Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 119 Embarrassment

Diane Lane already has an agent and belongs to International Innovation Management (icm), which is good at running the movie business of stars.

When his daughter was performing in a Broadway play when she was a child, Bert signed her daughter with the Ashley Famous Agency, one of the predecessors of ICM.

Ovitz was not discouraged and gave Diane a business card and asked her to remember him when she was considering changing agents. The three of them went downstairs and walked towards the party center on the first floor.

"Ronald, which hotel are you staying in?" Diane asked as he walked.

"Holiday Inn, do you want to stay there? The breakfast is great."

"Yes, I bought some large traveler's checks at the bank when I came here. It should be enough to pay for the room for a week, right?"

"Of course, the prices at the Holiday Inn are very good. Travelers' checks can be exchanged at the front desk, and you can use the extra money for shopping."

A traveler's check is a fixed-amount check that can be purchased at a bank and is similar to a cashier's check (money order). However, compared with the signature when cashing out, the security is theoretically higher.

When you buy a traveler's check with cash at a bank, you need to sign on the upper column, and when you cash it, you need to sign on the lower column. Hotels and stores will cash it only after they check that the signatures on the two columns are the same.

In the Western world, signatures are commonly used to determine a person's authority, so many people specialize in practicing a signature style for signing checks and contracts, separate from their daily signatures. It is not easy to find someone else's traveler's check and forge a signature in a short time.

By the time the three of them reached the party hall, Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty had already found their targets for tonight's sex hunt and left.

However, the party held by Jane Fonda will not lack stars, and several big-name stars have arrived one after another.

The center of the party now is one of America's most handsome male movie stars - Robert Redford. His directorial debut, "Ordinary People," had already been produced and was just waiting to be released in September, so he didn't arrive early to participate in the collective pressure from the stars on the Screen Actors Guild.

As one of America's favorite movie stars, Redford always felt that his acting talents were overlooked. This time I was able to direct "Ordinary People", and I also hope to change my image in the entertainment industry and the public that I rely on my appearance to make a living.

Robert Redford and Jane Fonda are old friends. They have played husband and wife on the screen many times, such as "Sergeant Cade" and "Newlyweds". The two are also good friends in reality. This time I came to my old friend Jane Fonda’s house.

He also had the intention of inviting her to attend the premiere of his directorial debut.

Ovitz's eyes lit up and he immediately stepped forward to talk to Redford.

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared from the side. Ovitz took a closer look and saw that it was Ed Limato from WMA.

As soon as their auras matched, the two stopped and looked at each other with squinted eyes. There is a recognition mode among the agents. They can identify friends and foes in one second and decide whether to fight or join forces.

Limato saw that Ovitz's target was Robert Redford and immediately moved out of the way. Although Redford is signed to WMA, he is not his client, so he does not have to be familiar with Ovitz.

"Then why are you here?" Ovitz felt a little strange and turned on the radar to scan the crowd left and right.

Now Robert Redford is a big fish in the agent market, and Ron Meyer, a partner of CAA, has just pried Stallone away from Limato. Seeing as the other party won't compete with me for Redford, is there a bigger target that I don't know about?

Limato pointed to the circle of young people on the other side, "I'm not like you, who only steal famous stars from others. Today's agents don't have the traditional virtue of being persistent, discovering, building, regardless of poverty. Still wealthy, no matter the peaks or troughs, always serving customers until death do them part..."

Hearing Limato say these words that sounded like a wedding vow so passionately, Ovitz felt a chill and quickly left him alone and squeezed towards Redford's circle.

Just as Jane Fonda came out to say hello to Robert Redford, Ovitz immediately followed the hostess and successfully entered the core of the circle.

Jane Fonda and Redford hug and kiss on the cheek. Although they are not a couple off screen, they have been friends for many years. The two reunited on the screen after many years and acted as a couple in the movie "Electric Knight", which was the ninth highest-grossing movie in 1979.

Redford specifically wanted to invite Jane Fonda to the Los Angeles premiere of his directorial debut, "Ordinary People," to attract some media coverage based on their screen presence.

Jane Fonda did not agree immediately until she was likely to get a filming exemption in the next few days. Her first priority was to continue filming "On Golden Pond." "Robert, when is the premiere of your movie scheduled?"

"September, Jane, if you can come."

"We are old friends, and I will already attend if I have time."

"What do you think about Heaven's Gate?" Redford asked. This is the hottest topic in Hollywood at the moment, and it will be mentioned at celebrity gatherings.

"United Artists is no longer the Hollywood studio founded by Chaplin and Mary Pickford that respected artists..."

"Robert Redford, which of his movies is your favorite?" Diane Lane was very excited when she heard it in the crowd. The density of stars in Hollywood obviously exceeded that in New York. As a little girl, she can be among celebrities and listen to their insights on the industry and acting skills. It is worth a trip to Los Angeles.

"Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Ronald couldn't help Diane's plea and led her into a circle centered on the two stars. Fortunately, everyone was a civilized person and did not reprimand Ronald in person for his behavior of going to the city to meet celebrities.

After listening to the high-pitched talk of several people for a while, Ronald felt a little bored. He knew that comments made in such crowded situations should not be taken seriously, and most of them were perfunctory. However, Diane rarely heard senior figures comment on the world's heroes, and he listened very enthusiastically.

Ronald was quietly squeezed out of the circle and began to look for Matt Dillon. He still chatted with his peers and then took Diane back to the hotel.

