Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 115 Ruins Guard Test (Seeking Determination)

Coming to the test room, it was a huge empty room with dozens of spotlights using unknown technology embedded in the surrounding walls, illuminating the entire room.

In the room, there are already several huge cages.

Wang Daoyi took a casual look and saw that good guys, rock dragon lizards, and Qiuqiu thugs were all powerful monsters. Wang Daoyi even saw a Rock Helmet King.

These monsters were restrained in a cage. Although they looked miserable, they all had red eyes and exuded a violent aura without exception.

"Ha, it seems that this machinery factory is not just about researching machinery!"

As soon as Wang Dao spoke, his eyes were firmly fixed on the doctor, and there was something in his eyes that was uncertain.

"They are just monsters. If we capture these monsters, Liyue's wilderness will be safer, right?" The doctor said calmly, as if he was really considering the safety of Liyue's wilderness.

"You'd better really just capture some monsters!" Wang Daoyi said in a cold voice without further entanglement.

The doctor didn't pay attention to Wang Daoyi's words. If he was frightened by Wang Daoyi so easily, he wouldn't be a doctor.

"Release a Qiuqiu thug!" The doctor ordered the Fool officers around him, then turned to look at the ruins guards, "No. 1, enter the venue and kill the monsters that leave the cage."

The doctor did not give No. 1 a very clear instruction, but said a very vague statement.

Of course, this ambiguity is for the ruins guard, because it needs to understand what is the venue, what is the cage, what is the monster, what is entering the venue, what is the monster leaving the cage, what is killing, and then it can Completely carry out the Doctor's orders.

However, Ruin Guard No. 1, which was loaded with some of Kakata's data, did not disappoint. Its huge one-eyed light flashed slightly, and it walked into the test room with its big feet.

On the other side, under the control of the Fool officers, a red-eyed Qiuqiu thug was also released from the cage.

“Ya yika!!”

The Qiuqiu mob roared, and then angrily rushed towards Ruin Guard No. 1.

Outside the venue, Wang Dao looked at the Qiuqiu thugs and then looked at the doctor: "What on earth did you do to it?"

"Just some ordinary experiments."

"Oh, an ordinary test? This Qiuqiu thug just cursed a bad guy. You guys are really good at playing when you can be called a bad guy by a Qiuqiu guy!"

"Oh, you also understand Qiuqiu language, so I suggest you go to the Zhilun sect to study abroad. It's really the right suggestion. Your language talent really should go to the Zhilun sect."

"..." Every time I chat with the doctor, it's hard to get the upper hand.

Not to mention the conversation between Wang Daoyi and the doctor, on the field, the Qiuqiu thugs roared and rushed towards the ruins guard No. 1. Number 1 turned his body slightly, and locked the rushing Qiuqiu thug with his huge one eye.

Inside the huge one-eye, countless data flowed in the mechanical core, analyzing every movement of Qiuqiu's thugs.

The huge steel feet retreated quickly, and the huge steel body made a dodge movement, seemingly dangerously dodging the attack of Qiuqiu's thugs.

Taking advantage of the gap when the Qiuqiu thug fell to the ground due to inertia, Ruin Guard No. 1 took off with a big jump. His huge body jumped into the air, and then fell like a meteorite, hitting the Qiuqiu thug in the back.


A loud voice appeared in everyone's ears, and everyone knew that the Qiuqiu thug's back was broken by the ruins guard.

Sure enough, after the ruins guard took away the Padfoot, Qiuqiu Thug was still lying on the ground, struggling and unable to get up.

However, even though Qiuqiu thugs obviously lost their ability to fight, the ruins guard still did not stop moving. The order it received was to kill the monsters that left the cage.

The huge hand turned into a giant steel fist, and punched Qiuqiu thug hard one after another. Soon, Qiuqiu thug lost his life.

After killing the thugs in Qiuqiu, the ruins guard turned around and looked at the doctor again with his giant one-eyed eye, as if waiting for the next order.

"After modifying the underlying module instructions, the combat capabilities of the ruins guards have significantly improved. Abatuyi, you are indeed a genius!" The doctor sighed, and then continued to order the Fool officers, "Release three more Qiuqiu thugs! "

"No. 1, continue to execute the order just now!"

The order just now was ‘No. 1, enter the venue and kill the monsters that leave the cage’

The huge one-eye of No. 1 flashed with light, and he looked towards the monster cage again. Sure enough, the three-headed Qiuqiu thug was released.

This time, instead of waiting for the Qiuqiu thugs to charge, Ruin Guard No. 1 turned its upper body, facing its back in the direction of the three Qiuqiu thugs, and then launched the guided missile.

Six missiles ejected golden tail flames and flew towards the three Qiuqiu thugs.

Under the precise calculation of the mechanical core, even if the Qiuqiu thugs dodged, the missiles still hit them accurately.

After the powerful explosion, three Qiuqiu thugs fell to the ground, bloody and bloody.

"It's really good. It will make different choices when facing different enemies, and the combat logic has been greatly improved."

"Go on, release the Rock Helmet King this time!"

Unlike the previous Qiuqiu thugs, even if the Rock Helmet King was sitting on the ground, the cage restraining it was still several times larger than that of Qiuqiu's thugs.

Facing the released Rock Helmet King, Ruin Guard No. 1 was also obviously different. Its huge one eye locked firmly on the huge Qiuqiu Rock Helmet King. This monster gave it a greater sense of threat than the Qiuqiu thug just now.

Just now, the Qiuqiu thugs faced the ruins guard like a junior high school student facing an adult strong man, and now the ruins guard faced the Rock Helmet King like an adult strong man facing a heavyweight professional boxer.

However, although King Rock Helm puts a lot of pressure on the ruins guard, the ruins guard is not a real life after all. It has no emotion of fear, or in other words, it has no emotions. Under the calculation of the mechanical core, the ruins guard takes the lead. Attack was launched.

It's still a guided missile.

However, after the missile that was easily killed before hit the Rock Helmet King and exploded, there was no effective feedback.

The thick and tough rock helmet withstood the explosion, and the Rock Helmet King was at least unscathed, if not torn.

The attack was ineffective, and the ruins guard did not stop. Instead, he approached King Qiuqiu with a big jump. His long arms danced, and his giant steel fist punched King Rock Helmet one after another.

Punch after punch caused the rock crystal armor on the Rock Helmet King to fly everywhere.


Perhaps it was the attack from the ruins guard that hurt the Rock Helmet King, or maybe it was the attack from the ruins guard that angered the Rock Helmet King.

Suddenly, the Rock Helmet King with dull red eyes roared, stretched out his giant hand, grabbed the long arm of the ruins guard, and then used force on his waist to throw him beautifully over the shoulder.

Ignoring the thrown ruins guard, the doctor and Abatuyi looked at Wang Daoyi.

"Asshole, do you think I'm a translator?" Wang Daoyi twitched the corner of his mouth and saw what the two people meant, "Kucha means small and weak in Qiuqiu language."

"Oh~" The doctor nodded, and then looked at the ruins guard No. 1 who was thrown to the ground by King Qiuqiu. "It seems that although the modification of the mechanical core has optimized the combat logic of the ruins guards, it will not be enough when facing the more powerful Qiu Qiu Yan Helm King is still hard to resist!"

"No, the biggest benefit of the modified mechanical core is that the ruin guards can obey our orders. The Rock Helmet King has no overwhelming power against the ruin guards. Therefore, if we find a combat genius to control the ruin guards, then it is possible. The one who turned defeat into victory.”

Asking for monthly ticket

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