Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 125 Chapter 124 Chapter 125 Inquiry and New Clues Benlang Leader

Chapter 125 Chapter 124~125 Inquiry and New Clues·Benlang Leader

(Traveler chapter, two-in-one plot chapter, those who remember the plot should be careful to subscribe)

When Wang Daoyi and Deinsreb reached a secret deal, Ying took Paimon into the Cathedral of the West Wind.

Perhaps it was the previous expectation that moved a certain wind god. The nuns were offering their sincere prayers to the wind god Barbatos, and Barbara, whom she wanted to see the most, was among them.

Without disturbing the nuns' prayers, Ying waited aside. Ten minutes later, after the prayers were completed, Barbara, who was in front of the nuns, turned to look at Ying.

"Knight of Honor, welcome to the Church of West Wind. How can I help you?"

For Barbara, she was her friend and Mondstadt's hero, so her tone was particularly gentle.

"Barbara, long time no see. I came here this time to ask some questions." Yingye smiled. She was knocked unconscious by the lady and the fools at the door of the church before. It was Barbara who saved her, so for Barbara , Ying also has a special affection.

"Ah, although I am very willing to help you, but let's agree first, it is absolutely impossible to borrow the Sky Piano!" Barbara had a hint of wariness in her eyes. The tattered Sky Piano was given to her last time. It had a huge impact on her, and even after so long, it was still unforgettable.

The smile on Ying's face faltered.

According to Wendy, what restored the Sky Piano was illusion, which made Ying feel a little uneasy. However, judging from Barbara's appearance, the secret should not have been revealed yet.

"Haha, don't worry, you don't need to borrow the Sky Piano this time." Ying returned to her smile, dispelling Barbara's worries.

Patting her chest, Barbara breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh, that's good. So, what does the honorary knight need help with?"

"Barbara, have you heard of [the world's first cultivator]?"

"Huh? What is that? "Cultivator"... What is it used for? Is it a new farm tool? "

Barbara shook her head. She had never heard of this thing. Just like Ying and Paimon heard the name for the first time, Barbara also thought it was some new farm tool.

"Well, it seems that Barbara doesn't know either, so let's change the question." Paimon clapped his hands, made a helpless expression, and then continued to ask, "So, Barbara, has the church lost anything? Where is the statue of the God of the Seven Heavens?"

This time Barbara reacted, with a hint of curiosity on her face: "Huh? Are you here to ask about that "old story"? What a surprise, because it happened a long time ago and no one mentions it anymore. "

"Old story?" Ying asked as if she had a new clue.

Nodding, Barbara continued: "A long time ago, a statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods suddenly disappeared overnight without leaving any trace. At that time, almost all church members participated in the search, but in the end they were not found. In the church In the records, this strange thing is called the "Lost Statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods." "

"Well... sure enough." Paimon nodded. This is indeed a very important clue. It can be used to match the reversed Seven Heavenly God statue deep in the ruins.

"Really?" Barbara heard Paimon's voice and was a little confused.

"Ah, nothing. Are there any other clues?" Paimon was confused and continued to ask.

Yingya continued to ask: "For example, did any other strange things happen to Mondstadt a long time ago?"

"Other strange things? I'm not sure. I think the church has recorded strange things..." Barbara looked like she was thinking, trying to recall the strange events recorded by the church, "'The tyrant's legacy'?" No, there shouldn’t be much correlation in time..."

Paimon's eyes lit up: "'The Tyrant's Grudge'?" "

"Oh, this strange thing refers to the fact that "Old Mondstadt", now known as "Wind Dragon Ruins", became very dangerous for a while. Barbara nodded and introduced the story to Paimon, "At a certain time many years ago, as long as someone approached there, it would attract fireballs falling from the sky." "

Attracted by Barbara's words, Paimon had a scared expression on his face: "A fireball falling from the sky?! It's so scary."

Ying, however, looked indifferent: "Really? After seeing more terrifying things, I think this is not bad."

Although she was interrupted by Paimon and Ying, Barbara was not angry and continued to explain the story very enthusiastically.

"At that time, people thought it was the curse of the "Tornado Demon God", so they called it "The Tyrant's Grudge." This strange phenomenon lasted for a year and was not resolved in the end. Later, it slowly stopped on its own. "

"..." Ying thought for a while, then waved his hand, "This may not have something to do with the tyrant."

"Well, later the church believed that the "tyrant's legacy" theory was untenable. It stands to reason that the Demon God of Tornado will not launch fireballs..." Barbara nodded, "I'm afraid, there may be some other reason that caused the disaster. "

After a pause, Barbara continued: "In short, this matter may have nothing to do with the 'Lost Statue of Gods'. But I can't think of any other strange things. "

"It doesn't matter, thank you for your help!" Pamon thanked him very politely.

