Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 110 On the road

At the end of the discussion with Abatuyi, Wang Daoyi benefited a lot. Although Abatuyi did not understand the creation of elements, he gave valuable suggestions on how to train and improve the logical ability of Wind Eagle.

Unlike Kakata who used massive data to deduce the action logic, Abatui believes that the Wind Eagle is already an intelligent life and should use instructive training to improve the Wind Eagle's abilities.

The two made a preliminary training plan, but they did not rush to start training. Instead, they took the Wind Eagle back to the academy together. The most important thing at the moment was the next exploration of the ruins guard factory. The Wind Eagle's training plan was temporarily shelved.

In the next three days, Wang Daoyi read at home every day, and then went to Wanmin Hall for a meal. Occasionally, he met the old man at Sanwanbuigang and paid him. Soon, the time came to the day agreed with the doctor.

When he came to the academy, he found that Abatui had already packed up. Different from his usual dress, he was carrying a backpack today, and he didn't know what was put in it. Wang Daoyi vaguely felt that there were unusual elemental fluctuations.

"What did you bring with you?" Wang Daoyi asked.

"Nothing. Since we are going to study the factory of fools, we naturally need to prepare some auxiliary tools for research!"

Wang Dao raised his eyebrows and did not ask further questions. He would know it when the time comes.

"Then let's go, the doctor will wait for us near Tianheng Mountain."

The two immediately set off and rushed towards Tianheng Mountain.

Not long after, Wang Daoyi saw the team of fools at the foot of Tianheng Mountain in the distance.

"With such a large team, aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

Walking into the team of fools, Wang Daoyi complained naturally.

"This operation has been reported to the General Affairs Department. I have spent a lot of money on this, so naturally I am not afraid of being discovered!" The doctor's voice was still so pleasant. "Then, this is my junior in the Order Academy. Yet?"

The doctor looked at Abatui, as if he wanted to see through this man.

Facing the doctor's inquiry, Abatuyi had no expression on his face and replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Your Excellency, doctor, you are no longer a scholar of the Academy of Teaching, and I am not your descendant."

"Oh, yes, yes, I am no longer a scholar of the Jiaoling Academy." The doctor replied several times, as if he just remembered that he was no longer a scholar of the Jiaoling Academy. "I heard that you also left because your research was banned. From the Ecclesiastical Order?"

"..." Abatuyi responded silently, and he was cautious when facing the doctor.

"Oh, it seems that you have a deep prejudice against me." The doctor sighed, as if he had been misunderstood by Abatuyi, "I am a scholar, and you are also a scholar. We are all banned because of our research fields. That’s why I left the Order Academy, I thought you would understand me!”

The corner of his mouth twitched, but Abatuy still didn't answer. He just cursed in his heart. Although they were all forbidden research fields, he was just a small mechanical life research field. As for the doctor, his entire article Abatui clearly remembers the taboo research catalog marked in red.

"Okay, Dotore, stop talking nonsense and set off quickly."

Wang Daoyi interrupted the doctor's attempt to continue seducing Abatui and urged him to set off.

"Okay, okay, you guys are always impatient. This is the most important quality a scholar should have."

The doctor babbled as if complaining, and then waved to the Fool officers not far away, and the huge team immediately started moving.

After getting into a specially prepared carriage, Wang Daoyi and the doctor sat opposite each other, while Abatui sat sideways.

The interior of the carriage was very luxurious. Wang Daoyi took a casual look and estimated that at least tens of thousands of molas were used in the interior decoration of this carriage.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, such a luxurious carriage, I have to say, are you fools really so rich? Or is the loan business really that easy to do?"

"Haha, I haven't cared about this at all. Most of the Fools' funds are owned by the rich, and I, a researcher, am only responsible for spending money." The doctor didn't seem to hear Wang Daoyi's sarcasm and smiled. He replied thoughtfully, "Besides, as Morax's favored one, you won't be short of Mora, right?"

Favorite of Morax?

Abatuyi felt as if he had heard some terrible news, and even the mechanical glasses could not resist his horrified eyes.

Not paying attention to Abatui's gaze, Wang Dao said with a calm expression: "Mora is the power of the emperor. We and other beloved ones cannot conjure Mola out of thin air. I am a small teahouse owner. Naturally, I am not the executive officer of the Fools." You have money."

"Oh, if you are short of money, you might as well join our Fools, we can provide you with a large amount of funds!"

The doctor's tone was serious, as if he was telling the truth.

Wang Dao curled his lips, saying that he was done talking. He stopped chatting with the doctor and turned to look at Abatuyi, who was still surprised.

Seeing Wang Dao looking at him, Abatuyi opened his mouth with difficulty: "Boss..."

Wang Daoyi knew what he wanted to say, and he just wanted to confirm whether Wang Daoyi was really the one favored by Morax.

He nodded to him as a positive reply to Abatuyi, then closed his eyes to rest and stopped talking.

The huge team of fools marched in the wild, and there were no blind monsters to disturb them along the way.

Soon, the sun was high in the sky and it was noon.

A fool lifted the curtain and leaned half into the carriage, holding a food box in his hand.

"Sir, please have a meal!"

With that said, he opened the food box, placed a few dishes on the coffee table in the middle of the carriage, and then left the carriage with the empty food box.

"Oh, it's a nice lunch, but by the way, why don't we just eat it in the car instead of going down with everyone?"

As if he had recovered from the shock just now, Abatui began to talk more.

"If it were the young master and the captain, they might go down and eat with the ordinary soldiers, but now it's the doctor sitting here, so naturally he won't eat with the soldiers!"

Wang Daoyi casually picked up a piece of meat and put it into his mouth, not worried at all that the fools would drug him.

The doctor also nodded and picked up vegetables with chopsticks equally skillfully: "I am not a martial artist like the master, nor a soldier like the captain. Ordinary fools fear me more than respect me, so it is not a bad thing to stay away from them!"

"Okay, how much longer do we have to go?"

Perhaps because the two of them aroused his appetite, Abatuyi became more casual. He picked up the chopsticks and started using them.

The doctor opened the curtains on the carriage, looked outside, and replied: "We have just left Tianheng Mountain, and we have to pass through Dun Yuling, and then walk for a while before we reach our destination. It is estimated that it will take three days." time."

"As expected of the fools, you only need three days to cover such a long distance!"

Wang Daoyi sighed, starting from the foot of Tianheng Mountain and crossing Dun Yuling, it might take an ordinary person ten days and a half, but these fools compressed the time to three days.

"Oh, time is very precious to fools!"

The doctor said something pointedly.

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