Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 138 Confiscating the family and exterminating the clan

"Hello, Miss Yanfei, I am Wang Daoyi!"

In response to Xiang Ling's warm introduction, Wang Daoyi greeted Yan Fei politely and introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Yan Fei, a legal counselor." Yan Fei also introduced herself generously.

At this time, a little carrot head came out from behind Yan Fei.

"Hello, I'm Yaoyao!"

The little guy is wearing yellow-green clothes and has a hairstyle similar to Xiangling's, with two huge bells pinned to it, which is relatively small for a little lolita.

Not far from the little Loli, there was a backpack with something similar to a doll in it, which should be the little Loli's toys.

Xiangling let go of Wang Daoyi and picked up the little Loli.

"Yao Yao is also Master's disciple, she is my little junior sister."

Facing Xiangling's affectionate hug, little Loli Yaoyao tried her best to resist, but it was of no use.

"Let...let me go, senior sister, let me go quickly!"

Xiangling hugged the little Loli tightly, and the two played together.

Wang Daoyi stood next to Grandma Ping and chatted with Yan Fei.

"Yan Fei is a legal consultant. Have you encountered any interesting cases recently?"

Wang Daoyi is still very interested in Liyue's laws.

In Liyue, the person in charge of the laws is Tianquan Ningguang. Under her control, Liyue's laws are updated every year, and Yan Fei is Ningguang's "good helper" in updating the laws.

Almost as soon as Yan Fei found a loophole in the law, Ning Guang would fill it in. In terms of the law, the two of them fell in love and killed each other.

"Oh, there have been cases involving family members recently. There is only one interesting one." Yan Fei held her chin. She was also willing to share her legal experience with her friends. "Recently, I received a call from Fools. List, you want me to collect money from several chambers of commerce in Liyue."

"You fools are looking for someone to seize Liyue's Chamber of Commerce?"

Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up and he was very interested.

You must know that the Fools have debt collectors, and those who owe money to the Fools have been threatened by debt collectors to a greater or lesser extent.

But this time, the Fools actually approached Yan Fei, a lawyer, to collect debts. This was not at all like what Fools would do.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and Wang Daoyi immediately sensed something was wrong.

"That's right, the Fools placed an order with my law studio and provided more than a dozen debt contract certificates, hoping that I would help collect the debt."

Yan Fei nodded. Although she didn't feel like this was what the fools were doing, this time they provided detailed information and it looked like a very formal debt collection operation.

"Oh, have you actually started to act according to the rules?" Wang Daoyi nodded thoughtfully, "It seems that the new executive understands Liyue's rules very well."

I got some news from the mouths of the fools and debt collectors before, and the new executive is the [rich man]. This executive who was born in Liyue really knows the rules of Liyue very well.

This made Wang Daoyi a little worried. An executive who understood Liyue's rules was much more dangerous than a fighting sect like Dadalia.

Just when she was worried, she heard Grandma Ping laughing and scolding, asking Xiang Ling to put Yaoyao down.

Shaking his head, Wang Daoyi turned his mind back to Qixing, who was an executive or a rich man. He was just a scholar with no power.

Putting the angry little Loli back on the ground, Xiangling smiled and dodged the little Loli's headbutt and ran to Wang Daoyi's side.

Xiang Ling and Yan Fei looked at each other, and Yan Fei stopped the angry little Loli. The two girls joined forces, one teased the little Loli, and the other comforted the little Loli.

He took the boy's arm again.

"Brother Daoyi, how is the matter with Xingqiu? Have you found the murderer?" Xiangling asked curiously. She still remembered that Wang Daoyi accepted Xingqiu's invitation when he went out this time.

Nodding, feeling the girl's softness, Wang Dao said with tenderness in his eyes: "Not only was it found, but everyone was caught. It has been handed over to the General Affairs Department. The results will be announced soon."

"So, it wasn't the fools who did it." Xiang Ling said.

Wang Dao nodded, with a hint of doubt in his eyes: "Yes, but Xiangling, how did you know."

The girl raised her mouth and was a little angry: "The big chambers of commerce have been going crazy recently. The prices of food ingredients in the market have been going up and down. The business of Wanmintang has become unstable. In addition to what Xingqiu said before, I I guess Feiyun Chamber of Commerce and his allies found the person behind the attacker."

