Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 113 Controllable Ruin Guard 2 (Additional update today)

"Of course, you two are guests, and since the guests have already done this, naturally I, the host, will not just watch like this!

Not caring about the mocking tone in Wang Daoyi's words, the doctor left the console, approached the two of them, and picked up the mechanical core.

"I gained a lot of knowledge about Kanria from Harlequin, including an introduction to the 'gold' energy. This is one of Kanria's highest achievements and almost affects the fate of the entire Kanria."

The doctor stood there, and wisps of earth energy were easily guided out of the depths of the ground. At his level, it was already very easy to guide some earth energy.

The energy of the unprocessed earth veins has a darker blue color, and there are wisps of black aura in it, giving people an ominous feeling.

"Earth energy often contains memories of certain people or things. If you want to purify earth energy, you must first deal with these memories."

The doctor's voice was clear, as if he was conducting a teaching experiment.

The mysterious wave that destroyed the ruins guard before appeared again in the doctor's hands. Under the wave that Wang Daoyi couldn't understand, the black aura that was originally swimming in the energy of the earth was wiped out without any resistance.

"After removing the impurities, the next step is to purify." Looking at the blue energy in his hand with satisfaction, the doctor slowly said, "The former Kanreia used their unparalleled alchemy to extract this kind of energy they called ' Gold's energy, and for me, does not require complex alchemy."

As he spoke, a faint halo appeared on the doctor's hand. The fluctuations just now gathered crazily in the doctor's hand. The originally blue earth energy seemed to be under strong pressure and began to collapse inwards.

"By simulating the collapse effect of a certain existence, the energy of the earth's veins can be infinitely compressed, and finally release a powerful force. As long as the time is mastered, 'gold' will be born."

As he spoke, the doctor clenched his right hand violently, and all fluctuations disappeared. He opened his hand, and a golden polygonal prismatic energy stone appeared in front of everyone.

"The energy stone containing 'gold' has a certain degree of self-recovery ability. This is why the mechanical guards in the ruins can still operate without anyone taking care of them."

"The next step is to test the energy wave. It just so happens that my slice is best at using the power of this wave."

The doctor said something seemingly casually, and Wang Daoyi secretly wrote it down.

"There is currently no other data, so we can only use the exhaustive method."

The doctor held the energy stone and approached the mechanical core. A weak wave came from the energy stone and touched the mechanical core, but there was no reaction.

The first test failed.

Soon, a slightly stronger wave emitted from the energy stone again, touching the mechanical core... Still no reaction.

Failed again.

Abatuyi shook his head. This method was too slow. The exhaustive method didn't know how long it would take to exhaustively exhaust it.

"Adjust the energy fluctuation to the third energy level before starting the test." Dr. Abatuyi said to Dr. Wang Daoyi, and then explained to Wang Daoyi, "The energy level of most ruins guard furnace cores is above the third energy level, such as Kakata is, so you can start testing directly from the third energy level."

The third energy level, converted into gold finger level, is almost level 30 to 40. This level is almost the lowest level for ruin guards.

The doctor is very obedient, or in other words, the doctor listens to Abatuyi's advice.

After reactivating the energy stone, an energy wave that was countless times more powerful than at the beginning rushed out and touched the mechanical core.

"Buzz~" The mechanical core lit up slightly, and then dimmed again.

"It works, increase the energy level by half!"

The Doctor activates the Power Stone again.

After this fluctuation touched the mechanical core, the mechanical core bloomed with light again, and it lasted longer.

"Upgrade directly to the fourth level!"

Powerful waves rushed out, but the mechanical core showed no reaction.

"Okay, the fourth energy level is beyond the core's reception range. The corresponding energy fluctuation key of this core should be around 3.5. Let's test it slowly!"

With Abatuyi's help, the doctor began continuous testing.

Soon, after fine-tuning the energy output, the mechanical core that was exposed to energy fluctuations once again shone brightly, and there was a faint "click" sound.

The mechanical core was opened.

"Now, enter the number!"

Abatuyi was very fast. He took out the decoding instrument just now and operated it on the mechanical core.

With Abatuyi's operation, the last underlying module of the mechanical core finally appeared in front of the three people.

Densely packed strange words danced in the mechanical core, forming cipher text. These were the logical instructions for the actions of the ruins guards.

Wang Dao shook his head. He had suffered a huge loss. They were all written in Kanria characters and he did not recognize them. He took out the Secret Code of West Wind and copied all these strange characters into the pages, waiting for interpretation later.

Abatui half-read and half-guessed something.

The doctor looked at it with great interest.

"Oh, you don't seem to understand. Maybe you should go to the Jiron sect of the Ecclesiastical Academy to study. Although they look down on those ignorant scholars, their linguistic archeology is very good."

Seemingly sensing Wang Daoyi's embarrassment, the doctor smiled and gave an opinion, but it sounded like ridicule.

"Then I hope you said that the trip to the Order Academy will come as soon as possible!" Wang Daoyi replied angrily, and then looked at Abatui, "How is it? Have you gained anything?"

Faced with Wang Daoyi's question, Abatuyi nodded and shook his head.

"You're nodding and shaking your head, what do you mean?"

"There are some gains, but not much. These words constitute the action logic of the ruins guards, and part of them are the action instructions left by the Kanria people hundreds of years ago."

There was some disappointment in Abatui's eyes. He didn't get what he wanted. What he wanted was something that would help Kakata evolve into a mechanical life, and these data might enrich Kakata's underlying logic. , but it is still not necessary to evolve into mechanical life.

"Then can we modify it?" Wang Daoyi didn't feel anything, so he just wanted to see if he could modify it to create a controllable ruin guard.

"Okay." Abatuyi nodded, "It's very simple. Its underlying commands are not much different from Kakata. I made a lot of command modules for Kakata, and you can use it with slight modifications."

Abatuyi just went ahead and took out an instrument from his backpack again and started operating it.

Wang Dao twitched the corner of his eye. How many instruments did you bring here?

"First, modify its command module and give it a name." Abatuyi turned to look at the doctor. He had not forgotten that this mechanical core belonged to others.

"There's no need for a complicated name, just call it No. 1." The doctor chose the name very casually. At first glance, he looked like he was used to sorting and naming test products.

"Okay, No. 1, that will be its name from now on. When you give it instructions, remember to include the word No. 1, otherwise it may not be able to understand."

After giving the mechanical core a name, Abatuyi began to input a large number of command modules that Wang Daoyi couldn't understand. The original internal commands were modified beyond recognition.

After a long time, under the gaze of Wang Daoyi and the doctor, Abatuyi finally put away the instrument and handed the dimmed mechanical core to the doctor's hand.

"Then, let's test it. Although we didn't get the mechanical life code we wanted, it would be good to review the command code again."

put a bowl

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