"Ed, is this the only social way that William Morris treats contracted clients?" Michelle Pfeiffer was embarrassed for a while. She was not yet good at handling celebrity parties. Today, she was criticized by many celebrities and producers. People say, "I'd rather be at home watching The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson."

"Very well, you will say this when you go on Johnny Carson's show on the 1st of next month. That old pervert likes shows where beautiful women praise him." Ed Limato replied.

"The newly emerging ICM agency in the industry likes to use social networking to expand the social circles of its stars. I also follow the trend. Michelle, if you don't like this method, I will arrange less social parties like this in the future. , just show up."

"WMA is a long-established agency. Our strongest relationship is with various media relationships in the industry and program production relationships. In addition to winning the commercial for Lux soap, I will also arrange for you to start filming the latest "Inspector Charlie Chan" When you appear at the press conference, you will also attract attention as a supporting role. After all, Angie Dickinson, who plays the Dragon Queen, was born in the 1930s.

Plus Johnny Carson's Tonight Show appearance. I guarantee that every young American man will know you from the intensive bombardment of television stations next month. "

"Female stars must have their own income. Hollywood has very high requirements for you, the right clothing taste, the right jewelry, the right social circle, the right boyfriend..."

"Ed, we have already discussed this issue." Pfeiffer looked embarrassed. Limato mentioned several times that popular female stars rarely find ordinary screenwriters as their boyfriends. That is often the choice of has-been actresses. , hoping that the screenwriter can tailor a script to help them make a comeback.

"Okay, you have your own ideas, and I won't put pressure on you. As long as you have income from advertising and movies, you can have a lot of control and will not be forced to do something you don't want to do just because of money. things.

I signed you up for acting training at the Beverly Hills (ag school). Milton Caseras will teach you personally. "

"I know, Ed, and I'm grateful." Michelle Pfeiffer is not a newcomer to Hollywood. She has been in the television industry for a year or two before. She knew Milton Catelas' name.

Catelas was also a teacher under the Lee Strasberg Actors Studio. In 1978, he set up his own business, acquired the Beverly Hills Theater, and started teaching classes in Hollywood. Many actors have the experience of studying there.

He has rich teaching experience, and many celebrities regard him as an important guide on the road to acting. The only drawback is that he is an ardent believer in Scientology, and students will be under unspoken pressure to join the religion. However, Pfeiffer has the support of his agent Limato, so there is no big problem.

"We are all family and should take care of each other. If I take care of you now, you will take care of me in the future, right? Now go socialize with those future stars." Ed Limato pointed to the gathering of young movie stars. into a circle.

Jane Fonda's parties have always had a tradition of taking care of young talents in the industry. Young people can often attend and communicate with their seniors. Along with Robert Redford are the two young stars of "Ordinary People", Timothy Hutton and Elizabeth McGovern

Hutton is a very sunny American-style pretty boy, and he and his female companion McGovern seem to be lovers. However, Hutton also fell into the bad habit of young Hollywood stars, chatting up other beautiful girls in front of his female companions. He saw a blonde beauty approaching and immediately stepped forward.

"Hello, I'm Timothy Hutton. I play in Redford's new film Ordinary People. What's your name?" Hutton introduced himself to Michelle Pfeiffer.

McGovern followed up automatically, hugged Hutton's arm intimately, pressed himself tightly against Hutton, and declared his sovereignty. "Hello, I'm McGovern, and I play a couple with Timothy."

Michelle Pfeiffer is even more embarrassed. Rather than constantly meeting new people, she essentially prefers to pass the time with familiar people. However, she remembered Limato's teachings, and she must be confident at this time, "Michelle Pfeiffer, nice to meet you, I just got a supporting role in Charlie Chan and the Dragon Queen."

"Charlie Chen, the Chinese detective? The one who can't speak English well?" McGovern began to sneer, "So what should we call you, 'Miss Chen'?"

"Elizabeth is kidding you. In fact, I have been watching Charlie Chan's movies since I was a child. Confucius once said, don't use a cannon to kill mosquitoes." Timothy Hutton said Charlie Chan's classic line, which the Chinese detective often quoted Quotes from Confucius.

"Michelle, why are you here? I'm so happy to see you." Ronald unexpectedly saw Michelle Pfeiffer, came up to hug her, and the two kissed.

"I thought it would take a few days before I could see you. Limato always said you were very busy." Ronald was overjoyed and began to hold Pfeiffer's hand and chat about the two of them after they parted. But leave the two young stars of "Ordinary People" aside.

"Let's go first and give Michelle and her 'friends' some time." Elizabeth McGovern saw this and wanted to pull Hutton away.

"Sorry, I was too happy for a moment. Nice to meet you. I am Ronald Lee and I am a screenwriter. Have you met Matt Dillon?" Ronald apologized quickly and introduced himself to the two of them.

Hutton sneered secretly, did not answer, and pulled McGovern away.

"Ronald, why are you here? Didn't I tell you to wait for two days? I will arrange for Michelle to meet you." Ed Limato interrupted Pfeiffer and Hutton when he saw Ronald. During the exchange, he came out of the darkness to question him. "How did you know Pfeiffer was coming to Jane Fonda's party today, and how did you get in? Are you following us?"

Ronald was targeted for no reason, and he was about to defend, "No, I came here to see Ms. Jane Fonda..."

Turning around, I saw the unusually embarrassed expression on Michelle Pfeiffer's face. Suddenly, my heart lit up. I understood the whole story. Instead of making excuses, I took Pfeiffer's hand and said, "I just want to go back to the hotel. You Come together?"

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