Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 140 How to seal the Heart of Thunder God

The group left Wanmin Hall and arrived at the entrance of Purangsheng Hall.

"Hu Tao always has some magical ideas, which will definitely inspire Xiangling!" Paimon flew in front, praising Hu Tao for his fantastic ideas.

"Oh? Did I hear someone calling my hall master's name?" The side door of the Hall of Rebirth opened, and a weird girl appeared, carrying a recliner in her hand.

Hu Tao looked at the door and saw that it was a familiar guest.

"Oops, it turns out it's Ying and Paimeng, as well as Xiangling and Daoyi." Hall Master Hu put down the recliner and leaned against the door, "Did you come to the Hall of Life for something? Or do you want to give it to me? Introducing business?”

"Uh." The smiles on everyone's faces froze. It shouldn't be a good thing to introduce business to you.

However, thinking of Hall Master Hu's character, everyone didn't mind and continued to approach Hu Tao with a smile.

"Wait, wait, this kind of smile, you can tell there is something else going on at the first glance. Do you have something to ask of me, the Hall Master?"

Hall Master Hu is very smart and can tell something is up at a glance.

Xiangling took a step forward: "Hutao, let me ask you, what food do you like to eat?"

Hu Tao was stunned: "What kind of food do you want to eat? I was suddenly asked like this. I really can't react."

"It's really incredible that Hutao has something he can't say." Paimon said, shaking his head.

Hutao waved his hand and wanted to catch Paimon: "No matter how smart a bird is, it is normal for it to take a break, right? I am the same way. Little Paimon actually laughed at me, watching me tickle you."

Ying smiled and stopped the girl who was making a pounce gesture: "Hu Tao, just say a few words."

Xiangling also nodded: "Yes, don't think too carefully, just tell me what kind of dishes you like. I'm doing a public opinion survey."

Hutao suddenly realized:

"I see, I see, are you going to make a new dish? Let's agree first, don't make anything too weird! Boiled fish and shrimp dumplings are enough!"

"Boiled fish with shrimp dumplings? Isn't it very ordinary?" Xiang Ling was a little confused.

For a top chef like her, this is the simplest dish.

Things like slime condensation are already commonplace.

Xiangling even wanted to use the frozen tree as a side dish.

Hutao shook his head: "Ordinary, but not ordinary. Think about it. Boiled fish is hot and fragrant. This is a "moving" dish. Pair this kind of dish with a shrimp dumpling, and the shrimp dumpling becomes "quiet". .do you understand?"

"Move?" Xiang Ling thought for a moment, then said excitedly: "I can cook the food that moves! Slime slippery..."

But before Xiangling could finish her words, Hutao interrupted her quickly:

"It's not that kind of moving! Even though the food is a thing, it also has its own unique atmosphere. Look at the boiled fish, it's red and spicy! It's irritating to the eyes, mouth and nose. It's called 'moving'."

"The shrimp dumplings are crystal clear, fresh and pure, which is called 'quiet'. The combination of movement and stillness complements each other just like a talented man and a beautiful woman!"

Hu Tao's words were very much like those esoteric lectures given by a Chinese teacher, which made Paimon, a scumbag, confused.

"I have no idea what the absurdity is. But it seems very reasonable."

Although Paimon didn't understand, Paimon was shocked.

But Xiang Ling next to her kept nodding her head: "Hmm. The movement and stillness are appropriate and complement each other."

Paimon added: "I think it actually means a combination of meat and vegetables, so that salty and sweet complement each other, right?"

Hutao smiled and nodded: "Exactly! It's just that there may not be sweets in the meal. If you are cautious like me, I will skip the sweets."

"So that's it. It sounds like nonsense, but it's very inspiring! As expected of Hutao, thank you!"

Xiang Ling suddenly felt a little excited and wanted to try it right away.

Although Xiangling felt that he had gained a lot, Paimon always felt unreliable:

"When it comes to nonsense, even the storyteller can't compare to Hu Tao."

Hu Tao didn't pay attention: "Huh? That's fine, I'll just accept it as a compliment."

Ying: "Wutao understands philosophy right away."

Hutao: "Oh——? Sure enough, you know what you are doing! All things in the world, including birth, old age, illness, death, salty, sweet, spicy, have their own rules and regulations! I understand."

"Since the traveler said so, I took this into consideration."

"Well, that's enough questions here. Let's go to Bubulu as our next stop."

So the two of them continued their journey to the polls, leaving behind Wang Daoyi and Hu Tao.

"Brother Daoyi, aren't you going with them?" Hu Tao asked curiously.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "I came here to see Mr. Zhongli today, and I happened to be on the way with them, so I came here together."

