Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 127 Eyes (Plot chapter added)

"Lupika, care about us and protect us. Thank you!" Giving Wang Daoyi a grateful look, perhaps because he was not familiar with it yet, Lei Ze looked at Ying again, "You guys smelled danger and came here?"

"No, we heard that our noses are not that useful." Shaking his head, Paimon then remembered the purpose of the group's visit and continued, "Besides coming here to help, we have one more thing to ask."

He looked at King Wolf and asked: "Excuse me... Lord Wolf King, do you know about "the world's first cultivator"? "

"I don't care about man's creations, I don't know what a tiller is. But let’s just say that there was an impressive machine. There was one. "

The Wolf King thought for a while, remembered something, and then began to tell the story:

There once was a machine that accidentally broke into the Wolf King's trial site. The Wolf King also regarded it as a trial warrior and fought with it once. But it had no intelligence and only existed for killing. In the end, the Wolf King destroyed it and it left the trial field.

Yingying's eyes lit up, thinking it would be a useful clue: "Excuse me, can it launch missiles?"

""missile"? No...I don't care about human creations and don't understand these strange things. "The Wolf King recalled, "He could spin, jump high, and shoot fireballs. Not as powerful as the Demon God, but stronger than many people who hold the "Eye of God". "

"Fireball...? Hey, have you heard this word somewhere recently?" Paimon's little mind couldn't remember it.

"Remember what Barbara said, "The tyrant's legacy"! "Ying reminded, she still remembered the story Barbara told her.

"Yes!" Paimon suddenly realized.

"In short, I feel that that thing should be the ruins guard." Ying felt more and more that what the Wolf King said was what they were looking for. "As for whether it has anything to do with the "world's first cultivator", it also has to do with Dyne. Say it. "

Paimon scratched his head: "It seems to have been damaged by the Wolf King..."


Wolf King:······

Wang Daoyi:······

Lei Ze: "...I don't know. So, did you help?"

"It helped a lot! Thank you!" Paimon thanked with a smile, and then reminded Lei Ze, "We have to continue to pursue a very important matter. Although the Apostles of the Abyss have left, the attack of the Abyss Religion is not over yet, you guys Be careful too.”

"Lei Ze, come and play with us when you have time!" Ying Ye waved to Lei Ze and said goodbye.

Wang Daoyi and Lei Ze were not familiar with each other, so he followed Ying without speaking.

"Yeah." Lei Ze nodded and waved, "You, too, protect yourselves."

I finally got hold of very crucial information, and thought about going back and telling Dain as soon as possible.

When the group of people walked out of the Wolf Territory, the monsters of the Abyss Order had disappeared. It was unknown whether they were eliminated by the West Wind Knights or because they all fled because of the Abyss Apostles' escape.

Captain Qin and the other Westwind Knights were not found, and when they arrived at the entrance of the Running Wolf Territory, Dainsreb was waiting on the roadside.

"Dain, did you just meet Captain Qin?" Paimon asked softly, flying to Dain's Reb side.

"I saw her, but I deliberately avoided her." Nodding, Dyne replied calmly, and then continued as if he was explaining something, "She is the "Lion Tooth Knight" and the acting captain. She is very important to me. Will be wary. If I'm not careful, I will become the target of her pursuit one day. "

Seeing Ying nod, Dain continued: "Speaking of which, I just solved some monsters here and don't have much information. Did you gain anything over there?"

[Ying told Dyne the information he heard from "The Remnant Soul of the King Wolf". The huge machine that came to the trial a long time ago, could spin and shoot fireballs, was destroyed by the Wolf King and escaped. 】

"I see..." After listening to Ying's description, Dyne nodded, "Then, we can roughly gather together the full picture of the movements of the "first cultivator in the world." "

"Huh? Really? Just based on what the Wolf King said?" Paimon was a little surprised. She thought she needed to continue investigating.

"It's not just based on this piece of information, but a more comprehensive consideration." Dyne patiently explained to Paimon, "For example, you told me before that the "old story" passed down by the church..."

Ying, Wang Daoyi: ""The tyrant's legacy". "

"Haha, you guys have quite a tacit understanding." With a chuckle, Dyne continued, "Yes, it was exactly what you learned from the nun, the strange incident that was mistaken for the tyrant's grudge."

Dain's smile made Ying a little embarrassed. He looked at Wang Daoyi and saw that the other party shrugged and showed no intention to continue talking, so he said, "So, those fireballs... are actually missiles?"