Ying also thanked Barbara, but she had some doubts in her heart.

[These two strange things... Why do I think... there must be some connection? 】

Although Barbara said that the two strange things were not related, the time period when they occurred was not correct. But the inner voice told herself that these two things must be related! And it’s related to what I’m seeing and hearing now!

"'Thank you'? I seem to have heard the troublesome word again." A long-legged nun appeared out of nowhere.

Barbara turned around and said, "Ah, it's you, Rosalia."

The person who came was none other than the most 'devout' nun of the West Wind Church, Rosalia.

"If you want to find the Knights, they don't have time now. "Those monsters" are back again. "The indifferent nun glanced at her, or reminded or warned her, and told her a new piece of news.

Barbara was puzzled: "'Those monsters'?" "

"They are the monsters that tried to attack Mondstadt during the Wind Demon Dragon Rebellion."

Paimon's eyes lit up: "Isn't that the Abyss Order?! Are they making moves again?"

She still remembered that after they defeated the Wind Demon Dragon, when they returned to Mondstadt, they heard that monsters had attacked Mondstadt City during the conversation between Qin and Swann Knight, and those monsters were controlled by the Abyss Order.

"Well, they are gathering in the Wolf Territory, and the wolves are restless." Rosaria nodded, without directly confirming Paimon's statement, "The Abyss Order, perhaps... is eyeing the remnants of the "North Wind King Wolf" soul"? As for what it is for, I can't confirm yet. "

Then he continued: "Captain Qin has gone to the Benlang Territory, and I am going to start acting secretly."

"Then, then I'm going too!" Barbara said.

There was a helpless expression in her eyes. Although Rosalia also liked Barbara, the Mondstadt idol, she really didn't like Barbara's fighting ability.

"Captain Qin said that you should stay in the church and do your job as a clergyman." Rosalia rejected Barbara's proposal without mercy.

With a bit of stubbornness in her eyes, Barbara looked at Rosalia: "But, but you are also a clergyman..."

"Huh?" Rosalia didn't know how to answer Barbara for a while. Even clergymen were divided into civil and military personnel.

Ying saw Rosalia's helplessness, so she also stopped Barbara: "Don't worry, I'll help too."

"Yes, we will also help Captain Qin!" Little Paimon also responded.

"Well...well, I'll feel relieved to have you here." Perhaps out of trust in her father, Barbara thought for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​going out, "But please be careful. I hope. The wind god keeps you safe and sound."

Seeing that Barbara no longer wanted to go out to help, Rosalia yawned, then climbed out of the window and left the church.

"It's really her style!"

Outside the West Wind Cathedral, Wang Daoyi and Deinsreib made a private agreement. As soon as they finished their conversation, they saw a nun leaving the church in an unusual way, and then saw Ying and Paimon coming out.

"How is it? Have you gained anything?" Wang Daoyi asked.

Ying also had no intention of hiding anything and directly told Wang Daoyi and Deinsreb about the [Lost Statue], [The Tyrant's Grudge] and the monster activities mentioned by Rosalia.

After listening to Ying's story, Dain thought thoughtfully, and then said: "So, has the Abyss Cult launched a new operation? It is probably related to the "Filthy Reversed God Statue". Travelers, we also need to go and see it." look. "

Ying nodded, this was exactly what she wanted to do, after all, she promised Barbara to help.

Wang Daoyi had no objection. Anyway, he just waited for the plot to end and then collected the reward.

The small team once again reached an agreement and set off towards the running wolf leader.

on the road

"Speaking of which, what are the Abyss Religion doing in the Running Wolf Territory? Are they going to repeat the Tevalin incident?" Little Paimon guessed, sitting on Wang Daoyi's shoulder.

"No, probably not." Dainsreb shook his head, and then continued to explain, "Unlike Osel, who was suppressed, the demon "Andrius" has long since died. Now the only thing that protects the Benlang Territory is its remnant soul. The abyss monsters target the remnant souls, perhaps just to dig out some useful information from the followers of the Wind God. "

"...!!" An anxious look appeared in Ying's eyes, "That's not possible!"

The North Wind Wolf King, the former demon god [Andrius], is now the king wolf [Boreas].

It is not only the oldest remnant of Mondstadt, but also Ying's friend, Raze's "adopted father".

Whether it was to protect the remnant soul of the ancient demon god or to protect his friends and family, Ying would not allow the abyss monsters to harm the North Wind Wolf King.

Speeding up the pace, everyone quickly rushed to Benlang Leader.

After arriving at the Benlang Territory, the place was indeed full of monsters from the Abyss Order, led by the Abyss Mage and the tool man Qiuqiu Ren.