Wang Dao had a slightly worried look in his eyes, and then looked at Yuehai Pavilion high up on Yujing Terrace.

Even Xiangling, a little cook who lives in a quiet corner, has noticed the game between several major chambers of commerce. So, are ordinary people living in Liyue already panicking? After all, prices are closely related to their lives.

Qixing, when will he take action and wipe out everything?

"Hey, I hope this business war will end soon, otherwise business will be difficult." Xiang Ling sighed.

Wang Daoyi touched Xiang Ling's little head and comforted: "Qixing must have noticed that prices are unstable, and he will probably take action soon."

However, many large chambers of commerce may disappear after taking action.


After playing with little Loli Yaoyao at Yujing Terrace all afternoon, Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling returned to Wanmin Hall.

The business war between several major chambers of commerce has indeed affected the business of Wanmintang. During dinner time, which is usually the busiest time, there are not many customers.

I had dinner with Xiang Ling and Master Mao, and chatted for a while about family issues.

During this period, Master Mao also continued to curse this sudden business war.

When the moon rose above the treetops, Wang Daoyi left Wanmin Hall and returned to his small teahouse.

Instead of reading as usual, I went to bed directly after washing.


Three days later, Wang Daoyi was chatting with Xiang Ling in Wanmin Hall, and Xingqiu and Chongyun hurried over.

Without saying anything, he picked up the teapot on the table and took a sip.

"Phew, it's finally over." Xingqiu's face looked a little tired. He had been arrested for the past three days, and he followed the old men to deal with the follow-up of the attack case.

Chongyun didn't speak and sat down quietly. He had been practicing at home these past few days and was only called out by Xingqiu today.

"Is it over? Let's talk about how to deal with it and the truth after the investigation."

Although Xingqiu interrupted the chat with Xiangling, Wang Daoyi was not angry. Instead, he asked with interest about the follow-up of the incident and the truth after the investigation by the General Affairs Department.

"There are a total of five big families involved in this matter. Qixing's decision is to confiscate the family and exterminate the clan!"

Xingqiu's voice was cold, with a hint of blood.

Xiangling was startled. She didn't know the various games and conspiracies involved. She was just shocked by the word confiscating the family and genocide: "Is it so serious?"

Xingqiu nodded with a sneer. He had no sympathy for those decadent families.

"You don't know what the General Affairs Department has discovered. They are reselling valuable materials, selling out the defensive map of the Strata Rock Abyss, funding other demon god's believers, and spreading rumors that slander the emperor." The tone became colder, and Xingqiu's eyes grew colder, " Just after the emperor left, these guys have done so many evil things, which makes people shudder."

"Death is not a pity!" Wang Daoyi's eyes were also cold. For this kind of moth, it is reasonable to confiscate the family and exterminate the family. He will not have any sympathy.

Chongyun also nodded. The Alchemist family were loyal followers of the emperor. No matter what those families did, just spreading rumors that slandered the emperor was enough to make Chongyun think that they deserved to die.

"It is indeed not a pity to die. Do you want to go and see them in the prison of the General Affairs Department? You are also part of the curses they made inside." Xingqiu looked at Wang Daoyi.

"Ha, it's just the wail of a defeated dog, why waste any more time on them."

Regardless of the corrupt families who were sentenced to death, Wang Daoyi was more interested in the big man who had the power of salt: "What about the truth of the investigation? That guy used the power of the God of Salt in front of me."

"The General Affairs Department found a research report on the Demon God of Salt in one of them, and confirmed that they transformed the attacker. As for the origin of the Demon God's residue, it is said that it was collected in the salt of the earth, and there is only a very tiny trace. That’s why that big guy is so weak.”

Wang Dao nodded, and then said: "What about the compensation Qixing gave Feiyun Chamber of Commerce? If we kill five companies at once, they won't eat them all, right?"

Xingqiu's face looked a little gloomy, which was very ugly.

Wang Daoyi was shocked: "What's wrong? Qixing really swallowed it all?"

Xingqiu shook his head: "How is it possible? Although Qixing is also a big businessman, he is not greedy to this extent. It's just that someone took action first and took away most of the benefits."

"Huh?!" Wang Dao glared. He has reached this level. The people on the other side are all in jail. How can anyone snatch food from the mouths of Qixing and Feiyun Chamber of Commerce?

