Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 143 Its shape is like a dragon, with a long tail that blocks the sun; its claws serve as fir

A faint blue light bloomed, wrapped in gentle earth energy, and Wang Daoyi felt that he was moving rapidly.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the faint blue light in front of him dissipated, revealing the empty warehouse space.

Without paying attention to where he was, Wang Dao turned to look at Ying: "Ying, how do you feel about this teleportation?"

"It's very comfortable. I don't feel oppressed. It's completely different from the feeling of anchor points in the wild." Ying replied softly.

Wang Dao nodded: "It should be because it is not established at a key leyline point. There is no need to suppress the leyline, so it will not be eroded by the energy of the leyline. No, it should be that the general leyline energy is not enough to erode the protection of this device. "

The two people's low-pitched exchange did not attract the attention of others.

Keqing clicked a few times on a small platform next to the device.

The door to the warehouse opened, and several Qianyan troops carrying special devices came in.

"Lord Yuheng!" Qian Yanjun saluted Keqing.

Keqing nodded: "Let's check the device."

Then he looked at Wang Daoyi: "This kind of device needs to be inspected after a shuttle to avoid damage to the device caused by the escape of earth vein energy, so it cannot be applied on a large scale."

Wang Dao nodded, and it was normal to conduct long-term and frequent inspections using earth-line energy devices. Not all forces had Kanria's sky-breaking means of utilizing earth-line energy.

"Let's go, this is the core of the warehouse area. We have to go to Grandma Ruoxin first to ask which warehouses store ancient books." Keqing took the lead and walked out.

As the largest storage place for old items in Liyue, the warehouses in Qingcezhuang include those belonging to major chambers of commerce, the General Affairs Department, and even some rented by foreign chambers of commerce. Even Keqing, a Seven Star, does not know which warehouses have them. which goods.

As the top manager of Qingce Village, Grandma Ruoxin has mastered all the information in the warehouse. This is one of the reasons why Keqing is very polite every time she sees Grandma Ruoxin.

The group left the warehouse area and quickly passed through the residential area and waterwheel area.

Like every time he came here, Keqing was warmly welcomed by the residents. Of course, Wang Daoyi was also recognized this time.

Although many ordinary residents did not know that it was Wang Daoyi who fought against Orochi in Qingce Village due to Qixing's order, the Qingce Village student aid plan proposed by Wang Daoyi has spread throughout the entire Liyue land with the help of Ning Guang. This has improved his reputation among the people, especially in the Qingcezhuang area, and he is already a very outstanding celebrity.

After politely bidding farewell to the enthusiastic residents, the group finally arrived in front of Grandma Ruoxin.

"Oh, it's you, Lord Yuheng, Xiaoyi, Xiangling and Traveler." Grandma Ruoxin recognized the person at a glance.

"Grandma, how are you doing lately? Are you feeling well?" Wang Daoyi held Grandma Ruoxin's hand and asked with concern.

"Okay, great, I can still work for at least ten years with my old bones." Grandma Ruoxin patted Wang Daoyi's hand and replied happily.

Paimeng flew to Grandma Ruoxin: "Grandma Ruoxin, we would like to ask you some questions."

"Huh? If you want anything, tell me." The old woman looked at Paimon.

"Where are the ancient books in Qingce Village? It needs to be very old!" Paimon asked, "By the way, it'd better be about Liyue."

The old woman frowned and thought for a while before speaking: "Qingce Village has many warehouses containing ancient books. However, when it comes to ancient books about Liyue, Feiyun Chamber of Commerce has the most warehouses. Theirs The young master will often come over and read books."

"The young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, you are talking about Xingqiu!" Ke Qing answered.

Paimeng's eyes lit up: "Hey, it turns out he is from Xingqiu's family. Xingqiu is so familiar with us, so let's go over and have a look."

Paimon's words gained everyone's agreement.

Perhaps because of Ke Qing's presence, or perhaps because of her trust in Wang Daoyi, Grandma Ruoxin did not refuse everyone's request.

Grandma Ruoxin took a key from a small room on the side: "This is the warehouse key of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce. Someone from Feiyun Chamber of Commerce was supposed to come over to clean up the warehouse today, but I don't know why they haven't come yet. You guys should go first Take it and use it.”