"Looking for Zhongli?" Hall Master Hu nodded and yawned boredly, "Okay, that guy Zhongli should be in his yard, you go."

After saying that, he pulled out a deck chair from the threshold, placed it at the door, and lay down to bask in the sun.

Walking into Zhongli's courtyard, sure enough, as usual, he was drinking tea.

"Emperor!" Wang Daoyi saluted respectfully.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I stepped down as a god and you haven't saluted like this respectfully." Zhongli held the tea cup in his hand, "When you give a courtesy to someone, you must ask for something. Tell me, when is today."

"No wiser than an emperor!" Wang Daoyi didn't feel ashamed at all when he was called out. He licked his smile and flattered him.

"Ha, you kid, your face is getting thicker and thicker." Zhong Li sneered, feeling that this guy was getting thicker and thicker, and he didn't have the cute and serious look he had when they first met.

"Don't dare to lie in front of the emperor."

"Okay, okay, tell me, what's the matter?" Zhongli didn't want to argue with Wang Daoyi.

"That's it." Wang Daoyi told Zhongli about his little plan.

"Oh, sabotage the doctor's plan by tampering with the Thunder God's Heart." Zhongli pondered for a while, then nodded, "Although it is difficult to do, it is not impossible. So, how do you need me to help you. "

"Emperor, I want to learn the method you used to imprison God's gnosis."

Wang Daoyi still remembered the scene when his spiritual thoughts entered the heart of the Rock God, and the gnosis light spots inside were like an ocean, and were tightly locked by Zhongli's chains.

"Want to learn the secret technique of chains?" Zhong Li glanced at Wang Daoyi, then shook his head.

"Isn't it possible?" Wang Daoyi was a little disappointed. This secret chain method was an important step in his plan.

"It's not impossible. You are my dependent. If you want to learn, I can naturally teach you. However, this secret method is more complicated. If you want to complete your plan, I'm afraid you won't have time to learn it."

Zhongli shook his head and explained.

"Ah!" Wang Daoyi didn't believe it. In fact, after he lit up the Seat of Life, he learned anything very quickly. Even the taboo creation knowledge left by Diego Karapian, he learned it very quickly. .

But now, Zhongli said that he might not have time to learn the secret chain.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi was a little stunned, Zhongli shook his head, knowing that his young family member would definitely not believe it. He stretched out his right hand and gently touched Wang Daoyi's forehead.

A terrifying torrent of information rushed into Wang Daoyi's mind.

"Hi~ It hurts."

Wang Dao suddenly held his forehead and pressed hard on his temples. The information was so huge that his brain couldn't handle it.

A ray of gold bloomed under the eyes.

Love, sadness, pride, different emotions emerged in Wang Daoyi, and he passively entered the posture of God.

On the other side, Zhongli nodded.

"Have you acquired three emotions? It's pretty good."

Without hearing Zhongli's praise, Wang Daoyi's mind had already entered into mechanical processing.

The huge flow of information was forcibly received, roughly classified, and then sealed.

In the posture of a god, Wang Daoyi made the safest choice.

After a long time, the golden color in his eyes faded, and Wang Daoyi slumped down on the stone bench, gasping for air.

"Huh~huh~. This level of secret technique is too scary."

He really felt like he was about to have his head exploded by the flow of information just now.

"Haha, what do you think? You still think you can master it in a short time?" Zhongli said with a little teasing in his tone.

"I'm too arrogant." Wang Daoyi looked unhappy. If he couldn't master this secret technique, it would be difficult to implement his plan. Although there was a backup plan, it was definitely not as effective as using the secret technique chain.

"Recognizing your own abilities is also a very important ability." Zhongli warned lightly, and then stretched out his hand again.

Wisps of gold gathered in the palm of his hand, and then formed the shape of a chain. Finally, they condensed into a golden crystal. Through the pale golden crystal, you could vaguely see a small chain sealed in the crystal.

He casually threw this thing to Wang Daoyi.

"Take it and let the descendant of the God of Thunder touch this crystal to the heart of the God of Thunder. The result you want will naturally be achieved."

Zhongli's tone returned calmly, as if he had just done a very simple thing.

Holding the crystal in his hand, Wang Daoyi once again returned to his previous arrogant appearance: "Hey, Emperor, is there only a seal? There must be a corresponding unlocking crystal, right?"

Glancing at Wang Daoyi with disdain, Zhongli said with some displeasure: "When you go to unlock it, if you still can't learn this secret technique, then just keep it locked."

After saying that, Zhongli looked away at Wang Daoyi and served tea to see off the guests.

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