Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 102 The Final Deal

After all the immortals left, Wang Dao felt relieved and turned around and disappeared on the balcony. He appeared here mainly because he was worried about the conflict between Qixing and the immortal. However, seeing Ningguang's arrangement, the immortal was convinced by her.

On the pier, Ying looked at the distant balcony in confusion, feeling like something was watching over her just now.

But if I look carefully, I can't see anything.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ying looked at Ningguang and Keqing: "Ningguang, Keqing, since the matter is settled now, let's leave first. We still need to help Zhongli complete the ceremony of sending immortals!"

Ningguang and Keqing nodded and did not do anything to persuade them to stay. Although the matter between the devil and the immortal was over, they still had more things to be busy with.

In the previous demon attacks, although the Qianyan Army responded quickly, a large number of merchant ships were destroyed. In the defense against the invasion of sea monsters, a large number of Qianyan Army were injured or even sacrificed.

Like the Qianyan Army, there were also the Adventurers Association and many Liyue warriors who came to help, and they also suffered casualties.

Whether it was the destruction of merchant ships, the destruction of docks, or the casualties of Qianyan Army and adventurers, Qixing needed to deal with them.

The two watched Ying and Paimon leave, then called Qian Yanjun and the secretary of the General Affairs Department to start solving the problems after the disaster.

Ying and Paimon leave the dock.

"Ah, by the way, Master released the Demon God just to force the Rock God to show up!" Paimeng was flying in mid-air, as if he remembered something, "But the crisis was solved by us alone, so Lord Rock still didn't show up!"

Ying shook her head. She was also a little confused about the situation with the God of Rock, who was originally the protagonist of the Immortal Gifting Ceremony.

"I'm totally confused, but the most likely clue is the [Immortal Gifting Ceremony with No Immortal to Send] we're planning!"

"Then let's go find Zhongli. Didn't he say before that he should go back to the Hall of Purity first? Let's go to the Hall of Purity!"

Immediately, the two of them rushed to Shengtang.

On the other side, Wang Dao left the dock and went to Wanmin Hall to inform Xiang Ling and Master Mao that the disaster was over and they could rest assured. After being checked many times by Xiang Ling to confirm that he was not injured, he reluctantly left Wanmin Hall and then left alone. One person walked towards Feiyun Slope.

According to Zhongli's arrangement, it was time to go to Beiguo Bank to complete the transaction.

Ying and Paimon were much faster than Wang Daoyi, who was slow, and soon arrived at the Hall of Rebirth.

A ferry official stood at the door of the Rebirth Hall.

"We are here to see Mr. Zhongli. Can you inform us?"

Unlike Wang Daoyi who could come and go at will, Ying and Paimon were not familiar with this place yet, so they asked the officer politely.

With a polite smile on his face, the ceremonial officer shook his head: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhongli is not in the hall right now."

"Ah, nothing will happen to him!" Thinking of the previous battle with the devil, Paimon showed a trace of panic on his face.

Hearing Paimeng's exclamation, the face of the ceremonial officer of the Hall of Purity was uncontrollably speechless. Usually they were the ones who went to the Hall to tell others that something happened to others. Unexpectedly, someone came to the door of the Hall to say that something happened to the guest of the Hall of Purity today.

Although she didn't like Paimeng's guess, Miss Yiguan still provided the information politely: "Mr. Zhongli went out and seemed to be visiting Beiguo Bank."

"Bank of the North?" Paimon thought for a moment and immediately recalled this place, "Isn't that the territory of the Fools?"

Ying also showed a hint of dignity. In the previous battle, the constant stream of soldiers from the Fools had injured her several times, and now Zhongli had actually gone to the territory of the Fools.

There is no doubt that Zhongli and the Fools are a group, but he is a little worried about Zhongli, fearing that he will be kidnapped and threatened by the Fools.

Paimon also had the same worry: "Could he still not know about the Fools helping the Demon God attack Liyue? It feels very dangerous to go to the Fools' place at this time!"

After a pause, Paimon looked at Ying: "Although it is also very dangerous for us, Ying, we can't watch Zhongli being captured by the fools. We have to go and see!"

Ying nodded. Although they didn't get along for long, and although this person always ate and drank without Moura, Ying still believed that Zhongli was her friend and should save him.