With the key provided by Grandma Ruoxin, the group headed back to the warehouse area.

As soon as I arrived, I saw a guy in a green shirt talking to Qian Yanjun.

After the group of people approached, Qianyanjun recognized Keqing and subconsciously saluted: "Qianyan is solid, and the mountains will never move! Lord Yuheng."

Keqing nodded and asked, "Did something happen here?"

"Master Yu Heng, you have to make the decision for me!" The guy in green cried loudly, "The Treasure Thief Group... The Treasure Thief Group robbed me!"

"Huh? Stop crying now and explain the matter clearly. Who are you, what do you do, and where were you stolen from the treasure group?" Ke Qing's eyes changed and she became the resolute Yuhengxing.

The green-clothed guy choked up a little: "Uh... I'm a guy from Feiyun Chamber of Commerce. My name is Asheng. I came to clean the library as usual today. I didn't expect to meet a thief..."

After a pause to calm down, the clerk continued: "I met the treasure thieves in the bamboo forest outside Qingce Village. They took away my money and some old items that were to be sent to the warehouse. "

The bamboo forest in Qingce Village was almost destroyed in the previous battle between Wang Daoyi and Orochi. Most of the current bamboo forests were transplanted from other places in Qingce Village.

"Is there anything particularly valuable?" Keqing asked again.

"Extremely valuable." Asheng thought for a while, "That's not the case. They are all old things."

Nodding, Ke Qing looked at Qian Yanjun beside him: "Take a team of people and go to the place he mentioned. If the treasure thief group is still there, arrest them, and then investigate the traces to see if they can find their lair. , I turned around and took the pot. There is another treasure thief group approaching Qingce Village, I really don’t want to fight. "

After saying that, he looked at his clerk Asheng: "Don't cry. The Qianyan Army will take care of those treasure thieves. As long as no one is injured, go back to the General Affairs Department and report how much money you were robbed. Also Those goods will be compensated for your money after the treasure stealing group here is wiped out. As for those old items, if they are found, they will be returned to Feiyun Chamber of Commerce. If they are not found, they will be left unclaimed by the treasure stealing group. The loot will be discounted and the corresponding losses will be compensated.”

"Thank you, Mr. Yuheng, more Mr. Yuheng." After hearing Keqing's arrangement, Asheng thanked him repeatedly.

"Ke Qing is really resolute at work." Paimon was shocked by Ke Qing's processing speed.

"It's normal. After all, most of Liyue's tasks are now handled by Ke Qing. Without this efficiency, she would be dragged down by those tedious things and not be able to do anything." Wang Dao has been used to Ke Qing's work for a long time. Processing speed.

Whether it was their first meeting at Shimen, or being forced to kill Feng Ying with a sword by her in Tianheng Mountain, or the subsequent cooperation with Qing Ce Zhuang, Ke Qing's image of being shrewd, capable, and resolute has long been deeply rooted in his heart.

Qianyanjun took the order and left, leaving behind a group of people and his buddy Asheng.

After handling the official business, Keqing's demeanor softened again.

He looked at his buddy A Fei: "Did you just say that you were here to clean up the library?"

A Fei nodded: "Yes, Master Yu Heng, I clean the library of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce here."

Keqing's eyes lit up: "That's good, I would like to ask if there are any ancient books recording the [Kitchen God] in the library here."

Asheng looked confused: "The Kitchen God? Isn't the Kitchen God Lord Yan?"

"Huh!?" Paimeng was also confused. This was not the first time she heard this statement, but this statement was different from Ke Qing's and Wang Daoyi's statement.

Asheng nodded: "I heard from my research friends before that the fire used for cooking is lit by the stove, and the stove is made of stones."

"Some people think that this is a gift from the emperor, so they believe that the emperor is the Kitchen God." Wang Daoyi answered from the side.

Asheng nodded: "Yes, that's what my friend said."

"But Daoyi, didn't you say?" Paimeng looked at Wang Daoyi in confusion.

"I mean, the original Kitchen God had another god, but the emperor did have the title of Kitchen God." Wang Daoyi explained.

