Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 156 Repairing Mie Chen in the Box

Chapter 156 Repair·Mie Chen in the Box

After having lunch at Sanwanbuigang, Wang Daoyi went to Liyue Bank to open a bill for half a million molara, and then came to Hanfeng Ironware again.

At the entrance of the huge blacksmith shop, Blacksmith Du was still greeting customers.

Compared to the deserted situation in the early morning, at noon, there were already a large number of adventurers coming to the door of the blacksmith shop to select or maintain weapons.

Even among adventurers with different temperaments, Wang Daoyi still attracts attention.

Not only was he dressed in precious silk white clothes, but his current pale face also attracted the attention of the people around him.

The same goes for Blacksmith Du, who saw Wang Daoyi at a glance.

He ordered the apprentice next to him to continue to receive the adventurers next to him, and then he greeted Wang Daoyi enthusiastically.

The affectionate look showed that Mie Chen had benefited from this time of repairing the imitation box.

This is indeed the case. When Master Zhang repaired the imitation box this time, he assisted him throughout the process. The repair of this advanced weapon also brought him a lot of blacksmith knowledge that he had never known before - knowledge about four-star legendary weapons. .

If he can go one step further, Hanfeng Iron will have two master blacksmiths who can create four-star equipment.

"Brother, please come with me, the baby has been repaired." Blacksmith Du's tone was enthusiastic with a little pride. In the entire Liyue market, Hanfeng Iron was the only company that could repair four-star equipment in a short time.

A smile appeared on Wang Daoyi's pale face. He took out the bill from his arms and handed it to Master Du: "That's very good. This is the reward."

The smile on Blacksmith Du's face became more friendly. He stretched out his hands and took the bill from Wang Daoyi. Without checking it, he handed it directly to the apprentice beside him.

Although Wang Daoyi was not known at first, he was able to take out the four-star weapon to repair it. When Wang Daoyi went to chat with Zhongli, Hanfeng Iron had already activated their energy and had finished investigating the information on Wang Daoyi's face.

The owner of the dock teahouse and the initiator of Qingcezhuang's student aid program has a close friendship with Yu Hengxing and the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce. It is said that he is the boyfriend of the little cook from Wanmin Hall. In addition, there are many Qianyan Jun Very thumbs up for it, oh, most of them are Qianyan Army who participated in the battle of Qingcezhuang.

After all this information came to Hanfeng Ironware, Master Zhang knew that this business could be done, and Master Du also knew that the other party would never cheat him with a fake bill to sneak attack on him, a young blacksmith.

Once again, I followed Master Du into the fiery blacksmith shop.

Compared to the early morning, it was even hotter here, and the temperature of the ground fire was spreading freely in the blacksmith shop.

It was still the deepest fire pit, and Master Zhang was drinking tea beside it. Drinking tea in a place like this, he still looked very leisurely. It was obvious that he was not an ordinary person.

In front of Master Zhang, dozens of blacksmiths were watching.

A red spear was erected among them.

The spear is about 2.2 meters long. The dragon sculptures spiraling up from the handle of the spear turn into two golden dragons entwining around the spike. The sharp light shines on the tip of the spear. This spear really has the ability to slay dragons.

The original version of the Mie Chen in the Box was made by the famous craftsman Kun Wu. It uses the dragon's spine as the bone and the dragon's claws as the blade. Therefore, the original version of the Mie Chen in the Box has a tough body, the tip of the gun is extremely sharp, and the cold light carries the fierceness of the dragon.

The reason why Xiali Miechen is spread among the people in Liyue is because there was once a warrior who held this spear and fought fiercely against sea monsters in the ocean. Even after many years, the warrior was no longer there, and the sea area still echoed with the sound of dragon roars.

Wang Daoyi's imitation Mie Chen may not be as powerful as the original version, but with Master Zhang's craftsmanship, it is no less powerful.

