retail sales have steadily exceeded $100 million. Adding the sales in Europe, Asia, Japan and America, George can earn more than $70 million from the soundtrack alone.

George is indeed very unhappy, but only about 10% of it is because of the Oscar win for "Moonlight" and the boost it has on the box office.

"Hmm..." Burt was so distracted by my kiss that he wrapped his legs around George's waist, and he was not even conscious, "You want him... Ronnie."

In short, the soundtrack album is the one that made the least money from a single business since George retired to Hollywood.

"He smells so bad..." Little George buried his nose between Bert's hair and neck, and the two ended a new round of fighting.

"Hahaha, you hate driving a boat again, just rent it." Little George laughed. It is necessary to buy a house and stay in a hotel just because you go to the beach for vacation. Although he has the financial resources to buy a yacht. But the annual maintenance, crew, and docking fees make little George less interested.

Little George knew that the most important decision that Deputy Commander Ronald made next was not to decide on his partner for the election. New York Congressman Jack Kemp, who was not in the primary election, was not interested in partnering with Ronald.

And "The Last Emperor", which won four small awards, was even more powerful. From the weekend box office of 700,000, it rose to 8.7 million. For the first time since the opening of the film, it beat the last seven in the box office and ranked behind the moonlight, and came to the seventh place. The first place still belongs to the horror comedy "Little Wizard of the Underworld".

On the seventh day, Bert reunited with his father Shi Fei. After the hot battle of the youth, the father and son showed no signs of reconciliation. Bert's acting career was originally designed by his father George, but before the eight consecutive films he shot with Coppola failed, Shi Feixing took care of his father and took care of the filming himself.

"Oh, you said..." Bert thought, little George is still a little star like Warren Beatty, and he doesn't have a yacht.

"How about you get a yacht to go out to sea?" Little George hugged Bert and talked under the bed.

Since the release of the videotapes next Christmas, the distribution in the video rental stores has not exceeded 800,000 copies. When I came to New York, Michelle Cannold, the distribution director of Daydream, told me that the number of copies by the end of the month would not exceed one million.

And little George helped big Diane, and big Diane could help these people. If she didn't know someone in the Park Department, she would also be willing to help Shi Feixing. This would be too bad, saving the court and prolonging the case.

Before qualifying for the primary election, we still have to continue the campaign advertising strategy. Big Diane hopes that her daydream can give Big Diane herself fewer shots in the new version of the advertisement, so that I can be the most outstanding among the men.

"The box office of Moonlight is really rising..." Shi Fei just met and talked with his father George and came back to the apartment. You looked at the faxed box office report with envy.

Little George had nothing else to do. I went with Douglas to congratulate the eldest son of the deputy commander, Big Diane.

"You believe it, he behaved like today in the next two days..." Bert sat under little George who was sitting under the sofa and combed my soft hair with his hands.

"Has the little commander endorsed his father yet?" Little George asked Da Shi Fei if he had read the political news comments.

"What brand is his perfume? He smells bad today." Little George remembered and kissed him.

Diane has been traveling back and forth between Washington, D.C., and New York recently. I have become close to Roger Ailes, who is outside the campaign team, and I have contributed a lot to my father's campaign ads.

The effect of going on sale next month is also very wrong. The title song of the album, "Does He Love You", a duet between Patrik Schwytz and Cynthia Rhodes, also rushed to No. 8 on the charts due to the release of that album. lower than when it was first issued in 1488.

"Roger Ailes said that, another campaign consultant, Lee Atwater, and your brother Jeb thought that. We voters want a little freshness."

Compared with the rapidly declining record business, the seventh income that "Dirty Dancing" brought to Little George was the sales of video tapes. It was a characteristic of that movie's video tape that the sales rate was either rising or falling, but it was less than 80,000 boxes sold in the retail market every month.

"There are only formal issues left. The primaries are going to be completed in each state. Voters in every state want to see your father." Da Dian spoke with pride.

"What problem do you think there is? The director of the next shooting, Emil Arsaulino, wants to be the director himself. After the script is finalized, it is a problem to ask me to direct an advertisement for him."

"It's more difficult to understand that movie. I guess it's not as good as Moonlight Sultry." Of course, Bert prefers Shi Feixing, hoping that Moonlight Sultry can overtake him last week. If you have played a big role outside, the worse the movie is at the box office, the less it will help your career. After all, the protagonist outside of a big movie is still as impressive as the supporting role in a small production.

The less it sells, the higher the production cost of a single box. The dividends given to the leading actors, screenwriters and other main creators are as small as the money earned by Little George. Several leading actors have become rich men and women, including Patrick Shih. Waits doesn't own the copyright to a single song off the record, and he and his wife are not looking for a smaller pasture, and they are no longer looking for famous horses to participate in competitions.

"Hehe... this is the intention, it was deliberately arranged by you." Little George smiled sadly, "It is a small scene in the history of movies, and most of them were shot based on the intention."

The Last Emperor is a Chinese-themed movie. In order to avoid debts, producer Jamie Thomas disappeared after winning the Oscar and did not attend the previous parties. The box office can definitely be lower, but at least no one has been willing to make that kind of Chinese epic movie before.

Anyway, bad Hollywood is not like that. The more he can make money, the more money will come to him. Directors and producers who continue to be successful can continue to get other people's money to make movies.

It turned out that Ronald followed Roger Ailes's strategy and focused on telling his story of fighting for America, as well as his family card of harmonious family and promising sons, and won over many male voters.

"Moonlight", which has not been released for more than ten weeks, has evolved to a box office of just over 1.8 million over the weekend. With the blessing of the Golden Man, it jumped to 8.7 million.

Is that true? I still have to listen to the old bad Hollywood saying, which is to use your own money to make movies. Little George once gambled and put down his wealth to film "Dirty Dancing". After getting such bad results, it was necessary to take another big gamble.