"Oh, okay, it's really complicated." Little Paimon scratched his head, still not understanding.

"It does make some sense." Ke Qing nodded, but she was still dissatisfied. "But, are there any other related books?"

Asheng's face froze, showing a little bit of embarrassment: "I'm just taking care of the library. What books are there? You should ask my young master this kind of question."

Everyone was silent.

"Do you have anything to ask me?" Suddenly a clear voice came from a distance.

Everyone followed the sound and saw two handsome young men walking on the path in the distance.

"Why are you two here? Didn't you both say that there is something going on at home?" Wang Dao narrowed his eyes and questioned, "And you were in Liyue Port a few days ago. How come you arrived at Qingce Village so quickly?"

Approach the friends from the trail.

Xingqiu waved his hand: "Hey, don't mention it. I thought it would give me something interesting to do if I made a great contribution, but it turned out to be just trivial chores. I really couldn't stand the nagging of those old guys, so I brought Chongyun here. Qing Ce Zhuang reads a book."

After a pause, he thought about Wang Daoyi's second question: "As for how we arrived at Qingce Village so quickly, ha, we did a good job last time. The old guy revealed some of the clan's secrets to us. Besides, , didn’t you also arrive at Qingce Village?”

Chongyun also nodded: "There are many trivial things in the clan. It happened that Xingqiu came to look for me, so we came out together. We used some tricks to get to Qingce Village."

Wang Dao was silent. Sure enough, none of you forces that can occupy a place in Liyue Port has its own background.

"I just heard Asheng mentioning me to you. Do you need my help?" Xingqiu was curious. He didn't expect to meet so many friends in front of his library.

Keqing asked directly: "Young Master Xingqiu, I would like to take the liberty to ask, are there any books related to [Kitchen God] in your library?"

"Young Master Xingqiu is really the official title, so this is Yu Hengxing's mission." Xingqiu complained, then thought for a while before answering, "If I remember correctly, there is a book "Li "Supplements to the Moon Mythology", which contains some descriptions of the Kitchen God."

Keqing's expression perked up, and she finally found some clues. She quickly asked, "Is it convenient for me to borrow this book?"

Xingqiu nodded: "Of course, if you don't mind, I will show you the way."

Then he turned to look at Asheng: "Asheng, leave this to me. You can go and do your own business first."

As Sheng left, Xingqiu and Keqing went into the library to check the books together. The others were waiting outside. After all, it was a storage place for ancient books. It was not necessarily safe if there were many people. This also proved that Wang Dao was asked to come together and say what he could Finding more information was basically Ying's revenge for being the Riddler.

A few minutes later, Keqing and Xingqiu came out of the library.

Paimon was extremely curious: "How is it, how is it, have you found any relevant content?"

Keqing nodded and replied: "Xingqiu has a good memory. We do have this book and there are relevant records in it."

Paimon's eyes shone and he continued to ask: "What is recorded in it and what does the Kitchen God look like?"

Keqing's crisp voice sounded: "It is written in the book that it is shaped like a dragon, with a long tail that blocks the sun; its claws hold fire, and teach people wisdom. Mortals receive this gift, cook food with fire, and people's lives are good."

The "shape like a dragon" is very similar to the emperor's true body.

On the day of the Emperor's 'assassination', Emperor Yanwang landed on the Yujing Platform in the shape of a dragon.

"It really seems to be describing the emperor." Xiang Ling had seen the dragon-shaped divine body of the emperor.

Keqing nodded: "Yes. However, the relevant records only have this paragraph. If you want to know more, you need to continue the investigation."

Chongyun, who was standing on the side, said: "My family is from a family of alchemists, and we also have many ancient books. I heard you talk about the Kitchen God, and I have a slight impression... It is said that he once appeared in Guiliji, but the authenticity of it is unclear. It’s unknown.”

Xingqiu also nodded: "Books are written by people. What people think is recorded in the book. Everyone's thoughts are different, and the records in the book are also different."

Then he felt a little regretful: "It's a pity that we can't help any more."