The two left the Hall of Purity and quickly rushed to Beiguo Bank.

The Hall of Rebirth is located on Feiyun Slope, close to the edge of Tiger Rock, and Beiguo Bank, as a financial giant in Zhidong, is in the most prosperous area of ​​Feiyun Slope.

After rushing into Beiguo Bank, Ying heard a familiar angry voice.

"You actually said this is [cooperation between executives]? The so-called [cooperation] should at least be information exchange."

Looking up, it was Dadalia who was fighting her in the golden room. At this time, he was wrapped with many strips of cloth and was looking at a woman angrily.

"Haha. Don't worry about it, Master. In the end, you ignored the transactions and calculations and simply made a fuss. Aren't you quite happy? It suits your style very well."

While speaking, the woman noticed the movement and turned to look at the door, "Wait a minute, it seems that an acquaintance of yours is here."

"It's Young Master, Zhongli, and you! You're the Fool Executive." Paimeng looked inside the room and found that they were all people she knew, and among them was the lady she had met in Mondstadt before.

Ying's face was cold, and there was murderous intent flashing in her eyes: "It's a lady!"

"Ha! It's you. We met in the bard's city, right? It's not bad. You remember my name well." The lady was very happy about Paimon's exclamation and Ying's hostility. It seems that the highlight moment of stealing the heart of God Barbatos has returned.

“After all, it’s hard to forget the feeling of watching a friend’s important things taken away from you and being unable to do anything about it!”

The memory was recalled, and she thought of Wendy having her heart ripped out by this woman's claw. Ying's breathing became rapid, and the murderous intent in her eyes almost overflowed, but she suppressed it forcefully, and kept telling herself to calm down.

Dadalia noticed something was wrong, interrupted the lady, and greeted Ying; "Hey, it's Ying and little Paimon. I didn't expect to meet so soon! It's really surprising."

He looked at the arrogant lady, then at the indifferent Zhongli, and finally looked at Ying, who had anger in his eyes, showing a hint of embarrassment, "How should I put it, it seems that the current atmosphere is a bit embarrassing!"

"Hmph! When I first knew you were the executive officer of the Fools, I shouldn't have trusted you!" Pamon showed a look of contempt.

Ying nodded and looked at Dadalia with the same unkindness: "When Dao Yi reminded me to be careful about you before, I should have believed him."

"How many bad things did that guy Wang Daoyi say about me?" Dadalia's pale face flashed with a flush, and he said angrily, then looked at Ying again with an apologetic smile, "Haha. Except for the last one. Apart from the fact that they fell out, it was a pity, the previous cooperation was quite pleasant, wasn't it?"

It was okay if she didn't say it, but she was even more angry when she did. She originally really thought Dadalia would be a friend, but in the end it was still a use.

She was still being used.

Seeing Ying's increasingly unkind expression, Dadalia could only resort to blaming the blame: "Don't look at me like this. In fact, I am also being used. Just like you, Madam and Zhongli, they both deceived me. Got it!"

Dardalia's words shocked Ying and Paimon.

With a hint of disbelief, Ying looked at Zhongli: "Zhongli lied to the young master?"

Before Zhongli and the young master could reply, the lady on the side showed a look of impatience.

"Don't waste time. If you want to chat, wait until you finish the business!"

The lady turned to look at Zhongli; "As agreed, I'm here to get your God's Heart, Morax!"

"Promise? Heart of God?"


Ying and Paimon didn't react for a moment, their faces were shocked and confused, as if they heard something magical.

Zhongli remained calm: "The contract has been completed, and I should give you the promised things as you requested!"

"Hmph, that's a condescending tone!" The lady snorted disdainfully, then stretched out her hand, "Then, where is the Heart of God!"

"Ahem, it seems I came just in time!" The door of Beiguo Bank was pushed open, and a young man in white walked in with a smile on his face.

For a moment, everyone in the room looked at the young man.


"Wang Daoyi?"

Ying and Paimon made confused sounds.

The lady and Dadalia on the side also looked at Wang Daoyi who walked in with suspicious eyes.

"You are here. According to the completed contract, please give the things to this [Ms.]." Only Zhongli remained calm, everything was as he expected.

Wang Dao nodded, and in the midst of everyone's shocked eyes, he casually took out something that looked like a chess piece from his pocket.

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