"That's right." Dyne confirmed.

"Ah, I understand!" Paimon on the side finally realized, "So the "tyrant's legacy" is actually a missile automatically launched by the machine that escaped from the Wolf Territory. "

Yingye nodded and continued to reason from Paimon's words: "Because it was damaged, it wandered to "Old Mondstadt" and fired missiles when someone approached until it was completely broken. "

Paimon understood everything: "Well, the Mondstadt people at that time had little contact with the ruin guards, so they could only understand it as the "tyrant's legacy". "

"It seems that we are going to the place now called "Wind Dragon Ruins" and start a blanket search. "A ray of light appeared in Dain's eyes, and he felt that he had caught the little tail of the abyss.

Curling his lips, Wang Daoyi said feebly: "Don't bother me."

"What's wrong?"

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, the remaining two people looked at him.

"Ying, do you still remember that high tower when we defeated the Wind Demon Dragon?" Wang Daoyi reminded.

Ying's eyes lit up, and memories from the past flooded into his mind. He remembered that when he went to the Wind Dragon Ruins to conquer Tevalin, there was a rusty ruins guard sitting in a high tower, which was already covered with moss. It was difficult to ignore it.

"You mean, the rusty ruins guard in the tower?"

"That's right, if the [cultivation machine] among the wind dragon ruins attracts the most attention, it is naturally the ruin guard on this high tower." Wang Dao nodded, confirming Ying's thoughts.

Dain didn't know about the two's previous experience in conquering the Wind Demon Dragon, but after listening to the conversation between the two, he knew that they already had clues about the target, and he cheered up: "Now that we have a target, let's set off!"

Perhaps it was because there were no familiar ground passages in the Fenglong Ruins, so they had to make an arduous trek. The three of them once again came to the Fenglong Ruins, climbed the high tower, and came to the ruins guard that had been damaged for a long time.

"Hey, by the way, isn't Tvarin at home today?" Paimon looked at the bottom of the tower mischievously.

"I didn't feel his breath, he must have gone out!" Wang Daoyi closed his eyes and felt it, and indeed he didn't find Tevarin's breath.

"It's good that there is no interruption from the Dragon of the East Wind. Let's take a look at this [the world's first cultivator] first."

Dain spoke coldly. He had never had a good impression of the gods' followers, whether it was Tevalin, the dragon of the east wind, or Wang Daoyi, who was standing aside.

Facing the dilapidated machine, Ying opened her elemental vision, but saw nothing.

"It is not feasible to use elemental vision on the "Cultivator". The energy that drives it is never "elemental". "Dainsreb shook his head, and then walked to the side of the ruins guard, "Leave it to me, I will try. "

Wang Daoyi nodded secretly. When he was teased and used by the doctor, he had also read the experimental report of the Fools. The ruins guards did not use elemental drive, but used some kind of earth energy.

Dyne stretched out his hand and aimed it at the ruins guard's eyes, and his hand began to emit a dark blue light. Then a huge spherical device flew out from the ruins guard's eyes, a bit like the mechanical core Wang Daoyi had seen in the underground factory, but this one was larger and seemed more profound.

Holding [the eyes], Dainsreib nodded: "Okay."

"This is it?!" Pamon looked at the thing in Dine's hand with great interest.

He opened his hand and showed everyone his harvest.

"The key that the Apostles of the Abyss have been looking for, "the eyes of the world's first cultivator." "

"All the remaining ruins guards today are imitations of this "prototype machine". "

"If you can place the "eye" in the hand of the "Filthy Reversed God Statue" and use it as a base to join the limbs of "The Demon God of the Whirlpool" Osel to create a mechanical demon, you can give the newly born "Filthy Demon God" "Shake" The power of "The God's Throne on Sky Island". "

Showing the [Eye] in his hand, Daine described its identity and the danger it might bring.

"...!!" Ying nodded with a little solemnity in his tone, "We must stop the Abyss Cult!"

"That's right." Dain seemed to have said Yingying's words, but for some reason, Wang Daoyi heard a little bit of relief from Dain's tone - gratification?

"Well, then, what should I do with this [eye]?" Little Paimon asked, looking at the device in Dine's hand.

Ying thought for a moment and said, "How about leaving it to the West Wind Church for safekeeping?"

Faced with Ying's suggestion, Dyne shook his head: "No. Let me keep it."

"Huh?! Why?" Paimon didn't understand. Everyone wanted to pursue traces of the abyss, so wouldn't it be more dangerous to wear [eyes]? Maybe he sent a courier to Abyss.