"Ah! Sure enough, there are monsters from the Abyss Order." Paimon exclaimed as he looked at the Abyss mages and their minions Qiu Qiu everywhere.

Dai Yin had murderous intent in his eyes, and then glanced at Wang Daoyi: "Let's go, don't underestimate the enemy."

Wang Daoyi felt helpless after being glanced at by Dain. He knew that Dain was reminding him of the content of the "deal", but he didn't want to take advantage of it. After all, as a dependent of the God of Rock, since the "deal" was "The contract" has been reached, then it needs to be fulfilled.

"Law, Law and Shield!"

The pale golden rock shield spread out on everyone, and Ying felt a long-lost sense of security.

Although there were a lot of Abyss mages and Qiuqiu people, they were quickly wiped out under the attack of everyone. Especially Wang Daoyi's rock spear. There was not a single monster under the tip of the spear engraved with penetration runes. It can be resisted, even if those abyss mages are wearing elemental shields, they are still strung together into gourds.

Finished cleaning up the monsters and fish.

"There are a lot of monsters in this area." Paimon, who disappeared during the battle, appeared immediately.

Dyne's eyes were subtle: "The closer to the target, the more enemies there will be, which is in line with the style of the Abyss Religion."

Ying frowned, she was a little worried: "We have to find the "King Wolf" quickly. "

Paimon: "Yes! Let's go!"

Dain stopped and said, "I...won't go."

"Huh? Why? Are you afraid of furry creatures?" Another strange thought popped up in Paimon's magical little head.

Ying couldn't hold back her expression: "That shouldn't be the reason..."

Paimon's words left Dainthreb speechless: "It has nothing to do with the "wolf", just because it was a demon god in the past, but it serves the seven gods today. I can't approve of its behavior, let alone have anything to do with it. Besides, it's your job to please, but I can't do that. "

Ying thought thoughtfully: "Daine really doesn't like the Seven Gods."

Wang Dao curled his lips and said nothing.

"Gods are not worth looking forward to." Daine's eyes were a little cold, but there was no more hostility. "Just think of it as my personal advice. Remember, you must be wary of gods at all times. Don't trust too much. They, but don't go down the path of "overthrowing" or "hunting". "

The words paused for a while, as if he was thinking about something, and then continued: "This is true even for the god who prevented you from leaving."

"Don't trust, don't hunt...it's easy to get weird ideas." Pamon scratched his little head, "Is Daine hating the Seven Gods, or protecting the Seven Gods?"

Ying: "A very contradictory view."

Wang Daoyi: "········"

Wang Daoyi didn't know what to say about Dai Yin's attitude toward the Seven Gods. He was now tied to Liyue and Zhongli in terms of emotions and interests. He didn't want to refute Dai Yin's statement, nor did he want to agree.

"..." Regarding Paimon and Ying's evaluation, Daine was silent for a while, "It's just a lesson learned from the past, I... will tell you the last fact."

"Huh? What's the truth?" Paimon was curious.

"Kanria is a kingdom destroyed by gods, and this is...the reason why the Abyss Order wants to destroy the kingdom of the Seven Gods."


(Is this the reason for everything the Abyss Order has done all this time? So what is my relationship with the Abyss, the apostle of the Abyss who knew me, and Kanria when my brother woke me up, all of this... )

Ying fell into deep thought.


The chat ended here, and Dyne turned around and walked out of the Wolf Territory to deal with the remaining Abyss Religion nearby and at the same time explore the Abyss Religion's conspiracy.

And Ying took Paimon and Wang Daoyi and continued to go deeper, looking for the West Wind Knight and the "King Wolf".

We agreed to meet at the entrance of Benlang Territory after everything was settled.

On the way to the depths of Benlang Territory.

"Dane is such a weirdo," Paimon complained.

Ying was silent for a while: "I can understand him a little bit."

Paimon was stunned for a moment, then thought of something and nodded: "Well, so you are also wary of "strange gods". "

Wang Daoyi also remembered what happened before: "During Liyue's Immortal Invitation Ceremony, your choice was very similar to Daine's... You obviously didn't do it, but you chose to run away directly."

When she was in Liyue, Ying and everyone participated in the annual immortal ceremony. As a result, a dragon fell from the sky that day and Emperor Yan was assassinated.

And Ying was wanted as a suspicious person and a murderer. If he hadn't told the immortals in advance and had Zhongli and Young Master help, he would have been handed over to Liyue long ago.

Ying's face was a little blushing, but she still explained: "At that time, I lacked trust with Qixing and could not negotiate. I was a stranger in a foreign country and I just wanted to avoid it."

"Ha, I think you have the potential to become a wanted criminal!"

Wang Daoyi complained.

"Okay, let's move on!"

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