Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 10005 How to spend the box office dividends

"The videotape producers are an industry invested by Colombia, and we have a good relationship with them. It is not a big problem to expedite the production of the three purchased films.

However, if we want to rush to the market before the end of the strike, we need to spend a lot of money. The other videotapes that were originally on the production line had to cost an extra sum of money to make way for us. And workers have to pay three times their wages for overtime... This is completely unnecessary. "

It was Dolly Burnstein, manager of the daydream tape business unit, who protested to Ronald. This was with Michelle Cannold at Weston Films. She speaks directly and cares about details. Unlike Cannold, who is a bit of an artist, Bernstein was educated in a completely Jewish family, and let profits speak for themselves in everything.

"I appreciate your devotion to your career." Ronald was very happy to see Dolly getting excited, which showed that the fat female manager was devoted to her duties. He went to the automatic coffee machine himself and brought Dolly a cappuccino.

"It's not that I'm ignorant of the problems brought about by the rush, but let's not get entangled in this joke now, and look at it from the perspective of company strategy. You won't be the manager of the video business forever.

You see, if the strike is over, then new movies and TV series will be released soon, we don't have a long window..."

Ronald first affirmed Dolly's professionalism, and hinted that the company's development could promote her to other higher business positions in the future. Adding the appeasement of making coffee herself, Dolly Bernstein drank the coffee cup with both hands. After a few sips, my heart gradually calmed down.

"I understand that our daydream business is growing rapidly, and the video business needs to cooperate. But I have to say again, if this continues, we will always have problems. Columbia will not always be on good terms with us. It is time to have our own The videotape factory."

"Very well, the 'Dirty Dancing' box-office share is about to arrive, and it's a lot of money. Can you represent the company to New Jersey and Arizona to see what places are suitable for building or acquiring a videotape factory . Then write me a report, and after we discuss it, you will be in charge of the project."

"That's good, I'll go make the inspection plan." Dolly Bernstein saw that the factory she had suggested several times had finally moved, and immediately got up to leave.

"Dolly, good job!" Ronald quickly stood up and praised his colleague. Subordinates with such strong abilities need to calm their emotions, listen to their ideas, and then give them suitable projects to take charge of.

"Ronald? Hi, Dolly," just as Michelle Cannold came in looking for Ronald. He and Dolly nodded. Cannold was originally responsible for the production of video tapes. He still likes to deal with artists and helps Ronald manage some distribution channels by the way.

He came this time for the premiere of "Die Hard" co-produced with Silver Production in July.

Several stars contacted by Ronald said that if the schedule does not conflict, they will attend. Even Schwarzenegger, who had just returned from filming "The Red Square Detective" in Moscow and Riga, Latvia, also expressed that he would definitely come back to support him.

The presence of so many male action movie stars has invisibly raised the level of Bruce Willis's first action movie. As long as the newspaper news of the day is published, all audiences will see Schwarzenegger, Stallone, these veteran action stars, and watch an action movie by the original TV comedy star Bruce Willis.

People's thinking is actually easily influenced by the media. Since they appear together, Bruce Willis and them will be classified in the same category.

"Very good, Michelle, I don't know what to do without you." Ronald looked at the proposal for the premiere, he was very professional from the beginning to the end, and he was able to recruit a group of managers with strong professional ability In daydreaming, belongs to good luck. Give them more bonuses and more respect, and they will continue to create more wealth for themselves.

"Dolly did a good job, and I think she can take over more work for the distribution part in the future. I still prefer to follow the production process from the beginning to the end and watch the movie being made from scratch."

Cannold hinted that Ronald could find Dolly who had grown up to take on more work, "and your assistant Luke, she is very capable and can take over part of Dolly's original work. I didn't expect her talent behind the scenes, As good as she is in front of the camera."

"You don't have to worry about her. I'm here to lose weight. When she meets Hollywood standards, her dream is still in the foreground." Ronald waved his hand, and he really wanted to keep this fat girl, but people Each has his own aspirations.

"In addition, the box office share of our Dirty Dance is coming soon? Is it possible to buy a movie theater in New York and Los Angeles, as I told you last time? Many of our movies need premiere theaters, and we always borrow to coordinate Scheduling is always difficult. We are still a small company.

If we have our own territory in these two major cities, buyers of many theater chains will have more confidence in our distribution capabilities. "

Cannold brought up another thing. That's when Daydream needs its own movie theater. Ronald has already determined that he will shoot more low-cost romance and kung fu movies in the future. With his own movie theater, he can easily meet the conditions for domestic release. In this way, it is easier to get better conditions when facing video tape dealers.

After all, being released in American theaters is not an achievement that any movie can achieve. With a track record in releases, videotape sales channels are more willing to distribute such films, regardless of box office success.

"You make a plan and find some acquisition targets. As long as the price is right... By the way, how much does it cost to buy a movie theater in New York now?"

"I made a rough estimate. There are five suitable single-hall theaters here, with prices ranging from 2 million to 5 million. Multi-hall theaters will be more expensive. The price of each new theater in a shopping center is around 1 million. Fifteen million to twenty million."