Wang Daoyi curled his lips: "Because in Dine's view, the West Wind Church can even lose its idols, so naturally it cannot protect [eyes], and he doesn't trust the West Wind Church in the first place."

This time, Dai Yin did not refute Wang Daoyi's words and nodded very seriously. What Wang Daoyi said was exactly what he meant. He did not trust the West Wind Church very much.

Ying did not argue with Daine. Anyway, she was confident in her own strength. If the things were placed on Dyne, she could protect them at any time to avoid being stolen by the messengers of the abyss.

"In that case, let's leave it to Dine." After agreeing to Dine's request, Ying continued to ask, "Then, where should we go next?"

Putting away the [Eye] in his hand, Dainsreb said with a little solemnity in his voice: "In order to avoid future troubles, we will "deal with" the "Filthy Reversed God Statue" next. "

Ying nodded: "What are you doing?"

Showing a smile, Daiin looked at Wang Daoyi: "We will destroy it ourselves. How about it?"

Before Wang Daoyi could react, Paimon exclaimed: "Destroy?! That's the statue of the Seven Heavens!"

"Do you still need me to help them take good care of the things of the Seven Gods?" With a hint of sneer, Dain looked at Wang Daoyi. He had not forgotten that there was a dependent of the gods beside him.

"Ha, since it is a contaminated statue, there is no need to continue worshiping it." Shrugging, Wang Daoyi said indifferently, "Besides, this is not my statue. As long as the God of Wind doesn't mind, what should I do? It doesn’t matter!”

After listening to Wang Daoyi's words, Ying and Paimon looked at each other.

[Wendy, you probably won’t mind! 】

[Maybe next time you see him, you can buy him a drink as an apology! 】

With some apology, Paimon and Ying were persuaded and decided to agree to destroy the statue.

The team's goal was once again reached, and a smile appeared on Dain's face. He was very satisfied with this ending.

"Let's go back to the ruins and let's smash the reversed statue."

"And if you're lucky, you can meet the "Apostle of the Abyss." "

"As long as I am here, it will never disappear from your eyes again."

With a few words of urging from Dyne, everyone packed up their equipment and prepared to go back to the abyss ruins in Liyue again to destroy the inverted statue.

"So, do I have to experience that bad shuttle experience again?"

Wang Daoyi complained.

It was really uncomfortable to be led by Dainsreb to travel through the earth. He felt that after acquiring the technology of traveling through the earth, it was necessary to improve this experience. At least, the sense of time during the travel should not be lost.

"Oh, isn't this exactly what you want!" Faced with Wang Daoyi's complaints, Deinsreb said with disdain.

"Of course, I hope that Your Excellency Dain's final gift will not disappoint me!" Wang Daoyi replied without any sign of weakness.

Wang Daoyi and Dai Yin's cynicism didn't worry Ying again. She was used to their disagreement. Anyway, as long as they didn't fight, she would pretend they didn't see it.

Not only Ying, but also Paimon didn't care about the quarrel between Wang Daoyi and Dyne this time.

"Speaking of which, that device that shuttles to the destination in a blink of an eye is really magical!" Paimon flew beside Ying, sighing at the magic of the anchor point, and then radiated her whimsical thoughts, "If Ying you If you join a caravan, you will definitely make a fortune."

Little Paimon's wise words made Ying dumbfounded: "What are you thinking? Let's not talk about whether I can shuttle with a large amount of cargo. The pressure alone during the shuttle will not allow me to use this device multiple times in a short period of time. .”

"Huh?" Paimon touched his little head in confusion, "Is there still pressure when traveling, but I didn't feel it at all!"

"Pamon is such a little fool." After finishing the sarcasm with Dyne, Wang Daoyi intervened in the conversation between Ying and Paimon, "It must be because Ying used his own power to protect you during the shuttle, so you don't feel the pressure. .”

Then he rolled his eyes at a certain cold-faced man and said, "Unlike some people, they don't care about how their 'friends' feel during the shuttle."

"Heh, we're not 'friends'." Dain replied disdainfully to someone's sarcasm, and then the two started arguing again.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, Paimeng on the side looked slightly moved, and looked at Ying with his big eyes.

"Well, Ying, you are so kind!"

With a flying swoop, Paimon hugged Ying tightly.

Being staggered by Paimon's flying attack, Ying stretched out her hands, hugged Paimon, and then patted Paimon's back gently.

"Haha, because Paimon is your best friend!"

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