Dozens of blacksmiths gathered around to watch this magical weapon. Master Zhang was drinking tea comfortably in the back. When he saw Wang Dao approaching, he also smiled and waved to Wang Dao.

"My little friend is here, come and take a look, are you satisfied?" Although it is a question, the tone is more of strong self-confidence.

At Master Zhang's greeting, the blacksmiths made way for him. As Wang Dao approached, he looked at Mie Chen in the repaired imitation box.


Name: Xia Li Mie Chen (imitation) (legendary weapon)

Story: This is a weapon imitating the magic weapon in the stories spread in Liyue.

The dragon carving spiraling up from the handle of the gun hovers at the tip of the gun, turning into two golden dragons circling.

It is said that the original version had a dragon-shaped wooden box to store the spear tip, so that when the spear was unsheathed, it could be used to kill dragons.

Note: This is a magical weapon that has been repaired. Only the tip of the gun remains. The barrel of the gun has passed through the years, and time has made it miserable.

Nowadays, a skilled master has restored it and used many precious materials. All the things it has lost over the years have been traced back and become stronger.


The newly labeled legendary weapon in Goldfinger is enough to show how powerful this spear is now.

Nodding with satisfaction, Wang Daoyi looked at Master Zhang: "It's very good, even beyond my expectations. I'm afraid, Master Zhang, you also used a lot of precious materials."

"Haha, when I encounter this kind of antique magic weapon, I won't be able to bear it if I can't use my full strength. Naturally, I have to repair it in the most perfect direction!" Master Zhang's eyes are bright, just like Xiang Ling's passion for cooking. Pursuit, like Wang Dao's desire for knowledge, Master Zhang also has his own pursuit, which is to see higher and more scenery in the field of blacksmithing.

Stretching out his right hand, Wang Daoyi thought, and the Coiling Dragon Spear flew into Wang Daoyi's hand. After feeling it, Wang Daoyi understood clearly in his heart. Not to mention the sharpness of this spear, the elemental increase alone can increase at least nearly 30%. Fire elemental strength.

Converted into in-game data, Master Zhang directly repaired a broken gun head into a Level 3 or even Level 4 weapon.

Not to mention how much precious mineral materials were spent, this kind of skill makes him truly the best blacksmith in Liyue.

"Very powerful, Master Zhang, you are indeed the best blacksmith in Liyue." Wang Daoyi praised, and then his face straightened, "You must have used a lot of precious materials, please re-quote, the material is only 100,000 mola. The cost must not be enough.”

Facing Wang Daoyi's words, Master Zhang waved his hand casually and said: "Ha, Hanfeng Ironware has its own rules. Since the price has been agreed before, that is what the price is. If you want, you can add materials at will, and finally let the customer If you pay, that's not destroying your sign."

After a pause, Master Zhang continued: "There is no need to add more money. All the materials I have saved are used. If I am interested, just come to me and take care of me more in the future."

Wang Daoyi smiled, nodded, and then said: "In that case, I won't be polite. Speaking of caring, I'm afraid I will come to you for help soon."

"Haha, what are you asking for help? If you need help, brother, you can come to Hanfeng Iron and ask. As long as we can do it, we will definitely satisfy our customers."

Master Zhang smiled generously. In his opinion, even a four-star weapon has been repaired, so what else can be difficult? Could it be that it can be made by forging a divine weapon?

Facing Master Zhang's generous smile, Wang Daoyi also smiled happily, and his heart moved slightly.

"Then it's better to choose the day than to hit it, so I'll speak."

Master Zhang is still forthright: "Don't worry, little friend, just ask."

The smile on Wang Daoyi's face became more enthusiastic: "I would like to ask Master Zhang to cast a new magical weapon for me."

Master Zhang continued to be bold and generous: "Well, casting a magical weapon is a trivial matter. I dare to ask my friend, but is it a magical weapon of the same level as this Chen-destroying spear?"

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "No, it's a little higher than Miechen in this box."

Master Zhang's bold expression froze: "Is it more advanced than Miechen in this box?"

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