"These are enough!" Keqing was already very satisfied after finding this information. "Liyue is a vast land with abundant resources. Things that have existed will definitely leave traces. As long as you persevere, you will definitely gain something."

Then he handed over to Xingqiu and Chongyun: "Thank you two, we will look elsewhere."

With that said, he was about to set off.

Xiangling hurriedly grabbed Keqing and said, "Wait, wait a minute, I still have a question."

Then he looked at the heroic and righteous duo: "I forgot to ask you at home, Xingqiu and Chongyun, what kind of food do you like?"

"Food? Are you going to participate in the King of Kitchen Competition?" Chongyun looked horrified.

"Yes, why do you look so frightened?"

"This is a serious matter, so you must not bring strange things to the competition."

"What's this weird thing?" Xiang Ling fumed, feeling that Chongyun was questioning her cooking skills.

Xingqiu explained on the side: "It should refer to those dishes like slime and wild mushrooms."

Xiangling raised her mouth unhappily: "What's weird about the slime mushroom? However, its taste is really average, so I want to do some research and make a more convincing and attractive dish."

Paimon also nodded: "Slime food is very, very good. Paimon likes it very much. It feels like [Pika]! It's not a strange food."

Ignoring Paimeng's words and confirming that Xiang Ling was serious, Chongyun said directly: "I like to eat cold food."

Chongyun has a pure yang body and can only eat cold food. He even has to carry popsicles with him at all times to cool himself down, otherwise bad things will happen over time.

Xingqiu, who was next to him, also smiled and said: "My taste is light and I like to eat light and delicious dishes. Seasoned vegetables in soups, steamed river seafood, stews. These are all good."

"Oh, another light one, I've written it down."

Xiangling nodded secretly, keeping everything in mind.

Chongyun had a bad premonition: "We are all talking about our own hobbies, and they are all different. Will such mixed opinions really help you?"

Xiangling nodded, smiled, and the God's Eye on her waist shone brightly: "Of course, you are all my diners, and it is the chef's mission to bring smiles to the diners."

Xingqiu praised: "Xiang Ling often takes a different approach when it comes to developing dishes, but her mind has never changed."

Paimeng looked at Xiang Ling with admiration: "A chef who can make good dishes must be someone as pure and caring as Xiang Ling!"

"Why are you praising me all of a sudden? I'm so embarrassed." Xiangling blushed and quickly pulled Keqing over, "I've finished asking my questions, Keqing, where should we go next!"

"Well" Keqing thought for a while and then said, "Just now Chongyun said that the Kitchen God once appeared in Guiliji. Now Guiliji is in ruins. There is a Wangshu Inn nearby, so we will go there to find out. Bar."

Xingqiu: "Everyone, I'm sorry for sending you off so far. I wish you a smooth journey."

Chongyun: "Come on, if you run into trouble, you can come back to us for help!"

Ying nodded: "Thank you."

Xiang Ling also nodded, but felt as if she had forgotten something. She turned around and saw that not far away, Wang Daoyi and Guo Ba were playing in the mud in the field.

"Brother Dao Yi, let's go. Stop playing in the mud, it's so dirty!" The girl felt like a mother taking two stupid sons on an outing, and she suddenly felt tired.

At Xiangling's call, Wang Daoyi and Guoba regretfully put down the clay figures they had made and returned to the team.

If anyone takes a look at the clay figurine made by Wang Daoyi, they will find that it looks like a small pot. However, this little pot has the aura of being upright and holding all sentient beings in mind.

Watch the group leave.

Xingqiu looked at Chongyun: "What book is good to read today? Chongyun, why don't you just pick a book and read it to me? That way I don't need to use my brain."

"Huh? Can this still happen?"

Xingqiu had a bad smile on his face: "Can't you? Then I'll read it to you. How about this one, "The Gossips of a Stupid Man and a Woman"?"

Chongyun was furious and resisted: "I said Xingqiu, there are too many inexplicable books in your library."

Xingqiu didn't seem to hear Chongyun's complaint, and picked up another book: "Record of the Skills of Overt and Covert Struggles in Yujingtai, where is this one?"

Chongyun: "Uh, this."

Can this kind of book really be taken out and read casually?

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