"I'm great, but you hate my style, so thank you." Da Dian achieved his goal and ended chatting with the two about other things.

The total box office is just over 70 million US dollars. It is estimated that it will continue to be screened for another two or eight months due to the cold wave, and there is no hope of reaching 40 million US dollars.

Jennifer Gray also stopped buying low-end customized evening wear from various brands. Your popularity in the circle will also take a turn for the worse, and everyone will be happy to talk to you.

The sales volume in the first quarter of this year was already amazing. Even though the total sales volume has not exceeded the seven platinum level, the sales speed is still very fast. As soon as the Oscars were awarded, records were once again out of stock, and RCA stopped running its production lines again. The "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack had no hope of exceeding 10 million sales in China.

"This is too bad. The young commander's popularity is still very low. Without my endorsement, his father should definitely win. Everyone in the young family wants to continue that bad life."

"There is also a bad idea. Where does he want to go?"

"Really? Damn it, where are you going?" When Bert heard that he would go on vacation, he immediately became interested.

But your own luck is also very bad. After "Streets of Rage", a series of movies have done well at the box office, and the production costs of the scripts you receive are getting cheaper and cheaper. First of all, it was George Jr. who gave you a few opportunities. You ended up playing supporting roles and gradually returned to mainstream bad Hollywood movies.

"Alphonse D'Amato, the senator from New York State, is from your side. I will also face an election this year. I will endorse your father's participation in the primary election over the weekend. When he comes, you introduce him to me. know."

Of course, George is the one who earns the least. The cash I have available now is not close to 80 million. The Sony stock I invested in later with the income from records and video tapes has not seen a big decline because of the successful acquisition of Columbia Records. .

"Fragranhibited is the scent of debauchery." Little George looked at the perfume bottle that looked like a male body.

Each videotape was priced at about $40, plus a $6 subsidy from the sponsor Coca-Cola, the videotapes could earn Shi Feixing at least $20 million, and it was still growing at a rate of about one million per month.

In addition to the daydream, Michelle Cannold, assistant director Emile Adolfo and others who participated in the production of "Dirty Dancing" were all given a lot of money, and the morale of the first batch of employees was very low.

The box office figures are the same as those of a few people who check the weekly recommendations under Hollywood reports. The sales of the original soundtrack before the movie are known to the outsiders.

Without such a stingy boss, Jimmy is full of energy. He watched the release of the soundtrack of the seventh chapter outside RCA, and added a few interludes that did not squeeze out the first chapter album, and added a few similar 1980s-style songs. Jimmy Reiner and RCA Company, together, reluctantly released the seventh soundtrack "Less Dirty Dancing".

"You still think his movies are bad. The first scene behind the table is simple. Your few friends say he is a genius for shooting it." Bert is very knowledgeable about filming and knows that scene is difficult.

What I really hate is the best original interlude awarded by this year's Oscars, which was given to the theme song of "Dirty Dancing", your "Time of Life".

"Hahaha, it was given to you by Cher. You made your own brand." Shi Fei jumped on the crib and took out a bottle from the luggage and handed it to Shi Feixing.

"There is no grudge between us... Your mother and Nancy don't have any..." Big Diane smiled honestly, "But your father hasn't talked to the little commander about that matter. It will probably be announced before the primary election."


"Does he make so little? Can he afford a yacht?" Bert asked in surprise. Are movie soundtracks and videotapes so profitable?

"Then..." George Jr. thought that my two brothers were still competing with each other, "You still hate his ideas, you support him..."

"You don't have time to think quickly..." George Jr. was attracted by the new perfume under Bert's body. He knew what brand it was, but it smelled very tempting.

In short, if George Jr. used all the money to make movies, my financial ability alone would not be able to compete with the mid-stream companies outside Hollywood. As for Cannon, Orion, Heimdl and other medium-sized production companies that rely on financing and loans to make movies, they have no way to compete with George Jr. under the cash figures they can mobilize.

That "growing up", Bert finally served as the male lead of a small studio and a small and medium-sized production. His father Shi Fei was very excited about his son's return. The two returned to the old days when Bert was under his father's taxi and the two discussed acting and movies.

In order to punish Jimmy Reiner, who got the music copyright for him and gave him ideas, George Jr. officially gave me the position of music director of Daydream and wrote a very fat check as punishment. It was even less than the total income I made as a bad boy broker later.

"You know, you have been to too few places since your debut. Where does he want to go?"

So now, outside of that time period, Big Diane is very popular in New York. Few politicians take the initiative to contact me, hoping that I will say a few bad words in front of my father, usually in front of my mother Barbara. Xiaojia wants to help Shi Feixing, who has no chance of winning the White House.

"Your movie won the Oscar, can you be happy?"

"Congratulations to him, his father got nominated, right?"

Amid the cheers of the employees, George went home to rest. Under the fax machine outside the apartment, there was no box office figures for "Moonlight" faxed by Millie May this weekend.

Before the Oscars won eight minor awards, the box office this weekend ended up soaring, and the audience wanted to go to the cinema to see the performances of the best actor and best supporting actor.

"Why is he so depressed? Yes, yes, there is nothing bad, you know?" Shi Fei found that George laughed all the time today.

"We were wrong too. We deserved such a result. We didn't hope that Jamie Thomas could make less money, otherwise someone would have filmed such a subject," said George.

"Very bad. You didn't come here to seek help from him today..." Da Shifei said why I came today.

"The people from the New York Parks Department thought that the garden you built was adjacent to a natural wetland, which is a migratory site for migratory birds, so they stopped your project. You are preparing to go to court, but you will definitely be forgiven. This is the worst. After all, your land is not even close to a lake near the wetland."

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