Cannold came prepared and took out a plan and handed it to Ronald.

"Well, why are they all movie theaters in Manhattan? Are they so cheap?" Ronald flipped through the plan for a long time. Discovered a puzzling fact.

The one-hall theaters that Michele Cannadero listed are all in Manhattan. Most are on Forty-second Street, not far from Broadway, the center of theater. The intersection of the two streets is near Times Square in Midtown Manhattan.

Ordinarily, a single-hall movie theater in this location would not be worth one or two million dollars.

Seeing the bewildered gaze cast by Ronald, Michelle Cannold was already prepared, and he took out another folder and handed it to Ronald.

Ronald opened it and saw that it was full of actual photos taken around Forty-second Street. The decoration of these movie theaters is very old-fashioned and fancy. The lights of various colors at the entrances are on and off according to certain rules, and an ancient aesthetic of the 1960s and 1970s blows over us.

"Isn't this the Mill Cinema?" Ronald understood. These movie theaters were all built in the 1930s when movies were most profitable. After the impact of TV, these single-hall theaters with 500 to 1,000 seats in a single hall quickly lost the audience market.

But the operators did not want to close their doors here. They found a unique screening mode starting in the 1960s, that is, showing many x-rated movies, and even showing some bottom-level movies that did not participate in the MPAA rating, or imported movies.

The business model of this kind of movie theater is based on volume. So the interior has not been renovated since the fifties. It also retains the movie-watching habit of the golden age, as long as you buy a ticket, you can go in and watch movies continuously, and you can watch as many movies as you want, until you don’t want to watch it.

This mode of buying tickets was born out of ancient theaters. Around the regular Broadway plays, there are many such mill-style theaters, showing plays non-stop throughout the day, attracting middle- and lower-income audiences with low-cost, fast-paced, and continuous performances.

This model was born out of a series of performance venues in Paris, China, which attracted middle- and lower-level people. It was named after the Cancan Dance, a dance with thighs exposed. The most famous one at that time happened to be called Moulin Rouge (me).

Such a mill movie theater has many low-rated movies released, and it quickly becomes a gathering place for various gray businesses. They can't make much money, and they have to deal with all kinds of messy things. The original operators of the movie theater are old people. Their children don't want to continue this kind of business, so the selling price is not high.

"When we buy this kind of theater, will we also take over those messy things?" Ronald asked.

"No, I have carefully selected the theaters. These theaters are near one end of Broadway, which are much better than the ones at the other end of Times Square. Therefore, the prices are also more expensive, generally exceeding one million US dollars.

In terms of operation, we can retain the original management team. Although they are not professional enough, they still need this job. We are adding some popcorn and coke vending machines, capital preservation is not a problem.

Our low-budget movies basically don't have much problem showing in these theaters. "

"We need to find an independent third-party company to evaluate. We can't get involved with those gray businesses. It doesn't matter whether we make money or not. We just need a few movie theaters of our own to facilitate screenings." Ronald reminded a few words, which seemed like I also know how to run a movie theater.

"Don't worry, I've done a detailed investigation. There are a few Cannon Theaters that have been in business. Their 'Runaway Train' even had its New York premiere in one of them."

"Oh? That's no problem." Ronald heard that Minahan also hosted the Russian director Konchalovsky, Jon Voight, Eric Roberts, and Rebecca here. De Mornay is reassuring as it hosts the premiere of several Oscar-nominated stars. No matter how you look for it, it is a movie that has been nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars. The movie theater that holds the premiere will definitely not lose face.

"Then let's do this. I'll ask Eddie to prepare a check for you. Our box office share has been reached. For acquisitions under five million, you two can decide." Ronald is now rich and powerful, with a box office share close to 30 million. Find a place to spend it ASAP.

Otherwise, after the dust settles in the general election, if the donkey party wins, then the extension of the tax cut bill seems hopeless, and it will be just a matter of spending money suddenly.

In other words, it is still rare in America to see candidates from the same party succeed after two terms of leadership. Ronald had to make some preparations.


"Ronald, there's a Mr. Thomas W. Stephenson Jr. from New Jersey calling to speak to you, can you call him back? He's the son of Thomas W. Stephenson Sr. Hollywood Cinemas little boss."

A few days later, Richard, the agent, called and found Ronald, who was on vacation in Palm Springs.

"Stephenson, Hollywood, ah... I remember. I participated in the Western Film Expo with him, help me to pick it up." Ronald remembered this young man, and he was in Las Vegas. The rich second generation I met when I participated in a film festival called the Film Festival, which was actually the Western Film Expo, an annual trade fair in Hollywood.

This guy is quite interesting, he likes artistic movies, but as a buyer, he prefers low-cost movies that make money. His father also deliberately cultivated him, letting him start as the most important film buyer in the theater. Many people knew him at the film festival back then.

"Hey, little Thomas, why did you think of calling me? We talked very speculatively last time in Las Vegas."

"Hi Ronald. It's great to hear your voice again. We've had your latest film in theaters for a long time and I love it. Thomas Stephenson Jr. can still remember himself when he hears Ronald, I am also very happy. Then I said that I have something to discuss, can I come here for an interview.