Faced with Wang Daoyi's surprise, Xingqiu's face turned even darker. Feiyun Chamber of Commerce was first attacked, and then he, the second young master, personally acted as the bait. In the end, someone picked the peach, which made him very disappointed and angry.

"Who is it? Tell me, who else can take food from Qixing and your family?" Wang Daoyi asked. He was really curious about Liyue and the big boss who had this ability.

"There are many fools." Xingqiu said angrily.

Wang Daoyi was shocked: "Huh? Fools? Do they still have this ability?"

Wang Dao couldn't help but be shocked. The fools were almost shut down by Qixing. They could still take the fattest meat from Qixing and Feiyun Chamber of Commerce. It was simply outrageous.

An idea flashed in his mind, and Wang Daoyi suddenly thought of someone: "Wait, Yan Fei?"

"Ah, what's wrong with Yan Fei?" Xiang Ling was startled by Wang Daoyi's sudden call.

Reaching out to comfort Xiang Ling, Wang Daoyi connected everything in his mind.

"When I was chatting with Yan Fei a few days ago, Yan Fei said that the Fools had entrusted her with a large number of debt contracts for her to help collect debts."

"And Xingqiu said that the Fools had robbed the proceeds of this operation, so the Fools could only ask Yan Fei to recover the debts in advance through legal means, and those debts were the richest in those families. It’s property.”

"Only in this way will Qixing watch helplessly as the Fools took away the property, because they did it through legal channels and complied with the spirit of the Liyue contract."

"Hahahaha, what a good trick to fool people."

Wang Daoyi laughed, it was really a good game.

"Yan Fei has been taken advantage of by the fools this time. Although everything is based on a contract, she is very unhappy. Now she is discussing with Ning Guang to amend the new law." Xing Qiu said lightly, and then laughed unhappily. Someone looked at me and said: "If you laugh again, I will swallow your share!"

"Oh, you still have my share?" Wang Daoyi put away his smile and looked at Xingqiu in surprise.

"Of course, you and Chongyun have also contributed, so naturally we can't let your help go in vain." I have a lot of collections, and I can make up for some mistakes. I picked some interesting things from them, and they will be delivered to you after the General Affairs Department completes the settlement."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to something you find interesting!" Wang Dao nodded and decided to accept the reward.


Northland Bank, the room where the doctor and Wang Daoyi once talked

"He is indeed the best legal consultant in Liyue. Although the salary is very expensive, the rewards are also very high!"

Holding a document in his hand, [Rich Man] Pantalone smiled and said to the men beside him.

"Sir, we have lost five 'allies' this time!" the Foolish officers beside the rich man reminded.

"'Ally'? Haha, how can such a rotten thing be worthy of being our 'ally'? It's just a tool for use."

[Rich Man] Pantalone smiled gently, but his mouth was cold and ruthless.

He mocked the five decadent families whose homes were confiscated and exterminated, then put down the income documents in his hands and turned to look at the Fool officers on the side.

"So, have you found the entrance to the ruins of the Salt Demon God Heulia?"

"Sir, we found the entrance, but there is a seal there, and our people can't get in."

"They are really incompetent guys. Send them to Daozhu. Maybe the factory there is more suitable for brainless guys like them."

Easily deciding the fate of dozens of fools, [Rich Man] Pantalone frowned and thought, tapping her fingertips lightly on the table.

"I remember that according to the information about the young master and the lady, he seemed to have turned into a mortal and was a guest at the Hall of Rebirth."

After thinking for a moment, [Rich Man] Pantalone's eyes lit up.

"I ordered you to go down and find Hall Master Hu in Shengsheng Hall, pay the money, and invite Zhongli Keqing to participate in an archaeological activity."

After a pause, he looked at the Foolish officers beside him: "Remember, in Liyue, archeology must be reported to the General Affairs Department. Do you understand?"

The officers of Fool were excited and nodded quickly: "Yes, I understand."

"Haha, just understand!" [Rich Man] Pantalone said with a gentle smile, "Liyue is a country of contracts. As long as everything is in accordance with the contract, Qixing will not be able to target us through official power. "


After the Fool and the officers left, [Rich Man] Pantalone looked in the direction of the Hall of Life.

[One day, your eyes will be on me! Morax! 】

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