Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 107 Doctoral Invitation

The two held hands together and established a cooperative relationship of distrust.

"So, when will we start taking action?" Wang Daoyi asked.

The doctor's face froze, and he showed an expression that did not suit his identity. He was a little embarrassed.

"The plan will take some time, at least we have to get Inazuma's God's Heart first."

Wang Daoyi was speechless: "."

The doctor was just embarrassed for a short while, then returned to normal, but still explained: "I originally thought that as a descendant of the Rock God, you would hate us fools, so I set aside a lot of time in advance to convince you, but I didn't expect that you I came right here, so it didn’t match the planned time!”

"So, it's still my fault?" Wang Daoyi sneered. Thanks to what he just said, his feelings were just an unbaked cake.

Wang Dao rolled his eyes and looked at the doctor: "Since you are going to spend time to convince me, you can't just convince me with empty words. What gifts have you prepared? Take it out and see!"

"Are you really a descendant of the God of Rock?"

The doctor was a little surprised. As the executive officer of the Fools, his authority was undoubtedly much higher than that of Dadalia. The doctor knew many things that Dadalia didn't know.

The Fools have collected a lot of information about the relatives of the gods, but this is the first time that Wang Daoyi can directly ask an executive of the Fools for benefits.

"Why, if it's true, do I want to take you to see the emperor?"

Glancing at the doctor, Wang Daoyi showed an expression that was half-smiling.

"Haha, that's not necessary!" The doctor shook his head and saw the emperor. Haha, although the emperor did not pursue him to enter Liyue, but he sent him to the door, I am afraid he was a little ungrateful.

After rejecting Wang Daoyi's 'kindness', the doctor casually took out a document from the side and handed it to Wang Daoyi.

"You probably don't like ordinary Mora treasures, so I'll give you something interesting!"

Take the document from the doctor's hand.

Although he wanted to tell the doctor that he liked Mora very much, the information in the document quickly attracted Wang Daoyi's attention.

"Lisha Suburban Heritage Guard Recycling Plan"

Opening the document, it clearly describes that the Fools' Zhong is a ruin guard factory established in the wilds of Liyue. How many resources have been invested and how many results have been achieved. Because Seven Stars is targeting the Fools' Zhong, they must take back the resources in these factories as soon as possible. Valid information.

Looking at the information in the document, Wang Dao's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Oh, show the followers of the God of Rock the secret factory you fools built in Liyue. Is this your sincerity?"

Although this document does not mention how much damage this factory caused to Liyue, with the temperament of fools, people who create a killing machine like the Ruin Guard will definitely conduct experiments.

Facing Wang Daoyi's question, the doctor shook his head and showed a friendly smile: "Since it is a document that can be shown to you, it will definitely not touch your restricted area."

Taking the document back from Wang Daoyi's hand, the doctor continued: "The experiments in this factory were all conducted internally and did not harm the people of Liyue. If we talk about the damage to Liyue, then it should only be the noise caused by the experiment! "

Looking at Wang Daoyi's still cold eyes, the doctor said calmly: "Of course, if you are not interested, after I recover the information about this factory and evacuate the fools in it, there may really be ruin guards running away. Leave the factory!"

"Oh, in order to prevent the people of Liyue from being attacked by the ruins guards, Your Excellency Wang Daoyi, would you like to clean up this factory with me? Maybe you will be interested in Kanria's technology."

I have to say that the doctor's words are very attractive, and he is indeed telling the truth. According to the common practice of fools, after the valid information is recovered, the ruin guards produced may really be abandoned directly in the factory.

Putting away his dissatisfied eyes, Wang Dao nodded: "Okay, I accept your invitation, but as the second-ranking executive officer of the Fools, you definitely didn't come to Liyue just for this factory."

"Don't say you came here just to invite me. I don't believe this kind of thing."

"Well, this question seems to have nothing to do with our cooperation!" It seemed that the doctor didn't want to answer Wang Daoyi's question.

Wang Dao looked at the doctor with a hint of threat in his eyes: "As a partner for a period of time in the future, isn't it normal to inform the other party of your intention?"


After a moment of silence, the doctor's smile returned to his face and he nodded to Wang Dao.

"Although your reason is far-fetched, it's not something important, so it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"Although the lady successfully obtained the Heart of God from the God of Rock, the young master was expelled from the country by the Seven Stars. I happened to be free, so I came over to temporarily act as Zhi Dong's envoy to Liyue. Don't worry, it will take up to a month. , I will leave Liyue!"

"One month? Then, who will succeed you?" Wang Daoyi asked directly. If he could mention the identity of the next executive officer, he might be able to get some benefits from Ningguang.

However, the doctor stopped answering this question and shook his head: "That's not what I know. I don't care about such bureaucratic matters. I won't know until the executive officer comes in a month."

Wang Dao twitched the corner of his eye, feeling, you fools really all perform their duties.

He curled his lips disdainfully, not sure whether he believed what the doctor said.

"So, is there anything else? If not, I'll leave!"

"No, just remember to go to the ruins guard factory together in three days." After a pause, the doctor seemed to mention in passing, "I heard that you have a Sumeru scholar who studies mechanical life, you can also take him with you. factory!"

After hearing the doctor's seemingly casual words, Wang Daoyi sneered in his heart. Sure enough, the doctor was never a good person.

What to prevent the ruins guards from attacking the people of Liyue, and what to collect effective research materials.

They are probably all just excuses. His real purpose should be Abatui, a scholar in the field of mechanical life.

It is very possible that the research progress of that factory has reached a bottleneck, and it just happened that Wang Daoyi had such an expert around him, so the matter of such a relic factory came about.

With the doctor's wisdom and responsiveness, he can design a plan that achieves multiple goals at any time.

Of course, this does not mean that the Doctor is not as strong as Abatuyi in the mechanical field, but that in certain places in this field, Abatuyi may give the Doctor different inspirations.

Feeling that he understood the doctor's thoughts, Wang Dao nodded and did not refuse him. Obtaining knowledge in the field of mechanical life from Abatui was originally one of Wang Dao's goals in taking in Abatui.

This time at the ruins guard factory, it was just a good time to see if Abatui's level was as strong as he said.

Watching Wang Daoyi leave the office, the doctor had a slight smile in his eyes.

"Such a young descendant of the gods is really too innocent and cute compared to those existences that have lived for hundreds or thousands of years."

With an inexplicable sigh, the doctor looked back at the document in his hand.

This is today’s normal update

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