"Little Thomas, hello, are you still a buyer?" Ronald quickly met Stephenson who came from Los Angeles.

"Hey, Ronald, yes, I'm still a buyer now, but I'm not buying movies, I'm buying movie theaters." The two chatted about the past, and he immediately explained his purpose of coming straight to the point.

It turns out that the New Jersey Hollywood Cinemas owned by the four families of Thomas Stephen Jr. has developed very well in recent years. In addition to New Jersey, there are many franchised theaters. They have expanded their territories in New York and New England in the east.

This time he also took a fancy to several mill theaters on Forty-second Street, because after the abolition of the Paramount Act, the competition for mergers and acquisitions of theater chains became fiercer, and the Stephenson family decided not to rely on continuing to attract independent theaters to join them. , but the own family bought several movie theaters, breaking through the number of one hundred.

Just like Ronald's daydream, Thomas Jr., who was in charge of the acquisition, also took a fancy to several movie theaters on Forty-second Street that used to belong to the Cannon Theater Line. It turned out that after his offer was rejected by the movie theater owner, he found out that he was also bidding for the pipe dream, so he called and negotiated through Ronald's agent.

"Can you give me these movie theaters? I have to get good grades in the company before I can hope to take over greater authority." Thomas Jr. was placed with high hopes by his father and trained towards future successors, but others in the company The shareholders are not very convinced, and he needs to make achievements to convince everyone. That's why I handed over the important acquisition work of breaking through 100 theaters to my son.

"Sorry, Thomas, my company needs these movie theaters. You know, my company has a lot of low-budget movies now. If they can be released in movie theaters, it will bring me a lot of benefits. I don't need to explain to you. Right?" Ronald rejected the other party's proposal, we are not so familiar yet, right?

"I understand, I understand, you can see if this works. If you can withdraw from the bidding, then I can sign a cooperation agreement with your daydream. In the future, I will guarantee a certain number of low-cost films produced by your company. Never let you suffer.

In fact, operating a movie theater is a specialized business. Let a professional person like me do it. If you focus on the production, there will be more movie theaters that can show it. It is also a win-win situation for us. "

Thomas Stephenson Jr. said a lot about the difficulty of running a movie theater, and also pointed out that the environment of the Mill Theater is complicated, and it just needs a professional team to operate it.

Ronald still shook his head. For such an agreement, how can he have the insurance of several movie theaters in his hands. What I want to buy a movie theater is insurance. If I want to go to the movie theater, I can go to the movie theater. Besides, there is still so much money that has not been spent, and there are always several to buy.

"Well, we can't make a deal, are we still friends, right? I will continue to support your movies in the future." Little Thomas saw that Ronald did not let go, knowing that the other party must control several movie theaters before he is reconciled.

"Why not, let's cooperate in another way?" Ronald suddenly came up with inspiration.

"I am willing to listen to any reasonable proposal." Thomas Jr. sat down again.

"I bought these theaters, and then joined your Hollywood theater chain. You come here according to the conditions of your franchise, and send people to my place to operate. In this way, you can save money to buy other movie theaters and join the movie theaters. The quantity can be even more than the original one. It is more beneficial to your goal, and it is also a more suitable win-win way.”

Ronald's proposal is to control the movie theater by himself, and then join the other party's theater alliance. In this way, Thomas Jr.'s goal of showing ability in front of shareholders can be exceeded. Anyway, not all movie theaters are filled with theater movies at all times, and their own low-cost movies can always find a slot for release.

"I'll run it all? I'm going to send my people to be managers, my people..." Little Thomas felt that this proposal was good, and hinted that he would stand on his side in future theater conferences. He will also send his own direct descendants to run Ronald's cinema.

"make a deal!"

Ronald stretched out his hand and shook him firmly, "Come on, let's relax, the massage here is good, very relaxing."


"The purchase of three movie theaters cost a total of less than five million yuan, and the budget for purchasing a video tape production line and relocating to Staten Island was less than eight hundred thousand. What are you going to do with the rest of the money?" Lawrence Wang, a private accountant, also said. Fly to Palm Springs.

Ronald also scratched his head, this kind of symbolic purchase of a few movie theaters, and then a small production line, can meet most of the needs. Cannon’s purchase of a large number of theaters overseas has proven to be very risky, and its own daydream does not need to be listed, and the production volume is not large, so there is no need to be so radical.

Ask Ronald what he does with his money. Spending money is not as fast as making money.

"Still investing in the stock market? Coca-Cola and Microsoft are split half and half? Now Microsoft's stock price has fallen sharply. Their new operating system, Windows 2.0, has received poor reviews and many bugs."

Ronald took the stock chart and looked at it, and there was indeed something wrong. After Apple removed the founders from the company, the new Macintosh models that followed were well received. Microsoft had to launch its own graphical operating system as a last resort.

However, their operating systems always have some compatibility issues and often crash.

"I'd better buy Coca-Cola. I'd better buy this stock, to be safe." Ronald's "Dirty Dancing" filming funds were mostly earned from Coca-Cola stock, and he has feelings.

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